Laxative products, vegetables, greens, fruits and berries, dried fruits and nuts, herbs, drinks and dairy products from constipation: a list, brief description

Laxative products, vegetables, greens, fruits and berries, dried fruits and nuts, herbs, drinks and dairy products from constipation: a list, brief description

The human body should work like a clock. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast with good health. At first glance, such frivolous malfunctions as constipation or diarrhea can easily disable, and for a long time. Treatment with tablets is harmful and expensive, and not everyone is suitable for everyone.

What spicy greens, healthy vegetables from the beds are weak: list, description

What relates to a group of laxatives?

  • If you suffer from frequent constipation, then collect the crop from the following vegetables:
    • fresh cucumbers;
    • green cabbage;
    • and all its species;
    • juicy tomatoes;
    • bright carrots;
    • asparagus;
    • radishes;
    • young kabachkov;
    • and, of course, beets.
  • All these fresh vegetables are excellent laxatives, because they have a lot of fiber, which means that the intestinal work will be normal.
  • Green and onions -this is a vitamin product. Regardless of the species in such a product, there is a lot of vitamin A and even more C, which is why there is a onion useful for colds. Vitamin B is also important, which accelerates all the metabolic processes of our body.
    • Raw onions are not recommended for people who have a ulcer. In this case, it is better to use the product in boiled form. Online and green onions in their composition have bitter oils. They are known for their benefit for the digestive system, as well as as a medicine for constipation.
  • Once the root crop turnips The Greeks and the Egyptians fed their slaves. The Slavs are also familiar with this vegetable and its useful qualities. The vitamin supply of the product costs, because it has a large amount of vitamin C and groups of vitamins B. The intestines cleaned our great -grandfathers and great -grandmothers with this product, since the decoction of the root crop has a high -quality laxative effect.
  • Her relative - radish,which has a more pronounced bitter taste also has a laxative effect. After all, they practically do not differ in composition, but vary only in color.

  • Horseradish - This is a root plant. On the tables, he is a frequent guest, especially on holidays. Famous to humanity has long been about 4000 years. You can talk about useful properties for a long time. It has vitamins B, C in large quantities, as well as bitter oils, micro- and macro elements.
    • Those who suffer excess weight will be to help. It favorably acts on the entire human food system, activating and warming its organs. Which as a result increases the metabolism, and prevents from constipation.
  • Root ginger It is rich in fiber and essential oils. The product improves the general condition of the intestines, its motor skills and peristalsis. Fecal masses soften and easily head to the natural exit.
  • Beaver culture lentilsalso complements this list. But besides constipation, it still helps to relieve nervous tension and relax. It is also a large supply of protein, which makes up most of our diet, so this culture is so appreciated in Asia.
  • Sea cabbage, broccoli and spinach -these are vitamin products in which there is a lot of iodine and fiber. Therefore, they are easily absorbed even by children, and have laxative qualities.
  • Dill, parsley And the other fresh greens Madly useful for the body if a person has problems with the intestines. For example, dill seeds have a laxative effect, and a decoction of them can be given even to small children with constipation and swelling.
    • Parsley, possessing vitamins B and C, has in its chemical composition flavonoids, which perfectly copes with the function of intestinal treatment. With constipation, it is also useful to drink a decoction of this plant.

What fruits and berries are weak?

The benefits of fruits and berries cannot be challenged. Most often, they are effective in treating problems with the intestines and from constipation. After all, a large number of natural sugars gives a hyperosmotic effect, so the liquid is delayed in the intestines, and the volume of the feces themselves increases. And, as a result, they successfully go to the exit. But each fruit has its own effect, so we bring to your attention a list of fresh fruits with their properties for our stomach.

Berries and fresh fruits for the treatment of constipation and intestinal problems

  • Apple Better take green . Moreover, this is a useful and affordable fruit that cleans your intestines thanks to the presence in the composition of a substance such as pectin. Recall that this substance is not absorbed in the intestines, but stimulates its correct work. To help the pectin in apples, there is also fiber, known for its healing properties in the case of constipation.
  • Pear - Quite strong and well -known laxative, but if it is large, sweet and early variety. Its chemical composition has more than 4 g of sorbiti. To increase the laxative effect, it is better to eat a fruit with a peel in which there are useful rough plant fibers.
  • They will help in the affairs of problematic and citrus fruits - grapefruit, lemon and orange. Thanks to their vitamin and mineral properties, as well as plant fibers, the necessary enzymes are released. And the intestines safely remove the feces, and with them, and unnecessary toxins.
  • Plumuseful in fresh and dried form. If you eat about ten plums, then constipation is not afraid of you. All this thanks to the sugar substance sorbitol, which is based on some laxatives. Sorbitis helps to retain water in the intestines and push the extra masses to the natural output.
  • Avocado -one of the fruits where fiber occupies the main place. If you eat this delicious fruit often, then you can provide yourself with a 30% daily dose of such a substance necessary for the body. It also contains components such as lutein and other trace elements, which helps the suction process in our small intestine, which improve the general condition of the body.

