Agni Barto Poems for children - the best selection for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Agni Barto Poems for children - the best selection for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Agni Barto's poems are a great way to captivate his child with reading. While your baby is small, you can independently read him poetic works, involving him in the beautiful world of Russian literature. When your baby will learn letters, she herself will be able to read these magnificent works, and will undoubtedly enjoy great pleasure.

Agnia Barto - Poems for Reading

Agnia Barto - Poems for Reading
Agnia Barto - Poems for Reading

Agnia Barto - Poems for reading:

The rope
Spring, spring on the street,
Spring days!
Like birds, flood
Tram calls.

Noisy, funny,
Spring Moscow.
Not yet dusty,
Green foliage.

Grace rooks on a tree,
Trucks rattling.
Spring, spring on the street,
Spring days!

Here passers are not passable:
There is a rope on the way.
The girls count in chorus
Ten times ten times.

This is from our yard
Champions, masters
Wear jumpers in your pocket,
Get out in the morning.

In the courtyard and on the boulevard,
In the alley and in the garden,
And on every sidewalk
At passers -by in sight

And from the run, and in place,
And two legs together.

Lidochka stepped forward.
Lida takes a jump.
Girls rush around
Fun and dexterous,
And at Lidochka from the hands
The rope escaped.

- Lida, Lida, you are small!
In vain you took the jump! -
Lida does not know how to jump
Do not give up to the corner!

Early in the morning in the corridor
Suddenly there was a clatter of legs.
The neighbor Ivan Petrovich got up,
I could not understand anything.

He was terribly indignant
And he said angrily:
- Why all night in the front
Someone stomps like an elephant?

Grandma got out of bed -
It's time to get up anyway.
This is Lida in the corridor
He learns to jump in the morning.

Lida jumps around the apartment
And he considers aloud.
But while she succeeds
Count only two.

Lida asks her grandmother:
- Turn a little!
I already jumped
Almost ten.

“Well,” said the grandmother, “
Wouldn't it be enough yet?
Below, probably, it will spray
Laundice from the ceiling.

Spring, spring on the street,
Spring days!
Grace rooks on a tree,
Trucks rattling.

Noisy, funny,
Spring Moscow.
Not yet dusty,
Green foliage.

Lidochka came forward,
Lida takes a jump.

- Lida, Lida! That's how Lida!
Voices are heard. -
Look, this is Lida
It jumps for half an hour!

- I am straight, I am sideways
With a turn, and with a bite,
And from the run, and in place,
And two legs together ...

Blooded to the corner.
- I wouldn't be so yet!

Spring, spring on the street,
Spring days!
With books, with notebooks
The students are coming.

Full of funny fun
Boulevards and gardens,
And how much you want to rejoice
Download in every way.


The girl is grimy
- Oh you, a grimace girl,
Where did you smear your hands like that?
Black palms;
On the elbows - paths.

- I was lying in the sun,
She held her hands up.
So they were sunbathing.
- Oh you, a grimace girl,
Where did you smear the nose like that?
The tip of the nose is black, as if smoked.

- I was lying in the sun,
She kept her nose up.
So he caught fire.
- Oh you, a grimace girl,
My legs smeared in strips,
Not a girl, but a zebra,
Legs - like a black man.

- I was lying in the sun,
I kept the heels up.
So they were sunbathing.

- Oh, right?
Was it so?
Let's wash everything to a drop.
Well, give soap.
We will shake her.

The girl screamed loudly,
As I saw Mochala,
I got it like a cat:
- Do not touch your hands!
They will not be white:
They are tanned.
And the palms were washed.

Wipped his nose with a sponge -
I was scared to tears:
- Oh, my poor nose!
He does not stand soap!
He will not be white:
He is tanned.
And the nose was also washed.

Laundered stripes -
She screamed in a loud voice:
- Oh, I'm afraid of tickling!
Take the brushes!
The heels will not be white,
They are tanned.
And the heels were also washed.

- Now you are white
Not at all tanned.
It was dirt.


I walked yesterday for water,
And our bucket is thin.
Because of this bucket
I cried yesterday.

I got a hole.
I will only pick up water -
And she is out again
So it pours around the bucket.

Suddenly the guys shout to me:
- Shurka came to you!
He has an overcoat to the heels,
Former jacket.

I look - my brother is in the hut,
He has an overcoat to the heels.
He is with a note of vacation
I came to us on the weekend.

Mother is busy at the table
To the tea, the sranjes gave.
Of course, I did not yawn -
I took two at once.

Shurka is a locksmith in the workshop.
He is so sedentary
Representative is such
Just like a military man.

In the morning I slept for a long time
She got up later than her brother.
I see - a bucket at the table,
On one patch.

Brother is laughing:
- The operation is easy!
Not like that at the machine
You will have to fulfill!

I'm by tomorrow's day
I will recalculate everything in the house. -

Shurka does not take money,
He repairs everything for nothing:
Then the neighbor goes to him
With an old samovar,

Then he is a grandmother for a lock
I made a new key.
All the student praise:
- They teach you well!

Agnia Barto - Poems for children about Vovka: Collection

Agnia Barto - Poems for children about Vovka: Collection
Agnia Barto - Poems for children about Vovka: Collection

Agnia Barto - Poems for children about Vovka, collection:

I walked yesterday on garden
I walked yesterday on Sadovaya,
So was surprised -
The boy is white -headed
Shouted to me from the window:

- Good morning!
Good morning!

I asked: - Is that for me? -
He smiled in the window
Cried someone else:

- Good morning!
Good morning!

Kids and adults
The guy waved his hand
We will now be familiar with him:
This is Vovka - there is one!


How Vovka grandmothers helped out
On the boulevard of the grandmother
Baycock, grandchildren
Ladushka sing to the grandchildren,
And the kids scream.

Two Olenki burst into tears,
They are hot in summer heat,
Andrey, in a stroller naked,
Yells like a groove.

- Ladushki, okay ... -
Oh, grandmothers are tired,
Oh, screaming Irochka
It is not easy to calm down.

Well, again to the rescue
Vovka needs to be called.
- Vovka - a kind soul,
Average the baby!

He approached his grandmothers
He stood with them side by side,
Suddenly he jumped and sang:
- Ladushki, okay!

Shrikuns fell silent,
So they are surprised:
Sells the ladles
The boy is instead of a grandmother!

Both laughed at once
Little Olenki
And Andrey does not frown with Lobik,
And laughs, naked.

