How to delibe to cook turkey for the New Year: holiday recipes from turkey dishes

How to delibe to cook turkey for the New Year: holiday recipes from turkey dishes

The Christmas turkey is a long -term tradition. It is so long that the turkey has become a symbol of not only Christmas, but also the New Year. In almost any country in Europe , As in The United States, on the festive table, it is precisely the baked turkey baked by the entire turkey, it is stuffed with fruits, watered with wine, add various spices so that this decoration of the New Year's table has a unique taste.

Today we will offer you several recipes for festive dishes from the dietary meat of a turkey, and we will start, of course, with traditional ones.

New Year's turkey baked whole

Several recipes for the classic turkey for the New Year, which is baked in whole. It should be noted that the turkey is a large bird, so the consumption of the products will be quite high. But then enough for the whole large company!

Classical Christmas turkey

Ingredients: turkey carcass (about 4-5 kg), garlic head, onion, carrots and orange,from seasonings - bay leaf (2 pcs.), Black pepper - a teaspoon, one and a half teaspoons of coriander seeds, 10 cloves. Salt (about 10 tsp), 100 g of sugar and butter will also be needed. Water consumption - up to 4 liters.

  1. The turkey is pre -marinated to avoid excessive stiffness. To do this, in 1 liter of water, boil the bay leaf, sugar and salt.After the marinade cools down, put the turkey in a high pan, add carrots and onions chopped with rings to it, and, together with a cooled marinade, pour cold boiled water so that the birds are completely covered.
  2. Now the pan should be put in a cool place for 2-3 days so that the carcass is well marked.
  3. When a bird lumber, you can start cooking. Softened butter and black pepper are mixed. The orange is lowered into boiling water for a couple of minutes, after which cloves should be stuck into it.
  4. The tiled turkey is rubbed with butter mixed with pepper, and an orange and a head of garlic are placed inside, which must be crossed transversely. If desired, you can also send vegetables that remained in the marinade. When the turkey is stuffed, you should fasten the hole with toothpicks or just sew it.
  5. Now you need to wrap the carcass with a foil and send to the preheated to 220 ° C. oven. After 45 minutes, reduce the temperature (it should be 180). Wrap the turkey in foil so that the air circulates under it. Heat the oven to 220 degrees and bake the bird for 45 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180 ° C and continue to bake for 3 hours.
  6. At the end, the temperature can be added again (50 degrees) and darkened in the oven until a rosy crust appears (about half an hour). If a transparent liquid ooze from a puncture with a wooden skewer - the bird is ready.
Priceless classic
Priceless classic

New Year's turkey on oriental recipe

Ingredients: turkey carcass (about 7 kg), rice (it is advisable to take basmati) - 1 kg, 2 pcs. Carrots and onions, garlic - several teeth, dried apricots (300 g), raisins (100 g), figs (200 g), honey (5 tbsp.), butter (200 g). Vegetable oil, parsley, salt, black pepper will also be needed.

  1. We start with the preparation of the filling. To do this, we lower dried apricots into hot water, after 15 minutes. We take out, let dry a little and chop the blender (can be a meat grinder). Add butter and beat. Cook the rice to half -consumption.
  2. We soak figs and raisins in boiling water, after 10 minutes. We take out and finely cut the figs.
  3. Finely cut carrots, onions and garlic and fry for 5 minutes. Then mix with rice, add figs, raisins and chopped parsley. Salt, pepper.
  4. Righten into a well -washed carcass of turkey salt and pepper. Carefully, using a thin wooden blade, separate the skin, but do not remove it. Then we put the mass resulting from dried apricots under the skin and distribute it over the entire surface. Rice with vegetables and fruits we fill the turkey from the inside and sew the incision. Cover with honey on top and bake in the oven.
  5. The baking time depends on the size of the bird, on average-from one and a half to 4 hours. First, set the temperature of 200 ° C, and after an hour we reduce. The finished New Year turkey needs to be covered with bakery paper and returned to an unheated oven for a couple of hours.
Spicy and piquant
Spicy and piquant

Turkey with apples

Ingredients: Tushka turkey (about 4 kg), 5-6 large apples, 1.5 kg of potatoes, 1 tbsp. l. chopped dill, a quarter of a glass of olive oil, 100 g of mustard, 1.5 tbsp. l. black pepper, 2 tbsp. l. Salt.

