Cold soups for the summer: recipes. Assortment of cold soups from spinach, with sorrel, pepper, avocado, radish, sweet, cucumber

Cold soups for the summer: recipes. Assortment of cold soups from spinach, with sorrel, pepper, avocado, radish, sweet, cucumber

In summer, the best option for lunch is cold soup. How and from what it is delicious to cook it, you can read in the article.

In the summer heat I want to cool in all available ways. Including from the inside, with the help of food and drink. In addition to drinks and ice cream, delicious cold soups will make yourself much better.

Their benefits for the human body are great, exactly like an assortment. And given the fact that most of them are prepared from seasonal vegetables, cold soups can be considered economical class dishes.

Which soup is eaten cold?

At the mention of cold soups, okroshka and beetroot come to mind. There are a lot of interpretations, often housewives go very far from the original recipe.

But these two dishes are far from everything that can be served in the summer for the first. Cold soups are recipes in many national cuisines. For example:

  • gaspacho - Spanish (Mediterranean) kitchen
  • vishisuaz - French cuisine
  • tauror - Bulgarian cuisine
  • kUKI - Korean cuisine
  • botvinya, cold man and green cabbage soup - Russian cuisine

In addition, there are a huge number of cold first dishes without name.

Cold soups include okroshka. Beetroot, Botvinia, Gaspacho, Kusya and many other dishes of kitchens from around the world.
Cold soups include okroshka. Beetroot, Botvinia, Gaspacho, Kusya and many other dishes of kitchens from around the world.

Cold soups

Cold soups are called because they are served to the table at temperatures below room. It should be 10-12 degrees.

Important: like warm, cold liquid dishes can be served to the table in a strain for several portions, which is covered with a lid, or already spilled in portioned plates.

Additionally, food ice is served on the table in order to cool the dish, if necessary, if it does not have time to eat it until it retains the desired temperature.

Cold soup preparation technology

By the method of cooking, cold soups are divided into those that:

  • prepared without cooking
  • cook and then cool

Obviously, the benefits of the former are much greater, since any method of heat treatment of products destroys part of the useful substances contained in them, in particular, proteins and vitamins.

Cold soup is the best option for the first dish for the summer.
Cold soup is the best option for the first dish for the summer.

The basis of the cold soup can be:

  • chilled meat or fish broth
  • chilled vegetable broth
  • mineral water
  • bread kvass
  • sour -milk drinks

Important: cold soups on broths are stored in the same way as hot ones - in the refrigerator in liquid form. Kvass and kefir are stored separately, they are poured by a chopped base immediately before serving

Usually, cold soups include many vegetables and herbs, they are very useful due to the content:
vegetable protein

  • amino acids and organic acids
  • dietary fiber
  • vitamins
  • elements of the Mendeleev table

Important: there are a lot of sugars and pectin in fruit soups

These dishes are very useful and pleasant to eat, as they are:

  • help to refresh and cool
  • protect the body from dehydration
  • have a detoxification effect on the stomach, kidneys, liver, the whole body as a whole
  • contribute to improving the microflora of the digestive tract
  • normalize the processes of digestion and metabolism
  • supply the body with useful nutrients
Dessert soup? Yes, if he is with ice cream and berries.
Dessert soup? Yes, if he is with ice cream and berries.

How to make a cold onion soup from France Vichisuas?

This summer first dish is an interpretation of French onion soup - pore. To cook it, you need such products:

  • 200 g of onions - pores
  • 0.5 onions on onions
  • 2 pcs. potatoes
  • 200 ml of vegetable broth
  • 150 g of cream
  • 10 g butter
  • salt, pepper, parsley to taste
  • if desired - tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, avocados, seafood, low -fat meat
  1. Onions (white part) and onions are finely small chopped and sent to be fried in a pan with butter. They should be gilded, but do not get black
  2. Add potatoes in vegetable broth cubes, fried onions, salt and pepper, cook until half an hour
  3. Beleder Beat the finished soup until a homogeneous liquid state, add cream and beat again
  4. Hold the soup in the refrigerator for 12 hours
  5. When serving, sprinkle with vichisuas with greens or add any alternative ingredients to it

VIDEO: Exquisite French soup Vichisuas

Recipe: Bulgarian cold soup turator

The turator is a Bulgarian analogue of okroshka. Only garlic and nuts are added to it. Very tasty soup is in white yogurt.


