An essay on “Why humanity cannot abandon evil and cruelty”: arguments, examples from literature

An essay on “Why humanity cannot abandon evil and cruelty”: arguments, examples from literature

In this article you will find many different works about cruelty and evil.

Cruelty can be called a certain personal line, which is directly related to the characteristics of the psyche of a particular person. In fact, this is the attitude to living beings (people or animals), which implies immorality, inhumanity, rudeness, causing pain, humiliation.

The concept of cruelty also implies the pleasure of the “tormentor” from the suffering of his victim. In most cases, it is this factor that affects whether the cruel act will be committed or not. About cruelty and its danger are taught at school. Children write many works on this subject in different classes in the Russian language and talk a lot about it in literature. Below you will find many different works on this topic, with examples from literature and arguments. Read further.

What is cruelty, how is manifested in life, causes and species, existing danger: explanation, examples of cruelty

Creatiness is characterized by consciousness. That is, a person is in sober reason, realizes that he causes his neighbor pain and suffering, but makes this conscious choice, because he considers him correct. As a rule, the personality is aware of the consequences of his acts and their destructive effect. This is cruelty. And so it manifests itself in life - the reasons for the existing danger:

  • This quality may become a habit.
  • But his presence means that the personality is far from everything in order with the psyche.
  • In some cases, cruelty can be acquired. For example, if a person had a heavy, full of sorrows and humiliation, childhood, becoming an adult, such a child can practice such behavior, tearing his anger at loved ones.
  • Often the victims are those people who are physically and morally weaker.
  • We can say that in this case, the adequate perception of the world is violated.

Antipode of cruelty is pity. Cruelty is also customary to hide, but then it breaks out, is more sharply manifested and more destructive. Cruelty and aggression are identical concepts, but not the same thing. By the way, this negative quality may mean the dissatisfaction of the personality, dissatisfaction with itself and its unrealistic in life.

Types of cruelty:

Types of cruelty
Types of cruelty

Explanation of cruelty:

  • Cruel people experience difficulties in communicating with their own kind, constantly feel mental pain.
  • Perhaps it is the unwillingness to see their wounds that makes them insensitive to others.

Examples of cruelty:

  • It is clearly manifested in crimes: murders, abuse, rape.
  • In everyday life: fights, beatings, grievous bodily harm, mockery of sadists over animals.

Of course, the fight against cruelty in oneself and society has many approaches that are somehow based on the culture of a particular people. After all, that for one can be regarded as a taboo, for the other a completely normal phenomenon. With cruelty, you need to fight. So normal people should do. Therefore, the feeling of goodness must be brought up in children at a small age.

Below you will find several works on interesting topics regarding cruelty. All of them will be useful to children at school, since every year, several times, they write them in literature and the Russian language. Read further.

“Why humanity cannot abandon evil and cruelty”: the final composition, arguments, examples of cruelty

Why humanity cannot abandon evil and cruelty
Why can't humanity abandon evil and cruelty?

Cruelty rather harms humanity and personality than helps. Nevertheless, it is not possible to eradicate its manifestations completely, alas. Why is this happening? "Why can't humanity abandon evil and cruelty?" - The final essay with the arguments and examples of cruelty:

A tendency to cruelty is literally “absorbs” with breast milk. And it is sometimes very difficult to fight with your "I" - and even more so, to reinse it. Even if rude people work on themselves, then they, alas, do not become goodies. In addition, a tendency to cruelty and anger, are able to hide in the human nature for years (until they find their application until they find themselves), and the personality becomes dependent on these negative manifestations.

Human unrealization also affects. Quite often unsettled in life, weak personalities, trying to seem strong, begin to manifest themselves with despotic and evil (even if they are not one). Consequently, while humanity has unresolved questions and problems of various kinds, in some people there will also live cruelty, caused by general dissatisfaction with life and oneself, complexes, lack of implementation.

For example, most men who committed brutal rape and killing girls had problems with the opposite sex in their youth - they weren’t that no one liked them, but they were not seen at all, they had no chance to get reciprocity even out of pity.