Vovka dances on the path:
- Ladushki, okay!
- That's what our assistant we have!
Grandmothers rejoice.
They say to him: - Thank you!
So we could not dance!


How Vovka became an older brother
- I have an older brother,
Very smart guy! -
Assures all the guys
Tanya on the boulevard.

- He walks in the red tie,
In pioneering uniforms,
Weeds in the garden
Erases with the root!

And the fat woman Valechka
The older brother boasts:

- If anyone offends me -
The older brother will see the window.
If I cried -
He will teach everyone.

He is ready to save me
And from the tiger of the fierce.
There are almost ten years to him,
Pavlik's name is.

Katya in a red dress
How to cry:
- I am one nobody's sister, -
The cat stared at me yesterday.
Well, bite me, scratch ...
I'm alone with my dad,
I have no brothers,
Dad and mom are all relatives.

Seeking her slowly
Vovka is a kind soul.

He declares to the guys:
- I will be Katya to the older brother.
From Monday, in the morning,
You will be my sister.


About Vovka, Turtle and Cat

What happened -
The turtle lost weight!

- It became a small head,
The tail is too thin! -
So said Vovka once,
Make rid of the girls.

- Have you lost weight? Well, hardly! -
The girls laugh. -
We gave her milk,
I drank everything saucer.

The turtle is the shell!
See, stuck out a nose
And two pairs of legs!
The shell wears the turtle,
It cannot lose weight.

- The turtle lost weight! -
Vova assures. -
You need to find out what is the matter
Maybe unhealthy?

Watching Vovka from the window,
He sees - a cat is sneaked,
She came up, licked the saucer ...
A h from a rogue!
No, the girls laugh in vain!

“Here,” Vovka shouts to them, “
Take a look at the cat ate
Breakfast is a turtle!
The turtle lost weight
Because of your cat!


The sun has a rule:
It straightened the rays
I spread out in the morning -
And on the ground the heat.

It is blue in the sky
Rays spread -
The heat is so strong
At least scream the guard!

Exhaust the inhabitants
In Zagorsk-Gorodka.
They drank all the water
In a kiosk and in the stall.

The boys became blacks
Though in Africa they were not.
It’s hot, hot, there is no strength!
If only the rain was sorry.

Hotly in the morning, hot during the day,
Would fit into the river, in the reservoir,
Would fit into the river, in the lake,
Wash your face with a rain.

Someone groans:-Oh, I will die! ..-
It is difficult in strong heat
For example, fatukhaam:
They began to lose heart.

A girl of about five years old
I could not go on foot -
I hung on my father
Like a rocker.
It’s hot, hot, there is no strength!
If only the rain was sorry.

Vovka would cause a thunderstorm -
Do not conspire with a cloud.
She is in the sky, he is below.
But he is just in case
Shouts: - Well, where are you, thunderstorm?
You thunder when not! -
And he waits for a long time, raising his eyes,
He is at the gate of the garden.

Hot, hot, no strength! ..
Drink a passerby asked:
- Vovka - a kind soul,
Let me get drunk from the bucket!

Vovka - a kind soul
Wears water without breathing
Here you can not go skipping -
You splash the Colonel.

“Vovka,” two girlfriends ask, “
Bring us in a circle too!
- I will splash from a bucket to you,
Substitute handfuls ...


Thirty degrees in the morning
In the city of Zagorsk,
And higher, higher mercury ...
You need to do something
Something needs to be done,
So that coolness comes
So that the noses do not hang
People in hot hours.

Vovka - a kind soul
Works in the barn,
Something glues slowly
Melts, trying.
Vovka - a kind soul
Yes, even three kids.

Boys are not up to the game:
Everyone offers
How to get rid of heat
Obroke citizens.

In the city of Zagorsk
Slides and horseshoes
Whatever the street is a mountain.
There was an old woman uphill,
I wailed: - Oh, heat!
Would measure it.

Suddenly on a hill, on a slope,
She presents her a gift
Sets a paper fan
Vovka is a guy of about five.
Like, walk the older
It's easier to go with a fan.
Roll up along the way.

Vovka - a kind soul
Yes, even three babies,
And even eight boys
Sing on the slope:
- Get citizens,
Paper fan,
Get a fan
So that the heat does not torment.
We distribute for free
We don't take it back.

The old woman sat on the bench,
Rushed off the fan
Says: - Another thing
The breeze was hanging.
He rushed the fan
Citizen with a beard,
Walked confidently
Business gait.

And went the conveyor:
Everyone waves a fan.
The fans sway -
People breathe easier.

Agnia Barto - Children's poems for memorizing

Agnia Barto - Children's poems for memorizing
Agnia Barto - Children's poems for memorizing

His family

Vova has a deuce with a minus -
Unloved business!

He did not move at the board.
He did not pick up the chalk in the hands of mela!
He stood as if stone:
He stood like a statue.

- Well, how do you pass the exams?
The counselor is worried.

Your family, father and mother,
To reproach on the assignment
The director will be personally!

We have good twenty -five
And three families are excellent,

But your family for now
The director is unhappy:
She to raise a student
It does not help the school.

- Well, what does my family have to do with it?
He says sighing.
I get two deuces -
And suddenly the family is bad!

He would bear reproaches
I would not show me
But the question is about the family -
The family will not give offense!

They will blame mom:
“We have good twenty -five
And three families are excellent,
And you are alone - a bad mother! " -
The director will say personally.

Vova looks sad into the distance,
Lay on the heart of a stone:
It became a very pity mom ...
No, he will pass the exam!

He will tell mom: “Do not be sad,
Hope me!
We must translate us
In a good family! "


All on everyone
Arrived! Arrived!
Parents arrived!
With sweets, with nuts
Parents arrived.

Girls and boys
Jumping with joy:
In every suitcase
Apples and sweets.

Here for the daughter of Tanya
In the knot of gingerbread.
But these are pies
Take care of them for yourself.

Here for the son of Petenka
Ledes in a bag.
This is Pete to mine
This is more!

And with packages in the hands
Evil in the corners
From each other in secret
Who is the pie and who is the candy.

Vitya walks past everyone:
“If only I would have one nut!
I did not wait for my father,
I was left without a candy. "

Suddenly guys
We got up from places:
- We eat,
Does he not eat?

Comrades Parents!
Do you want, do you want

But put everything on the table
And divide everything into a hundred!

