Seasoning for pilaf: composition, recipe. What seasonings and spices are put in pilaf with chicken, pork, turkey, beef, lamb, Uzbek: names, composition, proportions. When to add seasoning to pilaf?

Seasoning for pilaf: composition, recipe. What seasonings and spices are put in pilaf with chicken, pork, turkey, beef, lamb, Uzbek: names, composition, proportions. When to add seasoning to pilaf?

Pilaf is a very tasty and hearty dish, but it is important to correctly add seasonings to it. And what kind of seasonings are needed for pilaf and we will find out in the article.

Pilaf is a delicious dish that found its fans around the world. How did this eastern food conquered us? Indeed, in a large way, the ingredients that make up the dishes are very simple.

Of course, a variety of spices and seasonings that enrich pilaf and give it that unforgettable aroma and taste. Today we will talk about ready -made spices and seasonings for this dish, as well as learn to mix spices for pilaf on our own.

What is included in the seasoning for pilaf?

In order to understand exactly what ingredients are in seasoning for pilaf, you need to figure out how the pilaf itself is. Do not be surprised, because in fact, there are a lot of variations of cooking this dish.

So, I must say that pilaf can be prepared from:

  • Chicken
  • Pork
  • Lamb
  • Beef
  • Indians
  • Fish

It becomes clear that using different meat, and spices for the dish need to be selected different. Also, pilaf can be “sweet”, dried apricots and prunes are added to it. In this case, the list of spices will also be different.

Seasoning for pilaf
Seasoning for pilaf

We will talk in more detail about spices and seasonings for each type of pilaf, and now we'll see which spices are considered classic for all types of this dish:

  • Zira. You can also find this spice called Kumin. It is worth saying that there are several varieties of Zira, namely black, white and binum. Kumin has a pronounced spicy smell and walnut spicy taste. Add a spice to almost all dishes, but it is most necessary in pilaf. In order for Zira to open her aroma and taste, it is customary to fry it in a pan (with butter, onions or one)
  • Garlic. Of course, in many recipes, garlic is used as a separate ingredient and put in pilaf whole heads, but dried garlic is almost always part of the spices to this dish
  • Saffron. I must say right away that the real saffron is the most expensive spice in the world, so it is not added to ready -made seasonings. The so -called Mexican saffron is used as a substitute for the “royal” saffron. The taste of saffron is characterized as bitter-spicy, and the smell is honey
  • Instead of saffron, you can also use turmeric. Turmeric is used for staining food in yellow. Spice has a very wide bouquet of aromas, here you have nutty notes, and nutty, and even wood
  • Barberry. This spice is added to the pilaf in order to get some sourness, because the berries of barberry have a pronounced sour taste. The spice is also added “for beauty”, because red and dark blue berries decorate the dish well
  • To give pilaf, add red pepper (acute). The taste of this spice is slightly sweet, sharp and burning, the smell of an unexplored

The aforementioned spices are the main for the preparation of pilaf, all other spices are added to taste and depending on the meat with which meat is prepared.

Seasoning and spices for pilaf from chicken: name, composition, proportions

Chicken pilaf is perhaps the most budgetary version of this dish. That is why it is prepared most often. Let's figure out what seasoning and spices it is best to use for dishes with such ingredients.

  • A seasoning for pilaf of the Trapeza brand is suitable for pilaf of the Train brand. This seasoning contains all the most suitable spices: chopped barberry, zira, turmeric, paprika, black pepper and red, and also coriander, basil, garlic and, of course, onions and carrots. As manufacturers assure using this seasoning, you can cook incredibly tasty and aromatic pilaf. Adjust the number of seasonings at your discretion, approximately 1 package is enough for 200-300 g of rice and the same amount of meat
  • Another good option for pilaf with chicken is the seasoning "Maggi". This seasoning contains dried vegetables (carrots, garlic, onions and even beets, and also paprika), spices (Zira, Carry, turmeric and black pepper), there is also salt, sugar and basil. One pack "Maggi" is enough for about 300 g of chicken and 200 g of rice
Use of seasoning for pilaf with chicken
Use of seasoning for pilaf with chicken

Now let's recall that our pilaf will be prepared with chicken meat, so it will be nice to add a little spices for meat. The following spices are very suitable for chicken:

  • Caraway
  • Parsley
  • Italian herbs
  • Provencal herbs

It is also important to clarify the moment with salt. Despite the fact that most of the seasoning have salt, very often it is not enough for the amount of ingredients that we use. Therefore, it is recommended to control the moment and try the dish for salt, not only after cooking, but also during.

Seasoning and spices for pilaf from pork: name, composition, proportions

Pork is one of the most suitable types of meat for pilaf. With such meat, the dish turns out to be more fat and hearty.

