The cool script of a pink wedding is 10 years of marriage and congratulations on the anniversary of the wedding of 10 years in SMS, verses and prose. Cool toasts on the wedding anniversary of 10 years

The cool script of a pink wedding is 10 years of marriage and congratulations on the anniversary of the wedding of 10 years in SMS, verses and prose. Cool toasts on the wedding anniversary of 10 years

The article offers you ideas for celebrating the tenth anniversary of the wedding, as well as beautiful and humorous congratulations for the couple in love.

Where is it better to celebrate the anniversary of 10 years of wedding?

The ten -year anniversary after the date of marriage is a big holiday. It should be noted with all triumph and careful preparation. This anniversary is called "Pink Wedding" (or you can find such a name as "Tin wedding").

This period of life together says a lot: the spouses trust each other, love each other and found understanding over many years of marriage. Of course, this the event requires all attributes: flowers, gifts, invitations to a restaurant, toasts and close people nearby.

The scope of your anniversary depends only on how ready you are to meet it. But, as practice shows, the couple tries to meet a “pink wedding” is magnificent and so that “remembers”, because not every family can boast of such a period of relations.

The anniversary of the wedding can be found at home, in nature (if weather conditions allow), but best - in a restaurant or cafe. Such an event will fill the holiday with a special meaning. In addition, spouses will be able to spend time on themselves without training and kitchen, granting themselves a “real holiday”!

To an event organized in a cafe, you can invite the organizer or, more simply, toamada. A professional in his field will be able to prepare the program so that none of the guests misses, enjoy entertainment, music and jokes.

It will not be superfluous to include various competitions and entertainment competitions in the entertainment program, if the number of guests invited and the area of \u200b\u200bthe leased institution allows. In fact, the anniversary is a “small wedding” and therefore its holding is very similar to the day of marriage: elegant clothes, the first dance, the oaths of love.

Important: often those who have a marriage day have limited themselves to painting and a small triumph at the family table are organized a magnificent walk on a 10-year anniversary. Many decide to leave abroad and there to conduct a symbolic rite on the ocean or in the spirit of local traditions. Other, often believers and Orthodox people are married.

What is the difference between a "pink wedding" and how to celebrate it, where?

Cool script of a pink wedding of 10 years of marriage

The script for the “pink wedding” should be thought out by the organizer. It is important to saturate the script with a mass of pleasant verses and words, exclude “vulgar” and inappropriate jokes, as well as contests (they took place only on the day of marriage, and then in the second half of the holiday, when the drinking guests longed for fun).

First of all, you should think over everything in terms of decorating the hall for the celebration and creating images of lovers. For example, you can start from the very name of the anniversary "Pink Wedding". Invite your wife to put on a pink veil, to your husband to give your beloved a beautiful pink bouquet. Decorate the hall with pink balls, tablecloths and bows on chairs. In addition, a large number of roses petals should be in stock, which can sprinkle 10-year-old “newlyweds” during the dance and arrival in a restaurant.

The first part of the "meeting":

  • Guests are waiting for spouses near the cafe. If there are enough guests, you can build a “corridor” from them, as was done on the wedding day. Give each guest a handful of pink petals for sprinkling lovers.
  • Tamada reads solemn poemsupon the arrival of the newlyweds, he says many compliments, praises their beauty and a huge feat “to live together the soul in the soul for 10 years”.
  • After that, all guests follow the newlyweds in the hall. Here, in this part of the event, while everyone is “beautiful” and glad to see each other, you can organize a thematic photo shoot. To do this, it is best to pull the banner (a special canvas with a background).
  • You should also consider the moment of presenting gifts, because guests will definitely come "not empty -handed." Organize a special table for folding gifts or ask a special person to accept them and attribute them to a “specially provided place”.
  • After a photo shoot and reception, guests and lovers sit down at the table. At this moment, the toamad is good to read a beautiful poem about love and fidelity, toast and raise the first glass for a happy family.
Organization of the celebration "Pink Wedding"
The solemn speech of the Tamada for organizing the celebration and meeting the newlyweds at the event
Congratulatory words of the TAMADA
Congratulatory verses for meeting lovers
Wedding banner at the celebration
Wedding photo shoot on the tenth anniversary of the wedding

Competitions for the anniversary of the pink wedding 10 years

Competitions and funny entertainment will help to spend a holiday on one wave of positive. Guests must be remembered by such a holiday where everyone can rejoice, laugh, joke and enjoy joint pastime.

First of all, before the start of an “active” entertainment program, invite guests to watch a video of a film specially shot or compiled from a photo (sweet show) in which events and family achievements over 10 years of life will be listed. You can call the video very simple: “10 years of happiness”, “10 years of our family”, “our 10 years of love”.

What contests can be included in the program:

"Pink love"
"Wedding Songs"
"Find your beloved (beloved) to the touch"
"Pood salt"
"Hold the flower"

Games for the anniversary of the pink wedding 10 years

Active and funny games are best held in the second part of the event, when the guests were pretty drank and relaxed, as well as liberated. Here you can use the entire “arsenal” of funny and even “adult” jokes (unless, of course, there are children at the festival).