  • Bananas rich in fiber and this is a well -known and undeniable fact. The product is well absorbed by the body. But if the problem of constipation arises, choose the most ripe and soft fruits. Oligosaccharides are also beneficial to the intestines, because they delay the fluids in the intestines, and are also a nutritious agent for good bacteria.
  • Kiwi -dietary fruit. For the treatment of constipation, it has the necessary fiber. By the way, kiwi is a leader in its content. If you come across such problems, eat at least two fruits per day.
  • Juicy and bright Apricotes, as well as nectar - These are affordable and tasty fruits that will easily help improve the entire digestion process. They are not deprived of fiber and polysaccharides, which puts the intestines in order, and Himus helps him work without delay.
  • It is also worth highlighting a slightly exotic fruit, which is already boldly donkey in our kitchen - mango. It is also distinguished by a laxative. But it is noted that pectin is more in unripe fruits. The harder the bone of the fruit, the less positive effect from constipation it produces.
  • Incredible, but coconut Helps to eliminate constipation. Indeed, in it, fiber is also saved in large quantities. By the way, this is also an excellent aphrodisiac and a protein supply that helps to gain muscle mass.
  • Mushmula, Lokva or six This is all one sweet, but fresh fruit tastes. Amino acids and pectin stimulate the correct work of intestinal motility. By the way, the most valuable value of such a “Japanese apple tree” is a decrease in blood sugar.
  • Raspberry and strawberriesyou cannot call laxative berries, but they are certainly useful, but rather to normalize and regulate the intestinal. They have fiber (therefore do not have fasteners) and group C vitamins, but are dangerous with allergic reactions. Therefore, up to a year, they are prohibited from introducing them.
Fruits that are weak
Fruits that are weak
  • Cherries and cherries - These are laxative berries, and this function is well, quickly and efficient . Especially if the berries were not yet washed, but went into operation immediately from the tree. But also these berries have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, thereby increasing metabolism.
  • Figsfeel free to use as a preventive agent from constipation. After all, its laxative qualities are at a high level. Such effectiveness due to the presence of natural sugar and pectin in the fetus.
  • If at hand there are such berries as kalina, then constipation is not afraid of you, like colds. Moreover, fresh berries, and teas or compotes based on them have these properties.
  • D. ennya And everyone's favorite sweet watermelon - This is a huge supply of water, which, in turn, acts as the key to the proper functioning of the body. Therefore, you can forget about constipation.
  • The grapes are ordinaryand variety Kishmish -this, of course, is a very tasty seasonal delicacy that acts as a laxative. But also these berries regulate the intestines, improve its microflora and remove digested residues from the digestive tract. True, you need to be neat with them. With a large amount, the stomach can be swollen.
  • Mulberry and mulberry -these are berries that are rich in vitamins of group A, B, C, E and K. for health, in general, very useful. With constipation, it is precisely the ripe berry. A green, unfinished product can be attached, and the effect will be the opposite.
  • Blueberry -this continuous vitamin C. Berry will easily provide the body with this vitamin, and the presence of pectin and saponin in its composition will perfectly increase intestinal motility, and the problem of constipation will disappear.
  • Irgaand her relative is close, Black -fruited Rowan, They also relate to relaxing berries, which help to fight constipation. Despite the tannins in the composition, they have a lot of fiber and pectin, which acts as a laxative. Fresh berries and tinctures of dry fruits are used.
Such seasonal goodies will help get rid of constipation
Such seasonal goodies will help get rid of constipation

What everyday products are weak?

