Brushichchik before the wedding: ideas, script, contests, games, stripper. Gifts and wishes for a bachelorette party

Brushichchik before the wedding: ideas, script, contests, games, stripper. Gifts and wishes for a bachelorette party

A bachelorette party is a special event that allows a girl in a festive form to say goodbye to a idle life and leave a lot of vivid impressions and memories from this. There are many interesting ideas for organizing an event that will not allow guests and culprit of the celebration.

How to hold a bachelorette party in a cafe, a nightclub: script

  • A bachelorette party is a special event that is organized on the eve of the wedding for the fair sex. To be more precise, most often a bachelorette party is celebrated two or three days before the wedding to leave the bride to relax and put herself in order before the wedding
  • As a rule, the bachelorette party should be organized by the bride’s friends, but it is not rarely the organizer and the initiator becomes the bride herself
  • The tradition of celebrating the bachelorette party came to us from the West, because there this triumph is of particular importance. People try to build their personal lives first and only then decide on marriage
  • Getting an offer and playing a wedding is considered not so cheap pleasure. But every girl probably dreams of him from infancy, which means that this event should get a maximum of pleasure
  • The goal of absolutely any bachelorette party is to have fun with friends, to feel free and free to make nonsense. The days have already passed when the bachelorette party was a reason to say goodbye to youth and idle life
  • Nowadays, this event carries a completely different meaning. There are many scenarios and various ideas that will allow you to spend time with maximum fun and adventures that can be recalled in marriage
How to conduct a bachelorette party?
How to conduct a bachelorette party?

How can this event be held with friends? The scenario can be such ideas as:

The celebration of the bachelorette party in the cafe.

  •  Of course this is not an original option, but it may well give you a lot of pleasant impressions because it will not be ordinary and boring
  • The situation of the cafe will relax and feel solemnly. For such a bachelorette party, you can choose both daytime and evening time
  • Invite your friends to bring everyone to the bachelorette party from a photograph and on a personal item that your memory is connected with
  • Such gatherings are perfectly accompanied by delicious alcoholic cocktails. The bride will be happy to get symbolic, but traditional gifts from her friends

The celebration of the bachelorette party in the restaurant.

  • This method is significantly different from that which can be carried out in a cafe. Restaurant - cultural public institution
  • Try to note the bachelorette party by ordering exquisite dishes and expensive champagne. Spend the evening modestly, communicating with friends and recalling various life situations
  • For a bachelorette party, every girl should prepare with a special trepidation: choose a dress, shoes, make makeup and hairstyle

Spend a bachelorette party in a nightclub.

  • As practice shows, this is one of the most popular ways to note the upcoming wedding
  • The night club is a place where you can drink alcoholic cocktails, dance and allow yourself a loud laugh, pranks and even singing
  • Rent a separate table or cell in a nightclub and then your event was held “with a bang”

A bachelorette party is a territory only for girls: for close friends and friends. The guys, husbands and male friends are simply forbidden to attend a bachelorette party. An exception is only a stripper Il leader-male.

  • If you have certain means, order yourself a specialist-master who owns many scenarios and has endless jokes, games, contests, riddles in his arsenal
  • If you are not configured for such entertainment, you can always entrust the organization to responsible friends, they cannot and should not refuse you this
  • The bachelorette party is always accompanied by any indecent jokes, erotic and sexual contests, frank gifts and many non-modest photographs for memory
  • Brushichchik - the last day of the girl’s free and carefree life before she accepts all marital duties

How fun to spend a bachelorette party at home? The ideas of a home -made girl

It happens that holding a bachelorette party in some other place except the house is simply impossible. In this case, girls should carefully think over the script of the event and think about how to conduct it fun and unforgettably.

An excellent option for such a pastime is pajama party.It has such a name only because all those present on it must necessarily be dressed in clothes for sleeping.

Girls can bring interchangeable clothes with them, but it will be much more interesting to risk appearing in it straight from the street.

How can you have fun at a pajama home party? Very simple! The pajama party can serve as a more fun, and most importantly - a mental event for the future bride.

To do this, you must have either separate free housing, or rent an apartment for a day in which all the necessary conditions will be.