What did we sit in the corners?
We will divide everything in half ...

Divide everything into all:
You need a nut, we need a nut ...

Everyone guys have everything?
Start eating!


It was in January ...
It was in January,
There was a Christmas tree on the mountain,
And near this Christmas tree
Evil wolves roamed.

Night sometimes
When in the forest is so quiet
Meet the wolf under the mountain
Zaychat and Zaichikha.

Who is hunting for the new year
Get in the paws of the wolf!
The rabbits rushed forward
And jumped onto the Christmas tree.
They pressed the ears
Hang like toys.

Ten small hare
They hang on the Christmas tree and are silent.
Deceived the wolf.
It was in January, -
He thought that on the mountain
Decorated Christmas tree.


Tanya has a lot of things
Tanya has a lot of things:
In the morning she helped her brother, -
He ate sweets in the morning.

Promised to wash the spoons,
I spilled the carpentry glue,
Opened the door for a cat
Helped me meow.

Here's how much to deal with Tanya:
Tanya ate, saw tea,
Sat down, sat with her mother,
I got up, went to my grandmother.

Before going to bed, she said to my mother:
- You undress me yourself,
I'm tired, I can't
I will help you tomorrow.


That the talker is Lida, they say
This is Vovka invented.
And when do I chat?
I have no time to chat!

Drama circle, photo circle,
Horcrough - I have a hunt,
Per circle on drawing
Everyone also voted.

And Marya Markovna said
When I walked from the hall yesterday:
"Drama circle, photo circle
This is too much something.

Choose yourself, my friend,
One circle is one. ”

Well, I chose from the photo ...
But I also have a hunt,
And per circle on the drawing
Everyone also voted.

And what a talker Lida, they say,
This is Vovka invented.
And when do I chat?
I have no time to chat!

I'm now until old age
In our class, the headman.
What do I want?
Become, guys, a pilot.

I'll rise on a stratostat ...
What is it, by the way?
Maybe this is stratostat,
When are the elders fly?

And what a talker Lida, they say,
This is Vovka invented.
And when do I chat?
I have no time to chat!

I still have a load
In German and Russian.

The task is given to us -
Reading and grammar.
I'm sitting, looking out the window
And suddenly I see a boy there.

He says: “Come here,
I'll give you Irisa. "
And I say: “I have loads
In German and Russian. "

And he says: “Come here,
I'll give you Irisa. "

And what a talker Lida, they say,
This is Vovka invented.
And when do I chat?
I have no time to chat!

Agni Barto's little poems for children

Agni Barto's little poems for children
Agni Barto's little poems for children

Agni Barto's little poems for children:

The hostess threw the bunny -
A bunny remained in the rain.
I could not get off the bench,
All to the thread, wet.


I love my horse
I will comb her wool smoothly,
I will smack the tail
And I’ll go riding.



There is a goby, sways,
Sighs on the go:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I will fall!


Sparrow on the puddle
Jumps and dizzy.
He ruffled the feathers,
The tail flooded.
The weather is good!


Early, early in the morning
Mom came out
To teach ducklings.
She teaches them, teaches them!
-You swim, Uti-Uti,
Smoothly, in a row.

Although the son is not great,
Not great
Mom does not tell cowardly,
Does not tell.

- Swim, swim,
Don't be afraid,
Do not drown.


We are a whole morning
Fiddled with sprouts,
We planted them
With your own hands.
My grandmother and I together
Planted seedlings,
And Katya walked
With a girlfriend in the garden.
Then we had to
Fight weeds.
We pulled them out
With your own hands.
My grandmother and I dragged
Full watering water
And Katya was sitting
In the garden on the bench.
- What are you on a bench
Are you sitting like a stranger?
And Katya said:
- I'm waiting for the crop.


No, we decided in vain
Roll the cat in the car:
The cat is not used to riding -
I knocked over the truck.



We will build the plane ourselves,
We will rush over the forests,
We will rush over the forests,
And then back to mom.


Rope in the hand,
I pull the boat
On a fast river

And the frogs jump
For me on the heels
And they ask me:
- Roll up, captain!


Our Tanya cries loudly:
I dropped the ball into the river.
Hush, tanechka, do not cry:
The ball will not drown in the river.


Dropped the bear on the floor,
They tore Mishka’s paw.
I will not leave him anyway,
Because it is good.


Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
He lay down in the box on the barrel.
A sleepy bear lay down in bed.
Only the elephant does not want to sleep.
The elephant nods his head
He is bowing to the election.


I have a kid
I myself pass.
I am a kid in a green garden
I will take it early in the morning.

He will get lost in the garden -
I will find him in the grass.


It burns in the sun
Find, as if I were
The fire lit.



Left, right!
Left, right!
To the parade
There is a detachment.
To the parade
There is a detachment.
I am glad:

An hour and a half

Left, right!
Left, right!
Already a holey!

Agni Barto's short verses for children

Agni Barto's short verses for children
Agni Barto's short verses for children

Agni Barto's short verses for children:

We did not notice the beetle
We did not notice the beetle
And the winter frames closed,
And he is alive, he is still alive
Buzzing in the window
Having straightened the wings ...

And I call to help my mother:
- There the beetle is alive!
Open the frame!



Brother is just right of the shoes:
Not small, not great.
They were put on Andryushka,
But not from the place for now -
He took them for the toy,
The eye does not lead from the shoe.
Boy really, with arrangement
Engaged in renewal:
Then stroke shoes,
Then pulls the laces.
Andrei sat down and raised his leg,
The shoe licked his tongue ...
Well, now it's time on the road
You can take the first step!


One hundred clothes
A bike, three fufikes,
On the lining a dress.

Scarf on the neck, the shawl is big,
What kind of ball is rolled?
One hundred clothes, a hundred fasteners.
Words cannot utter words.

“So they wrapped me up
I don't know, is I here? "


- Miracles! - said Lyuba.
The fur coat was long.
There was a fur coat in the chest,
The fur coat became small for me.


How big Andryushka sits
On the carpet in front of the porch.
He has a toy in his hands -
A rattle with a bell.

The boy looks - what kind of miracle?
The boy is very surprised
He will not understand: well
Calling is heard?


Bunny in the window
Bunny sits in a window.
He is in a gray shirt from Plush.
They made a gray hare
Too big ears.

In a plush fur coat of gray
He sits, clinging to the frame.
Well, how to seem brave here
With such big ears?


