How can you cook trout for the New Year: recipes for New Year's dishes

How can you cook trout for the New Year: recipes for New Year's dishes

Recipes for making trout for the New Year.

Rainbow trout is one of the varieties of a Pacific salmon that lives in fresh waters. In addition, such fish can be found on the Pacific coast, in North America, as well as off the coast of the Far East. I got its name thanks to a wide rainbow strip, which is located along the line of the whole body. Fish has tasty pink meat. Sometimes the meat is white, with a pinkish tint, or has a red color. The color of the meat primarily depends on the products that the fish feeds on. The meat is very tasty, appreciated by the cooks of European and Western countries. 

Which trout to choose?

There are some tips that will help not to be disappointed, to surprise guests. Try not to cook a new dish on the New Year's table using trial versions. After all, the dish may not work. Half of success depends on the freshness of the carcass. Therefore, the main task is to choose fresh fish.

Which trout to choose:

  • Of course, it is best to purchase a chilled carcass, but if the city is far from the sea, you will have to purchase a frozen option. It is necessary that the fish has clear eyes, and the carcass when pressing a finger or a stupid tip of the knife is quickly restored.
  • The gills should be bright red in color, without darkening and mucus. The fillet should not shine, since most often it is covered with special chemicals that extend the shelf life of the product. This coating increases the weight of the product.
  • To be easier to clean the product from scales, preliminarily poured fish with hot water. You can use cold water by adding a small amount of vinegar.
  • In order not to slip during the cleaning process, it is necessary to periodically moisten your fingers, dipping them into salt.

How to prepare a rainbow trout in the oven?

The trout grows very quickly, it is grown in industrial conditions. For the New Year, I want to please my household with something unusual, non-standard. One of these dishes is trout in a fur coat. This is a fish baked in the test. 


  • 4 pieces of trout 
  • 250 g of salt 
  • 250 g of flour 
  • 100 ml of ice water 
  • 4 eggs 
  • One egg 
  • Lemon juice 
  • Rosemary 
  • Pepper 

How to cook the rainbow trout in the oven:

  • To prepare the dish, it is necessary to clean the carcasses of insides and scales. You do not need to cut off your head. It is necessary to knead the dough using proteins, ice water, flour and salt. It is necessary that it turns out very cold and salty dough.
  • Several sprigs of rosemary are added to this dense mass. Now it is necessary to divide the dough into several small pieces, roll out into thin layers. Due to the fact that the dough is very cold and salty, it rolls to a thickness of 1-2 mm.
  • It is necessary to lay out the fish in the center of the sheet, having previously marked it in ruble rosemary, lemon juice and salt. On top, the carcass is covered with another sheet of dough and cut out in the shape of a fish. It is necessary that the sides remain, 1 cm wide. The fish is laid out on the parchment and baked in the oven for 30 minutes.Blagodar to the fact that the fish is prepared in the lid of dough, it turns out very juicy and fragrant. 
In creamy sauce
In creamy sauce

How to cook trout in the oven delicious in foil?

The easiest way to prepare trout in foil, as this requires a minimum of time. But the dish is very spectacular, beautiful and unusual. It is necessary to choose large carcasses of the same size. 


  • Fish 
  • 2 large tomatoes 
  • Butter 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 
  • Green onions 
  • Parsley 
  • Lemon 

How to cook trout in the oven is delicious in foil:

  • It is necessary to remove the insides, scrape the scales and make small notches vertically. These are four longitudinal cuts that need to be filled with lemon juice, olive oil and spices.
  • In order for the fish to smell well, it is saturated with the marinade, it is advisable to leave it for a third of the hour. After that, the trout again needs to be watered with lemon juice, placed on a foil sheet. A small amount of vegetable oil should be poured onto the fish on top.
  • The fish is not completely wrapped in foil, the upper part should remain open. It is necessary to simulate a small aluminum plate. A kilogram fish is baked for a quarter of an hour. After the fish is ready, it is necessary to cut tomatoes in small pieces, chop the greens. Tomatoes are laid out around the fish, sprinkled with herbs and watered again with olive oil. Repeated in the oven for 5 minutes. 
Spicy fish
Spicy fish

How to delibe to cook trout in the oven with steaks?

On the shelves of stores before the New Year, you can most often see entire carcasses, but steaks. They are distinguished by a large amount of fat, so they are well baked, saturated with a pleasant taste and aroma. First you need to prepare a delicious marinade. 

Ingredients for the marinade: 

  • 50 ml of honey 
  • 50 ml of soy sauce 
  • Two tablespoons with a hill of sesame seeds 
  • Dry Italian herbs 

How to delibe to cook trout in the oven with steaks:

  • All the ingredients of the marinade are mixed with each other and lubricate pieces of trout. It is necessary to first withstand the steaks in the marinade for 30 minutes. Steaks are laid out in pieces of foil, but not completely wrapped, leaving the upper part open.
  • Bake for 15 minutes. Steaks must be served hot, along with potato mashed potatoes or more exquisite dishes. It goes well with this dish potatoes baked in the oven in the peel.
  • Due to the fact that trout contains a large amount of fat, it does not dry out during the preparation, and is not covered with a dense crust. Therefore, trout steaks can be baked by wrapping in foil, and without it. However, in this case, it is necessary to pour a small amount of marinade, olive oil and lemon juice on top. Often combine fish with vegetables that make the product juicy. 

