Cossack milk cheese at home: soft, hard, porous, melt, brine - simple recipes with step -by -step cooking

Cossack milk cheese at home: soft, hard, porous, melt, brine - simple recipes with step -by -step cooking

Do you know what to cook at home can be cheese from goat milk? Yes, and this is very simple, you just need to use our recipes.

Most often, on store shelves you can see cheeses from cow's milk, however, cozal milk products are no less tasty and useful.

Since you can buy a goat cheese in far from every supermarket, we suggest you learn how to cook it yourself.

Cossack milk cheese: simple recipe

Even a child can cook cheese according to such a recipe, since there is nothing complicated in this process. All ingredients, except for the main - goat milk, will definitely be in your kitchen, well, and milk can be bought in the market.

  • Goat milk - 2.5 l
  • Citric acid - 7 g
  • Salt - 8 g
  • Paprika, turmeric - at will
  • Water - 50 ml
  • The first thing to cook is a solution of citric acid. To do this, take a little water, about 50 ml and pour citic acid into it, stir until completely dissolved.
  • Pour milk into a container with a thick bottom and heat it strongly, but do not bring to a boil.
  • After that, pour a solution of citric acid into a container with milk, mix the ingredients. This process will help milk. During this process, the fire under the container should be the most minimal, the mass should not boil.
  • Then remove the container from the fire, let the contents brew for 20 minutes.
  • Now you need to throw the mass on a colander covered with gauze and thus separate the resulting cottage cheese from serum. Having done the procedure, wait until the liquid is completely dragging from almost finished cheese.
  • Next, add salt and spice to the taste to the cheese.
  • Place the mass in a suitable container so that the cheese will acquire the shape you need, and send it to the refrigerator for several hours.

Mild cheese from goat milk

As you know, cheeses can be different in their consistency. The first cheese, the recipe of which we will share now, will be soft. By consistency, this product resembles a very soft fat cottage cheese.

  • Goat milk - 2, 2 l
  • Salt - 45 g
  • Kurin egg - 7 pcs.
  • Home sour cream - 380 g
  • You can cook such cheese very quickly and simple, so you can handle the process even if you try yourself this first time.
  • Pour milk into a pot with a thick bottom, add salt to it, stir. Try the liquid for salt, if desired, you can put it a little less or more.
  • Now on the quietest heat, bring the contents of the pan to a boil. Do not forget to stir milk in the process of boiling.
  • While the contents of the container boils, prepare sour cream and eggs by whipping them. If the eggs are large, 6 pcs will be enough, if small - 7 pcs.
  • As soon as the milk boils, add an egg-mixed mixture to it, mix the mass again and bring to a boil.
  • During this process, serum will begin to appear in the container - we need it.
  • Now take a gauze or clean tissue that will well pass the liquid, and put it in a colander.
  • Put the contents of the pan in the fabric, which is in a colander and wait until the whole serum is draining from it. You can accelerate this process by raising the fabric with a spur, tied its ends and hanging it.
  • After that, tightly tie the ends of the fabric/gauze and put the mass under the press - for example, put the mass on the cutting board, cover it with the second board and place a bottle of water over it (not more than 1 kg, otherwise the cheese will be broken under weight).
  • In this state, the goat of the mild cheese should stay for several hours., And then the same amount in the refrigerator, but already without gauze, just in a plate.

Cossack cheese from goat milk

The hard cheese from a goat's milk is made a little different, and the products for its preparation are also different. It is worth noting that the taste of the finished product is very rich, piquant.

  • Goat milk - 2.8 liters
  • Cottage cheese - 800 g
  • Kurin egg - 1 pc.
  • Soda - 8 g
  • Salt - 5 g
  • Sunflower oil refined - 110 ml
  • Pour milk into a pot with a thick bottom, bring the liquid to a boil over low heat.
  • After that, add cottage cheese to the container. It will be better if you use a home product, as it will be much tastier, fatter and more useful.
  • Stiring the mass in the pan, cook it over medium heat for another 15 minutes.
  • During this process, the milk will be stupid and the resulting mass will be necessary to throw it on a colander covered with pure gauze. Give the liquid to drain completely.
  • The resulting mass must be kneaded, almost like the dough, but not stirring much. To do this, add salt, soda and an egg with butter to it.
  • After that, almost finished cheese should be warmed up in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  • Now transfer the whole mass to a plastic bottle with a trimmed neck, tamping it tightly there.
  • Place the cheese in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  • After that, you can remove a test from delicious homemade cheese from goat milk.


The flooded cheese from goat milk is very tender, aromatic with a pronounced creamy taste. Such a treat can be spread on bread, added to the main dishes, sauces, etc.

