The cool scenario of the matchmaking by the groom: the words and text of the groom, the parents of the groom, matchmakers, toasts, ditties, songs, poems. Funny contests, games jokes, gifts on the matchmaking of the bride from the groom

The cool scenario of the matchmaking by the groom: the words and text of the groom, the parents of the groom, matchmakers, toasts, ditties, songs, poems. Funny contests, games jokes, gifts on the matchmaking of the bride from the groom

The article offers you many ideas for the scenario of matchmaking by the groom.

Rules, customs, traditions of matchmaking by the groom

Matchmaking - This is the old custom of the Slavic people to notify the girl’s family that they want to marry her. As a rule, the bride’s hand was asked precisely from the father, and not from the girl herself. To do it right and well, a couple asked for help from the matchmakers. The role of matchmakers was most often played by parents, close relatives or good friends.

But it was impossible to just take it and go to the matchmaking. Before doing this, the family of a young guy was going to a kind of advice, after which he was deciding who was going, what he says and how he achieves the consent of the bride. After the Council, the matchmakers went to the girl’s house to notify that the family knew about the upcoming event.

Unfortunately, in modern life, ancient rites have lost their need. However, some families (most often those who live in villages and small cities) still retained this custom. The matchmakers and relatives of the groom come to the house of his narrowed with songs and dances, read poetry, sing ditties, joke and try to cheer up the girl’s parents.

Important: matchmaking is a kind of sign of respect for the bride’s parents. So the young man shows his respect and says that he has serious intentions.

Matchmaid customs:

  • If, after the solemn part, the parents agreed to the Union, they had to treat the matchmakers and the groom with a punishment (he could be replaced with bread).
  • After the consent of the matchmakers and all the guests, they invited him to a set table to enjoy the event and discuss all the details of the wedding: when it is better to arrange it, who will pay, whom they will invite to the wedding.
  • The groom should bring a gift to the groom not only to your bride (in the modern version this is a ring), but also to the parents of the girl: father and mother.
  • If it happens that the family gives the groom a refusal, it was customary for him to make a loaf, but a “garbouz” (the fruit of the Bakhchev family: pumpkin, watermelon, less often melon).
  • It is also important that the matchmaking was carried out standing. All scenes, poems and songs should have been spent standing on his feet, without crouching - this is a good sign. If someone was sitting, this sign said that the wedding would not be soon.
  • It was worth leaving the house after the feast only in the dark and after sunset so that no one could jinx it.
  • The groom, except for gifts, should definitely please your beloved and her mother with flowers.
Scenario of cheerful matchmaking and the tradition of celebration

What do the groom take with them for matchmaking, what is the loaf?

According to another old tradition, the groom's parents, if they went to the matchmaking, baked loaf or bread with them. This bread was awarded to a young girl. If the young was not interested in the wedding, bread (loaf) remained intact and returned to the matchmakers.

If the girl liked a couple, this loaf or bread was cut into exactly four parts in the middle of the celebration. The girl herself did it. She gave two parts to her parents and two parents of the groom, calling them “mother” and “dad” - it was a good sign that foreshadowed understanding and way in the family.

What should the groom need as a gift to parents for matchmaking?

Cool with humor text of the script of the matchmaking by the groom: the words of the groom, parents, matchmakers

Each family can come up with their own matchmaking script. It is important to create your own unique, and not take a ready -made template, because every bride and groom are unique. You can fill your script many entertaining points:

  • Poetry
  • Scenes
  • Ditties
  • Songs
  • Jokes
  • Jokes
  • Riddles and so on.

Important: each matchmaking should traditionally begin with the "crown" phrase: "You have a product - we have a merchant!". After the phrase, the script can be supplemented with funny verses, greetings and jokes.

Poems for the script from the groom:

Today the heart beats briskly,
After all, I decided to knit myself
Bonds and calmly
Live all your life only for you!

The bride, the narrowed - a fairy tale!
Accept me with all your heart,
I will give care, affection
And I will share love with you!

My narrowed
Like a star in the sky
Like a rose in the garden
I will save you!

We came to get married today
Me and faithful matchmakers,
I don't want to be free
I want a wife! You will be you!

Today we have to get to be welded.
Ready, elegant matchmakers came,
Gifts were also treated,
To achieve your agreements!

The star is clear, narrowed,
You are the only one in the world,
I've come to get married to you
Your love boast of your love!

I want to give me good
The parents of my bride.
I in my heart without her
Dumerly, sad, very cramped!

Such as you (the name of the girl) in the world cannot be found:
Mudra, slim, beautiful, good!
I will not give you hundreds for you, thousands!
If only your soul was happy!

Half of the world is ready to get around
For you, dear.
I'll give you the planet
I don't know the barriers!