How to spend a bachelorette party at home?
how to spend a bachelorette party at home?

At a pajama home party dedicated to a bachelorette party, you can do:

  • dripping delicious alcoholic cocktails yourself - for this, stock up with a sufficient amount of juices, fruits, alcohol
  • order pizza or sushi at home -this will help not to stand in the kitchen and prepare a table for guests and will allow you to enjoy delicious favorite food
  • do pleasant cosmetic procedures -sitting in a pleasant friendly female company, you can safely paint each other's nails, make masks on the face, body, try interesting products, wind up curlers
  • take gifts from friends -by tradition, all friends should bring the bride not expensive, but symbolic gifts: underwear, sexy toys for future wedding nights, cosmetics and other little things
  • watch your favorite melodrama or comedy -this is a very “female” and pleasant activity if you combine it with cocktails, snacks and emotions
  • invite a stripper -also one of the options to “warm up” the girls and especially the bride for future fun who are waiting for her after the wedding
  • carry out the battle with pillows or soft toys -one of the popular classes at pajama parties allows you to relieve stress and have fun

Brushwriter in nature, how is it unusual to conduct a bachelorette party?

  • Some girls can conduct a bachelorette party in nature. Though a simple, but quite real way to relax in the company of friends
  • In this case, it will not be possible to order food at home or dance in the light of sophists. Fans of calm and relaxation prefer this vacation option
  • Brushword in nature involves cooking meat on coals, a lot of fresh vegetables and delicious snacks
  • Perhaps someone will consider a bachelorette party without men in nature a boring occupation, but this is a purely individual business and everyone should independently choose their own way of celebrating
Brushwriter in nature before the wedding
brushwriter in nature before the wedding

How can you entertain guests on a bachelorette party, which is held in nature:

  • active conteststhe incentive of which will be the winning of symbolic and pleasant prizes
  • hold an interesting photo shoot with the participation of a professional photographer and get a lot of bright photos with close friends and leave good memories
  • sunbathe in the sun - This can be done at the pool, reservoir, or just on the most ordinary lawn
  • play with the ballor any other entertainment: darts, onions
  • bend many beautiful wreaths of wildflowersand decorate them with them for a photo shoot
  • guessfor the future with the help of cards and other attributes that women used in antiquity
  • chat with the older generation -you can always invite your mothers, grandmothers and sisters to the event, who will share invaluable experience and advice

The ideas of the girlfriend. How to spend a bachelorette party in a spa, a bath?

A bachelorette party held in a spa or in a beauty salon is a great idea of \u200b\u200bthis important event. Spa is the place where any woman can relax, plunge into the world of beauty and relaxation.

In modern beauty salons, a number of procedures are provided that can be done to several girls at once. This method is useful to spend time for health, good health or attractive appearance.

Various procedures allow you to relax. In the spa you can afford:

  • relaxing general massage, as well as massage of the back, legs, neck, face and hands
  • various wraps for the whole body
  • manicure
  • pedicure
  • facial masks
  • relaxing baths and jacuzzi
Brushword in spa or in beauty salon
brushword in spa or in beauty salon

In some beauty salons, you can order a master class, where specialists in body care and face will tell methods of applying makeup, creating hairstyles and skin care.

In such rooms, you can afford to drink champagne, fruits, berries and endless conversations heart to heart.

Not every bride will be able to afford the spa, but if all the friends are quit at this event, this will be a great gift for a beloved friend.

Interesting contests for a bachelorette party, how to entertain guests on a bachelorette party?

Competitions and entertainment on a bachelorette party is a pleasant pastime that allows you to have a funny time, get a lot of emotions and bright memories. There are a huge number of them and they can be attributed to their category: quizzes, games with cards, fortune telling.

Competitions and entertainment for a bachelorette party
competitions and entertainment for a bachelorette party

Competition "Piquant question".

The meaning of this competition is to allow the bride to answer the most tricky and piquant questions regarding her personal life before marriage.

As a rule, such answers to the questions make them a little nervous, worry, frank and laugh. Such issues should be interfered with the simplest questions and choose them with the entire company with the back of

Competition "Perfect Wife".

