How to create your recipes, invent new dishes: tips. Creating recipes from scratch: Rules

How to create your recipes, invent new dishes: tips. Creating recipes from scratch: Rules

Don't know how to create a recipe from scratch? Read the article, it describes the rules and give effective advice.

It has long been a desire to learn to cook everyone, and this is not surprising. Food is literally the basis of the whole existence of man. Something like fuel, which regularly needs to be replenished in order to work, relax, engage in your favorite business, just live. However, it often happens that a person is not enough to act according to already established recipes and standards. The soul requires creativity, outlets, something its own. Since cooking is also a kind of art, the desire to compose your own recipe, to create a new dish itself arises.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "What is the hot dish to cook on the New Year's table 2021-2022?". You will find 30 most delicious holiday recipes.

Nevertheless, even if inventing a new dish is a creative process, it is necessary to pay attention to the basics and general recommendations. It is important to know how to make a recipe, how to prescribe it, how to teach him others, and in modern realities to also be able to calculate the calorie content of your own dish. Only by acquiring basic knowledge, you can safely start culinary creativity. We will help you. Read further.

Recipe - what is it?

Any dish begins with the recipe, since it is in it that all the ingredients, proportions, time and other nuances are determined to create the product. In fact, the recipe is a clearly verified composition of the dish, which includes the number of necessary ingredients and their processing, as well as the sequence of cooking and adding individual parts to it.

Fundamentals of cooking for beginners: what do you need to know?

Fundamentals of cooking for beginners
Fundamentals of cooking for beginners

If you want to learn how to create recipes, then you should know the basics of cooking for beginners. It's simple. What you need to know? When creating recipes, you need to consider several very important points:

  • Subsequence

When compiling a recipe, it is very important to observe the correct sequence of preparing some parts. Many products need long or special heat treatment, while others do not. For example, when compiling a recipe for the same soup, it is necessary to remember that not all ingredients are cooked the same amount of time, so it is necessary to determine what and what to add for the greatest harmony of taste.

  • Salt, pepper and spices

Typically, the recipes do not indicate the amount of salt and pepper added, since problems arise due to differences in the taste receptors of an individual. Therefore, in most cases, something like "Salt and pepper to taste." However, the creators of new recipes should take note that the moment applies to them and at the same time does not concern. This is due to the category of dishes and how spices affect its taste. Therefore, adding spices to his recipe, the cook must write down exactly how much and what he added to this dish for a specific number of products and persons. Already on the basis of general information, who wants to prepare a dish according to this recipe, will be able to identify the amount necessary for himself.

  • Ingredient processing

One of the important principles of French cuisine - each ingredient needs a suitable method for preparing, processing or cutting, which will better reveal both its own taste of the ingredient and its taste in the dish. This principle is easily transferred to the process of creating a new dish, since sometimes all the wealth and variety of taste shades, as well as their harmony, lies in processing.

  • Time for preparing

When compiling a recipe, it is also important to consider and indicate how much the preparation will spend on this dish. In the concept "time for preparing" Traditionally, the time of heat treatment (cooking, frying, extinguishing, languor, baking and other things) is included. It also means the time during which the dish should be infused and reach the desired state, as in the case of pickling, smoking and, for example, geling. The time spent on preparing the ingredients, such as cleaning and cutting vegetables and meat, is not included in this concept, since this gap is individual for each person.

  • Size and number of servings

When compiling the recipe, it is very important to indicate how many servings this dish is designed for. The classic measurement measure for an adult is a cup, the volume of which is 250 ml. But this does not mean that it will be necessary to look for a cup of the right volume and measure how many servings the product turned out. It is enough to hang the total mass of the finished dish and divide it 250 ml or gram. The resulting number will be the number of portions obtained from the list of products indicated in the recipe.

  • Decoration of the dish

A separate place in the recipe should be occupied by the ingredients that are necessary to decorate the dish, since they are needed specifically for the visual component, and not for the taste of the final product. Guided by generally accepted cooking standards, the cook must remember that all jewelry in the dish should be edible.

How to create your new recipes, come up with new dishes: tips

A new dish invented
A new dish invented

Having decided to create their new dish and the recipe for it, the innovators often face one huge problem-inspiration. Cooking, and even more so the creation of a new dish, is always a creative process that needs a suitable mood and idea. And what to do if there are no ideas or the dish is already planned, but it still feels that something is wrong? How to create your new recipes, invent new dishes? Here are the tips:

  • Change or adapt existing recipes

Many new dishes in the world appear thanks to partial or complete changes in the original recipes according to which these dishes have been prepared for centuries. Each person is able to bring something of his own in the whole recipe, showing the world something outstanding and unique. Based on personal knowledge, skills and taste preferences, the cook can adapt recipes the way he wishes. That is why many cooks are looking for inspiration in dishes of other countries and their unique products and cooking methods.

