Exotic fruits - photos with names, a brief description

Exotic fruits - photos with names, a brief description

In our article you will find beautiful photos of exotic fruits with a description.

Nowadays, when many people can afford to buy something unusual almost every day, it is no longer so simple to surprise someone with taste novelties. If earlier some products surprised people, now the pineapple lying on the store shelf is already a familiar norm. But in the world there are such unusual exotic fruits that it is simply difficult to believe that Mother Nature created them. A variety of shapes and colors, unusual taste of some juicy fruits can really surprise you. So let's talk about some of them, or rather, about exotic fruits.

Pink exotic fruit - photo, name, brief description

Pink exotic fruit - photo, name, brief description:

  • Kepundung - This is a small fruit with a dense peel, which is not so difficult to remove. Inside, it has a viscous structure of pink color, and a bone that is difficult to separate from the fetus. It is for this reason that this fruit is most often used to cook different syrups and sauces. The people who tried Kepundung noted his pleasant sweet and sour taste. It is widely known throughout Asia, as it is a source of vitamin C and is often used in the treatment of throat diseases.
  • Fruit chMPUthey have the shape of a bell. Often, ChMPU is called a Malay apple, although it is more like a pear of about 6-8 centimeters. Usually the skin of the fruit is pink-red, but sometimes you can find an unusual greenish color. Inside there is juicy white pulp, small bones are found, but if you are quite successful, you can find a fruit without bones, this happens quite often. The ripened chimp has a sweetish taste that satisfies thirst well in the heat.
  • Piahiya, Or the dragon fruit is part of the cactus family. This is a very noticeable fruit due to its unusual form and a noticeable pink color. The pulp inside is like a sweet cream from the Emergency of the elusive smell of vanilla. The color inside can be red or white, it depends on the fruit. More often everything is used in sir form, has a slightly sweet taste, although some people note that this is a rather fresh fruit.
  • Tsabr- The plant, like the previous example, belongs to the cactus family. This fruit was first found on the territory of Mexico, but today it can be found in different parts of the world. Usually the fruits grow on cacti, they are small, in size reach a maximum of 8 centimeters. You can find three different colors of TsBRAR. Most often you can see a red fruit, but there are also specimens of greenish and yellowish colors. Inside, the pulp of snow -white or red with small bones is hidden. The exotic fruit has a sweet, but not sugary taste.

Exotic fruits with a bone - photo, name, brief description

Exotic fruits with a bone - photo, name, brief description:

  • Lukuma - A round fruit, most often has an oval shape, quite large in size. This fruit has a characteristic greenish peel. Inside you will see a yellowish pulp, even closer to orange. It has a viscous consistency, but at the same time juicy is quite juicy. A rather large bone “hides” inside the pulp. If you take a chance to try an exotic fruit, feel sweet, and possibly slightly sugary, taste. Sweetness will depend on the degree of ripeness of the fetus.
  • Longan - Small fruits similar to nuts. They have a yellowish skin that is easy to remove. Inside, a white, almost transparent pulp, in which there is a very noticeable black bone. Due to this obvious contrast of flowers, the fruit quickly gained another folk name - the eyes of the dragon. The fruit tastes sweet with musky notes. The taste of the fruit is enhanced if it is slightly cooled.

Vietnam exotic fruits - photo, name, brief description

Exotic fruits of Vietnam - photo, name, brief description:

