What are the most useful vegetables, fruits and berries for the human body: the top of the most useful vegetables, fruits and berries for men, women, children, during pregnancy, diabetes, for the heart, blood vessels, eyes, liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines, kidneys, kidneys, kidney Losing weight, hair, skin

What are the most useful vegetables, fruits and berries for the human body: the top of the most useful vegetables, fruits and berries for men, women, children, during pregnancy, diabetes, for the heart, blood vessels, eyes, liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines, kidneys, kidneys, kidney Losing weight, hair, skin

From this article you will learn how useful vegetables, fruits and berries for women, men, children, and various diseases are useful


We all eat vegetables, fruits and berries, without thinking what is useful and what is harmful to us personally. Do you know what is most useful from vegetables and fruits for women, men or children? Or for diseases of the stomach, intestines, diabetes and other diseases? We will learn about all this in this article.

The most useful vegetables, fruits and berries for women: a list, useful action

In order for a woman to preserve beauty and youth longer, she needs to eat right, know what vegetables, fruits and berries to give preference.

From fruits and berries for a woman, the most useful:

  • Avocado - A quarter of the fetus per day will help remove fat from the abdomen.
  • Apples - 1 apple every day will help the work of the heart, reduce cholesterol, reduce the likelihood of developing asthma and diabetes.
  • Pear - Useful for digestion, especially with constipation, reduce cholesterol, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Pineapples - They contain an enzyme Bromelain, splitting fats and helping to lose weight, appear on blood clot and malignant tumors, heal the wounds faster.
  • Cherries - They help strengthen the heart muscle, vision, memory, reduce cholesterol.
  • Blueberry - Improves vision, memory, smoothes wrinkles.
  • Apricots -Beta-carotene is fighting with the aging of the skin, more supports her young.
  • Raspberry - Folic acid is useful for women's health.

Vegetables to the female body No less important. The most useful:

  • Carrot - It is rich in vitamin A, which is also called beauty vitamin, increases immunity, reduces the risk of sickness.
  • Broccoli - 300 g per week will prevent the development of breast cancer, and support the normal level of estrogen.
  • White cabbage - A rare vitamin U, which is cabbage, helps to remove toxins and chemicals from the body, heal ulcers.
  • Zucchini - In the raw form, slags are removed from the body, strengthen vessels, are useful for edema, and slow down the aging of the body.
  • Tomatoes - Frequent use of tomatoes improves complexion, prevents the breast cancer, for older women, the prevention of osteoporosis.
  • Green vegetables (parsley, spinach, dill) - Eating every day will help maintain female hormones in normal, and depression and excess weight are associated with them.
  • Lentils - Contains selenium, which prevents the formation of breast cancer.
  • Soya beans - Soy protein strengthens the bones and prevents the development of breast cancer.
  • Quinoa (wooden grass) - rich in copper, phosphorus, magnesium, proteins, strengthens the bones.
  • Beet - Folic acid rejuvenates the body.
  • Green pea - increases the level of hemoglobin, rejuvenates the skin.

Both women and men of raw vegetables and fruits per day can no more than 400 g. This amount needs to be divided by 5-6 times.

Attention. All vegetables and fruits of red color contain lycopines that help protect the body from various types of cancer.

Useful vegetables, fruits and berries for women

The most useful vegetables, fruits and berries for men: a list, useful action

To keep your body and male power in the form, men need to include vegetables, fruits and berries in their diet every day, in which there are vitamins of group B, C, D, E, zinc.

The most useful vegetables for men are:

  • Carrot - improves sperm quality, increases sperm activity.
  • Celery. Those men who use a salad or fresh from this vegetable every day, potency improves.
  • Broccoli and other types of cabbage - prevent the disease with prostatitis.
  • Tomatoes - prevent prostate cancer.
  • Lentils - A lot of selenium, located in it, prevents the formation of tumors in the prostate.
  • Green pea - Increases potency, does not allow the diseases of the genitourinary organs to develop.
  • Attention! Vegetables and fruits that enhance sexual desire: Pasternak, ginger, garlic, horseradish, beets, onions, bitter red pepper, parsley, bay leaf, raspberries, blueberries, cherries.
  • Vegetables that prevent premature ejaculation: Rosemary, Lavender, Melissa.
  • Fruits that increase testosterone: Pear, grapes, melons, persimmon.
  • Vegetables that reduce potency: peppermint, potatoes, soy.

