Vitamin D3 and fish oil - the same thing?

Vitamin D3 and fish oil - the same thing?

In this article, we will consider in detail the question: vitamin D3 and fish oil - one and the same or not. We find out when to take vitamin D3 and fish oil, and when it should not.

In the Soviet Union, young children were given fish oil, so the child’s body was replenished with vitamin D3, and, omega -3. In those days, there was no particular variety in medications - fish oil was a panacea for rickets. But over the years, this tradition has stopped, they stopped giving the drug to children. Doctors began to advise taking cod liver, in this product there are also all useful components as in fish oil.

But after they said that the liver was not so useful. After all, harmful metals (heavy) can accumulate there. Nowadays, vitamin D3 and fish oil in various forms, and omega-3 (fatty acid) appeared on the pharmacy market. Let's figure out what vitamin D3, Omega-3 and fish oil are. Further more.

Vitamin D3 and fish oil - the same thing?

Vitamin D3 and fish oil - These are different substances. Most likely, vitamin D3 is one of the components of fish oil. Fish oil contains other components in addition to the mentioned substance. Most often, vitamin D3 is prescribed paired with fatty acids, which, by the way, are also present in fish oil. The human body is able to produce vitamin D3 in the sun or produce it from vitamin D2, but fatty acids are not able to reproduce on its own. They should only be consumed from the outside if they are not enough in the body systems. After all, they are indispensable for the normal life of a person. Doctors advise taking these acids in the form of fish oil or Omega-3, if oily sea fish is rarely present in the diet.

Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3

To understand the difference between vitamin D3 and fish oil, we will have to study these drugs, we will begin with vitamin D3. It is not always possible to go on vacation in the summer and sunbathe in the sun, most often a person spends time in the workplace, therefore, vitamin D3 can not do in any case. If the body has a lack of vitamin D3, then rickets may develop, small children are especially suffering. Most often, the disease is striking, oddly enough, people from warm countries: Africa, Asia, the Middle East, the fault of everything is the genetic structure or the features of the skin, due to the dark color, the sun's rays do not affect it.

Residents of Russia are also subject to a lack of vitamin D3, especially predisposed to a lack of vitamin D3 people living in the north. There are not so many sunny days in the north, because the skin does not actually sunbathe, and the process of developing the vitamin of the sun does not occur. And the results of this action are sad, a person can gain weight because of this, often get sick, the immune system fails.

It is good that vitamins can be bought in pharmacies, and this is not a shortage. Take or not take such pills should be decided by the doctor. Children are given tablets from three years old. Moreover, before using the drug, you should consult a pediatrician. A specialist will set the necessary dosages of a pharmacy panacea for your child or you. It is not recommended to exceed the dose shown in the instructions. Otherwise, a toxic effect on the patient's body is manifested.

Before you start drinking group D3 vitamins, make sure you need to accept them:

  1. To do this, just visit your doctor.
  2. Drive the blood for analysis.
  3. Make sure you don't have contraindications.

IMPORTANT: You can not drink group D3 vitamins with an increased level of CA, with kidney diseases, sarcoidosis, hypervitaminosis, hypercalciuria, urolithiasis.

Products with vitamin D3 and omega3
Products with vitamin D3 and omega3

Fish oil also contains fatty saturated acids, without which our body systems will work poorly. By the way, at present, fish oil can be easily replaced with Omega-3 dietary supplements. The difference between this tool is that it is cleansed more qualitatively than fish oil, there are no unnecessary impurities left, it has practically no taste.

If you eat fatty fish at least once a week, then it is not necessary to use omega-3 or fish oil. It is enough to eat 200 grams of sea fish and you will saturate yourself with the necessary vitamins, fatty acids and trace elements.

For this, such a fish is suitable as:

  • Herring, trout, sea sprats
  • Fat sardine, delicious mackerel, etc.

Fish oil or vitamin D3 - which is better?

Fish oil is a drug, it contains vitamins of groups A, D and fatty acids. Vitamin D3 and fish oil have differences. These drugs are not the same. And what is better to use the patient, the doctor should decide.

Fish oil is a complex drug, and vitamin D3 is consumed with a lack of it in the body. Therefore, it cannot be said that it is better, much depends on the diagnosis of the patient and his general condition. Perhaps one person needs to drink fish oil or his more advanced version of Omega-3, and another is enough to drink a course of vitamins D3. Everything is strictly individual.

Fish fat. benefit
Fish fat. Benefit

The doctor will prescribe vitamin D3 after a test analysis of blood. After all, it plays a huge role, with the help of it, the processes of absorption of CA into the esophagus, reabsorption CA and P in the kidneys occur. Then the CA movement occurs through cell membranes. Thanks to D3, bone tissues are strengthened, a good immune system develops, affects the functionality of the thyroid gland and synthesizes adenosineric acid.

The drug D3 is prescribed for:

  1. Preventive goals and in the treatment of rickets.
  2. With the insufficient content of vitamin D3 in groups with a high risk of chronic pathologies of the small intestine, malabsorption, biliary cirrhosis, condition after surgery of the stomach or thin esophagus.
  3. With pathology of osteoporosis.
  4. Treatment of osteomination to patients older than 45 years of age.
  5. Treatment of pseudohyparathyroidism, hypoparathyroidism.

Thanks to Omega-3 or fish oil You will feel healthy, you will not have problems with the cardiovascular system, the immune system will strengthen. Pregnant people are also necessary, because they are responsible for the development of immunity in the baby, nervous system, and the retina. These components are able to accumulate in the body, as well as the "sunny" vitamin D3.

Vitamin D3 and fish oil can be drunk at the same time

Vitamin D3 and fish oil, as already mentioned, are various drugs. It is in fish oil that are part of the B vitamins D3, Omega-3 is similar in composition with fish oil. It is still better to take these funds separately. Moreover, there is no clear instructions for the comprehensive intake of fish oil or omega-3 with vitamin D3. The drugs can be used, but it is impossible to exceed the permissible dosages that are installed. According to the average level of vitamin D3-30-100 ng per ml.

And fish oil is prescribed by the attending physician himself, who selects doses independently according to the patient’s history. The dose is calculated according to blood tests. If the amount of triglycerides exceeds the norm, and HDL is below regulatory data, then fish oil should be prescribed. On your own at home, you will not be able to decide whether you need this drug or not.

Omega 3
Omega 3

IMPORTANT: If you still choose between vitamin D3 and fish oil, then these two drugs cannot be compared. Since fish oil is a complex drug. It is fish oil that can normalize body weight, reduces cholesterol. And it is better to replace it with a better omega-3 addition. Similar in composition, but without excessive impurities that remained in fish oil. After all, Omega-3 passes several purities, unlike fish oil.

Vitamin D3 is a dietary supplement that strengthens bone tissues and promotes the absorption of CA, normalizes blood coagulation, and supports muscle tone. Both compatible substances are allowed to use comprehensively, but under the control of the attending physician.

Read the following articles on our portal on our portal:

  1. Fish oil, omega-3-how to take?
  2. Fish oil for women, men after fifty;
  3. Omega-3, how to accept children?
  4. Omega-3, fish oil-what is the benefit, how to drink?
  5. Fish oil - how to drink for hair?
  6. The benefits of fish oil for the skin;
  7. Fish oil, how to eat?
  8. When to drink vitamin D3?

Video: Vitamin D3 is fish oil?

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Comments K. article

  1. Different of course. I drink vitamin D3 as a prevention of)) to strengthen immunity. Like the format of pills for resorption of Cosmo D3, Israeli vitamins

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