Spices on the horoscope: acute pepper is pleasant to the taste of Aries, lions like sweet vanilla

Spices on the horoscope: acute pepper is pleasant to the taste of Aries, lions like sweet vanilla

Few people know that there is such a thing as spices according to a horoscope. Use the seasoning that suits your zodiac sign and improve health and mental state.

There are many types of spices, each of which has its own characteristic aroma, taste and has a beneficial effect on health. But basically, seasonings strengthen the immune system, help digestion and improve mood.

On the site iherb a lot of different spices. You can choose a seasoning according to your zodiac sign. All spices are natural and environmentally friendly.

Since each of us is suitable for different aroma, taste or color, and everyone deals with various ailments, we have prepared for you a list of twelve types of spices on the horoscope, in accordance with the main natural characteristics of a person - signs of the zodiac. For example, a fragrant clove is suitable, the twins will appreciate the expensive saffron, and Aquarius will not miss a beautiful star anisa. All you need to do is add your spices to food, and you will always feel good with both the body and the spirit. Read more more.

Sharp pepper - King of spices: pleasant to the taste of Aries

Sharp pepper - King of spices: pleasant to the taste of Aries
Sharp pepper - King of spices: pleasant to the taste of Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 20):

  • Most people born under the sign Aries, live at a crazy pace, often suffer from colds and suffer from headaches.
  • Therefore, they need to strengthen the immune system and mental health well.
  • That is why Aries benefits from the king of spices - pepper of all colors.

Black, green, white and red sharp pepper - These are the fruits of exotic seasonings "Piper nigrum". This is the king of spices. It contributes to the following:

  • Strengthens the immune system
  • It has an antiseptic effect
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Contributes to the health of the respiratory tract
  • Helps with coughing
  • Relieves pain

Pepper is also an effective aphrodisiac who will appreciate every Aries. This seasoning is pleasant to taste the representatives of this zodiac sign.

  • Pepper - universal spice.
  • Black pepper approaches all salty and sweet dishes, including some sweets (it is part of spices, for example, for gingerbread).
  • Green pepper is softer. It is used in broths, sauces, salads, legumes and pastes.
  • White pepper has a spicy and characteristic pepper taste - for poultry and fish meat, used in sauces and in the production of mayonnaise.
  • Red pepper has a characteristic taste, a slightly aromatic smell. Suitable for beef and pork, seafood and even sweets.

Choose the type of pepper that suits you and enjoy, as well as heal and improve your health.

Fragrant cloves for Taurus

Taurus (April 21 - May 20):

  • Born under the sign Taurushave good health, but many of them are prone to diseases of the gums and teeth
  • Also, representatives of this zodiac sign are subject to frequent sore throat.

Fragrant cloves - This is a spice that should be in their diet. These are dried woods with exotic colors "Syzygium aromaticum". Such a seasoning acts as a natural anesthetic, has a strong anti -inflammatory and antibacterial effect. This is an excellent prevention from caries and periodontitis, as well as clove relieves toothache and hoarse voice.

Such a spice has a sweet taste, which often goes into a bitter aftertaste. It is used entirely or ground for seasoning sweet dishes, baking. Suitable for preparing meat, especially lamb and game, for frying. When cooking is used with pickled vegetables, mushrooms or rice. It is added to compotes, mulled wine, punch and liquors.

Read on our website on the topic: "Seasoning from tomatoes for the winter: General rules of cooking". You will find in it 2 best step -by -step recipe with detailed ingredients.

Shafran is the most expensive spice in the world: for twins

Shafran is the most expensive spice in the world: for twins
Shafran is the most expensive spice in the world: for twins

Gemini (May 21 - June 21):

  • Born under the sign Gemini, easily subject to mood swings.
  • Often suffer from changes in the psyche, which can lead to stomach disorder, irritation, nervousness and stress.
  • The most expensive spice in the world - Safran - will help Gemini get positive energy and well -being.

Real saffron -These are dried purple-brown stems, which are collected by hand, by separating stems and leaves from flowers "Crocus sativus". This rare spice will help twins relieve tension in the body and maintain sensuality. The spice added to dishes will help calm the nervousness, and is also great for depression. But such a seasoning not only soothes the nervous system, but also improves digestion.

Saffron It has a harsh bitterness and beautiful orange. A pinch of this spice enhances the taste of many dishes and at the same time gives them a rich yellow color. It is used for refueling and painting rice (Spanish paella, Italian risotto), lightening fish or vegetable soup, couscous. It is added to homemade salty and sweet pastries.

Wild juniper: perfect spice for cancer

Cancer (June 22 - July 22):

  • A person born under the sign CancerHe usually loves sweets.
  • And since he has a slower metabolism, he can gain weight, especially in the abdomen.
  • Its fragile psyche affects the state of the liver.
  • Therefore, the perfect spice for Cancer — wild juniper.

