Alcoholic games for a fun company, for parties, banquet: Rules. Questions and tasks for alcoholic games

Alcoholic games for a fun company, for parties, banquet: Rules. Questions and tasks for alcoholic games

Do not know how fun has to spend time at the party? Use alcohol games - interesting and exciting.


Since ancient times, people tried to make the process of drinking alcoholic beverages more entertaining. Once the main entertainments during the feast were songs and dances, today, this list was replenished with such a phenomenon as alcohol games.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The best outdoor games in nature for a fun company". You will also find outdoor games with children.

In the article below you will find many different alcoholic games for the company and parties. Just study the rules and play. The mood will be just a lifetime. You will have a great evening with friends. Read further.

What are the rules of alcoholic games for a fun company, for alcoholic parties?

The rules of alcohol games vary greatly and limited only to the fantasy of the organizers. However, the ultimate goal of such entertainment is always intoxication of participants in a cheerful company.

In most alcoholic games for parties, the basis is motor skills and coordination, however, there are also games with intellectual subtext. In general, there are no special rules, just read the descriptions below, join the game and do not forget to add stronger into the glass - it will be more fun.

Questions and tasks for alcoholic games

The essence of many alcoholic games is to perform any tasks or answers to questions. As well as the rules of games, tasks and questions are limited only by the imagination of the participants. Here are the most popular:


  • Drink a glass without opening your eyes
  • Drink a few glasses in a row
  • Drink on a brudershaft
  • Guess the drink to taste
  • Drink from the saucer
  • Drink from the pan
  • Drink without hands
  • Drink from women's shoes
  • Drink with a woman in her arms
  • Make and drink a cocktail from alcoholic beverages


  • Why are you sleeping alone?
  • Are you cheating on your spouse (spouse)?
  • Do you like to peep
  • Why do you eat so much?
  • How often do you deceive?
  • Do you like your boss?

It is impossible to list all existing alcoholic games, so we will consider the most famous and popular.

So, Want to have fun? Then choose games and do not forget to add alcohol into glasses. Read further.

"Sea battle": alcohol game

"Sea battle": alcohol game

For this alcohol game, called "Sea battle", You will need paper and a pair of handles. First, you need to draw a playing field. Next, two teams are created. The rules of the game are determined:

  • The number of ships
  • The price of an inaccurate shot (in glasses)
  • How much is a member of the team that has lost the ship

Further rules are the same as the usual naval battle.

"Drug bacon": adult alcohol game

For this adult alcoholic game, cards are needed.

  • First, the number of cards corresponding to the number of participants is separated from the full deck, extra cards are removed.
  • It is necessary to determine a couple of key cards.
  • One of the cards will become a drug lord, the other by the police.

Next, you need to make a distribution. Participant to whom the card fell "police officer" I must immediately admit. His task will be to calculate the drug lord. The rest of the participants need to be silent. The drug lord winks at someone present, after which he must shout: "I'm in". The next move for the police. He needs to determine who is a drug lord. If the policeman guesses, then a drug lord and his accomplice will have to drink a glass.

Game "Breakthrough"

For Game "Breakthrough" We need a glass, as well as a napkin, a coin, a cigarette.

The glass is covered with a napkin on which a coin is placed on top. Then the participants in the game will need to pierce the napkin with a burning cigarette. The participant whose coin will fail will be obliged to drink the penalty.

Cocktail "Tears of the platypus": Game for adults

For this game for adults, you will need a coin.

  • First, you need to create a cocktail called "Tears of the platypus". For this, different drinks are mixed, optional.
  • Further, one of those present throws a coin and guesses which direction it will land on.
  • If the answer is correct, then the glass goes to another player who adds what he wants to the cocktail.

A participant who did not guess which side the coin will fall should drink a cocktail.

"Cleaned to the throat": Alcohol game

"Cleaned to the throat": Alcohol game

For an alcoholic game "Completed to the throat" Need paper with a pen.

The meaning of the game is to drink a glass of beer ordered in a bar for the least number of sips. The number of sips made by each participant is recorded on paper. The loser pays for everyone.

"Skillful Hands": Fun game

To play in "Skillful hands", no extra items are required. This is a fun game.

Players sit at a round table, putting their palms on him and take a neighbor by the arm. As a result, before each participant is the right hand of a neighbor sitting on the left and the left hand of the one who sits on the right. Further, one of the sitting says the word "To the right" (or "To the left") and beats with a palm on the table. Players launch a wave of cotton. A person on the left side of the first must clap with his right hand, etc. A penalty glass is assigned for each error.