Funny flower
A funny flower is put in a vase!
He was never watered
He does not need moisture
It is made of paper.
Why is it so important?
But because it is paper!


I grew up
I'm not up to toys now -
I am literal
I will collect my toys
And I will give Seryozha.

Wooden dishes
I will not give it yet.
I need a hare myself -
Nothing that he is lame

And the bear is too smalled ...
It is a pity to give the doll:
He will give it to the boys
Or throw under the bed.

Give the steam locomotive Seryozha?
He is bad, without a wheel ...
And then, I need too
Play at least half an hour!


Two Ivan
We decided two Ivan
Change without deception.
And what to change -
This is not the point
At least something
For something.
Toy bunny
On cloves and nut,
And cloves and nut
Then again to the hare.
Friends are not looking for benefits
They make a joke, jump,
Shout: - I change the cat
On a broken brooch,
And a broken brooch
Then again to the cat!
We decided two Ivan
Change without deception.
And what to change -
This is not the point
At least something
For something.
So changed all day
And they stayed with their own.


Four years Svetik,
He loves arithmetic.
Svetik joyful news
Declares everyone:
- If you add six to two, -
It will be seven! -
Hearing his words
Yura began to count:
- No, add two to six -
It will be five!
Hot spore began,
Voices were divided.
He bends his fingers
Polostenny Taya:
- Don't interfere, boys,
Quiet! I think!
It is difficult to add six to two,
A scream and noise do not silence.
Here, for good luck,
Nastya came running.
Nastya knows the rules:
I added two to six
And tell me the mercy
Eight turned out!


Let's draw a garden
There the currant is growing -
Two currant bushes,
Berries like beads.
Black - Volodins,
Reds are Marusins.


Singing a dandy all day
In the cage on the window.
The third year he went to him
And he is afraid of a cat.
But Masha is not afraid
Neither cats nor chopped.
Shcheglu gave me to get drunk
And she drove the cat.


Christmas tree
Girls got into the circle,
We got up and silent.
Santa Claus lit the lights
On a high Christmas tree.
At the top of the star,
Beads in two rows.
Let the Christmas tree not go out
Let it always burn!
The clock broke eight.
Now the house will subside,
Now we’ll throw a scarf
On a cage with a chogle.

Agni Barto's poems for the smallest

Agni Barto's poems for the smallest
Agni Barto's poems for the smallest

Agni Barto's poems for the smallest:

The puppy was fed milk,
So that he grew up healthy.
Got up at night and secretly
They fled to him barefoot -
He feel his nose.

The boys of the puppy taught
They fiddled with him in the garden,
And he, upset slightly,
Shagal on the occasion.

He is used to grumbling on strangers,
Just like an adult dog
And suddenly a truck arrived
And he took all the guys.

He waited: when will they start the game?
When will the fire be lit?
He was used to a bright fire,
To what is early in the morning
The pipe calls for the collection.
And he barked to hoarsely
On dark bushes.

He was alone in the garden of empty
He lay down on the terrace.
He lay a layer for an hour,
He didn't even want to wave his tail
He could not even eat.

The guys remembered him -
They returned halfway.
They wanted to enter the house
But he did not let him enter.

He will meet them, on the porch,
He was in the face of all in a row.
He was caressed by the kids
And he barked with all his heart.


Touch her inadvertently -
Immediately: - Guard!
Olga Nikolaevna,
He pushed me!

- Oh, I pricked! -
Sonin's voice is heard. -
Something in the eye hit me
I will complain about you!

At home, complaints again:
- My head hurts…
I would lie down -
Mom does not tell.

The boys conspired:
- We will open the account:
Let's count complaints -
How much will it come out a year?
Sonya was scared
And sits quietly.


An important captive

There was a spring time
There was a military game
And we came across a prisoner.
Captive! Captive!
What a venerable captive!

Although he is not tall tall,
But he has a gray temple
He is a very important person -
Head teacher
Taken into the ring.

He was a participant in the game
He burned signal bonfires
And he turned out to be a prisoner.
Prisoners! Prisoners!
So venerable prisoner!

Set the deuce not one
He is in our diaries,
And today he is in captivity
The schoolchildren are in their hands.

It's nice that you say
Things are going well ...
Secretaries run to him:
- Director! Your report!

And he sighs: - Well, well!
Warnly: I'm captured.

Such an important person -
Head teacher
Take into the ring!
Such an invaluable captive
One in the whole universe!


I am growing
I did not know that I was growing
All the time, every hour.
I sat down on a chair - but I am growing
Growing, walking in the classroom.

Growing when I look out the window,
Growing when I sit in the cinema,
When it is light when it is dark
Growing, growing, I do not care.

There is a struggle for cleanliness,
I sweep and grow.

I sit down with a book on an ottoman,
I read the book and grow.

We are standing with dad on the bridge,
It does not grow, but I grow.

The mark put me the wrong
I almost cry, but growing.

Growing in rain and frost,
Already I have outgrown my mother!

Agnia Barto - Poems for preschoolers

Agnia Barto - Poems for preschoolers
Agnia Barto - Poems for preschoolers

Agnia Barto - Poems for preschoolers:

Game in the herd
We played a herd yesterday,
And we had to growl.
We growled and mumbled
Lucky barking
They did not hear the comments
Anna Nikolaevna.

And she said strictly:
- What kind of noise do you have?
I saw a lot of children -
I see such for the first time.

We told her in response:
- There are no children here!
We are not Peti and not Vova -
We are dogs and cows!

And always dogs are barking
Do not understand your words.
And the cows always mumble
Driving flies.

And she answered: - What are you?
Okay, if you are a cow,
I'm a shepherd then.
And please keep in mind:
I lead the cows home!



Who lives in this room?
Does he get up with the sun?

This Mashenka woke up
On the side turned to side
And, having back the blanket,
Suddenly she stood on her legs.

There is not a big room here -
There is a huge country here
Two giant sofas,
Here is the green meadow -
This is a rug by the window.

Mashenka reached out
To the mirror with your hand
Mashenka was surprised:
"Who is there?"

She reached the chair
I rested a little
I stood at the table
And again I went forward.

Masha began to grow up.
It is necessary to educate my daughter.
Masha has a daughter -
She is soon half a year.

She does not cry
The eyes are hiding from the light.
So that she sleeps with us,
Remove the lamp from the table.