  1. Grate the washed and dry carcass of turkey with salt and pepper from the inside and outside. Wrap a vacuum film and withstand in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. For the filling, apples, removing the middle, cut it down, mixed with mustard with olive oil. We put apples in a turkey and sew a hole.
  2. The legs need to be tied And coat the carcass over the entire surface with a mixture of mustard with olive oil. Wrap the bird with foil and send it to the oven preheated to 200 ° C, putting it down with a breast.
  3. Baking time - an hour at a temperature of 200 ° C and after 3 hours at a temperature of 180 ° C. While the turkey is baked, it is necessary to boil potatoes until half -cooked, sunbathing water.
  4. When the turkey stays in the oven for 4 hours, expand the foil and put potatoes around the edges. The juice formed during baking evenly distribute on the turkey and potatoes, sprinkle dill And send to the oven for another 40 minutes.
A hearty dish
A hearty dish

New Year's turkey with cherries and grapes

Ingredients: turkey (2-3 kg), 0.5 kg of grapes and cherries without bones, one pineapple, 3-4 garlic teeth, 2 tbsp. l. honey, a glass of dry red wine, 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Spices (cloves, cinnamon, ginger root) and salt to taste.

  1. We prepare the marinade, stirring spices, salt, sugar and pineapple juice in water. For half an hour we soak the turkey in the marinade. While it is pickled, you can cook the filling.
  2. The cherries and grapes soaked in wine are mixed, and after the bird has been marked, they are invested inside. We sew the hole or roll it with toothpicks (skewers), press the legs tightly to the carcass and tie it.
  3. Putting the turkey on the baking sheet, put it on the filling that remained, and then put it in the oven for 40 minutes. The baking temperature is 150 ° C. Then wrap the bird with foil and send back to the oven for another one and a half hours. You can serve such a turkey on salad leaves.
Decorate beautifully before serving
Decorate beautifully before serving

Baked turkey fillet

Ingredients: Thillers, tangerines and apples-4-5 pcs., Vegetable oil-1 tbsp. l., 1 onion, several twigs of thyme, mustard, soy sauce, honey, salt to taste.

  1. Peel the tangerines, remove the core in apples and cut them with slices. For the marinade, mix finely chopped onions, sweet mustard, sunflower oil, soy sauce, honey and spices. Put the turkey fillet and smear it with marinade in an oil -lubricated mold.
  2. If the marinade remains, it can be poured directly into the shape. Cover the fillets from above with slices of apples and tangerines, lay out thyme, do the same at the edges of a piece of meat.
  3. Cover the shape with foil and put in the oven, preheated to 180 ° C. After an hour, remove the foil and bake another quarter of an hour. Cut the finished fillet into large parts, serve with sauce.
Tasty fillet
Tasty fillet

Turkey steak baked in marinade, with apple sauce

Ingredients: Lock turkey (about 1 kg), apples (preferably green varieties) - 0.5 kg, honey - 1 tbsp. l, 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 1.5 tbsp. l. mustard, 7 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 0.5 tsp. Salt, a pinch of black ground pepper.

  1. Remove the skin from the lower leg and remove the bone. Pierce the meat in several places. Then we proceed to the marinade, for which you need to mix mustard and honey with vegetable oil and soy sauce. The meat must be poured with the resulting mixture and left for 3 hours.
  2. After that, immerse the meat in sleeve for baking, pour the marinade there and put in the oven, heated to 200 ° C. After an hour, we get, remove the sleeve and again put in the oven for a quarter of an hour to let the meat be browned.
  3. While the turkey is baked, you can cook apple sauce. Ground apples pour lemon juice, add salt, sugar, mustard and pepper. Spread in vegetable oil until complete soft apples. Cut the finished steak with portioned pieces and pour marinade, serve to it sweet-fast apple sauce.

Baked ships of turkey

Ingredients: 2 legs, 300 ml of chicken broth, 60 ml of soy sauce, 2 tbsp. l. honey, 2-3 branches of rosemary and stage, 1/2 tsp. dried thyme, 1/2 tsp Salt, a pinch of ground pepper.