The competition involves answers to questions about the household, wisdom and accuracy of every woman who wants to marry: "How to meet her husband from work?" and so on.

The correct answer to the question makes it possible to earn one ball, and the maximum amount guarantees the bride receiving a prize - apron and a tack, for example

Fortune telling -a great way to diversify leisure and have fun in a women's company.

You can guess for the number of marriages, the number of children and their names, the number of lovers (as an option), but whether there will be happiness in marriage and how many years the young will live

"Funny Fanta" -a great way to spend time with interest.

To do this, you can in advance a variety of tasks that the bride must complete. In case of failure, she is awarded the punishment - an extra glass of alcohol or even more tricky task: kiss the stranger, dance on the table, shout a defiant phrase

Games on a bachelorette party, how funny to spend time in a women's company?

Games on the bachelorette party perfectly diversify leisure, this is an excellent entertainment for girls, which will be the best memory for many years. As a rule, wedding games are simple, but always focused on personal life, hobbies and facts regarding the bride herself:

Wedding crocodileit differs from the usual “crocodile” in that all those present depict figures and try to convey the events regarding the future event.

In this game, you can take part in absolutely everyone present and the funnier the image will be, the more fun the entertainment will be

The game "Perfect Man" -the bride is offered to choose several parts of the face of men. You can cut them from different magazines and posters.

The bride needs to make a portrait of an ideal man: eyes, nose, mouth, hairstyle and result, be sure to save and compare with her future husband

Fortune-telling on eggs-surrounds-to do this, stock up in advance kinder surges. Each girl should choose one egg for herself and ask him a exciting tricky question.

The answer to the question will be the toy received, which the girl immediately interprets in her own way

Games for a wedding girl
games for a wedding girl

What do they give for a bachelorette party? What is customary to give?

A bachelorette party is an important event and that is why a future wife should be given a variety of gifts. These gifts do not have to be expensive, but symbolic and thematic.

As a rule, girls give their friends a gifts of an erotic or piquant nature.

Gifts for a bachelorette party
gifts for a bachelorette party

Most often, the presentations are the following options:

  • erotic underwear - As a way to diversify the first wedding night. Various combinations, sets, stockings, garters, sexual shoes are used
  • erotic toys -which will also make the personal life of the newlyweds interesting and unforgettable. The bride will not always buy such toys to herself and therefore the gift will be very relevant
  • subscriptions in beauty or spa salonso that the young wife is able to rest as often as possible, allow herself the joys of life, relaxation and give beauty
  • cosmetics and cosmeticsto care for yourself
  • comic giftsin the form of a rocking rock “for the upbringing of a husband”, the remote control “to manage my husband” or “a textbook of a good wife”
  • kamasutra -the love textbook will be a great gift option for a married couple

Wishes for a bachelorette party: words in verses, in prose. How to congratulate the bride?

A bachelorette party is an occasion to congratulate the bride original and in a special way. There are many options that allow you to congratulate the young wife in prose, poems or humor.

Wishes for a bachelorette party to the bride
wishes for a bachelorette party to the bride

Congratulations to the bride in prose:

  • Dear, (name)! I want to congratulate you on the fact that you will soon become the legal wife of a loved one. I want to tell you that you made a worthy and good choice in favor of an honest and kind person. Let everything in your life be sweet, like our cake (shows on the cake), colorful as our outfits, funny as our holiday and happy for long, long years!
  • (name)! I want to thank you for such a wonderful girl. This is an extra reason to notice your beauty, your originality and friendliness. I wish you that in the future, your marital life was the same fun and rich in events. Be a good wife, mistress and mistress. Smile as widely as every family day today and do not forget about your faithful friends!
  • On this day I want to tell you how much you mean for each of us. We are grateful to you for the fact that at this important point in life you do not forget about your close friends and try to share it with us. I wish you many fabulous days in family love, harmony and carnal pleasures!