Lived in the world of a dump truck
Lived in the world of a dump truck
He visited the construction site
He rolled up in the morning to the gate.
The watchman was asked: - Who is there? -
The dump truck answered like this:
- I brought an excellent slag.

Well done dump truck
Where he just has not been!
He drove a brick and gravel,
But, alas, stuck in the ditch!

He skidded, skidded,
The dump truck barely got out.
Says: - Don't touch me,
I'm on the repair today.
I have a frame!

Alexey - said mom.
Did you manage to get into the ditch?

The fact is that by self -sump
There was Alyosha, glorious small.
How old is he? Six years old!

The dump truck signaling loudly:
- I have a breakdown now
But in the morning I am again on the road.
“Good,” said mom,
But while Alyosha be!
You will drink milk and sleep!
Well, Alyosha had to become!

Where is Alyosha? Sleeping already
He sleeps at home, not in the garage.


The bear is an ignoramus
Mom had a son -
The bear is small.
There was a figure into mom -
Bear bear.

The bear will settle
Under a tree, in the shade,
The son will fit nearby
And so they lie.

He will fall. - Ah, poor! -
He is pity by his mother. -
Smarter in the reserve
Do not find a child!

Son of discipline
He does not recognize at all!
He found honey bee -
And with a dirty paw in honey!

Mother repeats:
- Keep in mind -
So you can’t grab food!
And he began to champ
Smeared in honey.

Care your mother after him
Agroke with a son:
Mine, smack him
The wool with the tongue.

Parents are talking -
He interferes with the conversation.
You should not interrupt
An adult bear!

So he rushed to the house
And the first to get into the den -
Bear to the elderly
He did not give way.

Yesterday I disappeared somewhere,
Mom got off my feet!

Roused, shaggy
A son came home
And declares to mom:
- And I was lying in the pit.

He is terribly brought up
He roars all night, he does not sleep!
He is the mother simply erases.
Is there enough strength?

The son went to visit -
The neighbor bit
And the roasts are cubs
He pushed from a high branch.

Bear is brown
I walked for three days gloomy
Grounded for three days:
- Ah, what a fool I am -
Son has spoiled!

Consulting her husband
The bear went:
-Our son is getting worse,
Things are not getting along!

He does not know decency -
He destroyed the house,
He fights in the bushes
In public places!

The bear roared in response:
- What am I, wife?
This mother should be able to
Improve a bear!
Son - your care,
That's what you and your mother.

But it came to it
What's on the bear himself
To his native dad,
Bear raised his paw!

Father angrily howl
He spanked the disassemble.
(Hit the living
As you can see and father.)

And the bear whines
Does not tell his son:
- Beat children is unacceptable!
My soul hurts ...

Winds in the Bear family -
And the son is growing ignorant!

I know firsthand
And people say
What are such bears
There are among the guys.

Agnia Barto-Poems for schoolchildren of grade 1-4

Agnia Barto - Poems for schoolchildren of grade 1-4
Agnia Barto-Poems for schoolchildren of grade 1-4

Agnia Barto-Poems for schoolchildren of grade 1-4:

To school
Why today Petya
Wake up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

He is now not just a boy
And now he is a beginner.
He has on a new jacket
Dead collar.

He woke up at night dark
It was only three hours.
He was terribly scared
That the lesson has already begun.

He dressed in two minutes,
He grabbed the pencil case from the table.
Dad rushed after him
He caught up with him at the door.

The neighbors stood behind the wall,
Electricity was lit,
The neighbors stood behind the wall,
And then they lay down again.

He woke the whole apartment
Could not fall asleep until the morning.
Even my grandmother dreamed of
That she repeats the lesson.

Even grandfather dreamed of
What is it at the board
And he cannot on the map
Find Moscow River.

Why today Petya
Wake up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.


In the theatre
When I was eight years old
I went to watch the ballet.

We went with any friend.
We shot fur coats in the theater,
They took off warm scarves.
We are in the theater, in the locker room,
They gave the numbers in the hands.

Finally I'm in ballet!
I forgot everything in the world.

Even three multiply by three
I would not be able to.
Finally I'm in the theater
How I was waiting for this.

I'll see Fairy now
In a white scarf and wreath.
I'm sitting, I don't dare to breathe,
I hold the number in my hand.

Suddenly the orchestra broke into the pipes,
My friend and I are any
They even shuddered slightly.
Suddenly I see - there is no number.

The fairy is spinning on the stage -
I don't look at the stage.
I searched my knees -
I do not find a number.

Maybe he is under a chair somewhere?
I am now not up to ballet!

Pipes play more strongly,
Guests are dancing at the ball
And my friend and I are any
We are looking for a room on the floor.

He rolled off somewhere ...
I am crawling into the next series.
The guys are surprised:
- Who crawls below there?

On the stage, the butterfly fluttered -
I have not seen anything:
I was looking for a number below
And finally found him.

And then the light was lit up,
And everyone left the hall.
- I really like the ballet, -
I told the guys.


Seryozha teaches lessons
Seryozha took his notebook -
I decided to teach lessons:
The lakes began to repeat
And mountains in the east.

But then Monter just came.
Seryozha began a conversation
About traffic jams, about wiring.

A minute later Monter knew
How to jump from a boat,
And that Seryozha is ten years old
And that in the soul he is a pilot.

But the light has already lit up
And the counter earned.

Seryozha took his notebook -
I decided to teach lessons:
The lakes began to repeat
And mountains in the east.

But suddenly he saw the window
That the yard is dry and clean,
That the rain has ended for a long time
And the football players came out.

He put off his notebook.
Lakes can wait.

He was, of course, the goalkeeper
I did not come home soon,
About four hours
He remembered the lakes.

He took his notebook again -
I decided to teach lessons:
The lakes began to repeat
And mountains in the east.

But here is Alyosha, younger brother,
I broke Seryozhi a scooter.

I had to repair two wheels
On this scooter.
He fiddled with him for half an hour
And rolled, by the way.

But Serezhina is a notebook
For the tenth time open.

- How much began to be set! -
Suddenly he said angrily. -
I'm still sitting above the book
And all did not learn the lakes.


Poor fellow mole
There was rain, slush, sputum,
Suddenly near the gate
I found a counselor mole:
- What a beautiful mole!

It is a little blind, a little
But he is not to blame for this.

Everyone votes for the mole:
- He was not without reason
At the camp gate!
Let him live in the camp!

And for a living corner
He is a real treasure:
There are no residents there,
Although the poster hangs
On the wall near the doors:
"Do not forget to feed the animals!"