"Around Water": Alcoholic Game

For this alcohol game called "Around Water", you need the same dishes.

All, except one, glasses are filled with water. You need to pour vodka into one. All glasses must be mixed. Those present disassemble the piles and drink. The one who got vodka will have to complete some task. It is necessary to stipulate him in advance.

Game "Squint"

For Game "Swap" Need a saucer.

Participants put one finger on a saucer standing on the table. On command, everyone removes their fingers, or leave them on a saucer. Players remaining in the minority will have to drink a penalty glass.

"Torque": Alcohol Game with a coin

For an alcoholic game "Torque" Need a coin.

One of those present promotes a coin on the table and pronounces the name of one of the players. The one whose name was named must click on the coin, giving that acceleration and pronounce the name of someone else. If the coin falls from the table, then the player will have to drink the penalty.

"I am never": a game for two

For playing for two "I have never" do not need anything.

The game begins any of those present. The participant who began the game says the phrase: “I have never ...” and adds something that I have never done. Participants who did what the first player said, drink. You can play this game not only together.

"Top nut": Russian game

For the Russian game "Top nut" We need salty peanuts.

Participants throw salty nuts into a glass of beer. Threw nuts fall to the bottom, and then rise. The player whose walnut rose last pays for all participants.

The game "Words for the evening"

For Game "Words for the evening" Need a TV.

Participants choose some kind of keyword and drink every time it is pronounced on TV.

Game "Beer Russian Roulette"

Game "Beer Russian Roulette"

For Game "Beer Russian Roulette" You will need beer cans.

The process of drinking is divided into several stages. Before each stage, one of the beer cans shakes up. Further, banks are mixed and disassembled by participants in the event.

Tire: An interesting alcohol game

For this interesting alcohol game "Tyr" You will need a coin.

The number of glasses corresponding to the number of those present is placed on the table - in the form of a circle. In this case, one is placed in the center. Each glass is assigned to one of the participants. Then the participants throw a coin, trying to get into some glass. If the player manages to get into his glass, then everyone present is drunk. If the coin enters someone else's glass, drinks the one behind whom this glass was fixed. In the case of a miss, he drinks only a throwing coin.

The game "At the bottom"

For Game "At the bottom" Need a stack.

An empty pile is immersed in a glass of beer. Further, all those present alternately pour a little beer from their own glasses into the stack. The participant who drowned the stack is considered the loser. He drinks the whole glass of beer.

"To the nail": alcohol game

For an alcoholic game "To the nail" You need a table.

At the beginning of the party, participants choose one of those present and call him “Palet man”. Then, in the course of the event, this player quietly puts one finger on the edge of the table, hiding the others. Everyone, who noticed the action of the “Palz man”, must silently do the same as he. The player who noticed the process last drinks the penalty.

Game "Endless History"

For Game "Endless story" do not need anything.

One of those present pronounces the word, the other adds its own, suitable in meaning, etc. A player who has not managed to continue the chain logically becomes a loser and drinks a penalty.

Alcohol game "Roulette"

For an alcoholic game "Roulette" We need paper, as well as a pen and a ball.

Participants draw a circle on paper and divide it into compartments. The figure fits into each of the compartments. Next, each of the glasses is assigned a pair of numbers from a drawn roulette. Participants throw the ball onto the roulette and drink a glass under the figure into which he got.

Game "Question-House"

For Game "Question answer" Nothing is required.

Players ask questions that have two opposite points of view. For example: what is more useful, vodka or beer? Then, everyone present is given time to think. Further, the participant in the game, who asked the question, says his own answer and asks to raise the hands of all joints. If there are more who agreed, then supporters of the opposite opinion drink the penalty.

Game "Alcoholic Checkers"

Game "Alcoholic Checkers"

For Game "Alcoholic checkers" Need a chessboard.

Rules of the game "Alcoholic checkers" practically no different from ordinary checkers. The only difference is that instead of checkers, piles are used here, initially half filled with vodka. Having beaten the saber, the player drinks its contents. The stack, which became the "lady", is filled completely.

Alcohol game "Brown Bear came"

For an alcoholic game "Brown bear came" You will need a large amount of beer and vodka.

To begin with, vodka is poured into some dishes. Then the players drink the contents of the dishes with glasses, replacing the beer drunk with glasses. When the liquid in the dishes becomes the same color as the beer, one of the players says: "Brown bear came". After that, the participants begin to accompany the “brown bear”, repeating the whole process on the contrary, that is, adding vodka to beer. When the liquid in the dishes becomes completely white, it will mean that "Brown bear left" And the process will go in the opposite direction. The game continues until all the participants are completely disconnected.