Congratulations to the bride in verses:

  • You will dress a white dress
    And shines the ring on the finger,
    Of course I will be bored
    For you and want to walk ...
    Let the wine pour a generous river,
    The shores will be covered with caviar,
    To go past the edge.
    So that you are always happy!
  • My beloved girlfriend
    You will go down the aisle soon.
    And I'll tell you today
    You won’t find a better husband.
    May this holiday be happy
    Let all your sadness leave,
    Feel happiness in your personal life,
    What is with you by the hand!
  • We are on the bachelorette party today
    We'll spend the time perfectly
    Today you are still free
    And we dance and sing.
    You will become the best wife in the world
    And you will be happy in the family.
    Do not be afraid, get married
    We wish you all the benefits of all to you!

What is the cake for a bachelorette party? What is the peculiarity of such a cake?

  • A bachelore cake is a pleasant feature that serves not only a delicious dessert, but also a pleasant gift and a symbol of the event
  • The cake can be presented to the bride by ordering it from a specialist and this will be the best option. The cake for a bachelorette party is necessarily dedicated to either wedding topics or erotic
  • One of the options is a cake depicting a wedding dress and dresses of bride's girlfriends. There should be exactly as much as there are friends at the holiday
  • Such a symbolic thing can be sitting, or you can save as a keepsake
Cake for a bacheloretterator
cake for a bacheloretterator

Another version of the cake depicting the bride itself in a wedding dress. To do this, you can use a barbie doll or a marzipan doll.

Option of a cake for a bacheloretterator
option of a cake for a bacheloretterator

Another variation of the cake involves the image of a sexual male chisel or any other as a symbol of the upcoming stormy marriage and funny entertainment after the wedding.

Cake for a bachelorette party
cake for a bachelorette party
Cake for celebrating a bachelorette party
cake for celebrating a bachelorette party

Another type of cake involves the image of the male genital organ. This is the most popular type of cake, which makes the bride fall into embarrassment and rejoice still with life free from marriage. It symbolizes farewell to idle life and further fidelity to her beloved husband.

What kind of limousine to order?

  • The order of the limousine is one of the most popular ways to have fun to conduct a bachelorette party. Of course, this requires a big city in which the limousine will be able to ride and carry ladies on wide streets
  • The limousine allows you to place many girls inside themselves, where they can communicate, drink champagne, listen to music
  • Some girls prefer to order such entertainment as the "dance of the stripper" precisely in the limousine.
  • Close atmosphere, a closed room and the ability to touch the dancer - the advantage of this pastime
  • On the other hand, limousine is a great idea for a modern and original photo shoot. Such a photo shoot will cause many emotions, memories and pleasant sensations of prosperity and superiority
  • Limousine will be able to bring you to various places and attractions of the city where you can also take a picture, relax and have fun

Anyone can be ordered to order a limousine, but white is more popular - as a symbol of the upcoming wedding and pink as a symbol of girlhood and femininity.

Limousine for the celebration of a bachelorette party
limousine for the celebration of a bachelorette party

Do you need a stripper for a bachelorette party?

  • The most popular modern entertainment that girls allow themselves at the celebration of a bachelorette party is an order for a stripper
  • He entertains the bride and the friends present in with incendiary dances and games. As a rule, the stripper pays more attention to the future faithful spouse
  • The stripper can be rented for an hour, as well as for a long time. You can always order a certain topic, or a suit for a dancer
  • The dancer embodies in himself and symbolizes the farewell of the bride with idle life and the last opportunity to look at a naked man who is not her husband
Brushman with a stripper
brushman with a stripper

Video: "Bachelorette party, ideas for celebrating a bachelorette party"

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Comments K. article

  1. the cakes are cool) But I would advise something more pronounced on the bachelorette party)) an erotic cake is more suitable, it seems to me) Well, I, at least I see my future bachelorette party for myself. Already looked at the cake in the confectionery oasis)

  2. COOL!!! Nuu is where on a modern bachelorette party without a stripper !!

  3. COOL!!! Nuu is where on a modern bachelorette party without a stripper !!
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    An original gift for your friends to a restaurant, club, karaoke or home!
    A spectacular and beautiful show at your event! Forget the ordinary congratulations and surprise your favorite girlfriends. Professional, bright and costume show! You can order men's striptease on a bachelorette party on our website!
    This is the best original and memorable gift for life !!

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