Therefore, sooner or later in their heads the thought that which is not available can be taken in their heads can be taken by force. They do not see any other option. Here is an example of how problems of childhood, violations of a fragile teenage psyche can make an adult a criminal. The same applies to the sadists - the craving for cruelty is caused by certain deviations that took place in the past.

It turns out, while life is not perfect, nothing will change. But everyone cannot be happy. Consequently, unhappy cruel people will continue to attend our planet.

"Cowardice is the mother of cruelty": composition

Cowardice - mother of cruelty
Cowardice - mother of cruelty

Where does cruelty take from? It is believed that cowardice is a mother of anger and hatred. Hence the cruelty begins. If a person knows this that he can eradicate, such a quality not only at home, but also in other people. Here's an essay on the topic "Cowardice is the mother of cruelty":

Almost every adequate representative of the human race, faced with cruelty to his own kind, experiences an involuntary fear for his life and health and a certain thrill, which is not a sign of veneration and reverence, but a reaction to danger. Therefore, it is customary to be afraid of cruel people in society.

This is not entirely right. In fact, no matter how threatening their words, actions, actions may seem, one should remember. Every cruel, ruthless person, in fact, is deeply unhappy. As for his actions, he naively believes that they will give the opportunity to rise, become more significant, stronger, to find the respect of people. Although, of course, this is nothing but a delusion. That is why evil people do not need to be afraid. They are no better than the rest. Of course, it is stupid to climb into a wound, if there is an opportunity to avoid meeting with a sadist, rapist, and other criminal. It is best to just keep your ear in vast, not to attract attention so as not to become a victim.

Nevertheless, if the circumstances have developed in such a way that the victim had to become, it is necessary to learn how to fight off the offender. Often, physical strength is not even needed for this. It is enough to “hint” the offender that cruelty is often generated by cowardice, because the sacrifice of such a person is not afraid. Moreover, the rest are also not afraid and are not going to respect such a person for her actions.

In fact, the more people will indicate cruel people to this, the less often they will show their negative actions. After all, they, in fact, deeply closed in themselves, tortured by their inner experiences and imperfections, panties, which are only trying to seem strong.

Arguments and examples from literature about Yushka to essay about cruelty

"Yushka": about cruelty for composing

An example of nationwide cruelty in literature is Yushka. Despite the fact that the hero does nothing wrong with the villagers, but only differs from them, they cannot tolerate him. Despite the fact that a man is only 40 years old, they consider him an old man, shy away, because he was ill with a consumption, they humiliate and mock in every possible way. Here are arguments and examples from literature about Yushka To an essay about cruelty:

Many people think that for human hatred, explanations and reasons are needed. But no. No one ever thinks why Yushka They are ruined - simply because it stands out from the total mass, because it lives in this world. People take their anger and unrealization, pain from life problems on a person. Although in fact, the hero is very human, kind, responsive. And all he needs is friendship, responsiveness, understanding.

But without even getting it, Yushka He does not embitter on the world, he does not have a desire to close in himself or take revenge. Each time undergoing bullying, he forgives his offenders their actions. Moreover, it seems to him that hatred is nothing but blind love.

However, the villagers find out what was Yushka, only after he gives God the soul. Moreover, all his good deeds are revealed. They sincerely regret. Accordingly, the physical imperfections of a person or antipathy towards him, a biased attitude is not a reason to take out his aggression on him and brutally act. After all, each person is worthy of a place in society and an adequate attitude, whoever he is. And cruelty will never lead to progress, it only brings up a human soul.

Work on cruelty by the novel "Scarecrow" V. Zheleznikov: Arguments

"Scarecrow" by V. Zheleznikov to an essay about cruelty

Another example of cruelty, moreover, children's. The author shows how merciless people can be for a person who did nothing badly. Here is an essay on cruelty by the story "Scarecrow" V. Zheleznikov With arguments:

This story can be called a literary example of children's stiffness. Lena Bessoltseva She was accused of betrayal, which she did not commit, only because classmates have antipathy for her. She is declared a boycott and brutally poisoned. But the girl is noble, because she took on someone else's guilt. But no one sees this. Before her eyes, they burn a stuffed stuffed into her, trying to carefully break the will.