And here are the boys for the mole
They carry worms from under the bush.
He opens his mouth -
He is a very smart mole.

In the morning the girls at the post,
Bring caterpillars a mole,
He opens his mouth -
He is a very smart mole.

But once the news spread -
The mole does not want to eat anything!
I ate a beetle in one sitting
And suddenly now he does not drink, does not eat.

The counselor was conducted
About all detachments
And wrote about
That there were difficulties with a mole:

In the detachment of forty October,
And everyone wants to feed him,
And he is all!
What is he?

Poor Mole! He is still alive
But for a living corner
We will have to sooner
Search for other animals.


On Arbat, in the store,
Outside the window is a garden.
Blue pigeon flies there,
Bullfins whistle in the garden.

I am one such bird
Behind the glass I saw in the window,
I saw such a bird
That now I can’t sleep.

Bright pink breast,
Two shiny wings ...
I could not for a moment
Turn off the glass.

Because of this very bird
I roared for four days.
I thought my mother would agree -
I will have a bird.

But mom has a habit
It is always not the answer:
I tell her about the bird
And she is about my coat.

What's in pockets in a hole,
What am I fighting in the yard
What is why I should
To forget about the bullfinch.

I followed my mother
He was waiting for her at the door
I am deliberately at dinner
He talked about bullfinches.

It was dry, but galoshes
I obediently put on
Before that I was good -
He did not recognize himself.

I hardly argued with my grandfather,
Did not turn out at dinner,
I "thank you" said
I thanked everyone for everything.

It was difficult to live in the world
And, in truth,
I endured these torment
Just for the sake of the bullfinch.

How I tried!
I did not fight with the girls.

As I see a girl,
I will pursue her with a fist
And soon I go aside,
As if I'm unfamiliar with her.

Mom was very surprised:
- What's the matter with you, tell me for mercy?
Maybe you are sick with us -
You did not fight on the weekend!

And I answered with longing:
“I'm always like that now.”

I sought stubbornly
I tinned on it for nothing.
“Miracles,” said mom
And I bought a bullfinch.

I brought him home.
Finally now he is mine!
I shouted to the whole apartment:
- My bullfinch is alive!

I will admire them
He will sing at dawn ...
Maybe you can fight again
Tomorrow morning in the yard?

Agni Barto verses for children about school

Agni Barto verses for children about school
Agni Barto verses for children about school

Agni Barto verses for children about school:

On the way to class
Nikita hurried to the lesson,
Walked without slowing down
Suddenly a puppy growls on him,
Kudlata mongrel.

Nikita is an adult! He is not a coward!
But Tanyusha walked nearby,
She said: Oh, I'm afraid!
And immediately tears in hail.

But then Nikita saved her,
He showed courage
Said: Go calmly to class!
And drove off the mongrel.

His tanyusha along the way
Thanks for the courage.
- Save her again
Nikita wanted to.

- You will be lost in the forest
And I will come - I will save you!
He offered Tanya.

- Well, no, - she answered
I will not go for a walk alone,
Girlfriends will go with me.

- You can drown in the river!
Sick someday!
She was offered by Nikita.
I will not let you go to the bottom!

- I myself will not drown!
She is angrily in response.

She did not understand him ...
But this is not the point!
He is all the way to the corner
He saved Tanyusha boldly.
In dreams saved her from the wolf ...
But then the guys came to the classroom.


First lesson
This is the first time in the lesson
Now I'm a student.
The teacher entered the class
Get up or sit down?

How to open a desk,
I did not know at first.
And I did not know how to get up
So that the desk does not knock.

They say to me: “Go to the board” -
I raise my hand.
And how to hold a pen in the hand,
I don't understand at all.

How many schoolchildren we have!
We have four Asi,
Four Vasya, Five Marus
And two Petrovs in the classroom.


Young naturalist
In an empty matchbox, a whole family,
There are four ants in the empty matchbox.

I study their habits
Their lifestyle, appearance.

- Put matches in place!
Suddenly my grandmother tells me.

I could not become a scientist,
I had to put the matches in place.

And ants in the green grass
We managed to hide and abyss.


The young speaker performed,
He talked about work.
He proved from the rostrum:
- Need work always, everywhere!
We are told by school,
The detachment teaches this ...
- Raise the papers from the floor!
One of the guys shouted.
But then the speaker frowns:
- There is a cleaning lady for this!


Lesson in the garden
Our teacher gave a lesson
I did not call to the board.
There are breeze in the lesson
Quietly blowing it.
Spring, spring, spring came!
We study in the garden
How to sow seeds,
How to make a furrow.
Grow, our garden, and good
And go on time!
Without books, without pencils
There was a great lesson.


Why is the phone busy?
On the phone day-day
You can’t get through to us!
The people live in our country -
Responsible persons:
Three schoolchildren live with us
Yes, first -grader Kolenka.

Pupils will come home -
And the calls begin,
Calls without a break.
And who is calling? Students,
The same boys.

- Andrey, what is asked, tell me?
Ah, repeat the cases?
All again, in order?
Okay, hold the phone,
I will look for a notebook.

- Seryozha, what's the question:
Who took the hemisphere?
I rumbled in the desk, rummaged
There is no Card of the hemispheres!

Voices do not shut up
Someone appears in the tube:
- And on the botanist of the forest,
Meadows or swamp?

The students call, the students call ...
Why write to them in diaries,
What lesson was he asked?
After all, the phone is nearby!
Call each other at home!

The students call, the students call ...
They have empty diaries,
We have calls, calls, calls ...

And the first grader of the ring
Calls the Smirnov tick -
Say that he writes sticks
And he was not tired at all.


To school (today a small people)
Today is a small people
Meets a new one
School year.

In the morning along the sidewalks,
Any street
The guys go in pairs
Chain, gurgha.

Who drags to classes
A male receiver,
Who are the butterflies of the dried
And who is a living squirrel.

Here with a first-grader brother
Sister walks nearby.
The girl is instructed to watch
For your younger brother.

Yes, he himself is more than once
To his sister
In the fifth grade
He will certainly look
In a big change!

Schoolchildren go with a throat
With portfolios in the hands,
Notebooks are not touched
Purely in the diaries.
They are in a hurry to call
And they are cheerful.

And adults from the windows
They look with a smile.
We have
Any work -
Schoolchildren go to work!