  1. To begin with, weat the broth from the chicken quarter, salt and adding a whole onion, coarsely chopped carrots, several peas of black and fragrant pepper, bay leaf. Then we proceed to the turkey: we dry it, salt and pepper. We turn on the oven at 180 ° C.
  2. While it warms up, we cook the marinade, mixing soy sauce with honey for this until it is completely dissolved. We put the legs in the marinade so that they are well soaked and put them in a baking dish, previously laid with fragrant herbs. Pour the broth with chicken on top, cover with foil and send for an hour to the oven.
  3. An hour later, the foil needs to be removed, and grease the legs with the marinade and send it for another half an hour to make a ruddy crust for another half an hour.
Spicy legs
Spicy legs

New Year's turkey in sour cream sauce

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of turkey fillet, 150 g of sour cream, 100 g onions, 2 cloves of garlic, a glass of water. To taste - spices and salt.

  1. Rinse the fillet well and dry it, then cut it into pieces. Grind the garlic and mix it with sour cream, adding salt and pepper to taste. Fry pieces of turkey with chopped onions in vegetable oil until the moment it appears on the meat Golden crust.
  2. Pour with sour cream sauce, add a glass of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the fire and simmer for 10-15 minutes. The New Year turkey in sour cream sauce is ready. You can serve it with greens and vegetables.

Hot with turkey with pumpkin and mushrooms

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of turkey breasts, 500 g of pumpkin pulp, 400 g of mushrooms, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, 200 ml of low -fat cream (10%), 0.5 tsp. dried thyme, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, greens.

  1. I wash the breast, dry and cut into the same small pieces. Pieces of approximately the same size are cut and pumpkin. Garlic we cut it quite large and fry to a transparent state on olive With oil, add pieces of turkey there and, with constant stirring, fry them according to the appearance of a golden crust.
  2. We spread the meat on the baking dish, on it - cut onions and coarsely cut mushrooms, on top - a layer of pumpkin. Sprinkle all this with thyme, salt and pepper, and then pour cream.
  3. Close foil and put for an hour in an oven preheated to 190 ° C. After 40 minutes, the roast will need to be carefully mixed and at the same time check whether it turns out too dry.
  4. If a pumpkin In your opinion, juice is not enough - add boiled water. Serve with greens.
A dish that can be surprised
A dish that can be surprised

New Year's Azu from turkey

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of turkey fillet, 1 pc. Carrots and onions, 8 potatoes, 4 pickled cucumbers, 3-4 cloves of garlic, a bunch of greens, 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste, butter and flour, 0.5 liters of water, two pinch of sugar, salt and spices to taste.

  1. Cut the washed and discussed turfiles into pieces and fry over high heat. Then fry the onion separately, adding sugar for caramelization. Grate the carrots coarsely and add fry to the onion for a couple of minutes. Pour the flour, mix everything well, then add tomato pass, hot water and bring the mixture to a boil.
  2. Then pour previously fried meat into the pan, sprinkle with spices and simmer under the lid for about 20 minutes.
  3. Simultaneously In another pan, a ruddy crust appears, fry potatoes, fingering it to your liking. We add cucumbers grated on a coarse grater to the meat and vegetables, then the potatoes and let it boil. It remains to add chopped herbs and garlic to the dish, mix and turn off, covering with a lid.
  4. After Azu is a little infused, it can be served on a New Year's table as a hot dish.

New Year's rolls from turkey

Roulet with champignons and Bulgarian pepper

Ingredients: 1 kg of turkey fillet, 100 g of champignons and green onions, 5-6 cloves of garlic, one bell pepper, 200 g cheese, 100 ml of dry white wine, 2 tbsp. l. mustard and mayonnaise, 50 g of vegetable oil. Salt, pepper, sesame seeds - to taste.

  1. Cut the washed and discussed fillet with a sharp knife along the center so that it can be opened like a book, and as a result to get one large layer. This layer needs to be well beaten off and sprinkled with salt and pepper, then apply a layer of mustard on top. Cut the mushrooms into strips and fry them with chopped garlic for 10 minutes.
  2. In a bowl, mix the fried mixture with chopped straw Sweet Bulgarian pepper and chopped green onions. Pour the grated cheese there and mix everything well, slightly salting and pepper.
  3. The resulting mixture is evenly distributed along the layer of meat, roll up and bandage. Put on a stand in a baking dish (it is better to use one that has high edges).
  4. From wine, mayonnaise and vegetable oil, prepare the sauce, slightly pepper and salt it. With this sauce, cover the roll over the entire surface, and everything that remains is simply pouring on the bottom of the form.
  5. Send to the oven preheated to 190 ° C for an hour and a half. Periodically water the sauce and sprinkle with sesame seeds on top. If you notice that the sauce evaporates significantly, pour a small amount of water.

