What to do on skewers for the New Year 2023: New Year's recipes for Canapes. Pork on skewers for the New Year. Hot dishes on skewers

What to do on skewers for the New Year 2023: New Year's recipes for Canapes. Pork on skewers for the New Year. Hot dishes on skewers

Recipes for cooking New Year's dishes on skewers.

Not a single holiday is complete without beautiful snacks and unusual dishes that are not prepared for daily use. Some of them are canapes and dishes on skewers that can be baked in the oven. They are complemented by alcoholic beverages. 

How to cook pork on skewers?

The tastes are the same not ordinary barbecue, but cooked on skewers in the oven. But for its preparation it is better to use pork. Chicken fillet is too dry for such a dish. 


  • Pork fillet
  • Vegetable oil 
  • Sweet sauce 
  • Chile 
  • Salt 
  • Pepper 

For marinade: 

  • 1 liter of water 
  • A tablespoon of salt 
  • Sugar spoon 
  • A little fragrant pepper 
  • A small head of garlic 
  • Several twigs of parsley and bay leaf 

How to cook pork on skewers:

  • First you need to prepare the marinade. To do this, salt with sugar is dissolved in water, and garlic is also crushed, pepper is introduced. The mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for 4-5 minutes. After complete cooling, it is necessary to lower the pieces of meat into this marinade for 24 hours. A solution with meat must be stored in the refrigerator. Previously, the fillet is cut into small pieces, the size of which is 5 by 3 cm.
  • In the solution, along with meat, it is necessary to put wooden skewers so that they do not dry out in the oven. After that, it is necessary to prepare the coals in the grill or heat the grill. You can also use a regular oven to prepare.
  • Previously, pieces of meat are dried with paper towels, lubricated with vegetable oil. Pieces are put on skewers, fry until ruddy crust. If the dish is prepared in the oven, it is best to use a regular metal mesh on which barbecue is laid out. At the bottom of the oven put a container with water so that the fat does not drip on the metal parts of the oven and does not burn. 
Pork recipe for skewers
Pork recipe for skewers

Festive dishes on swaps from the liver

Sabrics from the liver with apples are a rather unusual dish, which will not be appreciated by all invited. But such a snack is a great option for people who love the liver. 

For preparation, you will need: 

  • 700 g chicken liver 
  • 2 large red apples 
  • A little lemon juice 
  • Olive oil 
  • Several twigs of sage 
  • Ground black pepper 
  • Salt 

Festive dishes on swaps from the liver:

  • As in the first version of the skewer, it is necessary to leave in the water for 30 minutes. From the liver it is necessary to remove the veins, pour it with very cold water or milk for 30 minutes. Apples are cut into 8 parts and covered with lemon juice, olive oil.
  • This is necessary so that the apples do not darken. After the liver is flying, it is necessary to dry the cubes with napkins, string on skewers, alternating with apples. Prepared barbecue is laid on the grille, lubricated with oil.
  • Every 5 minutes, the dish is turned over so that it is evenly incurred. Barbecue can be prepared both in the oven, on the grill, and fry in a pan. Already in the finished form, the dish is sprinkled with salt and pepper, and also watered with lemon juice, decorating sage leaves. 

Castlets for Kurita's bundles

From chicken you can cook somewhat tasty, unusual dishes. 

To do this, prepare several ingredients: 

  • 500 g of chicken fillet 
  • Soy sauce 
  • Lemon 
  • Vegetable oil 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 
  • Ginger 
  • Garlic 

Dishes on skewers for chicken buffet:

  • It is necessary to prepare the marinade. To do this, crush several cloves of garlic and mix with soy sauce, vegetable oil. Enter lemon juice into the mixture and lower the chopped pieces of chicken fillet.
  • It is necessary to cut the meat not with cubes, but with long, thin stripes. In the prepared sauce, the meat is soaked for 30-60 minutes. After that, string on prepared skewers, which were previously soaked in water.
  • Wear the fillet on the skewers must be in waves. Lay the prepared barbecue in the pan-grille and fry on each side for 3-5 minutes. Due to the fact that the meat is soft, tender, marinated, it is cooked very quickly. Submitted with teriyaki sauce or garlic. 
Skewer chicken - recipe
Skewer chicken - recipe

Skewer dish recipes in the oven for the New Year

An amazing and unusual dish is a New Year's hot dog. Oddly enough, small children who love not the most healthy food will appreciate such a food. 