Of the fruits and berries, the most useful are:

  • Apricots
  • Avocado
  • Oranges
  • Persian
  • Lemon
  • Strawberry
  • Pomegranate
  • Figs
  • Kiwi
Useful vegetables, fruits and berries for men

The most useful vegetables, fruits and berries for children and adolescents: a list, useful action

Children under 3 years old can be given fruits no more than 100 g per day, and vegetables are not more than 200 g, and children over 3 years old - no more than 400 g of vegetables, fruits and berries taken together.

The following vegetables are useful for children and adolescents for development, strengthening immunity:

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Zucchini
  • Pumpkin
  • Green pea
  • Celery
  • Carrot
  • Young potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Turnip

And fruits:

  • Oranges, tangerines - They have salicylic acid, which reduces body temperature with colds, and increases immunity. But these fruits are strong allergens, and before 1 year old children should not be given.
  • Cherries - Improve the condition with colds, together with drugs help the treatment of epilepsy in children.
  • Raspberry
  • Kiwi
  • Lemon
  • Grapefruit
  • Apples
  • Banana
  • Apricots
  • Plum
  • Persian

Attention. It is useful for young children to give raspberry tea with colds. It contains salicylic acid as in aspirin, which reduces elevated body temperature and relieves inflammation, and does not give valet effects.

Useful vegetables, fruits and berries for children

The most useful vegetables, fruits and berries during pregnancy: list, useful action

The most useful vegetables, fruits and berries during pregnancy are:

  • Apples - Strengthen immunity, establish the work of the stomach and intestines.
  • Pear - Hormones and blood pressure are normalized.
  • Plum - 4 fruits in the evening will be rid of constipation the next day. There are a lot of iron in the drain, which is necessary for anemia, often found in pregnant women. Folic acid in the drain prevents the placental exfoliation.
  • Apricots Showed with edema, shortness of breath, heart failure, eliminate heartburn. 3-4 apricots per day will improve the condition with anemia.
  • Bananas - Useful with colds, strengthen the veins, prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the stomach. You can eat no more than 3 bananas per day.
  • Ripe persimmon - Improves blood circulation, immunity, hair, skin, nails, strengthens the heart. You can eat no more than half of the fruit per day, the first 3 months of pregnancy.
  • Pomegranate - You can eat no more than 1 fetus per day, if you do not have an allergy to it, and there is no constipation. Pomegranate is useful for anemia, increased pressure, also increases immunity, reduces cholesterol.
  • Lemons, oranges, tangerines - useful for toxicosis, heartburn, edema. You can’t eat if you are allergic, hypertension, inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Kiwi - Useful for the placenta.
  • Carrot - Strengthens the immune system.
  • Pumpkin - Removes excess fluid from the body.
  • Beet - improves the work of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys.
Useful vegetables, fruits and berries for pregnant women

The most useful vegetables, fruits and weight loss berries: a list, how to use it correctly?

If you want to lose weight, the following low -calorie vegetables, fruits and berries must be included in your everyday diet, 100 g of product contains:

  • Kiwi - 40 kcal, contains actinidine, splitting proteins and burning fats
  • Watermelon - 38 kcal, watermelon diets remove all excess from the body
  • Grapefruit -35 kcal, grapefruit diet gives weight loss by 5-7 kg in a few months
  • Celery - 32 kcal in the root, and in greenery - 16 kcal
  • Sweet Bulgarian pepper - 29 kcal, produces a substance that reduces weight
  • Pumpkin - 25 kcal
  • Pitch beans - 23 kcal
  • Zucchini andcynics - 16 kcal, eating 200 g of zucchini in raw form every day, in a week you can remove all the toxins from the body
  • Cucumbers - 15 kcal
  • Sea cabbage - 5 kcal
Useful vegetables, fruits and berries for weight loss

What are the beneficial vegetables, fruits and berries useful?