This is a typical example of the hatred of society to the “white ravens” - those who differ from the total mass externally and internally. Alas, few are able to understand that a different person is not bad or wrong. By the way, some students know that Lena is innocent. But public humiliations of a weaker person for them is to assert himself. That is why they do not try to save her.

Currently, teenage cruelty will not surprise anyone. Moreover, the fall of morals only exacerbates the situation. Accordingly, almost every student of the school can encounter this phenomenon, regardless of the era. Unfortunately, childhood cruelty is sometimes much stronger than adult ruthlessness. And the consequences from her are sometimes very serious.

"Cruelty and evil to animals": composition, examples

Cruelty and evil to animals
Cruelty and evil to animals

A person is far from always fair to our smaller brothers. On the contrary, sometimes he vilely uses their location and devotion. Therefore, it often takes out his anger at those who cannot give back. An essay about "Cruelty and evil to animals" With examples:

There are many examples of cruelty, starting from everyday situations when the owner tortures his pet (dog or cat) and, ending with those unbalanced people, for whom the murder of animals is a way of self -affirmation in which they need every day. Of course, on the one hand, the murder of an animal is a slightly more “harmless” thing than the murder of a person. And, most offensive, not in all countries it is punishable by law. However, there is nothing good in this either.

It's a shame that not everyone realizes that in order for the animal to listen, it is not necessary to resort to bodily punishments. And if a person enjoys what the pet torments is an unhealthy thrust. Therefore, animals in such cases should be isolated from their owners and find them more loving and kind families.

Such phenomena are unpleasant when a person beats his animal, because it interferes with him - for example, what asks to play at an “unacceptable” time either barking too loudly at night, or eats too much (in his understanding).

I think that when acquiring a pet, a person should weigh all possible risks and inconveniences in advance that can create the presence of a beast in a house or apartment and realize all the willingness for such events. After all, the animal itself is not to blame for its instincts - the owner is still responsible for it.

The composition “Is cruelty and evil appropriate in the war?”: Arguments, examples from literature

Is cruelty and evil appropriate in war?
Is cruelty and evil appropriate in war?

War is one of the events in this world where cruelty is more likely manifested than ever. After all, here some people kill others. Here is an essay on the topic: "Is cruelty and evil appropriate in the war?", with arguments and examples:

War is a severe phenomenon that forces a person to change his priorities in order to save his country and survival. For example, the fact that fighting fierce him, notices and Grigory Melekhov from "Quiet Don". But, alas, in such cases it is impossible otherwise. After all, the military has to cripple people and deprive them of life not because he is pleasure in pain, blood and torment. But because his direct duty is to protect the homeland from enemies.

The rules in the war are simple - to eliminate others, otherwise they will eliminate you. That is why, standing on the protection of their land, even very good -natured and decent people can do ruthless acts. However, in this case, people should not be condemned for this. After all, this provide for the laws of wartime. At the front, kindness can only be caught by “your own”, but the enemy should be treated ruthlessly.
We can say that the protection of the homeland and human lives is perhaps the only reason in which cruelty can be caused and “forgiven”.

However, one should distinguish between ruthlessness to the enemy and cruelty in relation to weak and innocent people are different things. Suppose there are many cases when even the Germans in the second world showed compassion for children and hungry ordinary people. Of course, secretly, so that the command does not know about it. This happened very rarely, but still.

One way or another, good in war can be punishable. As for cruelty, it cannot be said that it is encouraged. After all, the fight against the enemy implies more a militarized conflict, and not torture in order to get pleasure. And the real one, worthy of respect, the warrior is always noble in relation to even defeated enemies. Even if a soldier has a need to kill a person, this can be done with humane methods - without the use of torture, humiliation and enjoying the pleasure of torment.

Accordingly, cruelty in the war is appropriate. But it should not be above humanity and the right concepts of good and evil.

