When to take vitamin D3: in the morning or evening, before meals or after?

When to take vitamin D3: in the morning or evening, before meals or after?

Vitamin D is often called "Sunny". This is due to the fact that sunlight affects its level in the human body.

The synthesis of vitamin D in the body is carried out under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. It is necessary for the exchange of calcium and phosphorus. From this article you will learn how to take Vitamin D.

The benefits of vitamin D3

  • The vitamin D group has 2 varieties - D2 and D3. They are a crystal -shaped shape, without color and smell. They are resistant to high temperatures. Vitamins dissolve due to fats, not water.
The benefits are incredible
The benefits are incredible
  • If you often sit on diets that exclude foods rich in fats, then you lose most of the vitamin vitamin.
  • It is necessary to control the growth and development of bones. It also helps prevent the weakness of muscle tissue.
  • Vitamin D3 helps strengthen the immune system, and normalizes the thyroid gland. It improves blood coagulation, and normalizes blood pressure. If the human diet is not enough vitamin D, there is a high probability of development atherosclerosis, diabetes and arthritis.

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How to determine the level of vitamin D3 in the body: norm, indicators

  • Before proceeding with the intake of vitamin, it is necessary to consult a doctor. It will be necessary to take tests to determine the level of this component in the body. The doctor must write a referral to undergo a comprehensive blood test for vitamin D.
  • You can immediately donate blood to determine the amount of ionized calcium. This is necessary in order to understand whether you have contraindications for taking vitamin D or not.

You can read more about how to take and use vitamin D3 to different categories of people in our article.

As soon as you get the results of the tests, you need to interpret the values:

  • less than 25 nmol/l - vitamin deficiency;
  • 25-75 nmol/l-lack of component;
  • 75-250 nmol/l-the amount of the component is normal;
  • more than 250 nmol/l - an overabundance of D.
Sometimes products are not enough and the norm of vitamin in the body decreases
Sometimes products are not enough and the norm of vitamin in the body decreases

The action of vitamins is carried out according to the principle of priority. Vitamin D is necessary for the exchange of calcium and phosphorus. If you do not have enough components in your body, all its number will be aimed at performing this task. If you want it to protect against cancer, increase the immune system and improve the condition of the whole body, you need to normalize the level of vitamin D. Doctors recommend that the body be about 76-250 nmol/l. Exceeding this indicator will negatively affect the state of the heart and blood vessels.

When to take vitamin D3: in the morning or evening, before meals or after?

  • Vitamin D3 is recommended to be taken in the morning. If you do this in the evening, activate the work of the nervous system, which will negatively affect the condition of sleep. Reception should be carried out while eating. Better if you eat for breakfast food, which contains fats. The best option is frying omelet.
  • Take vitamins D and E separately. If you drink them together, they will be poorly absorbed. B vitamins should be taken with vitamin K and calcium.
  • The frequency of admission depends on human preferences. If you are responsible for your health, you can take the component daily. You can also drink vitamin 1-2 times a week. Only for this you will have to choose other dosages. In one day you need to take no more 10,000 units of the component.

Vitamin D3 reception for prevention

  • In order to prevent at least 800 BCs of Vitamin D. This is enough to ensure the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body. To prevent the development of oncology, obesity, diabetes and atherosclerosis, you need to take at least 2000 units 1 time.
  • Some sources say that for the prevention of cancer and strengthening the immune system, you need to adhere to a dose of 5000 units. The doctor should prescribe the optimal dosage of vitamin D3 after he studies the results of your tests. It is dangerous to engage in self -medication.
So how is the functions of vitamin huge? It can be taken as a prevention
Since the functions of vitamin are huge, it can be taken as a prevention

Overdose of vitamin D: consequences

More than 100,000 units of vitamin D cannot be taken 1 time by exception to be considered defects in the receptors of this component. If you exceed the permissible norms and prescriptions of the doctor, you can provoke heart disease and blood vessels, as well as cause the formation of calcinite in the kidneys.

The abuse of vitamin D is fraught with other consequences:

  • brittle bones;
  • pain in the head;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • lack of appetite;
  • constipation and weakness in the body;
  • joint pain and muscles;
  • violation of the work of internal organs.

Can there be allergies to vitamin D3?

  • Fortunately, a person does not have an allergy to vitamin D3. A negative reaction can only be to the drug that contain other components.
  • If a rash appears on the body or you feel itching, do not refuse to take matter. It is only necessary to change the supplement. Give preference to liquid forms, because they provoke allergic reactions less.

Contraindications to the reception of vitamin D3

The intake of vitamin D3 should be carried out only as prescribed by an endocrinologist in such cases:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis or stomach ulcer);
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • fractures are non -human;
  • osteoporosis;
  • kalcinates in the kidneys.

This applies only to those cases if a person is less than 50 years old. After 50 years, regardless of the situation, you need to take vitamin only as prescribed by the attending physician.

Vitamin D3 reception: reviews

  • Denis, 47 years old: He began to notice behind himself that a cold often appears, as well as weakness in the body. He turned to the doctor, and passed the necessary tests. Dr. Vitamin D3 prescribed me in a dosage of 2,000 units. I, as a responsible patient, took the supplement every day. After 3 weeks, immunity strengthened, and performance increased.
  • Arina, 28 years old: Unfortunately, in the conditions of the city it is difficult to get the required amount of vitamin D. Therefore, she turned to the doctor to prescribe supplements with this component. After the tests, it was decided to take every day 1 capsule of this component in a dosage of 2,000 units. Now it is not necessary to take a vacation to make in warm countries to saturate the body with natural vitamin D3.
  • Daria, 23 years old: When once again I went to the doctor, a problem with the thyroid gland was found. In addition to other drugs, the list indicated vitamin D3 in a dosage of 3,000 units. After a 21-day administration of all drugs, the situation with the thyroid gland normalized. Now the doctor has prescribed to take this component in a dosage of 1000 units as a prevention.

Now you know that the intake of vitamin D should be carried out in the morning, during breakfast. Take the supplement only as prescribed by the doctor, according to the prescribed dosage. Remember that self -medication can be destructive for your health.

We will also talk about such vitamins:

Video: Interesting about vitamin D3

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Comments K. article

  1. If a child, then only in the morning. We take a drop of vitamin D3 Evalar for its intended purpose. There was an evening reception experience. The child has become so energetic. Right over the edge !!! Thought the house to smash it while he calmed down.

  2. I donated blood to detect the level of vitamin D in the blood. It turned out that I had a shortage. At the moment I take Detrimarin in a dosage of 2000 IU, in beautiful, solar capsules. In the morning, during breakfast, drink one capsule and I don’t know any problems. I notice that improvements from the skin, well -being in general, even mood, went. I will continue to accept to make up for a lack!

  3. I had problems with well -being and mood, the doctor advised me to drink vitamin D with a course, Detrimarin was advised in the pharmacy, because It also has an omega in it. No sooner said than done. Health really became much better.

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