Game "Seven"

For Game "Seven" We need cards.

One of the players mixes the cards and puts the deck on the table. Further, the first participant pulls out the map and calls everyone its meaning. For example: a lady fell out-you can’t look into the player’s eyes until someone pulls the same card. A participant who violates the rule will be obliged to drink the penalty. Participants pull out the cards in turn until they end.

Alcohol game "Flowers" for a banquet

For this alcohol game called "Flowers" You need to prepare cards with words. It is often used on banquets and other similar events. This is a role -playing game in which all participants depict flowers and a gardener. To begin with, one of the players is assigned to the host, who should give out cards with words to all participants-flower participants.

The host pronounces the text, calling the flowers in turn. A participant named the host pronounces his text, for example:

Gardener: "I pour everyone"

-Narcissus: "Both-on"

- Rosa: "I demand a detachment"

- Chamomile: "Well, you give"

After the game, everyone sits down at the table to drink and eat.

Ruff: alcohol game

For an alcoholic game "Ruff" We need cards, as well as a lot of vodka with beer.

The meaning of the game is simple. Participants alternately pull out cards, each of which means a predetermined action. In order not to complete the resulting task, the participant can drink a penalty glass. During the game, those present are forbidden to go out from the table, even to the toilet.

King Cup: Popular Alcohol Game

King Cup: Popular Alcohol Game
King Cup: Popular Alcohol Game

For the game you will need cards. "King Cup" - This is a fairly popular alcohol game. First, it is necessary to lay out the cards on the table, around the glass, shirts down. Further, the participants take turns pulling one card that will indicate some action. For example, a player who got a three is obliged to drink. If someone gets five, then everyone present is drunk. The game ends when the last king stretches.

Alcohol game "Vobla"

For the alcohol game "Vobla" you will need cards with tasks.

Participants divide prepared cards with tasks into two decks. Next, each player pulls the card with the task and performs it. A participant who does not want to complete the task must drink a penalty glass.

"La item": game for two

For the game "Laralger" you will need screw cover from bottles and staircase in the entrance. You can play together.

The bottle covers must be laid out on the stairs, one on the step and fill with alcohol. Further, each of the participants should pass the staircase from beginning to end, drinking the contents of the covers on each step.

"Bingo": alcohol game with simple rules

To play in "Bingo", you need a drum with balls for lotto and multi -colored glasses. This alcohol game with simple rules. They are almost the same as the usual lotto. Participants twist the drum with balls. The player should drink a glass of the same color as the ball that he got. The catch is that the glasses are not filled the same: some completely, others half.

Alcohol game "with a ball"

For an alcoholic game "with a ball" you need a small ball and a special table. At first, two teams are created that will play against each other.

Cups filled with beer are placed on the playing table. Next, each team throws the ball, trying to get into the opponent’s capacity. If the ball is in a glass, the player of the opposing team drinks it and removes it from the table. If the throwing one misses the table, then the ball goes to another team.

The game "Foam for erudite"

For Game "Foam for erudite" We need beer of different varieties.

The drink is distributed to all participants. One of those present takes on the role of the host and detects 30 seconds. During this time, each player must explain what he got, without words.

Alcohol game "Culing for your home"

For an alcoholic game "Culing for your home" We need scissors, paper and a TV.

To get started, make a mustache out of paper and glue them to the TV screen. When the mustache coincide with someone's face on the screen, the participants will have to drink, after which the mustache stick to another place.

The game "drank or removed"

For Game "Drank and removed" Need a coin. A participant in the game throws a coin and guesses which side it will fall. If the participant guessed, he passes the coin to the next player. The one who is mistaken will be obliged to drink or remove one thing.

"Tekelor fall": alcohol game

For an alcoholic game "Textile fall" We need tequila and a bottle of water.

The presenter fills all the glasses with water, except for one. The remaining glass is filled with tequila. Further, the participants disassemble the glasses and drink on the command of the host. The player to whom the glass with tequila fell will have to answer a frank question.

Game "Drunk Tinder"

Game "Drunk Tinder"

For Game "Drunk Tinder"we need strong alcohol.

Participants put up in the application tinder Parameters for finding a partner. Next, the rules in which the players will have to drink, for example: one - for like, two - for the received message and so on.

Alcohol game for adults "Real American"

For alcoholic gaming for adults "Real American" We need strong alcohol.

A table is placed in the center of the room, and on it a bottle called "king". Around the bottle-corol, beer jars are placed, which become pawns. Further, the room is divided into four zones, in which you can move only by furniture without stepping on the floor. The losers go "Pants", the winner - "king".