"Kindness and cruelty in the war": composition, examples of cruelty

Kindness and cruelty in war
Kindness and cruelty in war

The war emits man and sometimes makes him a beast. Accordingly, people quite often show cruelty in hostilities - for example, torture of spies in order to find out the necessary information, strict reprisals against the tortures of the civilian population.
But in this regard, the question arises: “Is it correct to answer cruelty to cruelty?” Alas, fighting does not give alternatives. Here's an essay on the topic "Kindness and cruelty in the war" With examples:

An example of cruelty in wartime is the activity of the Nazis, their mockery of the civilian population in order to exterminate it, concentration camps. After all, even if the country wants to enslave representatives of a different nation, you can subjugate them in a more humane way. Nevertheless, there should be differences between the beast and the person.

Nevertheless, in the war there was a place, both songs and kindness. It so happened that village children fed soldiers (and soldiers - homeless children), the inhabitants of the village gave the military overnight, treated, hid in their houses the wounded (for which they could suffer very much if the Germans found them), tried to support the defenders of the people with all the possible ways.

Of course, the salvation of women and children is a matter of course. Often in the camp of the enemy were those who showed humanity and helped the prisoners and those who were sentenced to death. This salvation of life can be called kindness shown in the war.

As for the petty manifestations of military kindness, they were treated by both the desires of a person to share a piece of bread with hungry and in need, and the decision to share the last handful of tobacco with a fellow soldier - one way or another, the Russian people in their vast majority still retained humanity in the war

"Crime and punishment": essay about cruelty

"Crime and punishment": essay about cruelty

There are many works in the literature that clearly show how not to do. Here is an essay about cruelty by the story "Crime and Punishment":

Inflamed mind Rodion Raskolnikov, backed up by pride and pride, formed a false theory and a certain miscarriage of justice, which became a catalyst for the cruel acts committed by him. After all, the very idea that a person is a material is terrible, respectively, it can be built or ruined. This is very wild. Even a person who has talent is not entitled to dispose of other people's lives, is not entitled to decide who to exist on this earth, and who should die.

Moreover, the young man did not even realize all the cruelty of his philosophy and its consequences. He considers himself merciful and noble. But in fact, the fact that Raskolnikov, killing an old woman, does not experience peace of mind, remorse, fear, tension - is very alarming.

This “killer for justice” confirms another feature that is characteristic of cruel people. This is selfishness. After all, any sadist makes others suffer in order to make him feel good and comfortable so that he can satisfy his needs.

Accordingly, the hero of the work is no better than rapists, serial killers and other scoundrels. And the fact that his theory crashed is a matter of natural.

“Can kindness to defeat evil and cruelty”: composition, arguments, examples from literature

Can kindness to defeat evil and cruelty
Can kindness to defeat evil and cruelty?

Literary works teach a person that good always defeats evil. Sometimes it happens, but in general, life is far from always fair. Here's an essay on the topic "Can kindness to defeat evil and cruelty?", with arguments and examples from literature:

The victory of good over evil is a very reasonable outcome of any event. Suppose, in "Captain's daughter" The author contrasts Shvabrina and Grinev. The result of their confrontation is visible. Grinev (Good) is saved. And his love with Masha is helped by Emelyan Pugachev himself. As for Shvabrin, who represents evil, he turns out to be punished for his unfair actions.

In general, the motive for the punishment of a bad person is present everywhere, even in children's fairy tales. Suppose, let's Urfin Juswho became the king Magical country And he sowed injustice, troubles and cruelty there, after the victory over him of positive characters, he was forever expelled from the city as a suspicious, vile, unworthy of being in society (because it can harm society).

Good is stronger than cruelty also because you will not achieve the cruelty of the world. Melekhov from "Quiet Don" I understood this. No matter how fiercely he fought for his native lands, he realized that he was in vain captured weapons. After all, he is a peasant who is perfectly managed to lead an economy and plow the land. And the soldiers should be other people, those who are written on the family. By the way, none of the characters in time understood that the spilled blood would never contribute to good and happiness.

Accordingly, good is a great earthly power that not only makes people happier, but also decorates this world. But cruelty is not capable of this.