Funned trout for the new year

The real holiday will be stuffed trout. To do this, it is necessary to select a large carcass so that meat and filling manage to bake. 


  • Large trout 
  • 200 g of champignons 
  • Two large bulbs 
  • 2 medium -sized potatoes 
  • 100 ml of sour cream 
  • Bulgarian pepper 
  • 50 g of solid cheese 
  • Lemon juice 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 

Funned trout for the New Year:

  • It is necessary to gut the fish by removing the ridge, insides and bones. To do this, it is necessary to cut the carcass not from the side of the abdomen, but from the side of the back. Fish is laid on the abdomen in the shape of a boat to make a recess inside.
  • Spices, salt are laid inside the fish, and also pour lemon juice. In this state, they leave for about 30 minutes. Even before the preparation of the carcass, it is necessary to boil potatoes in the uniform, cut into small pieces. Potatoes are fried with onions in vegetable oil, adding champignons. It is necessary to get potatoes with mushrooms and onions.
  • At the end of the preparation, sour cream is poured into the mixture, mixed, stew for 2-3 minutes. A small boat made of foil is formed on a baking sheet, in the center of which a prepared carcass is laid. A prepared filling is laid out into the recess. Slices of bell pepper are laid on top of the filling, sprinkled with cheese. Bake it for half an hour, until ruddy crust. This is a full -fledged hot dish, for which there is no need to cook separately a side dish. 

How to delight the trout in a pan with slices for the New Year?

The ideal option for making fried fish in a pan is the use of crackers or a special cheese breading. The denser the panel of the breading, the better the product is obtained. To get a golden crust, you can use not wheat flour, but corn. 

Ingredients for fried fish: 

  • 200 g of breading crackers 
  • File trout 
  • One egg 
  • Large onion 
  • Flour 
  • Salt 

How to delight the trout in a pan with slices for the New Year:

  • To begin with, the fish is washed, the bones are removed and cut into small portioned pieces. You can use fillet or steaks. Previously, a small amount of salt and flour is poured on top of pieces.
  • After that, the steak plunged into the egg, having previously beat it with a fork. After that, they are collapsed in breadcrumbs.
  • They are fried in a hot pan for 20 minutes. You can diversify and improve the taste of the dish by first marining the carcass with white wine. 

How to delight trout grill for the New Year?

The most delicious fish is considered grilled, on charcoal. To get a delicious dish, it is best to choose medium -sized carcasses. You can also use steaks. However, as practice shows, such a dish is more dry. 


  • 50 ml of olive oil 
  • One large lemon 
  • 3 cloves of garlic 
  • 2 large bulbs 
  • Thyme 
  • Rosemary 
  • Salt 
  • Herbs 

How to delight the trout on the new year:

  • First you need to prepare the marinade. To do this, mix oil with lemon juice. Add finely chopped garlic and onion. The liquid part is poured from above on the trout, and the chopped vegetables are placed inside. Inside the abdomen, you can place the circles of lemon.
  • In the marinade, it is necessary to withstand carcasses for an hour and a half. They cook fish in foil envelopes or immediately laid on a lattice.
  • The main advantage of cooking in foil is that the dish is dietary, very juicy. However, if you cook trout without foil, then a dense rosy crust forms on top, which smells of smoke and bonfire. 

How to delight the trout for sandwiches for the New Year?

Sands with red fish and a slice of lemon are one of the most popular dishes on the festive table. It is characterized by high fat content and juiciness. However, purchased fish does not always meet the requirements of customers. This is due to the long period of storage, the use of preservatives in the process of salting carcasses. Therefore, if necessary, you can pickle trout yourself. 


  • 500 g of trout 
  • 20 g of salt 
  • 20 g of sugar 
  • 5 peas of black pepper 

How to delight the trout for sandwiches for the new year:

  • It is necessary to clean the carcass of scales, cut along the ridge, so that in the end it turns out two fillets. You do not need to remove the skin. It is necessary to remove all the seeds, then crush the black pepper.
  • In a small vessel, sugar with salt and spices is mixed, trout steaks are sprinkled. The mixture must be poured into the bottom. It is necessary that the skin is on top. It is necessary to cover the vessel with cling film and leave in the refrigerator for a day. Such trout can be safely used for sandwiches. 

This method is basic, but there is a more refined option that is ideal if the carcass is too soft. So that the fillet does not fall apart, an additional ingredient is introduced during the salting. 


  • A kilogram of trout 
  • 40 g of salt 
  • 20 g of sugar 
  • 30 ml of vodka 

How to delight the trout for sandwiches for the new year:

  • It is necessary to remove the scales, leaving the skin, and cut the carcasses, as in the previous version, along the ridge. It is necessary to remove excess moisture with paper towels. In a glass container, you need to put pieces of the product.
  • Salt with sugar, which sprinkle pieces of fish, are mixed in a separate bowl. Next, the steaks must be watered with vodka.
  • The tray with fish is shaken, tightened with a film, covered with a lid and left for a day. Instead of vodka, you can use cognac. But in this case, the fish will acquire an interesting aroma and a pleasant taste. 
With greens
With greens

It is best to clean the carcass with the stupid side of the knife, holding the fish by the tail. For defrosting, you can not use hot water or microwave. Files will fall apart, you will ruin the product.

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Video: trout for the New Year's table

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