Game "Edward - 40 degrees"

For Game "Edward - 40 degrees" Large bottles with beer and adhesive tape are required.

One of the participants in the party becomes "Edward." The rest of those present tie large bottles of beer with tape to the hands of this person. It will be possible to remove the bottles from the hands only by empties.

Alcohol game "Turn the glass"

For an alcoholic game "Turn the glass" We need large, disposable glasses.

Two teams are formed, which are built near the table, with glasses of beer. Further, the first members of the teams drink their glasses and put them so that the bottom appears beyond the edge of the table. Then each player tries to throw the glass so that he falls on the table to the top of the bottom. Until the glass lands on the table to the top with the bottom, another member of the team will not be able to devastate its glass. The team wins, which used to be devastated and turned upside down.

Drinko game

For Game "Drinko" A large number of different types of alcohol and ball are needed.

Players choose several types of alcohol and pour everything into glasses. Then the participants throw a ball, trying to get into some glass. Once in a certain glass, the player should drink it. For greater fun, you can pour not only alcohol into glasses, but also something less pleasant, such as soy sauce.

"Guess who": Popular alcohol game

For this popular alcohol game "Guess who" Paper and pen will be required.

Each player makes a person, writes a name on a piece of paper and hides it. Further, the participants are trying to guess who made someone, with the help of leading questions. If the answer to the question is negative, then the mocked player drinks the penalty. If the participants guess the person whom the player made, then the latter must completely devastate his glass.

"Drunk Twizer": Game for a fun company

"Drunk Twizer": Game for a fun company

For this game, a fun company will need Twizer And a lot of alcohol.

The rules are practically no different from the classic game. Participants play Twister. A player who has lost his balance, or put his feet with his hands incorrectly, should drink a glass of an alcoholic drink, after which the game continues. Naturally, it will be difficult to play very intoxicated participants.

Alcobox game

For Game Alcobox Playing bones will be required.

Two participants sit in front of each other, the rest play the roles of seconds and coaches. "Boxers" throw playing bones in turn. A player who has a smaller number must drink a glass (skip a blow). Each round round lasts three minutes. The battle ends after the knockout of one of the fighters, or after 12 rounds (draw).

"Bottle": classic alcohol game

For an alcoholic game "Bottle" You will need one empty bottle and a large amount of alcohol.

The rules of the game are practically no different from its classical version. Players sit in a circle and promote a bottle. The participant in the game, which will show the neck of the bottle, drinks a glass of an alcoholic drink.

Game "Drunk Gymnastics"

For Game "Drunk gymnastics" A gymnastic hoop is required.

The rules of the game are simple. The participant must twist the hoop on some part of the body and at the same time try to drink an alcoholic drink. The winner is the one who will devastate his glass faster than others.

“Mighty Sip”: Alcoholic Game with beer

For an alcoholic game "Mighty Sip" A lot of beer will be required.

According to the rules of the game, participants are trying to drink the same amount of beer as soon as possible for fewer sips. The loser pays for a drink to everyone else.

Game "Tower"

For Game "Tower" You will need wooden bars.

First you need to fold out of wooden bars, with tasks written on them, the tower is 18 rows high. Further, in the course of the game, the participants will pull out one bar out of the tower and perform the tasks that are written on them. An elongated bar must be put on the top of the tower. The player who ruins the tower will have to drink the penalty glass.

Extreme alcohol game "Submarine"

For an alcoholic game "Submarine" You will need an apartment and a very large amount of alcohol.

This is the most extreme of the famous alcohol games. To begin with, in the apartment it is necessary to hang the curtains very tightly so that it is impossible to understand what is currently at the moment of the day. Next, all players turn off the phones and hide them in some place, for example, in a box. Also, the room should not have hours and other items that can show time and date. The TV and the computer are turned off. The front door closes, and the key is hidden in a reliable place. Further, all participants go into binge. The game continues until the reserves of alcohol end. Sobering, participants are trying to guess the time and day of the week.

In conclusion, you need to add that you should not be too carried away by such entertainment, no matter how fun and interesting their description looks. In the world there are a huge number of more safe ways of pastime. But, if you still want to spend time with friends behind a bottle of your favorite alcoholic drink, for example, on a birthday or just at a party, then ahead! Absolutely everyone will like not only to drink drinks, but also have fun. Good luck!

Video: Top 5 Alcoholic Games for the Company. (Alco-games)

Video: Top 5 Games with Alcohol for Adult Company at the table


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