  • 8 sausages 
  • 250 g of dough 
  • Egg 

Skewer dish recipes in the oven for the New Year:

  • For preparation, you will need sausages. Their number should correspond to the number of guests. For cooking, you need to put a sausage on a skewer, starting from the base, cut it in a spiral.
  • Next, it is necessary to deal with the sausage a little so that voids form between the pieces. After that, it is necessary to defrost the dough, cut it into thin strips. Starting from the base of the skewer, it is necessary to wind the dough on a wooden stick so that it turns out to be between pieces of sausage.
  • Thus, beautiful skewers are obtained, which, in appearance, somewhat resemble festive candies. The dish is baked in the oven on the lattice, or fried in fruit using hot oil. After readiness, you can sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds. 
Lulia-Kobab on skewers
Lulia-Kobab on skewers
Secrets of cooking a cubaba
Secrets of cooking a cubaba

Salad on a buffet for a buffet

Dishes on skewers - a great option for feeding snacks. With their help, you can beautifully serve salads, pastes. Rolls with cucumber are a great option for a festive dish that contains a large number of fresh vegetables. 

For preparation, you will need: 

  • 100 g of soft feta cheese 
  • Fresh cucumber 
  • Several small cherry tomatoes 
  • Big Bulgarian red pepper 
  • Green olives 
  • Spices 
  • Greens 

Satframe salad for a buffet:

  • First you need to prepare a salad. To do this, the Bulgarian pepper is cut into small cubes, mixed with olives that must be chopped. Half of chopped tomatoes are added to the mixture.
  • The mass is mixed, the feta cheese is added, after softening it with a fork. Vegetables, before mixing with feta cheese, are fried in a pan without oil. It is necessary to cut the cucumber with thin strips using a knife for cleaning vegetables. 
  • A small ball of snacks is laid out on the edge of the cucumber and wrapped in a roll. They are hardened with a skewer, and cherry tomato is fixed on top. Decorate the appetizer with olives and herbs. 
Canapes with red caviar and cheese salad
Canapes with red caviar and cheese salad

Fluffy canapes on skewers for the new year

Fluffy snacks are one of the options for serving a delicious salad. 


  • 120 g of solid cheese 
  • 120 g of smoked sausage 
  • 2 slices of white bread 
  • The cheese amber is pasty 
  • One egg 
  • A few crab sticks 

Fluffy canapes on skewers for the New Year:

  • For preparation, you need to take a 5 cube syringe, after cutting the nose. The result should be a cylinder.
  • It is necessary, pressing on cheese, sausage and bread, create a multilayer tube, which is pricked on a skewer, removed from the syringe, pressing on the piston.
  • The prepared foundations are dipped in a jar with pasty cheese. Instead of cheese, you can use sour cream or mayonnaise.
  • Swaps are collapsed in chips from crab sticks or eggs. To get chips, crab sticks, eggs are rubbed on a fine grater. 
Canapes to the New Year's table 2023
Canapes to the New Year's table 2023

Canapes on skewers with olives

To prepare the dish, you will need: 

  • 200 g of solid cheese with high fat content 
  • 25 walnuts 
  • 20 pieces of black olives 

Canapes on skewers with olives:

  • The cheese is cut into cubes, the size of which 2 by 2 cm. The core is removed from the nuts, dividing into two parts.
  • For each sandwich you will need half a nut nucleus. Now a skewer is inserted into a piece with cheese, and a piece of walnut is laid on top.
  • It is best to eat red half -sweet wine or cognac with such sandwiches. 
Canapes with shrimp and olives to the New Year's table 2023
Canapes with shrimp and olives to the New Year's table 2023

New Year canapes with herring and black bread

This is a traditional Russian snack, only beautifully decorated. 

