What time of the day is better to have bananas, apples, grapes and other fruits? Do you need to eat fruits before meals or after eating?

What time of the day is better to have bananas, apples, grapes and other fruits? Do you need to eat fruits before meals or after eating?

Do not know what time of the day there are fruits? Read the tips in the article.

Fruits are the fruits of trees or shrubs, inside of which the seeds are contained, they are covered by a juicy part, covered with a dense shell. The composition of the fruits includes beneficial vitamins and nutrient components. For example, in citrus fruits, high content ascorbic acid, there is also a group vitamins c and carotene.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What are the most useful vegetables, fruits and berries for the human body?". You will find a top of the most useful vegetables, fruits and berries for men, women, children, pregnancy, diabetes, for the heart, blood vessels, eyes, liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines, kidneys, losing weight, hair, skin.

But fruits can also adversely affect the body. Few people know about this. Let's take a closer look at what time of the day it is better to eat fruits and it is better to use them before meals or after. Read further.

The benefits of fruit

The benefits of fruit
The benefits of fruit

Almost all fruits contain fructose, sucrose, pectin, mineral salts, starch, vitamins A, C, K, R. This is their benefit. Fruit fruits are one of the main sources of organic fiber, which is necessary:

  • To normalize fat metabolism
  • Excretion from the body of harmful cholesterol
  • Normal functioning of the gastrointestinal department

Most people suffer from overweight. To get rid of the undesirable body weight, you need to change your diet: reduce the number of calories used. If you resort to a “hard” fruit diet, you can lose within a week 7 kg. This type of nutrition is suitable for those who set themselves the goal of losing weight quickly. But remember that at the same time you need to drink. Daily rate of drinking water at least 2 liters.

Fruits should be used as the main source of nutrients. They are rich in vitamins and trace elements. But eating alone with such fruits is harmful. In the everyday diet, proteins, fats, carbohydrates should be present, and fruits act as an addition to full nutrition. It is good to consume fruit fruits with a small indicator of sugar, they will accelerate metabolic processes. The most useful include:

  • Apple - The main source of fiber, helping to strengthen immunity. It is better to eat acidic varieties, they have a lower fructose content. Such a fruit is the prevention of cancer of the colon, strokes, heart attacks.
  • Grapefruit - It will make excess fluid from the body, breaks down fats, improves metabolism.
  • Orange - It is rich in useful vitamins and affects the metabolic processes of the body. If you eat 3-4 fruits per day, then the level of cholesterol and colds will decrease.
  • Pomelo - Relieves hunger, removes harmful substances from the body.
  • Pear - Saves a feeling of satiety, removes toxins and toxins, lowers heat. Ascorbic acid in such a fruit is twice as much as in citrus fruit, rich in potassium, magnesium, fiber.
  • Kiwi - dulls a feeling of hunger, normalizes digestion, relieves hernia.
  • Strawberry - Protects from relapses after removing the tumor, crayfish.
  • Watermelon - It will quench thirst, but will strengthen immunity, prevent cancer. Contains potassium and vitamin C.

You need to be very careful about this type of diet. With small quantities, the fruits are useful, and in large volume, they can be badly harmful. Many have a question, at what time, after what period of time after eating or before meals, you need to use fruits so that they bring maximum benefit for the body? Look for an answer below. Read further.

Do you need to eat fruits before meals or after eating?

Fruits need to eat correctly
Fruits need to eat correctly

People often ask questions to nutritionists about the time of fruit. Do you need to eat fruits before meals or after eating?

  • Eat correctly before eating - in 30-40 minutes.For this period of time, fiber manages to completely digest, all useful components are absorbed by the body.
  • There are fruits immediately after the meal not recommended. Products are mixed and begin to acidify, turning into acid, and will become useless for the body.

If you eat the fetus immediately after eating, there will be a feeling of a crowded stomach, bloating, gas formation. This will cause a lot of inconvenience. An increase in acidity in the body is very harmful to people with gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers.

What time after eating can you eat fruits?

Another popular question: what time after eating can you eat fruits? It all depends on what was eaten for lunch:

  • Vegetables are digested 2 hours
  • Croats and fish - 2 hours
  • Meat-3-4 hours
  • Eggs-4-5 hours
  • Lighter food-1-2 hours

After this time, you can safely eat the fetus. If you don’t want to wait for so long, then you can enjoy a fruit dessert no earlier than after 60 minutes After the main meal.

When is it better to eat fruits: in the morning or in the evening?

It is better to eat apples before lunch
It is better to eat apples before lunch

Most dietitian doctors give preference to eating such food in the morning. Fruits are on 80% From juice. With proper use, the fiber is in the stomach for 30 minutes, and then split in the intestines. In the morning, the body needs energy, it can be obtained when eating citrus fruits. Also, with their help, you can accelerate metabolism and reduce blood cholesterol. If you eat mangoes before lunch, then you can remain full of strength for the rest of the day.

Figs and apricots are better to eat before lunch
Figs and apricots are better to eat before lunch

But remember: In the morning, immediately, after waking up, and even more so - on an empty stomach, there are no fruits. It is better to do this after breakfast-1-2 hours after eating.

After a dense dinner, it is better to eat kiwi, figs or any berries. These fruits will relieve belching, heartburn, severity in the stomach. In the evening it is useful to use berries. They are small -calorie, nutritious and easily absorbed.

For a light snack is suitable:

  • Green apple
  • Pear
  • Grape
  • Banana
Banans are better to eat in lunch
Banans are better to eat in lunch

The banana has a large amount of magnesium. This fruit also contains a lot of calories, therefore it is suitable for people leading an active lifestyle. There are a lot of glucose in grapes. This fruit refreshes well, its use allows maintaining the body in good shape. A pear has a diuretic effect, helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

In what quantity are there fruits?