Unripe fruits, berries and some vegetables contain:

  • Protopectin, which in ripe fruits will become a pectin
  • Increased acid content (oxalic, apple, salicylic, lemon, vinegar)
  • Increased content of tannins
  • Unripe pineapples, tomatoes contain weak toxins

If you eat unripe vegetables and fruits in large quantities, maybe:

  • Irritation, rumbling and pain in the stomach and intestines
  • Increased flatulence
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea

We conclude that unripe vegetables and fruits cannot eat. But the following vegetables they can be ripened if they tear them with greenish:

  • Tomatoes
  • Gorky and sweet pepper
  • Eggplant
  • Melons

And yet there is vegetables and fruits that are useful for unripe:

  • A small amount of unripe banana can be eaten by diabetics, since there are still few sugars in them.
  • There is a lot of potassium, water and little starch in young potatoes, and it is considered a dietary product, which cannot be said about lying or old potatoes.
Unripe tomatoes can keep up on the windowsill

Which vegetables are more useful: raw or boiled?

Recently, scientists have brought that some vegetables are more useful for boiledbut this applies not to everyone:

  • Carrot -Beta-carotene in boiled form is better absorbed.
  • Tomatoes - The longer the tomato tomato is cooked, the more lycopine forms in it.
  • Broccoli, cauliflower Useful, steamed, so they accumulate the most anti -cancer substance.
  • White cabbage The most beneficial and stewed, and young spring cabbage is better to eat fresh in the salad.
  • Potatoes The most useful thing is baked in the oven or boiled in the "uniform".
  • Boiled beets - A powerful laxative, strengthens the vessels, cleanses blood, liver, kidneys.
  • Spinach Better absorbed boiled.
  • Eggplant - The most useful thing is baked.
These vegetables will bring more benefits if they are boiled

Are pickled vegetables and canned fruits and berries useful?

Is there anything useful in canned vegetables, fruits and berries? It turns out to be:

  • In canned vegetables, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc are almost completely preserved.
  • In fruit compotes, vitamins PP, E and group B. are preserved.
  • When heated in tomatoes, lycopines are formed (there are almost no tomatoes in fresh tomatoes), which fights cancer tumors, especially with prostate cancer and bladder.
  • Salicylic acid, useful for colds, in the same amount as in fresh raspberries, remains in the raspberry jam.
  • Canned vegetables increase appetite and improve digestion.

And what is the harm from canned vegetables, fruits and berries?

  • There are a lot of salt in vegetable canned foods.
  • There are a lot of sugar in compotes and jams.
  • From vinegar, which is added to marinades, the acidity of gastric juice increases, gastritis, and even stomach ulcers can develop.

Attention. In order for pickled vegetables only benefits, they need to be eaten no more than 2 times a week.

Quarrels are much more useful than pickled vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes). And berries and fruits (apples, lingonberries, cranberries) are useful soaked.

Sauerkraut - the most useful canned vegetable

Are vegetables stewed in oil useful?

Extinguishing vegetables with a small amount of vegetable oil is the most gentle method compared to cooking, hot, baking.

What is the benefit, and for what diseases are vegetables stewed in oil?

  • Vitamins and trace elements remain, but less than in raw vegetables
  • With gastritis and stomach ulcer
  • Diabetics
  • Overweight people

Disadvantages of stewed vegetables:

  • From the constant use of prepared vegetables, the motility of the intestines and microflora in the stomach deteriorates
  • Calorie content of stewed vegetables is higher than raw vegetables
Vegetables stewed in oil are more useful than fried and boiled

Are frozen vegetables, fruits and berries useful?

Frozen vegetables, fruits and berries are no less useful than fresh if they were frozen immediately after collecting.  It turns out, in vegetables and fruits, in frozen form vitamins remain even more than in fresh vegetables and fruitsbut who stood for a while.

What is more useful: vegetables or fruits and berries?

In all: vegetables, fruits and berries are many useful substances, but not so long ago scientists decided that vegetables are more useful than fruits and berries. And that's why:

  • In fruits and berries, in addition to beneficial vitamins and trace elements, there is still fruit sugar, which is contraindicated for people more weight, diabetics, and in vegetables it is not or in a meager amount.
  • If we are saturated from vegetables, then from fruits and berries, after eating them, hunger is felt, and they want to eat more, and this is fraught with a bonus in weight, increased sugar in the blood.

Attention. For a healthy diet, both vegetables and fruits with berries are needed, but you need to try to eat 3 quarters of vegetables per day, and 1 quarter - fruits and berries.

Vegetables are more useful than fruits and berries

The most useful vegetables from the Beaver family: a list, beneficial properties

All legumes have a lot of protein, fiber, manganese, iron, folic acid, potassium, magnesium and other useful trace elements and vitamins.