So, which season is better to take for pilaf with pork.

  • The seasoning for pilaf of the Obrych trademark is excellent for such a dish. There are dried vegetables (carrots, tomatoes), paprika and red ground pepper, spices, as well as turmeric, cumin and by itself barbaris. One pack of seasonings is enough for 500 g of rice, and 500 g of meat
  • Another option for finished seasoning is the seasoning from the trademark "Cykoria S.A.". As part of this seasoning, you can see barberry, zira, turmeric, sage, as well as bay leaf, red sweet pepper and chili. Pilaf with this seasoning is especially tasty and fragrant. In this package, 25 g of seasonings, this is enough for the preparation of 500-700 g of rice and 500-700 g of meat. The amount of seasoning, which should be added to the dish, directly depends on the number of ingredients that you will use
Using seasonings for pilaf with pork
Using seasonings for pilaf with pork

Now let's call several spices that should be added to pilaf with pork:

  • Sumac
  • Basil
  • Marjoram
  • Carnation
  • Caraway
  • Curry
  • Lavrushka

Using these spices and seasonings, you can prepare the most delicious and fragrant pilaf in the world! Do not forget that there are no comrades to taste and color, so in addition to “mandatory” spices, you can add everything that you love to the pilaf, even if such additives are considered inappropriate to this dish, because first of all you cook for yourself .

Seasoning and spices for pilaf from beef: name, composition, proportions

Beef in pilaf can be called a traditional product. Using this ingredient, pilaf is unusually saturated and has a specific taste.

For pilaf from beef, such seasonings are suitable:

  • The seasoning for fragrant pilaf from the Knorr brand does not have preservatives and dyes. In the composition you can see carrots, onions, vegetable fat, zira, of course, salt and sugar, as well as barberry, caraway seeds, red acute pepper, black pepper, turmeric, coriander and thyme. One package is enough to make pilaf of 140 g of rice and 400 g of meat
  • Also, for pilaf from beef, you can take the already well -known seasoning "seasoning"
Seques for pilaf with beef
Seques for pilaf with beef

Well, and, of course, add a little spices for beef:

  • Shambhala or Cenceter
  • Marjoram
  • Oregano
  • Savory
  • Sumac

Seasoning and spices for pilaf from turkey: name, composition, proportions

Indian meat is becoming more and more popular among hostesses. Poultry meat is characterized by softness and the presence in its composition of a huge amount of useful substances, so it is not surprising that it is added to completely diverse dishes.

For pilaf from a turkey, you can take such seasonings:

  • Since turkey meat is very similar to chicken meat, you can take the same seasonings. And this means that the seasoning for pilaf with the chicken "Maggi" will suit us. This seasoning will give pilaf a delicate golden color and unsurpassed aroma
  • We will also use the seasoning of the Trapeza trademark. Using it, we get a fragrant pilaf with sourness
Seasoning for rice with turkey
Seasoning for rice with turkey

As for spices specifically for turkey, preference should be given:

  • Parsley
  • Allspice
  • Curry
  • Carnation
  • Rosemary
  • Sage

Seasoning and spices for pilaf from lamb: name, composition, proportions

Another version of pilaf involves the presence of such an ingredient as lamb. Real gourmets prefer this particular type of meat, since with it the pilaf turns out to be truly tasty.

Seasoning for pilaf from lamb:

  • A mixture of spices "Simple". This seasoning contains anise, zira, turmeric, red pepper and sharp, thyme, as well as Lavrushka, Shallefei, Carry and Barberis. Most often, 1 bag of seasonings (20 g) are used for 500 g of meat and 500 g of rice, but you can proceed from your taste preferences.
  • You can also use the seasoning of the eastern "idigo". The composition contains cumin, garlic, carrots, onions, turmeric, basil, coriander, red pepper, barberry and mint. Packaging weighing 30 g can be used to make pilaf from about 700 g of rice and 700 g of meat.
Seasoning for pilaf with lamb
Seasoning for pilaf with lamb

For lamb, such spices are perfect:

  • Mustard seed
  • Coriander
  • Rosemary
  • Dill
  • Thyme
  • Home-Sunels

Which of the seasonings is put in the Uzbek pilaf?

Uzbek pilaf is the greatest achievement of Uzbek cuisine. To date, there are a huge number of variations in the preparation of this dish. And for each type of pilaf, you can use completely different seasonings and spices.