This dried plant fruit " Juniperus Communis»Helps Cancer Accelerate and improve their metabolism and counteracts water retention in the body. Thanks to this, seasoning helps to reduce weight in problem areas. Juniper It has a regenerative effect on the liver, even helps with chronic inflammation of the gall bladder and cirrhosis. He works against swelling of the abdomen and flatulence.

Juniper It has a slightly bitter taste, leaves a light burning sensation and an intense resinous aroma in the tongue. It goes well with game and meat. The juniper is added when smoking pork and pickled vegetables, it also goes well with sauerkraut.

Sweet fragrant vanilla like lions

Sweet fragrant vanilla like lions
Sweet fragrant vanilla like lions

Leo (July 23 - August 23):

  • Born under the sign Leo, ambitious, confident in themselves and always want to be the best.
  • Nervous tension can occur in increased fatigue, stress and sexual problems.
  • The ideal seasoning for this zodiac sign - exotic sweet and fragrant vanilla.

Such a spice is a fruit (capsule) of a tropical weaved orchid vanilla Planifolia. it  the only orchid from which you can get spices. She helps Lions With the problems of the psyche, raises a good mood and helps in stressful situations. Vanil relieves fatigue and adds energy and vitality. In addition, it increases erotic attraction, helps treat impotence, loss of libido, frigidity and erectile dysfunction.

A real vanilla has a characteristic rich aroma, sweet taste and brown-black color. It can be found in ice cream, chocolate, desserts, cookies, cookies, sweet sauces and drinks. Modern trends in cooking are a combination vanilla with salt (vanilla salt, salty vanilla caramel) or coffee. By the way, salt perfectly emphasizes the sweet taste of vanilla. In Mexico, this spice is served with dark beans, emphasizing the slight sweetness of such legumes. Vanilla It also approaches fish and seafood.

Read on our website another article on the topic: “Harvesting for the winter - delicious seasonings from plums, gooseberries, apples, red currants, prunes, cherry plum, pear, apricots, thorns”. You will find the best recipes, secrets of cooking.

Fragrant pepper is suitable for virgins

Virgin (August 24 - September 23):

  • Born under the sign Virgo, often suffer from digestive problems, especially from bloating and heartburn.
  • Such deviations in health arise due to the fact that representatives of this zodiac sign like the order in everything and a calm lifestyle.
  • When stereotypes collapse, this can really cause stress.
  • Virgo They should include aromatic fragrant pepper in their diet, which is also called Jamaican pepper, pimenta or English spice.

Allspice - These are fruits Pimenta Dioica. It naturally strengthens the immune system, supports digestion, relieves bloating and flatulence, which brings health benefits. In addition, seasoning soothes nerves, helps with stress and nervousness, improves mood and sleep.

This spice has a slightly burning, spicy, slightly sweet taste. It is often used in Russian cuisine. Entire peas are added to broths, sauces and soups, used for pickling vegetables and mushrooms, in the preparation of mulled wine. It is also used in the preparation of meat. Slightly crushed “balls” are used in marinades and goulashi, and even for flavoring straps, cakes and desserts.

Spices by horoscope: nutmeg for scales

Libra nutmeg
Libra nutmeg

Libra (September 24 - October 23):

  • Born under the sign LibraSometimes they make decisions with difficulty and do not tolerate stressful situations.
  • Most health problems Libra associated with their mental state.
  • When representatives of this sign feel that they can’t do anything, a fragrant seasoning will help. Muscular nut is suitable for scales. Spices on the horoscope are the best seasonings for certain signs of the zodiac.

Nutmeg - This is the core of the bone of the fragrant fruit "Myristica Fragrans". It has a beneficial effect on the scales, as it strengthens the nerves, improves mood, promotes good digestion, acts against bloating and flatulence. This spice also attributes a positive effect on potency.

Nutmeg It has a “sharp” aroma, a unique taste. It is used in salty and sweet dishes. Perfectly flavoring meat, fish, sauces (such as Behamel) and soups. It is used for flavoring cheese and vegetable dishes, pastes, rice or pastries. Muscat pleasantly flammable vegetable juices, milk drinks, punch, mulled wine, cocktails.

Noble bay leaf is suitable for Scorpio

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22):

  • A person born under the sign Scorpio, very emotional and is seriously treated.
  • He has digestive problems, there is high cholesterol.
  • Frequent bloating and flatulence are usually associated with severe nervous tension.
  • A noble bay leaf will help from all these troubles.

