Fish oil and omega-3-how to take it correctly: in the morning or in the evening, before meals or after?

Fish oil and omega-3-how to take it correctly: in the morning or in the evening, before meals or after?

Despite the fact that most people fight fats in the body, some of them are good for health. For example, fish oil and omega-3 are required by the body to replenish energy reserves and normalize the hormonal background.

Read more about how to properly take fish oil and omega-3 in this article.

Features of omega-3 and fish oil

Before proceeding with the use of Omega-3 drugs, study the main indications. Most people prefer to take fish oil in winter when the body's immune system decreases.

It is important to know the differences between fish oil and omega-3
It is important to know the differences between fish oil and omega-3

Omega-3 consists of several components:

  • alpha-linolenic acid;
  • eicopascentenic acid;
  • docosaexaenic acid.

These components saturate the muscles, heart and internal organs with the necessary energy. They are part of plant oils, fish and other seafood. You can also separately take the Omega-3 dietary supplement.

Do not confuse the sources of omega
Do not confuse the sources of omega

Beneficial properties of fish oil

The beneficial properties of fish oil include:

  • Reducing the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. If you take omega-3 in small quantities, you can cope with hypertension and plaques that narrow the gaps;
  • Help in treatment mental disorders;
  • The fight against excess weight;
  • Improvement vision;
  • Decrease in inflammation and pain in the joints;
  • Treatment of skin diseases, among which dermatitis and psoriasis;
  • Assistance in the development of the fetus during pregnancy;
  • A positive impact on the liver;
  • Activation of brain function;
  • Improving the condition of the joints and bones.

More about the benefits of fish oil for women and men after 50childrenfor hair and skin You can read in our articles.

Fish oil and omega-3-how to take it correctly: in the morning or in the evening, before meals or after?

  • The daily dosage is prescribed, depending on age and physical activity. Women are recommended to take 2 g omega-3 per day, and men-3 g. Often doctors prescribe 4 g, however, this is done only after a careful examination of the patient and the necessary tests.
  • It is recommended that children be prescribed from 0.5 to 1.6 g Omega-3 per day, depending on age. If the doctor has prescribed to take a child 0.5 g, you will need to find an additive with a dosage of 500 mg of active substance.
Depending on age
Fish oil how much to take for children depending on age
  • If you take omega-3 to gain muscle mass, you will need to drink every day 2-3 capsulesin which at least 1000 mg of fish oil. To lose weight, increase the dosage to 4-5 capsules per day.
  • It is recommended to take fish oil 30 minutes after eating. Thanks to this, the component is better absorbed and absorbed. If a person has disgust due to the unusual taste of capsules or fluids, you can take the supplement during meals. Capsules or liquid shape of fish oil must be washed down with a plentiful amount of water.
  • If you accept omega-3 for preventive purposes, the course should last at least 90 days. The treatment course is prescribed by a doctor based on the state of health of the patient and his physical form. Doctors recommend taking fatty acids along with vitamin B and D. So they are better absorbed by the human body.
  • What time to take fish oil: morning or evening - it does not matter. It all depends on the preferences of the person.

Who is contraindicated in taking fish oil?

Omega-3 is contraindicated in such cases:

  • abundant bleeding or injuries;
  • period after operations;
  • allergies to the components of the drug;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • active stage of tuberculosis;
  • increased calcium content in the body.

If you have contraindications for the use of omega-3 in the form of a dietary supplement, correct your diet. Increase the amount of seafood, vegetable fats and nuts. So you can make up for the lack of fats in the body.

The main source
The main source

How to take fish oil, omega 3: reviews

  • Ekaterina, 46 years old: Began to notice that there were problems with hair. I contacted a doctor who, after examining, prescribed me daily to take 3 capsules of Omega-3 additives. After 10-12 days, the hair stopped falling out, and the skin became radiant.
  • Vitaly, 26 years old: I decided to sign up for the gym to get rid of extra pounds and pull up the muscles. First, the doctor said to drink 4 dietary supplements per day, and engage in aerobic loads. After 3 weeks, I noticed that the fat layer decreased, and the muscles began to appear. To increase them, on the advice of a doctor, he began to take 3 capsules per day, and focus on strength exercises. Now, after 3 months, I am proud of my achievements.
  • Karina, 24 years old: Since childhood, I suffered from increased blood pressure. When my parents no longer knew what to do, they took me to a doctor who prescribed an omega-3 reception twice a day (1 capsule each in the morning and evening). After a few months of regular administration, I had stopped bleeding from my nose and headaches.

As you can see, fish oil is important for the human body, because it helps to maintain most internal organs. You can take the drug at any time of the day, preferably, after eating.

We will also tell:

Video: How to take and choose omega-3 and fish oil?

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Comments K. article

  1. I drink cool vitamins myself.

  2. I take fish oil as part of a super omega 3-6-9 Evepa, also contains linseed oil, cedar, gamma-linolenic acid, a good complex, and it comes out cheaper than analogues at a price. It feels from the reception, I had dry eyes, I get less tired, the joints stopped crunching, and there was no inflammation on the skin, there is no such dryness and peeling.

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