  • Jackfruit - First of all, the largest fruit in the world that grows on a tree. This fruit can weigh up to 3 kilograms. It reaches maximum sizes exclusively under favorable weather conditions. Its thick peel is covered with small spines. Not quite mature jackfruits of green color, and those that are already ripe are yellowed. If such a fruit does not fall to the end ripened, it is used in cooking as a vegetable, for example, added to Carry. If we talk about the already ripened fruit, then its peel and seeds have an unpleasant smell of rot. But the pulp itself in the smell is similar to something between Pineapple and Banana. It is quite difficult to describe the taste, we can say that it is quite specific, and not everyone will like it. But still, one can definitely say that at least once in a life it is worth trying this fruit.
  • Sapodella -A small green-brown fruit, 5 centimeters in size, visually similar to an egg. The fetus has a soft and thin skin, which is quite easy to remove. Inside is a light brown, rather juicy flesh. It tastes sweet with notes of dates and caramel. Speeped fruits can have a slightly sugary taste, but if you belong to the category of people, a sweetheart, then this is unlikely to be upset.
Nona / sour cream apple
  • Nona or sugar apple -A small fruit is somewhat visually similar to an apple. The fetus has a green skin that is all covered with small tubercles. Inside the beige pulp with a rather strong aroma. If we talk about the taste, then it is closest to the habitual apricot. There is also a large number of bones inside, sometimes there can be about fifty pieces. As a rule, the large sizes the fetus, the more bones are in the pulp. Although, in principle, they are separated quite easily.
  • Mangustin -A round fruit, its dimensions reach 8 centimeters, of which 1 centimeter is a skin of a dark purple color. She is rather rude, which makes her inedible. Under it is hidden juicy, white pulp, which is divided into segments. There are large seeds inside each segment. This fruit tastes creamy and sometimes a little tart.
  • Citron - This is a perennial plant from the genus of citrus fruits. As a rule, fruits grow on small trees. It is not eaten fresh, since without processing it is a rather sour product. Most often, the flesh of citrons is used in confectionery production, for example, for the manufacture of fillings, but sometimes it is added to salads. You also often meet the peel, it is used as a very fragrant seasoning.

Exotic fruits from Thailand: photo, name, brief description

Exotic fruits from Thailand: photo, name, brief description:

  • Guava -A round fruit, but sometimes it can be oval, with a pleasant smell that reminiscent of musk. The color of this fruit is quite diverse - yellow, white, red or green. Always has a thin skin. The size also ranges from small to large fetus, it depends on the variety. The pulp also has a different color, but most often you can find a red tint. There are bones inside the juicy pulp. Their number ranges from their complete absence, to several hundred. This fruit like strawberries.
  • Durian -it is considered the king of fruits. Very often, tourists confuse him with another visually similar fruit - Jackfruit. In shape, it looks like an egg. The whole fruit is covered with prickly spikes. This fetus weighs somewhere around 5-8 kilograms. Durian can be represented as a box with five departments in which the pulp is located. The pulp has a creamy texture, and the smell that does not give a description. We can say that he is simply unpleasant. The taste of the pulp resembles almonds, but less pronounced flavors are also present, as a rule, people cannot describe what they are similar to. Although many praise such an exotic combination of tastes, everyone admits that the thing is specific and not everyone is able to try such a “taste bomb”.
Fat or snake fruit
Fat or snake fruit
  • Fat or snake fruit - A rounded or pear -shaped fruit. He got his name from his peculiar peel, which remembers something with snake scales. It is cleaned easily, you just need to pick up the peel and clean, as you usually clean the eggs. Inside, white pulp is hidden, which is divided into three segments. It tastes with a snake miracle similar to pineapple.

Black exotic fruit - photo, name, brief description

Exotic fruit black - photo, name, brief description:

  • Marakuya - A round fruit with a black skin. Inside which is a pulp similar to jelly, though not very homogeneous. The pulp can have a different color and taste. Depending on the variety, the color can be transparent, yellow or greenish. The taste can also be different - from sour to sweet. If you decide to find your favorite taste, then a small adventure awaits you.