  • 2 pcs. Fresh cucumber
  • 1 l. yogurt
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 150 g of walnut nuts
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • vinegar or citric acid
  1. Smallly, chopped cucumber is mixed with crushed garlic, chopped dill and hammer nuts
  2. Put the workpiece to the soup in the refrigerator
  3. Before serving, pour the base of the cockroach, if desired, acidify it, decorated with greens and walnut crumbs

How to cook the cold soup of kusya?

Korean Kuxi is a cold soup that cannot be called easy. With vermicelli and beef, the dish is very satisfying. But at the same time, it does not cause weight in the stomach.

Of course, it would be nice to cook kusya according to the original recipe, but not all ingredients for it can be found in the markets and in the stores of Eastern Europe. They are often replaced by alternative.


  • 200 g of noodles or ordinary long spaghetti
  • 200 g of beef, boiled until half -cooked
  • 0.5 heads of white cabbage
  • 2 pcs. tomatoes
  • 2 pcs. Cucumbers
  • 1 PC. Bulgarian pepper
  • 2 garlic teeth
  • 1 bunch of assorted greens (dill, basil, cilantro)
  • 1 bunch of green onions
  • 1 teaspoon of red pepper
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of soy sauce
  • salt to taste
  1. The beef chopped with fine straws along with the bushy cabbage and thin half -rings of the pepper is sent to fried in butter, these products are salted and gluttered. For beautiful serving, you can fry these products separately
  2. Lapsha is boiled using technology
  3. Finely cut greens, the garlic is pressed, all this is mixed with vinegar, vegetable oil and soy sauce
  4. Cool mineral water in the refrigerator
  5. For serving in portions, put boiled noodles, beef, stewed with cabbage and pepper, finely chopped tomato and cucumber. All this is poured with ice water, add 1.5 teaspoon of pickled garlic and greens to the soup.

Important: you can also make a thin omelet, cut it into strips and add it to kuksi

VIDEO: Korean soup kusya

How to cook cold cucumber soup?

Cold cucumber soup is a dish that will even go into the most unbearable heat when you do not want any other food. To cook it, you need a quarter of an hour from the strength.


  • 4 things. Cucumber
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 200 g of sour cream or 200 ml of kefir
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of lemon juice or a pinch of citric acid
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil
  • greens, salt and pepper
Cold cucumber soup.
Cold cucumber soup.
  1. Cucumbers for soup should be without rough skin and large seeds. They are cut into cubes
  2. Garlic is cut with rings
  3. Cucumbers with garlic, sour cream or kefir, lemon juice or a pinch of citric acid are beaten in a blender
  4. I send the resulting homogeneous blank for soup for 2-3 hours
  5. Olive oil is heated in a pan, salt is added to it, pepper
  6. Pour the soup according to portioned plates, add oil refueling and greens to it

VIDEO: Jajik - Turkish cold soup with cucumbers and yogurt

How to make a cold spinach soup?

Spinach soup is prepared on chicken broth. It seems very tender, but after the feeling of saturation comes - the body receives energy and a huge amount of useful substances.


  • 1 liter of the second chicken broth
  • 1 PC. Green zucchini
  • 300 g spinach
  • 1 onion
  • 150 ml of white yogurt
  • greens, salt and pepper
Cold spinach soup.
Cold spinach soup.
  1. The onions are cleaned and finely chopped, fried in olive oil for 5 minutes
  2. At this time, the zucchini is cleaned if necessary, cut into small cubes
  3. Add zucchini to onions, fry 2 minutes, then pour with broth and boil 7 mines
  4. Add chopped spinach and herbs to the soup, boil 1 minute
  5. Beat the soup with a blender, placed it for 2 hours in the refrigerator
  6. Before serving, refuel soup with yogurt, decorated with greens

How to make a cold soup made of avocado?