"Is it possible to earn respect": essay

Is it possible to earn respect?
Is it possible to earn respect?

Mostly cruel people naively believe that their ruthlessness, uncompromising and aggression in relation to the whole world make them more brutal, more courageous, stronger. In fact, this is far from the case. Similar can be called an illusion. Here's an essay on the topic "Is it possible to earn respect?":

Cruelty arises from cowardice. Do panties deserve respect? Of course, no. On the contrary, a person who shows nobility, responsiveness, kindness, compassion, a hundred times stronger than the one who sows death and destruction, who causes pain to weak and innocent people.

However, there is a circle of communication (often these are bad companies) where cruelty can cause approval and even respect. But even in places of imprisonment, where people have completely different concepts and life values, justice is still posed above cruelty. Therefore, even in a very controversial and dirty social environment, cruelty is far from always encouraged. And moreover, it almost never serves as proof of physical and spiritual power.

Who often offends a cruel person? These are those who are physically weaker than himself or who do not accept the responding to violence, therefore silently tolerate humiliation. Is this a strong personality, dear personality? On the contrary, a cruel person is worthy not of respect, but universal condemnation and censure.

It all depends on the degree of cruelty and circumstances. Let it be rare, but there are times when a person rethinks his life and behavior, and if he does not total one, then at least understands that the path to achieving happiness is kindness and humanity and seeks to improve. In some cases, this even turns out - of course, if the personality is not quite disappointing, and also has a desire and opportunity to improve.

Composition on Dubrovsky on the topic "Humanity and cruelty": with arguments and examples

Humanity and cruelty
Humanity and cruelty

Another work that teaches to be kinder and will not allow cruelty to break into our lives. Here is an essay on Dubrovsky on the topic "Humanity and cruelty": with arguments and examples:

There are times when two opposite aspects live in personalities - humanity and cruelty. An example can be called Vladimir Dubrovsky. On the one hand, the hero is embittered on the landowner Troekurovathanks to which his father was ruined and died. And he takes revenge - and, indeed, harshly and sophisticated. Nevertheless, he was not going to kill officials - his peasants overdid it.

However, in the course of action, the character understands that cruelty and revenge cannot be achieved. He is very afraid that he himself will become likeness Troekurova.

Present in Dubrovsky Kindness, as well as compassion. Suppose not to cause peace of mind MashaHe leaves the idea of \u200b\u200brevenge. On the one hand, the fact that he left his enemy to live is a manifestation of generosity. As for kindness, the hero shows her to her lover and serf.

"Indifference and cruelty": composition

Indifference and cruelty
Indifference and cruelty

Indifference and cruelty often go nearby. If a person is angry, then he manifests both indifference and composure. Here's an essay on the topic "Indifference and cruelty":

In some cases, cruelty is not only the action, but also its absence. Suppose a man who did not call for help and ignored the plea of \u200b\u200ba dying person may well be considered cruel - although, in fact, he did not deprive him of his own hands. However, the very fact that he did not try to help already puts guilt on his shoulders for someone's death. Therefore, quite often the indifference of a cruel person can manifest itself in this. These concepts sometimes go hand in hand.

In general, if a person is indifferent to the torment of another living creature (it doesn’t matter whether this is a man, an animal), then he is a cruel in itself. After all, the responsive and kind person will never show callousness and indifference to other people's grief, it will always help and give the last thing that someone really needs help.

Alas, at present, most people think only of themselves, and, accordingly, indifferent to someone else's grief. In rare cases, a person is capable of compassion and generosity, which is concerned about his problems and life hardships. Own shirt remains closer to the body for many.

If we consider the concept in a broader sense, then every ruthless person is a priori indifferent, because someone else's pain and torment are indifferent to him, he thinks, only about himself, about his well -being and how to achieve their goals.

