Oregano - seasoning: how does it look, where it is used, what can be replaced, with what spices it combines, how much to add to ready -made dishes? Oregano seasoning: contraindications and beneficial properties. How to prepare a mixture of seasonings, sauce with oregano: recipe

Oregano - seasoning: how does it look, where it is used, what can be replaced, with what spices it combines, how much to add to ready -made dishes? Oregano seasoning: contraindications and beneficial properties. How to prepare a mixture of seasonings, sauce with oregano: recipe

From this article you will learn what Oregano's seasoning looks like.

Oregano is a foreign name, and in Russian-ordinary oregano. In the kitchens of Western Europe, this grass is used as a seasoning for the first and second dishes, and in Russia - only as therapeutic tea. We will learn how to use grass to improve the taste of dishes, how much to put it so as not to spoil the food.

What does oregano grass look like?

Cultural plant oregano or oregano

Oregano or oregano -An unpretentious perennial plant, grows a bush, with a height of 0.5-0.7 m, looks like thyme. Blooms in the second year after planting.

Oregano meets up to 20 varieties, among them:

  • Syrian variety (to taste like Timyan and Mayran taken together)
  • Sicilian
  • Greek
  • Turkish

Sorean plant can be easily confused with major, the difference between them is as follows:

  • Oreja has bright green leaves-from the upper part of the sheet, from the lower-blue, oblong, in length 2-3 cm
  • Majoran has oval-shaped leaves, bright green on both sides. Majoran is less aromatic than Oregano.

What beneficial properties do Oregano have?

Oregano seasoning

Oregano or oregano - Very useful grass, helps with many diseases:

  • In case of violations of menstruation, it establishes their cycle, especially in young girls
  • With menopause, acts soothing
  • Prolongs the ovarian work in women with early menopause (for example, at 30)
  • Increases the amount of milk in women when breastfeeding
  • Calms the condition of the child with increased excitability
  • Excites appetite, helps with anorexia, gastritis
  • Prevents the formation of stones in the gall bladder
  • Helps to remove toxins from the body
  • Is an anti -inflammatory, diaphoretic plant
  • Helps with bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs, like an expectorant
  • Improves the condition of the body after prolonged booze

Where is Oregano's seasoning in cooking?

Oregano is used for baking Italian bread

For seasoning, leaflets and unbroken flowers are taken. Oregano as a seasoning is used:

  • As an additive when baking some grades of bread
  • As an additive in beer production
  • When cooking pizza
  • When preparing Italian pasta dishes
  • When pickling fish
  • In Greek, Italian and Mexican sets of spicy mixtures
  • In the Caucasus and in Belarus, they add vegetables and mushrooms when salting
  • In soups
  • In meat when cooking it over open fire
  • When baking potatoes in the oven
  • In omelettes and to mushrooms, especially champignons
  • In home sausages and meat pastes
  • In tomato sauce
  • In the filling for pies from eggs and cottage cheese

What seasoning can you replace Oregano?

Oregano can be replaced with mint basilic

If you need to add oregano according to the recipe, but it is not, there is several replacement options this spice:

  • Add a little seasoning "Provencal herbs"
  • Basil violet with mint (mint quite a bit)
  • Thyme
  • Majoran
  • Parsley along with dill
  • If you cook the Greek salad - cilantro
  • Cook pizza - pop

Attention. Replacing oregano with other seasonings will not fill the beneficial properties that are in this plant.

What spices is combined with oregano?

Oregano goes well with some spices that emphasize the taste of seasonings. These are such spices:

  • Rosemary
  • Marjoram
  • Black pepper
  • Thyme
  • Thyme
  • Basil
  • Mint

How much and when to add oregano so as not to spoil the dish?

Oregano's aroma is very strongand in order not to spoil the dish with excessive taste, dry grass in the first and second dishes of vegetables must be added first minimum number (on the tip of a knife), and then, if the taste is not enough, add a little more.

The taste of oregano is successfully emphasized in such dishes:

  • Fried and stewed zucchini
  • Baked cauliflower or broccoli
  • Macarone with gravy
  • Pizza
  • Tomato sauce

In salads from vegetables, vinaigrette oregano is added fresh (0.5 teaspoon) or dried.

Now let's figure it out when to add Oregano seasoning to prepared dishes:

  • When preparing the first dish, different dried spicy herbs, including Oregano, are tied into a bundle, and lower it into the broth 15 minutes before the end of cooking, and then throw it off, if spicy grass is freshly cut and add at the end.
  • In stew, regardless of the seasoning in dry form or fresh, we add at the end of the extinguishing.
  • In salads from vegetables and fruits, desserts from cheese - a few hours before serving the dish.
  • In vegetable oil, vinegar, to give them the aroma - in advance; We give oil or vinegar to brew for 3-5 days, filter through gauze, and then use.

Attention. It is necessary to store dried seasoning Oregano in a densely closed jar so that essential oils do not disappear.

Oregano seasoning: Contraindications

Pregnant women Oregano are contraindicated

Oregano has and contraindications:

  • Pregnant women
  • Those who have a seasoning allergy
  • People with severe diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys
  • Patients with stomach ulcer and 12
  • Children under 5 years old
  • With severe neurological diseases
  • Men for a long time, as potency may decrease
  • Women for a long time, because sexual desire may decrease

How to prepare a mixture of seasoning with Oregano for Italian bread and pizza?

Prepare a mixture of seasoning with oregano, which are added when baking Italian bread and pizza at home.

For seasoning mixtures 1 We take:

  • In equal amounts of basils, rosemary, oregano and thyme


  1. Grind the dried herbs, mix, put in a jar with a twisting lid, and so stored.

You can add fragrant bread and pizza to bread and pizza italian mixture of seasonings:

  • We take equally bitter pepper, basilica, oregano, rosemary, major, dried garlic
  • Black pepper to taste


  1. Grind all the seasonings, mix, lay it in a jar, cover with a lid.
  2. When you need to add seasoning to a hot dish, we collect a dry spoon and immediately close the jar.

Attention. It is impossible to pour the seasoning directly from the bank, steam can get into it, and the seasoning will lose its aroma.

How to cook tomato sauce with oregano: recipe

Tomato sauce for meat, pasta with oregano

Cooking tomato sauce that will suit meat, pasta and pizza.

For the sauce you need:

  • 2 Average tomatoes
  • 1 large sweet pepper
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 1-2 gear of garlic
  • Salt, ground black pepper, sugar, ground seasoning oregano - to your taste


  1. We lower the tomatoes and pepper into boiling water for 1-2 minutes, take it out of boiling water and remove the skin, cut into 2 parts and take out the seeds-we do not need them, but only the pulp.
  2. Finely cut the purified tomatoes and pepper, add olive oil and chop the blender.
  3. Pour the sauce into a sauce and put it on the fire when it boils, add spices, salt, sugar, chopped garlic.
  4. We let it boil until it starts to thicken - about 15 minutes.

So, we met a seasoning Oregano, we learned what dishes it suits the most.

Video: Oregano - Cure for all diseases

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