Roulet with nuts in grenade-blue marinade

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of thighs of turkey, 100 g of walnuts, 150 g of red dry wine and pomegranate sauce, 1 tbsp. l. mustard, 1 tsp Provencal herbs and papriki. Salt and pepper - to taste.

  1. Wash the meat well, salt and pepper on both sides. To lower it into the marinade of wine and pomegranate sauce, after which to withstand in the refrigerator for a day. After a day, we proceed directly to the preparation of the roll. To begin with, chop the nuts into a large baby using a blender.
  2. We smash the fillets from the inside with mustard and sprinkle with Provencal herbs, and on top with chopped nuts. We turn off the roll and tie it. Sprinkle roulet with paprika.
  3. Close the foil baking dish on which we lay the roll. We also tightly cover with foil on top. We heat the oven to 230 ° C and bake the roll in it for 40 minutes. Then, raising the foil, we distribute the formed juice on the rolls and continue to bake for another half an hour at a temperature of 180 ° C.
  4. Periodically, the roll can be continued to be watered with juice. The finished chilled roll is served on the leaves of the salad, decorating with cherry tomatoes and lemon (you can use lime).

New Year's Zrazy from turkey

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of turkey mince, 1 tomato, 1 egg, 120 g of cheese, 100 g of white bread, 100 ml of milk, 30 g of butter, 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise and vegetable oil, 1/2 tsp. Salt, black pepper - to taste.

  1. Cut the bread and pour it for 10 minutes. milk. Mix bread, minced meat in a bowl, add an egg, salt, pepper, one tablespoon of mayonnaise. From the resulting minced meat, we form cakes. Cut 60 g of cheese with bars (the second half must be rubbed on a grater) and butter and put on a piece in the center of each meat tortilla.
  2. We fasten the edges so that there are cutlets with filling, and fry a pair of minutes on each side to form a ruddy crust.
  3. Then we spread the cutlets on a baking sheet or in a baking dish, each cover each with a thin slices of the tomato, slightly add up and sprinkle with grated cheese, pour everything with mayonnaise on top. Bake a quarter of an hour at a temperature of 200 ° C.

Pastrome from a turkey pile

Ingredients: 1 turkey fillet, a glass of water, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. l. Salt. Vegetable oil and a mixture of ground peppers will also be needed.

  1. Prepare a salt solution by stirring it well, and lower the meat into it for a couple of hours. Then dry and put on a baking sheet covered with foil. In the meat, make cuts that are filled with cloves of garlic.
  2. Lubricate the fillet with vegetable oil, in which a mixture of peppers is added. Heat the oven to 250 ° C and bake for 20 minutes. After turning off the oven, leave the meat in it for at least 2 hours. Serve cold, cutting into thin slices.

Terrin with pistachios and bacon

Ingredients: 500-600 g of turkey fillet, 80 g of bacon, 100 g of pistachios, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. l. butter, 100 ml of milk, 2 tbsp. l. Paning crackers, 1 tsp. spicy herbs, dried garlic, pepper, salt - to taste.

  1. Twist the washed and discussed fillets in a meat grinder. Add salt, spices, egg, softened butter and breading crackers to the minced meat. Make minute, gradually adding milk to it. For softness and homogeneous Its consistency must be repelled directly in the bowl several times. Add peeled pistachios.
  2. Put the bacon plates to the bottom of the baking dish, the edges should hang them. Cover the plates evenly with minced meat, on which then wrap the hanging edges of the bacon. Heat the oven to 190 ° C and bake for about 40 minutes. The finished terrin can be served both chilled and warm, cutting it with portioned pieces.
From turkey
From turkey

New Year's Kulebyak from a turkey

Ingredients: 200 g of turkey, 400 g of puff pastry, one lavash, 200 g of fried mushrooms, onion, 150 g cheese, 2 eggs, egg yolk, salt, pepper, greens to taste.