For its preparation, you will need: 

  • Half of Black Borodino bread 
  • Slightly salted herring 
  • Pickled onion 
  • Small pickled rods 

New Year canapes with herring and black bread:

  • To prepare the canapes, it is necessary to cut bread with small rectangles, the size of which is 3 by 4 cm. A slice of herring is laid in the center of each piece of bread, having previously removed all the bones from it, peeling from the skin.
  • You can use the finished fillet in jars. A pickled red onion and a small root are laid out on top of a piece of fish, fastened everything with skewers. You can decorate with herbs. Great vodka appetizer and strong alcoholic drinks. 
Canapes with herring
Canapes with herring

New Year canapes with sausage and cheese

Using skewers, you can prepare standard sandwiches, but they will look interesting and unusual. 

For preparation, you will need: 

  • White rifled bread 
  • Sausage 
  • Oil 
  • Hard cheese 
  • Olives 

New Year canapes with sausage and cheese:

  • You need to apply a thin layer of oil to pieces of bread, lay the sausage on top and cover a piece of bread with butter. The cheese is laid on top.
  • After that, you need to take cookies for cookies and press on the resulting pieces of bread.
  • As a result, unusual sandwiches in the form of hearts, flowers will be obtained, depending on what forms for cookies were used.
  • Two olives are prompted for a skewer and entered in the center of the resulting sandwich. 
Festive canapes with sausage and cheese
Festive canapes with sausage and cheese
Canapes with bacon and boiled eggs recipe
Canapes with bacon and boiled eggs recipe

Dishes on skewers (canapes) made of red caviar and fish: recipes

Kanapes with red fish recipe
Kanapes with red fish recipe
Recipe for festive sandwiches for canapes
Recipe for festive sandwiches for canapes
Canapes - roses from red fish
Canapes - roses from red fish

Canapes on the New Year's table

A great dish for the festive table, which needs to complement strong alcoholic drinks and semi -dry wine. 

For cooking, the ingredients will be needed: 

  • War or carbonate 
  • 100 g of mayonnaise 
  • 3 boiled eggs 
  • 4 nuclei of walnuts 
  • Greens 
  • Hard cheese 

Canapes on the New Year's table:

  • Solid cheese, along with eggs, is crushed on a grater, add walnuts, after turning them into small crumbs.
  • Mayonnaise and greens are added to the mixture. The ham is cut into thin slices. Small rectangles are formed from the resulting mass, equal in shape to the width of pieces of ham.
  • In the center of each meat piece, a salad mixture is laid and wrapped with a roll. They are injected using skewers. 
New Year canapes - ideas
New Year canapes - ideas
Festive sandwich sandwich
Festive sandwich sandwich
Canapes with chicken and orange
Canapes with chicken and orange
Canapes with pepper and cheese salad recipe
Canapes with pepper and cheese salad recipe

Fruit canapes for the new year

On skewers, you can serve not only salty snacks to alcoholic beverages, but also fruit cuts. This will be a great addition to the children's festive table for the New Year. 


  • Two bananas 
  • Two kiwi 
  • Orange 
  • Grape 

Fruit canapes for the New Year:

  • It is necessary to cut bananas into circles, the thickness of which is 1 cm.
  • A piece of kiwi is laid in the center of the banana, and an orange on it, having previously removed the skin. In conclusion, the grapes are prompted.
  • You can decorate the canapes with whipped cream or coconut. 
Fruit canapes
Fruit canapes

We also recommend reading the following articles:

Video: the best New Year canapes

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