The best outdoor games in nature for a fun company. Outdoor games with children

The best outdoor games in nature for a fun company. Outdoor games with children

The rules of outdoor games in nature for children and adults.

Holidays in nature are interesting not only to children, but also to adults. After all, this is a way to spend time together, enjoying each other's company. For the correct organization of rest, it is best to choose the right entertainment that will be interesting to all participants. First you need to decide how the participants in the action want to spend time. For lovers of outdoor activities, games and entertainment in nature are designed. 

Outdoor games for the company in nature

Among the simplest are sports games: volleyball, football and badminton. You can take time with quests, paintball, which will give vivid emotions. One of the simplest and most interesting options for pastime in nature is relaxation with contests and games. If you are a little puzzled, you can choose a lot of interesting games and contests that will help not only have fun, but also bring the company participants closer to each other. Perhaps in the future these acquaintances will result in beautiful love stories. There are many competitions for a fun company. 

Outdoor games for the company in nature:

  • Guess who. It is necessary to choose one of the guys, having previously blindfolded him. It is necessary to build all the girls who enter the company in a row. The guy’s task is to find out who is in front of him, probing the girls. At this moment, girls can not talk so that no one would hear their voice, could not determine who it is. Thus, it is necessary to blindfold all the guys, changing the girls in places. 
  • The game of checkers. This is not a standard and familiar game, but a way to speed up the intoxication of guests. To do this, with the help of a chalk on the asphalt, draw a small chessboard. However, in the cells, not checkers should stand, but containers with alcohol. It can be alcohol with different fortresses and dishes of various volumes. The person who beats the saber, leads it out of the game, should drink what is inside the container. 
  • Equilibrium. This is an interesting game that is suitable for girls who are engaged in oriental dances. However, in fact, the competition will be interesting to all participants, especially for the hopping company. To do this, it is necessary to choose a small container or plastic glass, filling it with something loose. It can be sand or some kind of cereal. On the head, each participant needs to put a glass with loose contents. On command, participants must take a certain distance. To do this, it is better to mark the lines of a certain length in advance, for example 30 meters. Thus, the participant must go at one end of the line, go back, and transfer the glass to any participant. The person who drops the glass returns to the start and repeats his actions until he overcome the necessary distance. The team that can cope with the task faster. 
  • Running on the rope. Two or several people participate in the competition, who will overtake whom on ropes at a certain distance.

Outdoor games for adults

If the company has free girls and guys, then the main task is to introduce and bring them closer.

Outdoor games for adults:

  • Cheerful cook. For this competition you will need an egg and a tablespoon. For the game, you need to choose two participants from different teams. Each of the participants must clamp a spoon in the teeth, and put an egg in it. At the command, participants must move the egg in a spoon without breaking it to the cook. The distance from the start to the finish line should be 10-15 m. 
  • Who is gone. It is necessary for the game to choose a participant who is worst with other members of the company. The game is interesting if several people are involved in it who are little familiar with each other. It is necessary to choose one of the participants, blindfolding him. One of the team members is hiding, and the participant opens his eyes and tries to guess who was gone. If the company is small, then the player must guess what the missing member of the team, features of his face or clothing were dressed in. 
  • Incendiary dances. For this competition, it is best to choose participants who are little familiar with each other. The ideal option is a guy and a girl. At the initial stage, you need to take a regular newspaper, put a guy with a girl on it. After including music, the couple should dance to the beat of the melody. After 1 minute of dancing, the newspaper is halved. The competition continues until the newspaper becomes very small. If the couple goes beyond the newspaper, she leaves the game and does not receive anything. A couple that can stay to the very end, dance on a small piece of newspaper, receives a prize. 
Funny company
Funny company

Funny outdoor games in nature

In nature, you need to move a lot and have fun, so they give preference to mobile competitions.

Funny outdoor games in nature:

  • Driving. This is a difficult game that is not related to racing and cars, but during the game you can intoxicate in a short period of time. To do this, you need to choose a participant in front of which 3 plastic cups are placed. In two of them, vodka is poured, and in one water. The participant must drink the first glass and drink it the second. It is very funny to watch how the water is washed down with strong drinks. It is best to practice such a game late when the company is funny, and one of the participants is sober. 
  • Guess. For this game, you need to choose two participants who are weakly familiar with each other. It is best if it is a guy and a girl. Participants should look at each other within 1 minute after the command of the host. After that, they turn their backs to each other, and the host begins to ask questions. Questions can concern the color of the eyes, the features of clothing, or the physique of players. 
  • Funny dances. For this game, you need to choose two participants - a man of a woman. One of the participants blindfold. Further, the man dances with the girl, after which she returns to the line to other girls. The main task of the man is to guess with whom he danced. In order to complicate the game, you can blindfold both a man and a woman. Participants must guess with whom they danced. 
The third game is extra
The game "Third extra"

Outdoor games in the fresh air for children

Children love to spend time, however, so that they do not loom, it is necessary to come up with interesting games and contests. Games in nature help not only to occupy the free time of children, but also to participate in their development. With the help of simple games, you can instill in them love for animals, as well as familiarize with the habitat of birds.

Outdoor games in the fresh air for children:

  • For this game, it is necessary to draw one large circle in which all participants in the game will fit. At a distance of 1 m from this circle, draw another one. That is, each next circle must entrust the previous one. Thus, two small ones will be inside the largest circle. One of the circles corresponds to the forest, the second swamp, and the third lake. An adult calls a bird or animal, and children should become in the circle that, in their opinion, corresponds to the habitat of the animal or bird. For example, the cuckoo lives in the forest, the pike lives in the lake, and the toad in the swamp. As soon as the children are determined with the habitat of a living creature, the teacher should tell a little about him, how he looks, where he lives, some interesting facts. But the game should not look like a lecture. 
  • Funny eggs.For this game, you need to take a tray from eggs and put at a distance of 10 m from children. Each baby needs to give a small ball. Each of the children should abandon as many balls as possible into the deepening of the tray from the eggs. Each of the players should have six to seven balls. The player who won receives a prize. 
  • Fishing. For the game, it is necessary to tie the thread to the belt or the upper part of the leg, and to it a small candy wrapper. It is necessary that this candy wrappers dragging about 10 cm on the floor at a distance of about 10 cm. The main task is to step on the opponent’s fish after turning off the music, but protect his own. With your hands, you cannot touch the threads with fish. The main task is to step on it with your foot.
For kids
For kids
The game is catching
The game "Catching"

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It is necessary that the game is interesting for all vacationers.

Video: The best outdoor games in nature

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