  • Great for such a dish for the Uzbek pilaf "Kotanyi". The composition includes zira, black pepper and chili pepper, barberry, coriander and salt. You can also see celery, sesame seeds. Packaging weighing 25 g is enough to prepare pilaf with 1 kg of meat. The seasoning is distinguished by a persistent and pronounced aroma of Zira.
  • You can also use the finished seasoning for pilaf from the Omega brand. This seasoning consists of coriander, turmeric, cumin, caraway seeds, salt, paprika and garlic. By adding such a spice to your dish, you will get pilaf with a pronounced aroma of garlic, and the color of the dish will delight you with a golden tint.
  • Another seasoning with interesting ingredients in it is the seasoning for pilaf from the Spice brand. The composition of this seasoning is slightly different: bay leaf, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, green cardamom, black pepper and chili, salt and, of course, kuin. The combination of such spices will give your pilaf an incredible smell and taste. For 500 g of meat and 500 g of rice, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. this seasoning.
Dried tomatoes for pilaf
Dried tomatoes for pilaf

You can also add to the Uzbek pilaf:

  • Dried tomatoes
  • Saffron
  • Raisin

What seasoning is needed for yellow pilaf?

White pilaf is more like porridge, so all the hostesses strive to get a dish of golden, yellow.

As you know, rice itself has a white color. To achieve a beautiful bright yellow color, you need to use the following ingredients:

  • Turmeric. This spice can also be found under the name Turmeric. Also, turmeric can be seen under the name “Indian Sharfran”, by the way with this spice, Kurkuma has nothing in common. Safran is nothing more than dried stigmas of crocus flowers, while turmeric is the rhizome of a grassy plant. The turmeric perfectly stains the pilaf in a bright yellow color.
Solar seasonings for yellow rice
Solar seasonings for yellow rice
  • Seasoning called curry It also has the ability to stain rice in yellow. However, not everyone likes the taste of this spice, so adding it, take into account the taste preferences of those for whom you cook.
  • If you are a happy owner sharfran, then it can be added as a natural dye. However, if the saffron is real, then you need to add it very much.
  • Oddly enough, but carrot adds pilaf not only a sweet taste, but also a slightly yellowish color.

When to add seasoning to pilaf?

Despite the fact that many housewives add spices and seasonings when they are convenient, there is still some rule.

  • Spices and seasonings to pilaf should be added after the stage of frying vegetables
  • That is, initially we heat the vegetable oil, fry the onion, then add meat and carrots to the container. After these products are well fried, pour a little water and lay our spices, seasonings
  • This sequence will be the most correct. When preparing pilaf, in this sequence, you can achieve the appearance of an incredibly tasty aroma and attractive color

How, how much, for pilaf from what meat you can use the seasoning of Zira, magicians, Knorr, seasoning?

Previously, we mentioned all the above spices and seasonings. Let's summarize.

  • First, let's say general information: all spices and seasonings are added to the dish at the stage of preparing a kind of roasting of onions, carrots and meat. We described this stage a little earlier.
  • Zira is added to pilaf from any meat, because it is the main spice for this dish. If you add a finished seasoning, then it is necessarily zira in the right proportions. If you add a spice separately, then consider your taste and number of other ingredients.
  • The “Maggi” seasoning is best suited for pilaf from chicken and turkey. 1 package is enough for about 500 g of rice and meat.
  • The “Knorr” seasoning is good for beef pilaf. However, it can also be used for other types of this dish. To find out how many seasonings you need, just look at the packaging, because it will indicate the proportions of all ingredients for pilaf, including seasoning.
  • “Obravych” is also a universal seasoning for pilaf, this seasoning is perfect for pilaf pork. The method of preparing pilaf and the number of ingredients, see the seasoning packaging.

How to make a seasoning for pilaf: recipe

To make a seasoning for pilaf on its own is easier. To do this, you just need to mix correctly selected spices.

So, we will need:

  • Zira - 1 tsp.
  • Turmeric - 1 tsp.
  • Dried garlic - 1.5 tsp.
  • Paprika - 1 tsp.
  • Barberry-10-20 g
  • Caraway seeds - half h. L.

Mix all the ingredients and put in a container in which we will store a fragrant seasoning.

Independently prepare a seasoning for pilaf
Independently prepare a seasoning for pilaf

Another seasoning recipe for pilaf:

  • Zira - 1 tsp.
  • Turmeric - 1.5 tsp.
  • Paprika - 1.5 tsp.
  • Barberry - 15 g
  • Rosemary - Paul Ch. L.
  • Curry - Pauline
  • Dried crushed tomatoes - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Dried greens - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Raisins at will

There are a huge number of recipes by which you can prepare a seasoning for pilaf. The main thing to know that when preparing seasonings, mandatory ingredients are zira, turmeric, barberry, garlic and pepper. You can add other ingredients at your discretion.

Pilaf is a favorite dish almost throughout the world and, as we could see today, is not in vain at all. Its delicious aroma and attractive appearance will not be able to leave absolutely no one indifferent. Stock up the necessary ingredients, cook and delight yourself and loved ones with delicious pilaf!

Video: Overview seasoning for rice

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