Agni Barto Poems read online

Agni Barto Poems read online
Agni Barto Poems read online

Agni Barto Poems read online:

Today in the circus is a complete collection:
Chinese magician, jugler,
Participates in the program -
Juggling balls.

He throws into the air
And he catches immediately
Twelve balls
And the Chinese vase.

Colored glasses
He puts on a dish.
And with the tray
The dishes take off.

He throws into the air
Any items:
Balls and rockets,
Flags and bouquets,
Colored glasses and saucers,

And everyone claps and laugh,
And looks from the box
Seryozha Petrov.

Seryozha has no
Glass balls.
But at home glasses
There will be.

Now he is a magician, a juggler.
He will tell his mother.
He will run into the yard tomorrow,
Juggling with balls.

Here he will want to automate tea,
The glass will be thrown by chance
Then he will catch on the fly
And he will bring it to the mouth.

“Now you please
Throw the kettle! ” -
They will ask him
Adjusted guests.

And they will ask
In chorus: “How long
Have you become a jugler? "

It is dark in the arena huge,
It’s dark in the ground and in the box,
The juggles and clowns left,
Seryozha returned home.

And now he approaches the table,
The glass quits boldly ...
Seryozha is very surprised -
Suddenly something rang!

A glass crashed
And a glass saucer,
No one knew
That they will break!

Others throw
Twelve balls
And even a Chinese vase.
But whatever throws up
Seryozha Petrov -
Everything breaks immediately.

“No,” he says, “decided:
I will not be a jugler! -
But mom hides from him
Glass dishes.


Grandmother had forty grandchildren
In the garden, in the garden here is the trouble -
She appeared, settled Lebed.

Grandma gasped: go,
And you can’t see where the strawberries are!

I pull the grass
I will destroy the quinoa,
I will find a council on her -
I will give forty grandchildren!

Forty grandchildren, exactly forty,
The sleeves were rolled:
You will not deal with her soon -
Oh and tenacious grass!

But they pulled the grass
We worked for fame.

Grandma gasped: go!
Look what grace!
But where is my strawberry?
You can’t see something berries!

Agni Barto Poems listen online

Agni Barto Poems listen online
Agni Barto Poems listen online

Agni Barto Poems listen online:

Dad has an exam
The lamp is on ...
Dad is engaged,
A thick book
He took out from the closet
He wrote out a notebook and a notebook,
He must be tomorrow
Take the exam!
Petya repaired him a pencil.
Petya said:
- Be sure to hand over!

Adults study
After work,
They are worn in portfolios
Notebooks, notebooks,
Books read,
Look at the dictionaries.
Dad today
I did not sleep to dawn.

Petya advises:
- Listen to me,
Make yourself
Daily schedule!

Shares experience
Petya with his father:
- The main thing,
Go out with a cheerful face!

Remember, you won't help you
You are in vain with her,
Time sorry!

Adults study
After work.
They go with a book
Pilots for the exam.
With a thick portfolio
The singer comes
Even a teacher
I did not finish studying!

- Your dad
What are the marks? -
Interested in
The daughter of a neighbor.

And recognizes, sighing,
- Our three:
Worried too much!


Noise from the wind
Green branches,
The swing hung
Under the oak, centenary.

From morning to lunch,
Until a quiet hour
The guys swayed
From the first class,

Then from the second,
Then from the sixth,
Then the kids
Appear again.

The swing takes off
Then left, then to the right,
And sighs loudly
Leading Klava.

She assures
What is not clear to her
How can you swing
For an hour in a row.

After all, this is perhaps
Brains get sick!

As soon as guys
Lie down in bed
Leading Klava
He runs to the swing.

Sleep the kids
And do not touch the clav
You can in silence
Sign to glory!

To Anna Petrovna,
To the chief of staff,
In the evening, Klava
For some reason they call.

- Your job
Sproveed weakly!
You can’t swing
Forty minutes!

As soon as the counselors
We will lie in bed
Anna Petrovna ...
He runs to the swing.

She is a student
Tenth grade -
She can swing
Until the late hour.

Wonderful evening,
But the rooms are hot
Aunt Maroussia
Walks in the garden.
Aunt Maroussia
Now the orderly -
The courses graduated
This year.

She pronounces
Harsh speech,
What you need on vacation
Forces to protect:
After a walk
Lie down immediately.

After listening to strict speech
Anna Petrovna
It goes to rest.

And Aunt Maroussia ...
Smokes in the park,
Swings take off
Either back, then forward.


Children's world
When adults come,
Tired of business,
When adults come
To the toy department,
They laugh heartily
Just like children-nashes
They gasp childishly:
- Toys are good!
Puts in the portfolio of the soldering
Funny citizen:
- I myself love to laugh
No less than my son.
Sailor with a gray beard
He admired the boat.
He, rejoicing like a little,
Looks at the yaliks
And near the white yacht
He stands not breathing.
He exclaims: - Oh you!
Well, a yacht, good!
When adults come,
Tired of business,
When adults come
To the toy department,
They laugh heartily
And stroke the cubs.
They laugh heartily
Although they, like kids,
Of course they do not squeal.

Agnia Barto's verses online for free

Agnia Barto's verses online for free
Agnia Barto's verses online for free

Agni Barto's verses online for free:

An important captive
There was a spring time
There was a military game
And we came across a prisoner.
Captive! Captive!
What a venerable captive!

Although he is not tall tall,
But he has a gray temple
He is a very important person -
The school principal was taken into the ring.

He was a participant in the game
He burned signal bonfires
And he turned out to be a prisoner.
Prisoners! Prisoners!
So venerable prisoner!

Set the deuce not one
He is in our diaries,
And today he is in captivity
The schoolchildren are in their hands.

It's nice that you say
Things are going well ...
The secretaries run to him: -
Director! Your report!

And he sighs: - Well, well!
Warnly: I'm captured.

Such an important person -
The school principal is taken to the ring!
Such an invaluable captive
One in the whole universe!


Gathered to collect the detachment
All! There are no absent!
The collection is serious:
You need to choose
The best girls in the Council.

Galya is crossed out of the list!
Everyone told her in the eye:
-You are, firstly, an egoist,
Secondly, you are Eoza.

Offer to choose the light:
Sveta writes to the wall newspaper,
And she is an excellent student.
- But plays the dolls of light! -
Declares Ilyina.

- That's the new member of the Council!
He nurses his doll!
- Not! - shouts, worried, Sveta.
I'm sewing her dress now.

