Brunosta cheese - recipe for cooking at home

Brunosta cheese - recipe for cooking at home

This article will talk in detail about how to cook Brunosta cheese. It is easy to do it independently at home, if you observe all the methods of cooking it described later.

Norwegian cheese brunosta is prepared from serum. The recipe for making a product cannot be said that simple, most likely original. The main component of the cheese is that the serum needs to be boiled to a certain state, while the necessary viscous mass comes out. This is not to say that such a cheese is absolutely in a way, but there is something piquant in it. It has the aroma of caramel and a pleasant sweet-acidic and at the same time salty taste. So this unusual product is designed for gourmets and connoisseurs of such dishes.

Norwegian cheese brunosts - description of taste, subtleties of cooking

Since the cheese brunosta is prepared from serum, its taste may vary. Serum in different cows can have a slightly different aftertaste. In addition, in order to prepare a product, a certain amount of serum will be required, the more, the better. Home cheese has an amazing taste also because it is made with love. But in supermarkets, brunosts is not so simple, a rather rare product to buy it, you will have to look for special cheese shops.

Brunost cheese - how to do it?
Brunost cheese - how to do it?

As already mentioned, the cheese comes to the taste of a different one. And taste qualities directly depend on the product from which it is prepared. Sometimes the cheese is sweeter, sometimes a sour. And the color of the product can be caramel or dark. It all depends on which cream is added during cooking. The fat content of the cream affects the consistency of the cheese brunost. If the cream has a lower percentage of fat content, then the cheese will be denser and harder.

IMPORTANT:At the end of the preparation of cheese, after boiling serum, a certain amount of oil may be released. If there is too much of it, then it is better to drain it into a separate container, and then, when it freezes to use for baking or simply - apply on a sandwich.

Brunost cheese recipe
Brunost cheese recipe

It is better to cook brunosts from a large amount of serum, otherwise the output of the product will be small. The smallest lice for serum is three liters. Although some novice cheese residents say that for samples you can still cook cheese from one liter of product, so beginners improve the recipe for themselves and gain the experience of cooking the product. And on average, you can notice how much time is required to make brunosts from one liter of serum. The evaporation of the liquid occurs a long period of time.

To make the cheese perfectly, take fresh serum or store it in the refrigerator, so it will not sour. And a sour dairy product is more suitable for cooking not such a cheese variety as brunosts, but for Adyghe cheese. Therefore, serum must be bought immediately before cooking and stored in the cold.

DIY Norwegian cheese
DIY Norwegian cheese

Brown cheese is cooked from homemade serum, the process occurs for a long time, since the liquid should be boiled over low heat, otherwise the product will go bad, it will burn to the bottom of the container. During cooking, milk sugars are released, it is they who are subsequently caramelized, brown cheese. Over time, thickened mass occurs. It is better for you to control the process at the end. After all, the consistency of cheese depends on the duration of the cooking of the product.

Already at the end of the cooking process, cheese gains its salty and sweet and sour taste, and then a pleasant aroma. When the brunosts cool down, it will lie down for several days, it already accepts less bright shades of taste, but this does not spoil it at all.

In Norway, cheese is served with coffee, tea with toasts, bread. In addition, he is in perfect harmony with lingonberry and blueberry jam.

Brunost cheese at home - recipe

Brunost cheese can be prepared according to the recipe for Norwegian cheese cheese. They prepared it from serum with the addition of oily homemade cream. In the nineteenth century in Hudbrandalen, this product saved people who lost their jobs as a result of the economic crisis. There, according to traditions, he was served to the table with waffles or dark bread, with sweets (jam, honey, jam). And now this tradition is revered in many Norwegian families, since it is difficult to abandon the appetizing product.

Brunosta cheese recipe | Everything for cheese | Yandex Zen
DIY brunosts

Brunost cheese recipe:


  • Serum - 3 l.
  • Fat cream - 275 ml
  • Evening milk - 0.75 ml
  • Sugar - 25 g

For cooking cheese, you will need about six hours. Maybe more, much depends on the temperature adjustment on the stove. And in order to freeze the cheese completely, you should wait for about 9-12 hours. From three liters of serum 375 g of Brunosta comes out.

Brunost for tea
Brunost for tea


  1. If you buy low -fat serum in a supermarket, it is better to add milk there. And as already mentioned, a fresh product should be used. Pour the serum into the container and put on the stove. When it boils, cook it over low heat.
  2. Make sure that she does not burn, boil her gradually, stirring. It will take a lot of time, but the brunost cheese is worth it. If there is no time to stand all the time above the stove, then leave the mixture on the smoother fire and let the excess moisture evaporate. If the mass begins to gradually acquire a brown color, then do not be surprised, it just occurs caramelization.
  3. As soon as the serum is boiled up to a quarter of the initial volume, add the cream, and again continue to cook the mixture. It will always change its color into a darker, and the consistency will be thicker. Sometimes cream is replaced by sour cream, while sugar is added by those who love sweets.
  4. At this stage, cheese should be interfered often, otherwise there is a risk that the mass will burn.
  5. At the end of boiling, the mixture can be mixed well with a blender, this will help get rid of lumps. At the very end, to achieve the necessary density, it will be more convenient if you place the cheese in a frying pan and interfere there. If a very hard product comes out, then placing it in a form without a press will be problematic. Therefore, do not do too thick consistency. Make the product so that it can be applied to the solidification form.
  6. Do not forget before pouring the cheese there, rinse the mold and grease with oil, so the cheese will be easier to be removed.

Now, after boiling, it should be allowed to cool with cheese mass and place it with a mold in the refrigerator. When it froze, you can serve to the table with tea or coffee, as well as with honey and jam. If you like solid cheese with a rich aroma, then try to boil it for as long as possible, the result will not be long in expecting.

Even on our portal you can read articles on a similar topic here:

  1. Parmesan cheese - how to cook at home?
  2. How to save cheese in the refrigerator, for as long as possible?
  3. Will the cheese preserve its qualities after freezing?
  4. The benefits of a cheese diet
  5. Cossack cheese, how to cook?

Video: Brunost cheese - Cooking

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