Can Muslims buy lottery tickets, participate in draws, contests in social networks?

Can Muslims buy lottery tickets, participate in draws, contests in social networks?

Muslims are forbidden to buy lottery tickets, participate in different competitions and draws.

Various quizzes, contests, draws have long become part of everyday life. You can participate in the lottery, not only by buying a ticket, but also distributing information about the seller, having subscribed to the company's account on social networks, having bought a certain product and so on.

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But not all religions approve of this type of game. For example, in Islam, gambling is a sin. Therefore, it is important for the believer to understand whether his participation in the lottery or draw is haram, or this type of competition is not forbidden. Read further.

The participation of Muslims in competitions in social networks: is it possible?

Muslim is prohibited from participating in competitions in social networks
Muslim is prohibited from participating in competitions in social networks

Many people have accounts on social networks. And most users saw information about the competitions and quizzes. The rules of participation in them may be different. It can be a repost of the recording, leaving the comment, and so on. Sometimes you need to send a record to your friends or indicate them in a comment. Is it possible to participate in such competitions in Islam?

A Muslim can take part in such draws, but subject to the following conditions:

  • The product offered as a prize should be permitted by religion. If, for example, alcoholic or tobacco products are proposed as a prize, then you need to refuse to participate in such a competition.
  • The advertised product should not contradict the norms of Islam. Even if the prize is acceptable with religion, then you can not participate in the competition, if it is necessary to disseminate information about the forbidden product. Often you need to make a repost of the record or send it to your friends. That is, a Muslim on his own behalf will offer to purchase a product that is condemned by Islam. And this is a serious sin.
  • A company or a person conducting a draw should engage in acceptable activities. Their production or profession should be consistent with the norms of Islam.
  • There is no contribution for participation in the lottery. Participation in the draw should not be assumed any additional fee. Otherwise, such a draw will be considered a gambling game. And such games are strictly prohibited by Muslim.
  • The winner is determined by the generator of random numbers. It is not known in advance, and receiving the prize depends on good luck. Participation in such competitions is not prohibited by Islam.

Sometimes contribution is not directly required. The seller asks to buy any thing from the proposed assortment, and then upload a photo with the purchase. The permissiveness of participation in such competitions will depend on the purpose of the purchase of goods. If the thing was bought only to get a win, then the purchase is equated with a contribution. And that means participation in the lottery will be a sin.

In the event that the Muslim needed to purchase specifically this thing, and the lottery is an additional pleasant bonus, then participation in such a competition is permitted. However, all of the above conditions must be met.

Pens from printed publications, radio and television: Can Muslims participate?

Mass media, print media, radio and television quite often various competitions are held. They can be both intellectual and entertaining. The reader or viewer must answer one or more questions. Or you need to subscribe to the media on social networks. The list of required actions can be diverse. Can a Muslim participate? The actions of a Muslim in these cases are similar to actions with participation in competitions held on social networks.

  • You can not participate in those draws where you need to make a contribution for participation in the competition.
  • The increased price for communication services will be considered a contribution. For example, the answer to the question must be sent through SMS messages. But the price of such an SMS will be higher than the tariff. The difference between prices will be considered a contribution.
  • The same applies to the cost of calls.
  • You can take part only in those draws where the prize does not contradict the norms of Islam.

If the print publication is bought only in order to participate in the competition, then such participation will be considered unreasonable. So, a Muslim bought a newspaper or a magazine not for an educational goal, but with the aim of participating in gambling.

Do not buy a printed publication if its price increased only due to the fact that a lottery or draw is held. Again, the difference in the price between the magazine with the lottery and without the lottery will be considered a contribution for the gambling game.

The main conclusions about the permissibility of the participation of a Muslim in lotteries and draws

In the missiles permitted by Islam, the Muslim can participate
In the missiles permitted by Islam, the Muslim can participate

The Qur'an strictly prohibits participation in gambling. But in modern life there are more and more draws, lotteries, quiz and contests in which a person can become an involuntary participant. If a Muslim has become a participant in such a competition, then he should pay attention to whether the conditions, gifts of the contest are contradicting the norms of Islam. If there are no violations, then you can safely take part in the draw. Below you will find the main conclusions about the permissibility of the participation of a Muslim in lotteries and draws.

All modern draws and lotteries are divided, as a rule, into two types:

  • Targeted acquisition of a coupon or lottery ticket. In order to become a participant in the competition, you need to buy a certain ticket. And not necessarily in paper form. The ticket can be virtual. But both types of tickets have equal strength.

The participation of a Muslim in such a lottery is prohibited! Even if money or other valuable prize is received, they need to be returned to the owner. When the owner is unknown, the winnings are spent in places of common interests of Muslims. Assigning a win will be considered a sin.

  • Random participation in the lottery. When a person becomes a participant in the competition after the purchase of any product or service. The permissiveness of such participation is determined by the goals of the buyer. If he really needed the goods, and he did not initially plan to participate in the draw, then participation will not be considered sinful.

If the goods were purchased only to participate in the lottery, then such participation is undesirable, since it is a sin. These important aspects of the Muslim must be taken into account before participating in the draw of something. Muslimism strictly regulates the life of its followers. It establishes not only religious, but also legal norms. The whole life of believers should correlate with the norms of Islam.

Various contests, lotteries, draws are no exception. None of these types of leisure should discredit the honor and dignity of the believer. Participation in such games should not compromise a Muslim. Therefore, before participating in a draw, lottery - a follower of Islam must find out whether or not to participate in a particular competition.

Video: gambling in Islam, lotteries and contests | Sheikh Sa’ad al-Shasri

Video: Competitions in Islam | Sheikh Sa’ad al-Shasri

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