Dried leaves of a noble laurel "Laurus nobilis" have many therapeutic effects:

  • Anti -inflammatory
  • Antiviral
  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal

The bay leaf improves digestion, increases appetite, protects against flatulence, reduces cholesterol, promotes the production of bile, and also helps with influenza and colds. This spice with a pleasant earthy taste and typical pepper aroma is a traditional seasoning Russian cuisine. For example, pickled tomatoes, sauer cucumbers and other dishes would not have the right taste without lavrushka. It is also used for pickling cabbage and beets, mushrooms and meat preservation.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Seasoning hops-suunels". It has useful information about the composition, benefit and harm, which dishes are recommended to be added.

Tender cardamom for Sagittarius

Tender cardamom for Sagittarius
Tender cardamom for Sagittarius

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21):

  • Sagittarius In his youth - active athletes who have a lot of energy.
  • With age, they are prone to overeating and drinking alcohol, which leads to the emergence of completeness and disharmony.
  • One of the best and most expensive spices for the representatives of this zodiac sign - Cardamon - can make a person balanced and calm.

Cardamon "Elettaria Cardamomum" - This is grass growing in the wild in tropical forests. He helps Sagittarius With digestion, especially with heartburn and a hangover, provides trouble -free digestion, defecation. Warns dehydration and promotes quick, but healthy weight loss. This leads to calm the nervous system, improves mood and relieves stress.

Cardamom It tastes spicy and sweet, as if with lemon. It smells nice. It is used in desserts, pastries, fruit pies, puddings and compotes. It goes well with meat, fish and potato delicacies. It is also suitable for flavoring coffee, tea and lemonade.

Caraway seeds - one of the oldest spices: for Capricorn

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20):

  • People born under the sign Capricorn, it is necessary to constantly be in motion so that their body is tightened, and the internal organs function normally.
  • If for any reason a person refuses movement, various problems with digestion, respiratory tract may occur.
  • Caraway - One of the oldest spices. Positively affects the health of Capricorn.

Carain seeds - These are the fruits of the plant "Carum Carvi". They have a beneficial effect on the entire process of digesting food in Capricorn:

  • Enhance the activity of the stomach and intestines
  • Contribute to the release of gastric juice
  • Eliminate flatulence
  • Suppress the spasms of smooth muscles
  • Help when bloating
  • Restore the intestinal microflora
  • Helps in the treatment of respiratory tract
  • Contributes to good sputum discharge

Caraway It has a characteristic, slightly spicy taste and spicy aroma. In Russian cuisine, it is indispensable when baking bread, cooking hot and stewed dishes. It is used for frying mushrooms, the preparation of soups and sauces, and is also used in the production of spreads, indispensable in cooking potatoes, preserving vegetables, preparing liquors, etc. This spice can be used both completely and chopped.

Beautiful stellar anise: Suitable for Aquarius

Beautiful stellar anise: Suitable for Aquarius
Beautiful stellar anise: Suitable for Aquarius

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19):

  • A person born under the sign Aquariusi do not obey conventions and rules, but rather strives for the exact opposite qualities.
  • He often picks up viral diseases when other people around simply coughing or suffering from a normal cold.
  • Aquarius Something special and original is needed, so beautiful anise is suitable for him. Such a seasoning is also called a battery or star anise.

This fruit of the evergreen tree of the Badian "Illicum vrum" It helps to strengthen the whole body as a whole, supporting the correct functioning of the body's defenses, acting against viral infections, facilitating the cold, especially the sore throat and cough. Positively affects the nerves.

Star Anis It has a characteristic bitter-sweet taste and unique aroma. In our country, it is used in sweet pastries, added to cookies, cakes and desserts, used in plum and pear jams, orange marmalads and compotes. The aroma of star anisa miraculously improves the taste of tea, mulled wine, grog and other drinks for warming up. It is also added to home liquors.

Unique cinnamon for fish

Fish (February 21 - March 20):

  • Most of the problems of people born in the sign Fish, Originate from stress and mental discomfort.
  • If they do not feel happy, they can quickly fall into depression.
  • When the fish feel that they have problems, they should cook food with the addition of unique fragrant cinnamon.

Such a spice is a fragrant bark of a mighty tropical Ceylon cinema "Cinnamomum zeylanicum". She adds fishing and helps them to see the world in brighter colors, because it soothes them and gives positive energy. Cinnamon helps with stress, irritation, nervousness and mood swings. In addition, it naturally supports the general protective forces of the body.

Very aromatic and slightly sweet cinnamon is a popular spice. Gives the taste and aroma of cakes, ice cream, semolina and puddings. This is truly Christmas spice, since it is impossible to do without it with an apple strudel or ginger gingerbread, it is part of the cookies. An interesting combination is a cinnamon with lamb or chicken. Ground cinnamon is added to coffee, chocolate, cocoa, mulled wine.

Now you know which spice is suitable for your zodiac sign, and therefore to you. Add health, add vitality and positive energy to your life. Cook dishes with your seasoning, and you can become more peppy, positive and easy to climb. Good luck!

Video: what a spice on the zodiac sign are you!

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