  • Write down your recipe

The recipe is not limited to the original name, but it begins with it. It is necessary to connect the imagination, but do not forget that the name should first of all characterize the dish and its advantages.

The resulting name can already be added to the card card. It is necessary if the cook wants to create a recipe that other people can use or he himself does not want to forget a single nuance. Write on the card the number and size of the portions of the finished dish, list all the ingredients, the number and proportions in which it is worth using.

Do not forget about detailed instructions. It is needed so that it is clear which inventory and household appliances may be needed in the process of cooking. And also approximately indicates the time frame for cooking. It is important to indicate all the stages in the correct order so that downtime does not occur during cooking.
It is necessary to clarify how the dish should look at the time of the supply, what the temperature should have, and whether the side dish must be supplied to it. In conclusion, indicate the conditions for storing the dish if you are sure that it can be stored.

  • Balance the recipe relative to five tastes

At the moment, five tastes are generally accepted in the world:

  1. Salinity
  2. Sweetness
  3. Acid
  4. Bitterness
  5. Um

To achieve harmony, it is recommended to pay attention to the role of salt in the dish, its quantity, as well as the species necessary to create the desired taste. The addition of sweets, sourness and bitterness should be treated very carefully. However, you should not completely ignore it, since it is these shades that often give the dish that zest that distinguishes it from all others.

The last of the tastes found - the minds, was opened in Japan. It is described as salty or appetizing. Although there is no more accurate translation of this term. It seems to enhance the taste of the dish. Um is found in most products inherent in the country of the rising sun. For example, in Shiitak mushrooms, soybeans, seafood. However, in the products familiar to Western products, this seemingly exotic taste is also found. For example, in pork, chicken, beef, truffles, tomatoes and some cheeses. The bacon also has the taste of minds. Having discovered this “fifth taste” for itself, the cook can create a truly unique and amazing dish.

It is worth noting that although at the world level spicy, floral, earthen, mint, oily, fruit and other similar shades They are not considered those tastes that are perceiving human taste receptors, they still play an important role in creating a dish. They become those indispensable notes that a person associates with the dish in the future. That is why you should not ignore them. Perfection can lie in small details - remember this.

  • Do not be afraid of mistakes

Nothing in the world is created the first time. Behind each dish is countless cooks of the cook, its sleepless nights, translated products, many options for combinations of spices and ways to use them. All the works that the Creator invests in his dish are sacrificed by the final result - the ideal to which the cook strove for. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with trying something several times, to experiment and give free rein to fantasy.

Creating new recipes for cooking dishes from scratch: Rules

Creating new recipes for cooking dishes from scratch
Creating new recipes for cooking dishes from scratch

To create a recipe from scratch, the cook needs to take into account several important rules. This is not done in order to limit and cut the wings to the future creator, but in order for the final result, in the end, he does not send the king of improvisations to the “faience throne” or, as a worst option, to the hospital in the corresponding diagnosis of the department. So, we learn to create new recipes for cooking dishes from scratch:

  • What to cook

For culinary experiments, non -fat meat is ideal, in particular chicken. Such a product is inexpensive and is suitable both for cooking in haste, and for a full -fledged complex dish. Besides chicken meat It is very difficult to make inedible, so unsuccessful attempts to create a new dish will not go to the trash.

  • What to cook and what is not worth

Exotic products will not become a good help on the field of culinary battles. It is very difficult to work with them without culinary experience. In addition, when preparing the same seafood, you need to take into account many nuances, including their quality, on which half the success of the dish depends. Alas, but to deal with products that are not characteristic of the diet of the inhabitants of our country, much more difficult than already tested categories vegetables, meat, spices.

  • How to cook

It is hardly possible to engage in molecular kitchen dishes at home, so you should look back at your environment. To evaluate your skills, the possibilities of technology and kitchen inventory that you will use. The most affordable ways to thermally process food products are cooking, frying and baking. If the products selected by the cook do not require additional heat treatment, it can always create a new salad recipe.

  • How to combine

In any dish, the background and the main product are expected, for which everything was started. Vegetables and cereals are suitable for the background, a the focus is focused - meat, fish or cheese. Do not forget about spices. But they are always used as accompanying meat, cereals and vegetables, complementing their advantages than an independent ingredient.

  • What to add

Most often, new recipes can be created not by long and tedious compilations of new recipes, but simply additions of old and verified. In this case, it is very important for the cook to consider the compatibility of both individual ingredients and the entire dish with an addition, so as not to give indigestion to the eating.

How to create a video receptor?

For such a dish, it is easy to create a video recipient
For such a dish, it is easy to create a video recipient

So, in the hands of the culinary creator already has his own unique recipe. What next? Of course, share it in peace! In the age of the Internet and social networks, this is much easier than before. It is enough to simply lay out your recipe on one of the many culinary sites or go further and remove your own recipe.