The most useful bean vegetables are:

  • White beans, patch beans. If there is it 1-2 times a week, then the heart will beat in a normal rhythm, vessels will be cleaned, cholesterol will decrease, this is good prevention from heart attack. White beans is useful for those who want to lose weight.
  • Chickpeas - It is useful for diabetics, it has a low glycemic index, and sugar absorption into the blood is slow.
  • Lentils - It has a lot of selenium, which prevents cancer. ”
  • Red beans It is useful for women by the content of antioxidants, it helps them to remain young, older people - warns Alzheimer's disease, it is recommended to eat 3 glasses per week.
  • Black beans our brain nourishes.
  • Peas, green peas - A lot of vitamin K, few calories, maintains blood coagulation in normal, increases immunity.
  • Soy - It is most in it from legumes, and antioxidant Genisteine \u200b\u200bprotects the body from aging and the formation of cancer cells.
  • Mash - Little peas of green color, useful to the heart and blood vessels, cleanses the blood of toxins.
Useful legumes

What vegetables, fruits and berries are the most useful for blood vessels, heart work, with arrhythmias: the list - how to use it correctly?

Scientists have found that heart and blood vessels occur if there are not enough vegetables and fruits in the diet.

In diseases of the heart, blood vessels, the following vegetables and fruits are useful:

  • Garlic - 1 clove of chopped garlic in the salad will reduce cholesterol every day, clean the vessels, kill harmful bacteria and worms that cause a stomach ulcer and cancer.
  • Persimmon It is useful for people with a weak heart, potassium, which is in a persimmon, acts like valleocordin, and also normalizes blood pressure.
  • Plum - Strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Cherries - Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, support the heart.

In addition, useful:

  • Zucchini
  • Broccoli
  • Pumpkin
  • Beet
  • Carrot
  • Tomatoes
  • A pineapple
  • Apples
  • Grenades
  • Dried apricots
  • Avocado
  • Grapefruit
  • Bananas
  • Persian
  • Attention! Red and orange vegetables and fruits are rich in carotenoids, they improve the heart and blood vessels.
  • Violet vegetables and fruits contain antioxidants (phenols, anthocyans) prevent the formation of blood clots, and as a result they help the work of the heart, improve memory.
  • To reduce blood pressure, you need to eat vegetables and fruits in which there is a lot of potassium (potatoes, tomato pasta, beans, dried apricots and plums, avocados, spinach, pumpkin, oranges, carrots).
Useful vegetables, fruits and berries for the heart and blood vessels
These vegetables, fruits and berries clean the vessels from toxins

What vegetables, fruits and berries are the most useful for the stomach and intestines, with hemorrhoids: the list, how to use it correctly?

If there are diseases of the intestines and stomach, then you eat products that do not fit you.

In diseases of the stomach and intestines, the following vegetables, fruits and berries are useful:

  • Onion - Fitoncides kill harmful bacteria and fungi, and thereby help digestion, and with the help of sulfur available in onions, harmful substances are neutralized and removed.
  • Banana - Frequent use reduces acidity in the stomach and eliminates heartburn.
  • Grapefruit - accelerates metabolism, improves digestion of food.

In addition, useful:

  • Cucumbers
  • Apples
  • Pear
  • Plum
  • Cherries

Attention. To prevent intestinal cancer, you need to drink tea with lemon more often, it contains a substance against cancer-d-lemonone.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, you need to eat:

  • Cucumbers
  • Ripe tomatoes
  • Carrot
  • Beets
  • Sweet apples
  • Dogwood
  • Blueberries
  • Pear

Vegetables and fruits are contraindicated that cause flatulence and spicy:

  • Legumes
  • Mushrooms
  • Onion and garlic
  • Hot peppers
  • Radish
  • Grape
  • Gooseberry

Attention. If you have increased acidity of gastric juice, then you should eat more potatoes, if low - cucumbers, sweet pepper, radishes.

Vegetables and fruits useful for the stomach and intestines

What vegetables, fruits and berries are the most useful for the liver: a list, how to use it correctly?

For the liver, the most useful vegetables, fruits and berries are:

  • Beet - Betaine in beets helps the liver get rid of toxins.
  • Plum - Improve blood (increased red blood cells), strengthen the liver.
  • Cherries - reduce blood viscosity and interfere with the formation of blood clots.
  • Cherries - Removes toxins from the body.
  • Apples
  • Carrot
  • Tomatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Greens

It is better to eat vegetables in boiled, stewed and raw, fruits and berries are raw.