Avocado contains zinc, iron and calcium in large numbers. Soup from it needs to be eaten for the prevention of anemia.


  • 1 PC. avocado
  • 2 pcs. Cucumber
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice
  • a pinch of chopped green onion
  • a pinch of chopped onion
  • a pinch of parsley
  • 1 garlic tent
  • 1 teaspoon of soy sauce
  • mineral water
Avocado cold soup.
Avocado cold soup.

Beat the finely chopped cucumbers without a skin in a blender

  1. Add a cleaned avocado without a bone to them, continue to whip
  2. Add onions fried in butter, squeezed through the press garlic, greens, beat on
  3. Dilute the soup slightly with mineral water, salt, pepper
  4. Serve the soup with decorated branches of greens

How to cook cold radish soup?

Few people like to cook black radish now. And in vain! Cold soup from it is very tasty.

  • 1 PC. Radish is black
  • 1 PC. carrot
  • 1 PC. onion
  • 200 g of green peas
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • greens
  • salt pepper
Cold radish soup.
Cold radish soup.
  1. Radish should be washed, peeled and wiped on a fine grater
  2. The peeled carrots are also rubbing on the grater, and the onion is finely chopped
  3. Green peas, if it is fresh, is boiled for 10 minutes and allowed to cool. Canned peas are added to the soup along with a small amount of brine
  4. The soup is seasoned with mineral water and mayonnaise, salt and pepper are added to it. Decorate the dish with branches of greens

How to cook cold soup with sorrel?

The most famous soup with sorrel is green borsch. By the way, it can also be eaten cold. As an alternative, it is good to cook soup with cream.


  • 2 bundle sorrel
  • 4 things. potatoes
  • 2 stems of onions
  • 150 ml of cream
  • 15 quail eggs
Cold soup with sorrel.
Cold soup with sorrel.
  1. The white part of the onion is frying in butter
  2. Potatoes are boiled on the water before softening
  3. Sorrel is scalded in boiling water for about half a minute
  4. Beat sung, onions and potatoes with a blender, add cream, herbs, salt and pepper
  5. Quail eggs are boiled, cleaned, cut into halves and used to decorate the dish

VIDEO: Cold soup from sorrel

How to cook cold pepper soup?

If you want to cook cold soup with pepper, you can use one of the recipes from this article:

Sweet cold soups: recipes

Sweet soups are not quite the first dishes. They are best suited for the role of dessert or snack. Usually, they are made of berries and fruits. Sometimes one of the ingredients is ice cream!

RECIPE: Fleet soup with ice cream


  • 300 g of strawberries
  • 3 teaspoons of sugar
  • a pinch of vanillin
  • 100 g of ice cream
  • peppermint branches
Strawberry soup with ice cream.
Strawberry soup with ice cream.
  1. They wash strawberries, remove tails and leaves from it
  2. Interrupt strawberries in a blender with sugar and vanilla
  3. Place strawberry puree in the refrigerator for 1 hour
  4. Serve it with vanilla ice cream balls and mint leaves

RECIPE: Melon soup


  • 1 PC. melons
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cognac
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar powder
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife
  • 2 pcs. sugar cookies
  • red currant berries
  • vanilla ice cream
Melon soup.
Melon soup.
  1. The pulp should be removed from the melon. Its along with sugar, vanilla and cognac is interrupted in a blender
  2. The billet for the soup is put in the refrigerator for 1 hour
  3. Cropped cookies are laid out at the bottom of the plates. Pour puree from melon on top
  4. Decorate the soup with ice cream balls and currant berries

VIDEO: Cherry soup

Okroshka and beetroot - traditional Russian cold soups

If, against the background of Mediterranean or Eastern exotic, I wanted something familiar and dear, it is worth preparing a okroshechka or a beetroot one of the recipes from here: So-SmetanojOr: -kefire-s-skolbasioj

VIDEO: Cold soup Ahoblanko

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