Video reception - This is a fairly convenient form of feeding the recipe, since it allows you to see the whole process of cooking with your own eyes, to understand how and what to do and, as a result, cook the dish at home. However, this joke has its own flaw. The time -consuming process of creation, which includes preparation for filming, the recipe itself and subsequent installation. When creating a video receptor, it is important to take into account several points:

Preparation for filming:

  • The location, camera, option, purchase, purchase of products, preparation of dishes - everything needs careful planning.
  • The dishes should be clean, whole and, preferably, beautiful.
  • The location and working surfaces are neat.
  • All necessary ingredients should be enough in case the dish suddenly does not work from the first double.
  • Also, for a better recipe, it is necessary to write an understandable accompanying text.


  • It is good if you can attract more than one camera for filming.
  • Thus, you can shoot the cooking process from different angles into one double. However, if this is not possible, then this is still not a misfortune.
  • The main thing is that in different parts of the recipe there is no too noticeable difference in lighting and used utensils.
  • At the shooting stage, you can both slander earlier instructions and be silent, then to write down the instructions separately and apply on the finished video.
  • Also, while preparing the dish on the camera, it is very important to act calmly, not to be nervous and not fussing.


  • At the stage of cutting and processing the material, you can show imagination. Play at the speed of video.
  • Cut somewhere, somewhere to blind, but it is very important not to violate the overall co-cooking sequence.

Departure of the recipe to the world:

  • It does not matter which site the cook chose in order to share his recipe.
  • He still will have to work on the cover, description and the name by which future spectators will determine them to get acquainted with this creation or not.
  • This item needs to be approached with maximum responsibility and, possibly, to attract third -party assistance in the person of friends and relatives who can objectively evaluate the presentation of the recipe.

Otherwise, the process of creating video recipients is quite interesting and exciting in their own way. It allows the cook not only to share his creation with the world, but also to prove himself in the ability to write scripts, to shoot and mount. Well, having got involved in this process, many can even create their own culinary blog, which will bring good income.

How to create a recipe with calories calculating?

Calory calculation recipe
Calory calculation recipe

Delicious, fatty dishes, giving true pleasure to lovers of this, is certainly good. However, in the modern world, when taking care of the figure and healthy diet has reached the fore, it is important to be able to not only come up with its own original dish for the cook, but also be able to calculate its calorie content, as well as control it. It is much easier to prepare something oily than to make delicious and useful for the figure. Therefore, many cooks are now taking a course for dishes for a healthy lifestyle and for diets.

How to create a recipe with calories calculating?

  • To help everyone who wants to cook the useful or the number of calories, a variety of tables, applications and online calculators always go. You can use it site calorizer. Just drive products in the table and the system itself will calculate the calorie content of the final dish.
  • In them you can easily calculate everything you need.
  • The cook can trust the algorithms and drive his recipe into such a calculator, and then the system will do everything itself. Or maybe calculate manually.

It seems to be simple, but there are also nuances here:

  • THE WEIGHT. It is necessary to weigh each ingredient separately, as well as the weight of the finished dish. It is also very important to know which ingredient will fall into the dish, since everyone has their own calorie content.
  • Choosing the processing method. The calorie content of the dish directly depends on how it was prepared. Thus, most often, dishes prepared by cooking in water or steamed, will be less high -calorie than those that have undergone, for example, frying in oil or in late.
  • Choosing a calorie calculation system. Modern calculators or manual calculation. Each case has its pros and cons. However, it is worth choosing exactly the way that suits a specific person. In the case of an electronic calculation, it is better to choose one, the most convenient calculator, and use it only (you can select the link above on the site calorisator). In the case of manual counting, you must definitely start constant calorie products of products in order to avoid discrepancies and confusion.
  • Recipe correctionin accordance with the required number of calories. If there was too much calorie content in the finished dish, then you should think about either replacing some ingredients with less high -calorie, or reduce a portion to the desired volume. In any case, a cook who wants to create his recipe, taking into account the calculation of calories, should be ready for the fact that the creation will have to be redeemed once.

In conclusion, it is important to note that creating your own recipe is a really complex process. It requires extensive knowledge in the field of cooking, in spices and their combinations, in dietetics and many other areas. However, at the same time it is very interesting. This does not mean that only specialists can create new dishes. On the contrary, many classical recipes were created by ordinary people without any education.

Of course, geniuses brought their culinary masterpieces to the world. However, do not forget that even a salad familiar to everyone "Russian salad" was created quite by accident. The recipe known to the world is the sleepless nights of the cook, and a pure accident, and the processing of foreign cuisine, and the alteration of the old in a new way. All this is "Cooking" as a creative process. Therefore, create, enjoy and share your labors with the world. Good luck!

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