  1. Add chopped onions to the minced meat, salt, pepper and mix. We roll the dough into 2 layers, one of them cover with minced meat. We divide the lavash with 2 -equal parts with the help of kitchen scissors and put one of them on top of the minced meat.
  2. If necessary, the extra edges of the lavash need to be cut, adjusted to the size of the dough plate. We cover the lavash with fried mushrooms and cover with the second half of the lavash, also cutting it if necessary.
  3. Now - a layer of grated cheese, grated boiled eggs, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs. All this is closed by the second part of the dough, and the edges are fastened. Make the entire surface with egg yolk. Bake in the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes. Until it is browned. It is best to serve this puff pie in warm form.

New Year's paste from turkey

Ingredients: 750 g of turkey fillet, 150 g of green peas, 200 g of carrots, 250 g of biased puff pastry, 75 ml of cream, half a glass of chopped greens, 1 tsp. Salt, 1 egg yolk, ground black pepper - to taste.

  1. Boil carrots (10 minutes) and peas (no more than 3 minutes). Grind the washed and discussed fillet to the consistency of mashed potatoes. Add peas, cream, salt, pepper and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs to it. Mix the entire mass until a homogeneous state.
  2. Cover the baking dish with parchment and lay the dough on it rolled out with a thin layer so that free edges remain. Put the minced meat on the dough alternately with carrots. Cover the edges of the dough and shake them, smearing the upper part with yolk diluted from 1 tbsp. water. Bake one hour at a temperature of 200 ° C. When serving, cut into thick slices.

Long from a turkey for a new year

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of turkey meat (lower leg and neck), one onion and carrots, 100 g of frozen green peas, 50 g of gelatin, 5-7 peas of black and fragrant pepper, 2 laurels, 2.5 liters of water, a bundle Greens, salt - to taste.

  1. Bring the meat to a boil, gently removing the foam. Salt, add vegetables and spices. Cover with a lid, reduce the fire and leave for languor for 3 hours. Dissolve gelatin in 100 ml of water having room temperature and leave for 10 minutes for swelling.
  2. When the broth is ready, pull the meat and vegetables, and add gelatin to the liquid and mix until it completely dissolves.
  3. Separate the meat from the bones and put in a container for the flooding with parsley leaflets, carrot rings and boiled green peas. On top, all this can be sprinkled with chopped herbs.
  4. Strain the broth using gauze, and pour it with the contents of the container. The cooled filling must be put in the refrigerator, where it will completely freeze.

Salads with a turkey for a new year

Ferris wheel salad

Ingredients: 500 g of boiled turkey pulp, 4 boiled eggs, 4 cloves of garlic, red onion, a can of canned beans, 150 g of pickled champignons, 15 green olives without bones, grenade grains, 150 g of mayonnaise, 100 g of yogurt without additives.

  1. We pour the onions chopped into strips with vinegar diluted with boiling water, and pickle for 20 minutes. Finely chop the meat, add salt and pepper. Mix the garlic on the press with mayonnaise and yogurt and mix with meat, laying a low slide on the dish.
  2. We grated eggs grated on top on the turkey at the edges of the dish, add and lubricate with mayonnaise. The next circle we lay out the beans, squeezing on it at the gaps of mayonnaise, and then onions.
  3. In the center we will arrange olives, beans and eggs “divide” with mushrooms sticking up up their hats, and decorate the eggs with grenade grains. The salad is completely ready after the hour stands in the refrigerator to completely soak.

Salad with breast turkey grill

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of steak from turkey turkey, 16 cherry tomatoes, 2 bunch of salad, 4 pieces of chiabatta (Italian wheat bread), 2 tbsp. l. Olive oil, 70 g of Parmesan cheese, 4 tbsp. l. Dijon mustard and honey, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and soy sauce. Salt and pepper - to taste.

  1. Rinse well and dry cherry and salad leaves. Break into pieces of chiabatta and dry it in a dry pan for about 3 minutes, constantly stirring.
  2. From mustard, honey, soy sauce and lemon juice, prepare the marinade and coat the steaks on both sides, leaving for an hour so that the marinade is absorbed.
  3. Fry the steaks in a grill pan (about 7 minutes on each side). After 5 min. Cut them into slices. Also cut into 2 halves of cherry tomatoes. Put tomatoes, pieces of turkey on the leaves of the salad and sprinkle all with olive oil.
  4. Support, pepper. It remains to add dried pieces of chiabatta, sprinkle with grated cheese and serve on the table.