My dear beauty,
I came to get married today.
Come out, my dove,
I will kiss you in the lips!

I'll give you a ring
And the heart in love
Only (name) come out,
Happiness is waiting for us ahead!

What verses to include in the script for matchmaking?

Cool songs for matchmaking from the groom's side Text

You can improve your script with fun and perky songs. They are best executed under a lively accompaniment (if possible): guitar, button accordion, violin, flute, and so on. Songs should be singing to absolutely everyone present. To sing them happily, emotionally. Songs should be selected thematic: with jokes, poems and the offer of the groom's hand and heart. During singing, you can also go on dance.

Important: if you are not strong in songs, then everyone can sing ditties. Choose funny quatrains and samp them with the whole crowd, clapping your hands and smiling.


I wanted to get married for a long time
Only a reason was needed,
And today I decided
No more idle!

Idle and not married
I'm tired of walking around the world.
So I came to turn on to you
After all, you are not more beautiful!

I'll tell you secretly:
I fell in love - there is no strength!
Now I want to get married
Here he is my big secret!

I am to you, my dear
I will give the planet all,
What else to give - I don't know!
I love you with my soul!

There is no more beautiful you in the world
No you love you.
Fucks are dancing for you,
You are my beautiful!

I want to marry you
You are my beauty!
These matchmakers are like a wedding
And all the matchmakers poison!

I ask you, bride,
Do not drive the groom
If at home is very crowded,
You come out of the house!

Ditties for matchmaking from the groom

Groom's matchmaking games

Games or fun will help to diversify the script well. They will be able to defuse an awkward environment and bring everyone present on the matchmaking.

A variety of fun contests

Jokes and humor for matchmaking from the groom

Jokes and jokes can be included in any part of the script. They will help to have fun through the entire official part, to make it interesting and fun.

What jokes can be turned on:

Jokes and poems

Poems for matchmaking by the groom cool

The words of parents for matchmaking:

You are apparently a good bridegroom
And you will come our daughter.
Gifts give us more expensive
You will not find another bride!

Good matchmakers, rich,
And our daughter was easily covered.
Let's make it more interesting
You sing us a funny song!

We raised our daughter with care and warmth,
They gave everything to her, bought and loved.
Now you agree to give you good for a wedding
And give my daughter an expensive groom!

Wow, the matchmakers are good today!
The tongue is suspended, they say so sweet!
And we are ready to give your beloved daughter freedom,
So that life is the same smooth!

Today you, matchmakers, came to us to our souls,
Words, poems and songs are good!
May this marriage be happy the most
The wife for the husband will be affectionate with delight!

Words of matchmakers for matchmaking:

We came to match today
Your daughter is a beauty,
The bridegroom is curly
I really like her!

We are good matchmakers
We bring happiness to everyone
And today is a daughter
You ask you to marry!

Matchmakers are such people
Which you will not forget for a long time.
Today we came to your house
And happiness shines around!

We will match you today,
Praise you and delight you
Kindness we will not forget
And we easily start!

Dobrastous matchmakers
You were brought to treat, flowers,
You are offered to give the bride.
Such a groom, you need to urgently take it!

Poems for matchmaking

Groom's toasts

During the feast, you should read many pleasant and important toasts. They can be said by prose or poems.

Toasts in verses:

Let's drink for love
So that the young reigned,
To run in the veins blood
And the life of the Union blessed!

All relatives gathered at the table,
Everyone wants happiness to this couple.
Parents at the young bride gold
And the guy has the same!

I want to raise the glass I am complete,
So that everyone around is happy!
So that happiness is this couple,
So that we walk here not without reason!

Parents rejoice, relatives rejoice,
Our holiday is amazing, it is glorious!
Let this pair be joyful, despondency will pass,
And the matchmaking will turn into a wedding smoothly!

How to diversify the scenario of matchmaking with verses?

Groom's matchmaking contests

Competitions and entertainment for matchmaking:

Competitions and entertainment

What to give for matchmaking from the groom?

As already mentioned, the groom should give gifts to his beloved and her parents during the matchmaking.

What can you give a girl:

  • Ring
  • Bracelet
  • Beads
  • Pendant
  • Earrings
  • Jewelry figurine
  • Sweets
  • Flowers

What can you give a girl to a girl:

  • Flowers
  • A box of sweets
  • A jar of honey
  • Handkerchief
  • Decoration
  • Dishes
  • Picture

What can you give the girl to the girl:

  • A bottle of good alcohol
  • Dear cigars
  • Hookah
  • Tasty treats
  • Figurine
  • Set of tools
  • Notebook
  • Picture
  • Set for the bath

Video: "Matchmaking: How to Mark the Bride?"

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