  • Goat milk - 100 ml
  • Cottage cheese from goat milk - 600 g
  • Salt - 5 g
  • Butter - 55 g
  • Soda - 15 g
  • Greens - 30 g
  • Take a pan with a thick bottom (this is very important, because in a container with a thin bottom of the cottage cheese it will burn, not melt), place oil in it, melt it.
  • Add cottage cheese and milk to the container, stir the products and stirring, cook on a low heat until they turn into a homogeneous mass.
  • Then add salt to the flooded product, soda and cook a few more mines.
  • Finally, send to a pan with cheese greens.
  • After that, the finished product must be transferred to the container in which it will be stored and sent to the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  • If desired, greens can not be added or replaced with paprika, dry herbs, for example, Provencal, etc.

Brynza from goat milk

The delicious Brynza can be prepared not only from cow's milk, but also from goat. The product is tasty, dense and fragrant. It can be used to make salads, canapes, sandwiches or eat like an independent product.

  • Goat milk - 3 l
  • Vinegar 6% - 100 ml
  • Salt - 5 g
  • Initially, pass the milk several times through gauze.
  • Next, pour the product into a container with a thick bottom and on the lowest heat, stirring constantly, bring it to a boil.
  • Add the indicated amount of vinegar and salt to boiling milk, mix. After that, the milk will be stupid, and with the mass it will be possible to work further.
  • Remove the cheese on a colander with gauze, so that the whole serum is glass from it.
  • After hand, squeeze the remnants of the serum from the curd mass.
  • Place the cheese in the mold for the press and wait a few hours. After that, the Brynza can be eaten.
  • So that the aboard's milk is stored well and not lose its taste, store it in the brine. To prepare it, mix the right amount of water and salt, at the rate of 250 ml of water 10 g of salt.
  • There should be so much brine so that all pieces of the product are immersed in it. At the request of the brine, you can make fragrant, for this add a little garlic, caraway seeds, paprika and greens.

Porous cheese from goat milk

The peculiarity of the cheese prepared according to this recipe lies in its consistency. It turns out to be quite soft, delicate and with holes inside the pieces.

  • Goat milk - 1.2 l
  • Cottage cheese from goat milk - 500 g
  • Kurin egg - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 5 g
  • Soda - 5 g
  • Previously, stick a colander with a clean tissue that passes the liquid or gauze well.
  • Bring the milk in a container with a thick bottom almost to a boil.
  • Add cottage cheese to boiling milk, mix the products and continue to cook them on the lowest heat.
  • As soon as the milk is stupid, and the serum will become transparent, throw the mass on a pre -prepared colander.
  • Wait until all the liquid is draining from the mass, and then transfer it to the plate.
  • Add eggs, salt and soda to the curd mass, mix the resulting cheese.
  • Again, wrap the cheese in clean fabric or gauze, place under oppression (not very heavy).
  • Leave the product for 24 hours. In a cool place, and then proceed to the tasting of the resulting goodies.

Cossack milk cheese is a very useful and nutritious product, which in its composition has a huge amount of useful substances. Such a product can be placed in salads, used for the preparation of sandwiches, casseroles, etc.

Video: cooking cheese from goat milk

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Comments K. article

  1. I love to eat cheeses. I do not have one definite beloved type of cheese, I am happy to eat different. But in the latter for some reason, the cheeses sold in the store have become completely not tasty in this, I began to make them myself. Since my grandmother has a goat, of course, began to experiment with goat milk. So far it didn’t work out very much, I did not know why, but it turned out that the whole thing was in the proportions, I ordered electronic scales, how I would deliver cheese, I hope this time it will turn out and will be tasty.

  2. I tried to make a break from goat milk - I really liked the result, the taste and smell of course for an amateur, I eat with pleasure, and my husband cannot stand it

  3. Thank you very much for the recipes, my first cheese I made Brynza.
    I didn’t have any pleasant smell of my cheese (my goat does not have a special male at all) so the cheese turned out to be amazing !!!!! The husband is delighted. I did not keep the finished cheese in Rossol, but sprinkled with salt.
    Thank you very much for the recipe !!!!

  4. How much solid cheese will come from these ingredients?

  5. Where do they sell a second powder what do you write?

  6. You published some nonsense. On 2.8 liters of goat milk added 800 g of cottage cheese, as you advised. It turned out that cottage cheese swims in milk, a homogeneous mass is not formed, cottage cheese is clearly not enough. Improped recipes give.

  7. Is this in general, what kind of bourd do you cook? Do you know what cheese is?

  8. Oh, it turned out to be very tasty Brynza, almost like real cheese (somehow hard, but even better). And then we have, except for a sister, who has a goat with a kid, and does not drink milk, but he needs to be somewhere.
    And we welded Brynza. A very good recipe, simple and effective, I even published in VK (with reference to your site).

  9. I prepared cheese according to the first, "simple recipe. »Big a photo. Do they do that? You photograph one thing, but in fact it turns out completely different. It turned out ordinary Adyghe cheese.

  10. We need an enzyme for cheese and a broom. I do it constantly, great taste. And with cottage cheese and milk it never happened. Cottage cheese is completely different, differs from the cow. It turns out from the cow. Cosius cottage cheese does not melt at all.

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