  • Porridge is rich in natural fiber. And thanks to such a polymer, a liquid is attracted between feces, and this provokes the swelling of plant fibers. Thus, the feces are soaked and comes out in a natural way. And it doesn’t matter at all what your favorite cereal is: oatmeal,lentilsa, palvka, corn, buckwheat or wheat porridge.
    • To make it easier to remember which porridge is weak, pay attention to the color of grains. Yellow, beige or gray cereals clean the intestines. And you can also divide them in scattering: ate porridge has such a quality, then it will be killed by the stomach. By the way, the benefits will double if before meals you refuel the porridge with any butter or vegetable oil.
  • After all vegetable oil- This is a frequent assistant with such delicate problems as constipation. Moreover, 1 tbsp is enough. l. And the problem will be solved naturally.
  • Polba -agricultural product of high value. This is a kind of wheat in the package, which has absorbed the maximum of useful substances. Having eaten a portion of half a half, you will saturate the body with a useful protein, which in the product is greater than in the egg. Porridge perfectly removes toxins and has a laxative effect.
  • Chaga mushroom,what grows on a tree is often used for weight loss. Tinctures from the product have a laxative effect, so you should be attentive when taking it.
  • By the way, mushrooms -famous Forest Yvonyatina, which is rich in fiber. Especially distinguished by its greater content Temptor And Reishi's mushroom. Therefore, it can be safely said that they are slanting the stomach. But they should not be carried away by them, since their fiber is rough, therefore it is considered a heavy element for digestion.
  • Fish and fish canned food also normalize the work of peristalsis. By the way, these products have a lot of iodine, phosphorus and omega-3, which normalize the work of not only the intestines, but the entire orgasm.
  • Salo -medicine for the soul and body. It is strongly slapped if a person has low indicators of the acidity of the stomach. In general, it is used for prevention.
  • If you like sharp dishes in which there are mustard, pepperor ginger, as well as turmeric,then they will also help you cope with the problem of constipation. After all, they have a laxative manifestation.
  • Apple vinegar reduces the influence of toxins that have accumulated. Reduces the entire digestive system and removes toxins from the intestines. Verdict - the intestines are slaughtered. By the way, any type of vinegar also has such an action.
  • Among the bakery products, only bread from rye flour of coarse -grinding, with fiber, can be attributed to this group.
  • Can also be attributed to this category and meatbut it must be non -fat and tender. Therefore, rabbit is suitable for this category, chicken, vealand turkey. By the way, they should be in boiled or baked form.
Products that are weak
Products that are weak

A few words about sweets

  • Honeycontains a large number of organic acids and sugar. This does not very annoy the gastrointestinal tract and at the same time acts as a slight laxative. Recommended in cases of constipation to eat up to 100 g of the product.
  • Ice cream and halva -favorite sweetness of the kids. By the way, there is a lot of vitamin V. in ice cream and such sweetness acts as a slight laxative. Halva is a useful and dietary product, which also acts as a non -laxative.
  • Mack -this is a non -core and effective product, if you need to clean your intestines well. Verdict - it is unequivocally lazy.
  • Cinnamon,which is also often added to buns, famous for a laxative effect.
  • Fatty cottage cheeseand, for example, cottage cheese, yogurts and sour cream are more related to laxative products. But for a soft laxative effect, they should be fat enough - from 2% to 9% fat.
    • In general, cottage cheese is a slightly controversial product. For example, a low -fat product, on the contrary, will help to fasten a chair.

About the products that are fixed, read in the article What products are attached - vegetables, greens, fruits and berries, dried fruits and nuts, herbs, drinks and dairy products.

Dried fruits and nuts that are weak: description

They are not only tasty, but also insanely useful. For example, it is better for small children to eat dried fruits than chew sweets. They are not harmful to the teeth, and are useful for the body.

  • Everyone's loved ones are like that nuts,how almond,pistachios, peanut, hazelnuts and cachebyu They have a large amount of fiber, so they have a laxative effect.
  • It should be attributed to this category all cereals and seeds, including flax grain and sesame seeds.Sesame oil is released by a particularly strong laxative effect. Therefore, it requires great caution.
  • It is known that raisin - This is dried grapes that is 10 times more useful. To normalize intestinal motility, there is potassium in it. It is better to use it for this purpose, like a decoction.
  • And such dried fruits as dried apricots, prunes, dates and Uryuk(whole dried apricots) perfectly regulates metabolism. Thanks to fiber and pectin, they are an indispensable product for cleansing the intestines and the fight against constipation. To get the most good result, eat the product itself and its tincture itself. But do not forget to brew dried fruits with boiling water so that they are well rushed.

What therapeutic herbs will be killed?