These vegetables and fruits are useful for the liver

What vegetables, fruits and berries are the most useful for the pancreas: the list - how to use it correctly?

The pancreas in our body produces enzymes for digestion of food, and distinguishes insulin.

The work of the pancreas helps the following vegetables, fruits and berries:

  • Spinach boiled - stimulates the pancreas
  • Kiwi - contains a substance that helps to produce insulin
  • Oranges - contain rubidia necessary for the production of insulin (in small quantities)
  • Various types of cabbage (broccoli, Brussels, sea)
  • Zucchini
  • Pumpkin
  • Cucumbers
  • Nettle
  • Dandelion
  • Jerusalem artichoke
  • Rose hip
  • Sweet apples
  • Blueberry
  • Lingonberry with leaves
  • Black currant
  • Watermelon
  • Drying apricots

With pancreatitis, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. There are not raw vegetables, fruits and berries, but in the form of soups, compotes, steamed for a second dish.
  2. There are small portions (how much will fit in a fist), but 5-6 times a day.
  3. Do not eat canned vegetables and fruits.
  4. Fruit to choose ripe, not sour.
Useful fruits and berries for the pancreas

What vegetables, fruits and berries are the most useful for vision and eyes: the list - how to use it correctly?

Vitamins A, C, E, iodine are important for the eyes.

If the child has poor vision to improve it, and prevent other eyes, since childhood, you need to eat such vegetables, fruits and berries:

  • Carrot - It is useful for both children and adults, in adulthood, frequent use of salads with carrots will prevent the appearance of cataracts and glaucoma.
  • Sea cabbage - iodine in the vegetable is responsible for the vigilance of the eyes.
  • Pumpkin - Porridge from pumpkin increases visual acuity, treats myopia.
  • Citrus - improve blood to the eye.
  • Parsley
  • Broccoli
  • Garlic
  • Spinach
  • Blueberry
  • Persimmon
  • Cherry
  • Sweet cherry
  • Hawthorn
  • Apricots
  • Rose hip
  • Persian
  • Attention! Yellow vegetables and fruits are rich in carotenoids and flavonoids, useful for the heart, immune system and vision, constant use can prevent cataracts.
  • Different types of cabbage, potatoes, beans, corn, green salad and melon improve the work of the retina.
Vegetables, fruits and berries useful for the eyes

The most useful vegetables, fruits and berries in type 2 diabetes mellitus: List

With type 2 diabetes, such vegetables, fruits and berries are useful:

  • Sweet Bulgarian pepper - Reduces blood sugar
  • Pumpkin - reduces blood glucose levels
  • All types of cabbage in boiled or raw form
  • Spinach
  • Cucumbers
  • Eggplant
  • Zucchini
  • Celery
  • Lentils
  • Onion
  • Greens
  • Green salad
  • Elder
  • Apples of acidic varieties
  • Pear
  • Apricots
  • Cherry
  • Gooseberry
  • Cranberry
  • Raspberry
  • Red currants
  • Citrus
  • Attention! Corn, potatoes, green peas, beans, beets, carrots, tomatoes contain glucose - they can be limited, no more than 200 g per day.
  • From fruits in diabetes, you can’t eat grapes, banana, pineapple, persimmon.
Vegetables, fruits and berries allowed with diabetes, and which cannot be eaten

The most useful vegetables, fruits and berries for health and hair health: a list, useful action

The following vegetables and fruits positively affect the skin and hair:

  • Strawberry. In addition to the benefit of the skin healing the skin, strawberries improves blood circulation and from the inside, helps to fight cellulite.
  • Apples, persimmons, citrus fruits - Improve hair growth.
  • Avocado, bananas, sea buckthorn, kiwi, melon, watermelon, peaches - against hair loss.
  • Attention! Ripe vegetables and green fruits contain silicon, making beautiful nails and hair.
  • Scientists have found that if dandruff in the hair is formed, then the body does not have enough vitamins A, E, C. These vitamins in avocados, apricots, peaches, persimmons.
  • To make the skin of the face and body look beautiful and well -groomed, eat red and orange vegetables.
Vegetables and fruits for healthy skin and hair

So, now we know what vegetables, fruits and berries are preferable to women, men, children, and in various diseases.

Video: the most healthy fruits and vegetables

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