Red exotic fruit - photo, name, brief description

Red exotic fruit - photo, name, brief description:

  • Rambutan -Small fruits, usually round or oval, in size about 5 centimeters. The surface of the fruit is covered with rather rigid and bent hairs, a long one is close to 1.5 centimeters. The pulp inside is white, a bone is hidden in it. Rambutan tastes a sweet-wandering berry. The fetus is growing on an evergreen tropical tree in a very wet climate.
  • Lychi - A small oval fruit. Ripe fruits are reached in a volume of 2-3.5 centimeters. The surface is covered with a dense and tuberous peel. The pulp is white, in consistency, similar to grapes. To taste, the exotic fruit resembles a mixture of currants and strawberries. The fruits of the faces are universal, they are eaten fresh, frozen, delicious jams, fruit ice cream are prepared from them. Lich seeds are used for medical purposes - they are considered a natural painkille.
  • Palassan - A relative of Rambutan. He is a little larger than his younger brother. The peel is quite rough with a large number of tubercles, red, sometimes a little darker. Inside is a light and sweet pulp. There is a bone of oval shape, which can also be eaten, it taste like almonds. The fruit belongs to the category of dessert ones, so most often it is used to make fruit salads, or it is eaten fresh.

Exotic fruit white - photo, name, brief description

Exotic fruit white - photo, name, brief description:

  • Noni - Small fruits, visually a little similar to potatoes. Most often white and sometimes greenish. The fetus tastes rather bitter and has not the most pleasant smell. For a long time we are recognizable because of our healing properties. This fruit contains an incredibly large number of different substances that positively affect the human body. In view of this, it is often used as an auxiliary remedy for medical purposes. It is also often added to cocktails.
  • Kapuaas - The fruit of a tropical tree from the territory of South America. It has an oblong shape, grows to large sizes. The fetus is covered with a characteristic thick peel. Inside you can see a matte-white pulp, which is divided into 5 segments. It tastes with a delicate, sweet and sour fruit, with a taste of fragrant sweetish spices, in consistency resembles a cream.
  • Marang - The fruit that grows on the tree of the same name in Asia. It is characterized by an oblong shape, and the coating of the entire surface with spikes. The fruit itself is large enough, reaches the volume of 13 centimeters. Inside is a snow -white pulp, which is divided into small slices. It has a slightly unusual sweet taste.

Yellow exotic fruit - photo, name, brief description

Yellow exotic fruit - photo, name, brief description:

  • Nod - The fruit looks like a small gibbed melon. The fruit itself is covered with a hard peel on which the spikes are located. Inside is green, jelly -like pulp. To taste, it resembles a mixture of cucumber and banana, and that is why they eat the fruit both salty and sweet. Kyvano is a fruit containing a minimum number of calories, so it can be included in your diet people who follow their weight. The fetus is very popular in African countries, it is unpretentious, but almost always gives a good harvest.
  • Fruit pepino They can be different both in size and in color. Most often they have a yellow color with characteristic strokes. Inside the fetus is a juicy pulp of yellow, and sometimes the fruit is colorless. It has a sweet and sour taste. As for the smell, it cannot be described in one word. Some people feel the aroma of melon, others claim that the fruit is similar to mangoes and pineapple. There are even those to whom Pepino looks like their aroma to a pear usual for us.

Green exotic fruits - photo, name, brief description

Green exotic fruits - photo, name, brief description:

  • Bail - A rounded fruit of an oblong shape. It can also be called a stone apple or a bitter orange, but these are rather folk names. Coated with hard, something similar to wood, peel. Inside, an orange pulp is hidden, in consistency a little similar to the dough, it is divided into triangular segments. It has a sweet taste with a slight tart, bitter aftertaste. Most often, the fruit is dried and brewed on its basis aromatic tea.
  • Pomelo - Citrus, a close relative of Grapefruit. The fruit is covered with a thick peel of greenish color, sometimes yellow. The pulp from the inside is divided into slices, each of which covers the peel. It is almost impossible to chew the peel, so it is customary to completely remove it. The fruit tastes sweet-acidic with a little bitterness.
  • Feihoa - A fruit related to the small genus of eternally green plants. The fetus is covered with a rather thick peel. Inside is aromatic and juicy pulp. The taste can be described as a combination of kiwi, pineapple and strawberries. Feihoa is a very tasty fruit, so it is widely used in cooking. Salads, compotes, refreshing lemonades, and useful mashed potatoes are prepared from it. Also, this exotic fruit can be consumed by people who adhere to diet food.

Video: exotic fruits that should try

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