New Year's salad with turkey and avocado

Ingredients: 300 g of turkey fillet, 200 g of salad leaves, 1 apple and avocado, 150 g of bell pepper, 40 g of olive oil, 1 tsp. Mustard and honey, salt and pepper - to taste.

  1. Wash and dry salad leaves, pepper, apple, avocado and turkey fillet. Cut the meat into thin slices, salt, pepper and fry for 3 minutes on each side until a golden crust appears.
  2. We clean the apple and cut into strips, avocado pulp - slices. Spray them with lemon juice to protect them from darkening. We also cut the bell pepper strips.
  3. For refueling, mix a tablespoon of olive oil with mustard and honey, add salt and pepper. We spread all the components on the leaves of the salad, fill in the gas station and mix. Salad ready!
With avocado
With avocado

Salad with a "New Year" turkey

Ingredients: Indian fillet, floor bundle of salad leaves (you can replace Beijing cabbage), 1 bell pepper, half of the red onion.

  • For refueling: 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, clove of garlic, 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce, juice of halves of mandarin, black pepper (to taste).
  • For Crutons: 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tsp. soy sauce, 1 tsp. Provencal herbs, a clove of garlic, 3 slice of a loaf.
  • For cheese balls: 100 g of cottage cheese (you can take a feta), 2 tbsp. l. greens, clove of garlic.
  • For marinade: 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tsp. soy sauce, 2 tbsp. l. Sesame, black pepper (to taste).
  1. Let's start with the Crutons. We cut the loaf into cubes and pour soy sauce, olive oil mixed with chopped garlic and Provencal herbs, and then fry them in a pan (you can dry them in the oven). Cut the fillet into thin bar and pour the marinade for half an hour, also frying after, without overdry of the meat.
  2. To prepare cheese balls, mix the cottage cheese with chopped herbs and garlic into one mass, sprinkling with pepper. Then, with wet hands, form small balls from this mass.
  3. We cut the bell pepper in stripes, onions - on half rings, the salad can simply be torn with your hands to large pieces. We season the salad and mix with the turkey. We lay out cheese balls and krutons on top. All together again watering with gas stations. Salad ready!
A variety of salad
A variety of salad

"Caesar" with turkey

Ingredients: 300 g of a baked turkey fillet, 0.5 kg of salad leaves, 300 g of cherry tomatoes, 70 g of Parmesan, 100 ml of olive oil, 4 garlic teeth, several pieces of toast bread, 10 g of capers, 15 g of anchovies, 100 g of mayonnaise, 1 tbsp, 1 tbsp. . l. soy sauce, 2 eggs, salt and pepper - to taste.

  1. Cook the croutons: cut the crusts and cut the bread into cubes. We prepare the marinade: mix 50 ml of olive oil with tanned garlic, salt, pepper, smear pieces of bread and bake at a baking sheet at a temperature of 200 ° C for about 10-12 minutes. Before the appearance of crispy golden crust.
  2. Boil eggs (no more than 1 min. After boiling water!), Cool them and run out with a spoon into a blender. Also in the blender we place anchovies, capers, cheese (20 g), mayonnaise, pour soy sauce and olive oil. Mix until a homogeneous mass.
  3. After washing and drying leaves, you need to tear it with your hands with quite large pieces, add tomatoes cut in half, Parmesan (40 g), croutons and mix all this with a mass resulting in a blender. The salad is laid out on plates, covered with pieces of turkey along the edges and sprinkled with the remaining grated cheese.

Turkey on skewers

Ingredients: 700 g of turkey fillet, 10 rings of canned pineapples, 2 tsp. Dijon mustard, 1 tbsp. l. spices for poultry-grille. Salt, pepper - to taste.

  1. Soak culinary skewers for 15 minutes in water. At this time, cut into 6 parts each ring of pineapple, cut the meat in small identical pieces. Sprinkle it with spices, salt, pepper, add mustard and give 5 minutes. stand. Then string the meat on the skewers, alternating it with pieces of pineapple.
  2. Cover the baking sheet with foil and grease it with a few drops of vegetable oil. Put the prepared skewers on the foil and bake in the oven for a quarter of an hour at a temperature of 180 ° C. It is better to serve hot.

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Video: New Year's turkey

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