Decoctions and tinctures of herbs are very useful for many ailments. By the way, they can even be added to your favorite tea for preventive measures. But it is worth knowing how such a tea party will affect the work of the intestines.

Laxatives plants

  • In the chemical composition of such a product as hawthorn,a lot of pectin substance. Pectin is the same fiber. That is, a substance that is not digested in our intestines. But this is even very good. After all, passing through the intestines, pectin stimulates muscle activity and the removal of feces from the body. That is, it has a laxative effect.
    • But hawthorn is also used as a therapeutic agent in cases of a general disorder of the food tract. This is thanks to a huge number of tannins that are in these viscous berries.
  • CHERN - Wild grass. And its real name is a victorious onion, which relates to the family of onion plants. Although the smell is more similar to garlic, but in appearance to the lily of the valley. Cheremsha is vitamins A, B1 and B3, as well as B6, B9 and C. Minerals such as calcium, fluorine, iodine, iron and copper complement the list. But this is far from a complete list of trace elements that are in this plant. It is useful for your cheese for your intestines. His active work will provide emergency assistance with constipation.
  • It is still worth summarizing the list of herbs that are weak and soothe the intestines:
    • calamus;
    • thyme;
    • rhubarb;
    • nettle;
    • melissa;
    • mint;
    • valerian root;
    • licorice;
    • buckthorn bark;
    • dandelion;
    • chicory;
    • joster;
    • senna leaves;
    • golden -haired.

Chamomile is located between these two categories. It helps both with disorders and constipation. More precisely, it remarkably soothes the walls with intestines and produces a calming effect. The difference is only in the dosage. With constipation, it is a little more than with disorders.

Chamomile soothes the walls of the intestines well
Chamomile soothes the walls of the intestines well

What drinks are weak?

Without liquid, or rather without water, we will not live for more than 7 days. If there is a cool temperature, then we will reach the days until 10. These are only the average indicators, we will not talk about record indications. Let's take a deeper look at the properties of water and other liquids for our stomach.  

  • Coffee - This is a favorite drink with caffeine, which not only invigates, but also regulates the metabolism in our body. But he has one nuance - he produces a laxative effect. No, if you drink one cup per day, then nothing will happen. But when taking large doses and a regular way, you are guaranteed a disorder.
  • Birch juicevery useful, because it stimulates intestinal motility well .
  • By the way, Apple juice,a pear drink, multivitamin and other sour juices have a laxative effect.
  • Cooling kvass and jellythat originally from Virgins are laxatives. By the way, the last component should be home -made. From store powders you can expect anything, and even an allergic reaction.
  • A decoction or rosehip tea is an excellent diuretic tool that is drunk for cleaning the kidneys. But at the same time he will clean the intestines, solving the problem with constipation.
  • Favorite cocoawith milk (and without it) , And also fragrant tea produces a light laxative effect. And it is very important - to make these drinks also weak in consistency.
  • Cognac,vodka, Beer and alcohol,in general, the benefits of the stomach are generally not much brought. The stomach and liver suffer most of all. No, in very moderate doses and at a low frequency of administration there is a positive effect for the body.
    • In general, the use of alcohol can enhance the release of enzymes and digestive juices in the stomach, which will only provoke a general disorder of the entire grass system. Please note that with systematic intake, diarrhea and indigestion may occur.
Constipation come from a lack of water
Constipation come from a lack of water
  • Separately, it is worth considering white wine - it also helps well with constipation, having a milder effect on the entire body. But it is about taking a drink not more than 100 ml.
  • Waterincredibly useful for our body . Constipation often comes from a catastrophic lack of fluid in the body. Drinking a lot of water is just vital. After all, our body is 70% water.
    • And in general, the water is responsible for the normal operation of our entire system. Therefore, do not forget to use about 2 liters of raw, not boiled water. By the way, water in plastic bottles is considered dead, so it brings little benefits for the body. Although it will help to get rid of constipation.

Video: Products from constipation

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Comments K. article

  1. I was recently helped with constipation to cope with the beet salads .... Visitibly, this is really a lifesaver)) True, of course, I took a phytolax. But I think all the same, a comprehensive approach and did my job)

  2. Somehow, the baby suffered from a long constipation. No slanting products then helped then ... and the doctor generally said that such “folk methods” can harm and do not solve the problem in the root. And the root was in a bad microflora ... as it happens most often. Когда ее восстановили( бак-сет беби давали и клизмы пробиотические делали) тогда и кишечник заработал как положено))

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