Games to celebrate the anniversary of the "pink wedding":

Game "check"
Game for guests "Dancing for three"
Impromptu performance at the wedding

Jokes for the anniversary of the pink wedding 10 years

Jokes for the anniversary of the wedding can be present everywhere: in congratulations, toasts, wishes, competitions and fun. They can be read orally, write in congratulatory cards or messages.

Joking for the anniversary "Pink Wedding":

Live with each other for 10 years
It happens very difficult
But this couple proved to everyone
Which, in principle, is possible.

Ten years - a big date
And check for love.
Life was not only sweet,
Often acidic for no reason!

Wedding "Pink" today,
The guests are having fun!
After all, you will not find such love
On the planet, on Earth!

Guests are drinking cheerfully,
Ten years of love and happiness!
Let it live fun and simple,
Let them not touch you trouble and bad weather!

You have experienced this period together,
A lot of joy, a lot of sadness.
And now, like a "sausage in the test",
You, like a couple of "twix" for coffee, tea!

Funny congratulations and comic verses for the "pink wedding"

Cool toasts on the wedding anniversary of 10 years

Comic or beautiful toasts can complement any wedding anniversary. They will help create a good mood for all those present and in love.


We will raise glasses for you,
Let everything be easy and beautiful!
Let scandals leave life,
Let it live warmly and happily!

Today the wedding is "pink",
Blooms and smells of roses,
Let there be a lot of joy
And juicy ripe sweetness!

We wish you prosperity
So that everything in life is smooth!
For the kids pleased
The problems did not annoy!

You are well done, this date
You had a family!
Let life be warm,
Let it dissolve in love!

You are beautiful and happy
You are your favorite ten years!
Let for many days awaited you beautiful,
Love will be strong!

Cool and joking toasts to congratulate spouses on a "pink wedding"

Congratulations on the anniversary, wedding day 10 years old wife in verses, SMS, prose

Every man should congratulate her beloved woman such as 10 years of marriage. To do this, you can choose any words: prose or poems, the main thing is to read them "from the heart."


Beautiful and tender,
My happiness is boundless
My joy is careless
Eternal happiness to you!

I wish you all my soul
And he wanted ten fairy years,
Congratulations on this date,
For me you are a divine light!

You gave me a bright life for 10 years,
I gave me joy, house, children,
Let your any thoughts be easy,
Let your every day be more fun!

You are beautiful ten years later
As if I met you today,
You give me love, joy, light,
Life with you is easy and calm!

Thank you, dear, for coziness,
For fairy -tale children and for care,
Let the angels, dear, take care
Let the family with a dream be, not work!

Fabulous, kind, sweet and tender,
Let the serene happiness meet with you,
Give me the children and the family happy,
For me, you, the sun, are the most beautiful!


Expensive! Thank you for 10 years of understanding and support. You gave me a wonderful life and a huge family happiness. I thank you for the children, infinitely delicious dinners, experiences, anxiety and female faithful love!

Do not be you, love! There would be no such great and joyful happiness in my life! You are my meaning of life and live with you, I want not a dozen, but hundreds of years in a row.

With a "pink wedding" you, my wife!You gave me a family and self -confidence, tomorrow, in the future. Every day I return to our house and I know: at home love, fidelity and coziness are waiting for me!

Congratulations from her husband to his wife for a "pink wedding"

Congratulations on the anniversary, wedding day of 10 years to her husband in verses, SMS, prose

In turn, the wife should “sincerely congratulate his beloved husband, thanking him for everything that he gave and gave her in these ten years of marriage.

Poems and SMS:

Thank you, my spouse
For endless anxiety,
You are the best, faithful, kind friend,
You took my alarm away!

You and I lived for ten years,
Ten good and fabulous years,
Ten years we loved each other
And love was given in response!

Thank you, dear,
What are you still with me
That you give me affection,
I don't know you better!

You are the best husband in the world
I don't need another and other
You are next to me for many years
My inspiration, my light!

You are a strong and brave man
Probably the best in the world
My second half
My warm, passionate wind!


Thank you, dear, that all these 10 years you have not lost faith in me, you did not exchange happiness for the little things and always supported not only with a word, but in deed. You are the best man in the world because you could make me happy!

Thank you, my dear spouse! That one day you found the courage to get to know me and become my soul mate. I am infinitely grateful to you for support and round -the -clock help! You are my inspiration and my joy.

Thanks to fate for having once brought me to you, dear!You are the best friend and spouse in the world! You made me the happiest woman in the world!

Congratulations for her husband for a "pink wedding"

Congratulations on the anniversary, wedding day 10 years to friends in verses, SMS, prose

Congratulations to your friends on a ten -year wedding anniversary should be beautiful kind words. You can do this at the festive table, as an SMS message, in a telephone conversation or just write poetry on a postcard.


You are well done, friends, you are super!
Other people look at you
Let the joy not leave you,
Let the good only surround you!

There are no people like you in the world,
Let the family be far from troubles,
Let only good surround you,
Let the wife be glad to her husband!

You are our example and our inspiration,
Let others not have doubts,
You are the best pair in the world
Your family will be happy!

We congratulate you sincerely and with all our hearts,
After all, not everyone has been ready to live in love for a long time.
We only wish you kindness and only love
So that everyone can envy you in this world!

Video: "How to note the wedding anniversary:" Pink Wedding "

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