The World Health Organization recommends to use an adult daily 300-400 gramsfruit, about two portions. If you have problems with blood vessels or pressure, it is recommended to eat a larger number - at least 500 grams fruits or 5 portions during the day.

A one -time portion belongs to:

  • A small apple
  • Average pear
  • Big Orange or Banana
  • 90 g of blueberries
  • 32 medium -sized grapes
  • Half of the average pineapple
  • A glass of chopped mango

This amount allows you to get all important elements. It is permissible to use during the day 3-4 portions. It is advisable to eat fresh fruits grown in your region, and not brought, for example, from other countries.

In what form are there fruits?

It is better to eat fruits raw
It is better to eat fruits raw

We are all used to eating fruits. But still the question: "In what form are there fruits?", occurs often. You can use fruits:

  • In whole form
  • Frozen
  • Dried
  • In the form of juices, smoothies, salads
  • After baking, pickling

However, the most benefit, if it is fresh, without exposing heat treatment. After cooking, baking, drying, etc., fruits lose most of the beneficial substances.

Therefore, there will be very good for the body, if there is jams, jam. In addition, such a rolling contains a large amount of sugar, and this is already additional harm. In the fetal cheese, all vitamins are preserved, and also many useful trace elements are contained, in contrast to dried, stewed and sugary fruits.

How to combine fruits with other products during weight loss?

For weight loss, eat fat -burning fruits in a separate meal
For weight loss, eat fat -burning fruits in a separate meal

Naturally, fruits can not be combined with all foods. After all, they have a lot of acids and fiber, which can affect the assimilation of other products. How to combine fruits with other products during weight loss?

First you need to figure out which products should not be combined fruits. To do this, we will divide them into several groups:

  • Sweet

it dried fruits, almost all grape varieties, figs, banana, dates, persimmon. Not combined with fish, meat products. You can grind and add to the curd mass, ice cream, combined in a fruit salad. But it is advisable to eat as separate food.

  • Sweet-sour

it peach, apple, nectarine, apricot, sweet varieties of pears, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, melon. It must be remembered that the watermelon and melon cannot be combined, they are not combined with each other. It is forbidden to mix with dairy products, also for combining with vegetables, acidic fruits - are not suitable. It is better to use separately or in the form of salads, for example, a peach with an apple, an apricot with raspberries and strawberries, etc. And the watermelon and melon should be eaten in separate portions 1-2 hours after the main meal.

  • Sour

it pomegranate, cranberries, cherries, citrus fruits, kiwi, green apples, sour varieties of pears, grapes. They harmonize each other, but sour -milk products can be supplemented. They are combined with nuts and cottage cheese, you can prepare a light cottage cheese dessert with cherries.

Advice: To lose weight, give preference to fat -burning fruits. You will find their list above in the picture.

The most suitable way to use weight loss is to mix fruits with sour -milk products. In combination, you will get a useful smoothie. Mix fruits that can be described above. But eat no more than 300-500 grams per day. You can prepare, for example, a fruit salad of different fruits and berries. Different vitamins and trace elements will enter the body. But do not mix fruits with fresh milk, otherwise there will be a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea.

When you need to eat fruits - pears, apples, kiwi, grapes, bananas and others: tips

People with good health and the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you can make your breakfast for 30%, And make a full dinner - from fruits. If you have reduced acid in the stomach, then you can eat fruits to the main meal. Fiber, juice and fruit acid will help start the process of digestion of food.

  • In the cold period it is better to absorb citrus fruits, kiwi, persimmon. They help strengthen immunity and make up for the lack of vitamins. Bananas, grenade and aiva - Fill the body with the necessary microelements: magnesium, iron, calcium. Persimmon The hormone will develop happiness, improve vision and skin condition.
  • On warm days, it is better to give preference to seasonal fruits. They contain a large number of vitamins.

So, when do you need to eat fruits? Here are the advice

  • Pear - Use 2 pieces during the day. Such a fruit is very heavy for the stomach, so it is not worth it at night.
  • Apples - before lunch, sweet varieties are better - Golden, Red Chif, Red Prince, Gloucester. Such apples will not cause abundant secretion of gastric juice and heartburn.
  • Bananas - They can be used as a snack - 1-2 hours before meals, but no later than 18:00. They are high -calorie and are heavily absorbed in the body.
  • Kiwi - In the morning for energy. After food - with a feeling of severity.
  • Grape “It’s better not to eat it at night.” It causes a feeling of hunger due to increased production of gastric juice. It has a high glycemic index. Include it in the diet in the afternoon.
  • Watermelon - is a diuretic tool, after 19:00 It is not recommended to use. It is better in the morning, it contains polysaccharides that increase brain performance.
  • Plum - Before you need to drink a little water. Have a laxative effect, serve 50 minutes before meals. Best time - from 12 to 18:00.

The use of each fetus must be considered individually. With specific pathologies, especially with gastrointestinal diseases, it is often forbidden to use some species. For example, with obesity - bananas, with an ulcer - grenade, apples and citrus fruits, etc.

Remember: With minimal activity, any fruit is transformed into sugar and fat. Therefore, if you lead a inactive lifestyle, then you need to eat the minimum amount, especially sweet ones - no more than 200 grams per day.

During the eating of the fruits, you do not need to rush, it is necessary to carefully chew every piece. Portations should be moderate. As mentioned above, consuming food, you need to pay attention to the energy consumption of a particular person. With excessive use of fruits, excess weight is gained. Remember this. But in general, fruits are very good for health. These are your “dietary supplements”, only instead of capsules and pills, you will eat delicious fruits.

Video: When there are fruits - before, after or during food?

Video: Fruits - how to use it correctly?

Video: Evidence that you eat fruits incorrectly

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