I sew a brown dress,
I embroider a belt.
Sometimes, of course, by the way
I'll play an hour with her.

- You even need to sew for dolls! -
The detachment is interceding.
- It will be sewn later for the grandchildren! -
The pioneers say.

Natasha raised her hand:
- We must solve the issue.
I think for dolls
In the fifth grade, it’s a shame to sew!

It became noisy in the school hall,
A hot argument began,
But, thinking, everyone said:
- Sewing for dolls is not a shame!

Will not drop the light
Your authority.


Swan geese
Babies among the yard
The round dance was driven.
In the geese, the game is a game,
Gray Wolf - Vasily.

-Geese-Swans, home!
Gray wolf under the mountain!
The wolf does not look at them,
The wolf sits on the bench.

Gathered around him
Swans and geese.
- Why don't you eat us? -
Says Maroussia.

- Since you are a wolf, so you don't work!
The goose screamed on the wolf. -
From such a wolf
No sense!

The wolf replied: - I do not rub
I will attack you now.
I will get a pear first,
And then I will take you!


Greedy Egor
Oh, what a Galdage costs!
Dance Komsomols.
So the youth dances
Whatever you want, but you will go
Dance on the Christmas tree.

Here the cheerful choir sings,
Fables read here ...
Egor is aside,
Fat third -grader.

He first came to the ball
To the school club on the Christmas tree.
Yegor did not dance:
- What to dance to no avail?

He does not look at the dragonfly
And on the fish are bright.
He has one question:
- Santa Claus will be soon
Give out gifts?

People have fun, funny,
Everyone shouts: - Moar! -
But Yegor repeats one thing:
- And the gifts soon?

Wolf, and hare and bear -
Everyone came to the Christmas tree.

“Why stare at them?”
Laugh to no avail? -
Capage from the mountains began,
Yegor does not ride:
- I ride in the park!

He has one question:
- Santa Claus will be soon
Give out gifts? -

Santa Claus plays the collection:
- Here are gifts, children! -
Egor first grabbed
Golden bag.

In the corner sat down on a chair
He wrapped his gift
Indeed, with the arrangement,
Tied it with twine.

And then he asked again:
- And on the Christmas tree in the park
Tomorrow will be distributed
Schoolchildren Gifts?

The text of the verses of Agnia Barto is the best selection

The text of the verses of Agnia Barto is the best selection
The text of the verses of Agnia Barto is the best selection

The text of the verses of Agnia Barto is the best selection:

Game of words
Tell me a louder
The word "thunder" -
The word rumbles
Like thunder.
Say quieter:
"Six mice" -
And immediately the mice rustle.
Say: "Cuckoo on the bitch"
You will be heard: "Ku-ku."
And you say a word
"Listopad" -
And the leaves fall, fly,
And, as if in reality,
You see autumn:
Yellow Garden
And wet grass.
Say "spring" -
And so it arose
Runes in green more often
The cheerful key is murmuring.
We and the spring call the key.
(The key to the doors has nothing to do with it.)
The rain went and does not pass
Rain, rain.
It rains, although it does not walk
Rain, rain.
He whips through the face to passers -by
Rain, rain.
Long, long will pour
Rain, rain.
He will pour hours in a row
On the roof, on the road.
Clouds are talking about this,
At least they cannot speak.
My daughter asked her father:
- I don't know how to read
There is a word "wire"
And there is a “wire”.
And what is Atlas?
Is he brought to class?
I read the Atlas,
But there is a Atlas.
Father replied: daughter,
Get off for half an hour.


Egor will not understand
What kind of saying:
“My hut with the edge -
I know nothing".
The saying is wrong
These are old words.

Wherever the hut is
From the edge or not from the edge,
I am responsible for general affairs too.
Boy Vitya in front of you.
He enters into conversation.
He rushes in words
Like a juggler rings.

He swears to someone:
- You are my friends now!
But after a minute
He screams: what does I have to do with it!

Words are different
There are inevitable.
Here, for example, to Volodya
The word "like."

Ask Volodya:
- Are you a pioneer?
- Yes.
- Did you work in the garden? -
And he again:
- Yes.

Words are different
Good, simple,
Words are idle -
Unnecessary, empty.


Running chamomiles around the field
They run daisies around the field
Begining in sight
And I stand as if dug
And I will not take the eye.
They run daisies around the field
Do not hide in the grass ...
And I stomp with a bouquet,
With flowers in Moscow.
I look-some uncle
He smiled sweetly:
- Good bouquet, good!
How much do you give for?
And the uncle pronounces
Boarding words:
- Deal? Frankish?
I do not give a ruble, but two.
And I give him an answer,
I say: - No, no,
I don't sell daisies,
I carry a bouquet home.
And goodbye, uncle,
Deal? Frankish?


Amateur fishing
Sitting on the lake in the morning
Amateur fishing
Sits, purrs the song,
And a song without words: “Tra-la-la,
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la ", the lake is deep,
Successful will be fishing.
Now he will catch perch
Amateur fishing. “Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,
Tra-la-la. " The song is wonderful -
And joy in her, and sadness,
And knows this song
All fish by heart. “Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,
Tra-la-la. " How the song begins
All fish blurs ... "Tra-la!"


Everywhere Pavlika is honored:
Pavlik pancakes bake.

He had a conversation at school -
He said, opening a notebook,
How much soda, how much salt,
How many oils you need to take.

Proved that instead of oil
You can take margarine.

It was decided unanimously:
He spoke perfectly.
Who said such a speech
Can bake pancakes!

But, comrades, rush -
You need to save the house soon!
Where is your fire extinguisher?
Smoke falls from under the doors!

And the neighbors say:
- These are pancakes burn!

Oh, when it came to business,
Our hero was dishedsome -
Nine pancakes burned down,
And the tenth was raw!

It’s easy to speak.
It’s hard to bake pancakes!


My grandfather and I painted the barn,
We stood with him a little light.
- Wipe the wall first, -
My grandfather taught me. -

You shake it, clean it,
Then boldly take the brush.

So my brush flew!
Thunder thundered in the sky
And it seemed to me - it was me
I threaten my bucket.

Well, finally the barn is ready.
My grandfather is so happy!
Eh, take the colors of all colors
And paint everything in a row!

There are some paint in the bucket,
On the bottom, a little bit--
I'll get up at dawn tomorrow
I will paint something!

Video: Agnia Barto. Poems for children

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