Fish oil - instructions for use

Fish oil - instructions for use

Fish oil is a unique natural product that is used as a food supplement or a drug for more than 150 years. Most often, fish oil is made from the liver of quadrers or salmon fish meat. This product can make up for the disadvantages of vitamins A and D and Umega-3 useful compounds in the body. Fish oil is a rich source of antioxidants.

Instructions for use, indications for use

Fish oil is shown to everyone who monitors the beauty of their body and the health of the body. The high content of vitamin A (retinol) in this product will help nails, hair and skin always look great. This substance also normalizes the work of the mucous membranes.

With a lack of vitamin D in the body, the intake of fish oil is also shown. This vitamin is responsible for many processes in the body. One of them is the delivery of calcium and phosphorus to cells. The lack of vitamin D will affect the tooth enamel and bone tissue of the body. In addition, this vitamin is extremely important for the proper operation of the nervous system.

Vitamins A and D in combination with each other will help maintain vision. The ability to see better in the dark and the quality of color perception depends on them.

Important: fish oil is an excellent natural immunomodulator with anti -inflammatory properties. This product is rich in antioxidants and can reduce the risk of oncology.

Fish oil is shown to people subject to stress. Substances included in this product affect the production of serotonin hormone by the body. Thanks to which it can improve mood and increase mental comfort.

Fish oil or omega-3

Omega-3 is found not only in fish, but also in vegetable oils. But, connecting with the rest of the components of fish oil, these polyunsaturated acids are better absorbed by the body.

Many perceive fish oil precisely as a way to fill the body with Omega-3 compounds. As you know, the body cannot develop them on its own. But, the importance of polyunsaturated acids for health and proper functioning of the body is difficult to overestimate.

Omega-3 acids are able to restore the balance of “bad” and “good” cholesterol. The inclusion of this additive rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids in your diet will help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, coronary heart disease, varicose veins and cerebrovascular disorders.

Fish fat for children

This product is very useful for the child's body. The inclusion of fish oil in the child’s diet can be achieved by improving brain activity and increasing intelligence. In children who regularly consumed this food supplement, an improvement in the quality of information assimilation was observed, perseverance and concentration of attention increased.

Important: the Russian Research Institute of Nutrition conducted such an experiment. For children lagging behind the development for three months, fish oil was given. Six months later, a test was held, which showed that lagging children caught up with their peers.

Fish oil is extremely important for a child, as it is able to prevent the development of allergies, asthma and increases resistance to infections. Vitamin D, which is rich in this product, prevents the development of rickets. This vitamin is extremely necessary for the growing children's body, as it is responsible for the absorption of calcium. So, it plays an important role in the formation and growth of bone tissue and teeth.

What is the best fish or fish oil for a child?

Very often you can meet such an opinion that it is more useful for a child to give fish than fish oil from a pharmacy. This is not entirely true.

Fish is important in the child’s diet, but it will not be able to completely “close” the needs of the growing organism in substances present in fish oil. Yes, fish is a rich source of proteins, vitamins and omega-3 acids.

But, the amount of fish that is necessary in order for the child to get omega-3 acids in the right amount can cause some troubles:

  • Firstly, the fish is an expensive product. Especially the one that contains polyunsaturated acids in large quantities: salmon, salmon
  • Secondly, not all children love fish. They may not like it because of a specific taste. Whereas fish oil in capsules has no taste
  • Thirdly, the fish can contain a large number of toxins: methylrthetics and polychlordifhenils. Especially with this, the fish that is rich in omega-3 acids is “famous”. Fish oil is cleaned of all impurities and is an absolutely “pure” food supplement recommended by children

Important: fish, like mushrooms, absorbs and accumulate toxic compounds from the environment as their growth. Depending on what the fish lives and where the fish lives, some of its species may contain a critical amount of toxins.

Fish oil dosage

The dosage of fish oil depends on the age, therapeutic or preventive complex prescribed by the doctor. It is necessary to consume fish oil with courses for 1-2 months, but not more than 3 times a year. This product is especially necessary for the body in the winter season.

  • Typically, the dosage is 1 tablespoon of this product twice a day

Important: they use fish oil while eating. The daily norm of Omaga-3 250 ml. But, it is necessary to take this product to replenish polyunsaturated acids in a dosage of 1 gram. The maximum dosage is 7-8 grams.

  • Children from 4 weeks give 3-4 drops of fish oil 2 times a day
  • Children from a year to 6 years old, one teaspoon per day
  • Children from 6 to 7 years old, one teaspoon three times a day
  • Children under 12 years old should give fish oil only in liquid form

Fish oil in capsules

Fish oil in gelatin capsules does not have a specific taste. That is why almost all children's types of this product are “packaged” into such capsules. And adults are more willing to choose this kind of this additive.

The gelatin capsules not only “mask” the unpleasant smell and taste of fish oil, but also protect this product from the destructive influence of external factors.

  • Dosage: 1-2 capsules 3 times a day

Liquid fish oil

The taste of fish fat from childhood, probably, is remembered by everyone. Today, this product is more popular in capsules. But, if you want to buy fish oil cheaper, but at the same time similar quality, then pay attention to this supplement in liquid form.

Liquid fish oil has a rather specific taste, so children are unlikely to like it.

  • Dosage: 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day

Fish oil contraindications

  • People with allergies for fish and seafood cannot be accepted. In addition, it is contraindicated in hypertension
  • You also need to know that fish oil reduces blood coagulation. Therefore, this product should not be consumed by patients with hemophilia
  • It is not recommended to use this product in the presence of stones in the biliary and urinary tract, with diabetes and increased thyroid function
  • Carefully you need to take fish oil with digestive tract problems: constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, bloating and heartburn


"Linseed oil". Flue oil also contains omaga-3 acids. But, these plant compounds are slightly different from omega-3 from fish oil. And they are absorbed somewhat worse. In addition, the vitamin composition of these products is different. There are more vitamin E. in linseed oil.

  • Dosage: 1-2 tablespoons per day

Atlantinol. Atlantinol dietary supplement is an additional source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Available in capsules. Contains 60% of healthy fatty acids.

  • Dosage: 1-2 capsules 2 times a day

"Doppelgerz Acts Omega-3". The dopelgerz omega-3 dietary supplement also makes up for the body's needs in polyunsaturated acids. In one capsule, 800 mg of fish oil and 16.22 mg of vitamin E.

  • Dosage: 1 capsule per day

"Smectew omega". Sorbent of the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It removes toxins, heavy metals and radionuclides from the body. Normalizes the intestinal microflora.

  • Dosage: 1 dose 3-4 times a day for 5-10 days

"Omakor". Hypolipidemic drug, which includes the compounds of Omega-3. Used to prevent atherosclerosis.

  • Dosage: 1-4 capsules per day


I asked a familiar doctor which fish oil is better. He advised me the cheapest in liquid form. Such as from childhood. He says they are practically not faked, which means that it is the best. I bought it, started drinking. It seems like hair and nails began to look better. But, his taste is something.

I drink fish oil with courses for 1.5 months 4 times a year. As soon as the condition of the nails and hair worsens, I immediately run to the pharmacy. I buy in capsules. But, I always drink one more recommended dosage.

Video: Why do we sell bullshit? Choose fish oil correctly

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Comments K. article

  1. I also think that it is still important to choose precisely high -quality fish oil. It is so difficult to find. It turns out, it turns out, I often bought fakes .... now, on the advice of a doctor, I accept the triple omega 3 (Evalarovskaya), and the benefits of much tangimal, sulfuries better than it was, and I stopped bald))) which also cannot but rejoice)

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