Working on cruelty based on the play "Thunderstorm": arguments

Working on cruelty based on the play
Working on cruelty based on the play "Thunderstorm"

Another work-by-wreck, thanks to which people learn to be kinder and more merciful. Here is an essay about cruelty by the play "Thunderstorm" With arguments:

All the inhabitants of the town where he lives, Katerina, brutalized. The exception is Kuligin. He is trying to protect Boris From tyranny. In fact, very ignorant, rude people live in Kalinov. They love to sue each other, rarely forgive weaknesses and enter into the position of another person. Another sin is excessive envy.

The concept of the family is also ugly - the elders humiliate the younger ones, and husbands - wives. Moreover, they do all this very sophisticated, even sometimes enjoying. Few people live here the way they want. Since there are those whose task is not to give a person to breathe calmly.
That is why Katerina wants to get out of the "Dark Kingdom". However, Boris also turns out to be cruel - he remains indifferent to her needs, moreover, he throws the girl. She falls into despair, which she cannot cope with.

As for the heroine herself, she all her life suffers ridicule and censure of fellow villagers, among whom there is not a single person who would understand her and appreciate her. It turns out that in this case there is a universal, destructive, overwhelming cruelty. The cruelty that leads to regression, but from which there is practically no salvation.

"Mercy and cruelty": composition, arguments

Mercy and cruelty
Mercy and cruelty

Can mercy and cruelty stand nearby? You can look for an answer for a long time to this question, but we can say with confidence that yes, maybe. In support of this, the main characters from the stories of different writers. Here's an essay on the topic "Mercy and cruelty": With arguments:

Mercy is an antipode of cruelty. Often, only exalted, pure thoughts and heart are capable of it, who have sincere love and sympathy for their neighbor. As a rule, mercy is a disinterested help. This is a manifestation of humanism, philanthropy. A merciful personality never expects to get anything in return for his help. And it helps only because it cannot otherwise.

An example of human mercy is Margarita From creation Bulgakova. She sincerely sympathizes with the disadvantaged, both Pontius Pilate and his dog Bang and the girl Frida. After a woman becomes the queen of Satan, she becomes able to fulfill one desire. Despite the fact that she really wants to return her lover, she neglects this and saves Frida from the curse. This can be called a merciful act, a human act that was committed at the call of the heart.

Mercy shows and Grinev in "Captain's daughter". Having lost his way in the middle of the snowstorm, he gives the sheepskin coat to the freezing conductor. Despite the fact that he himself has a hard time, Peter cannot otherwise. By the way, the act is rewarded. Pugachev himself helps him.

And here is an example of lack of mercy - brutal schoolchildren from "Stuffed", none of which has stood up for Lena And he did not try to stop her tormentors.

"Is the manifestation of cruelty justified": Composition

Is the manifestation of cruelty justified?
Is the manifestation of cruelty justified?

Absolutely everything can be justified. But at the expense of cruelty you can argue. Why do this for evil people? Look for answers in the essay on the topic "Is the manifestation of cruelty justified?":

Even the very fact that cruelty is the concept of negative, destructive, impermissive, already suggests that it can be justified only in rare cases. The rescue of a pregnant woman or a child in the war by killing the enemy, or the use of violence in relation to the hooligans who beat an outsider on the street, can be called the residence of a pregnant woman or a child. However, defenders are rarely bloodthirsty and callous. Accordingly, this use of force cannot be called full cruelty.

In fact, cruelty in itself can almost never be justified. After all, even if a person shows her out of good motives, he himself becomes like those villains with whom he fought. And bad people never make sense to be likely.
Therefore, in this case, weakness still takes place. But not physical, but emotional. Destropizing his enemies, entering into a fight with them, you still should not be like a beast. Although bloodshed does not bring peace, one must not lose the remnants of the human in itself. Even if you have to use force, if there is no other option, then it should be done relatively humane methods. As a rule, evil caused to people always returns evil to the one who committed it.

"Cruelty is destructive": composition, examples

Cruelty is destructive
Cruelty is destructive

A lot is said about the destructive action of cruelty. There are reasoning in literature on this subject, and in ordinary life. Here's an essay on the topic "Cruelty is destructive", with examples:

Cruelty destroys the personality of a person, his moral appearance, but can also significantly affect his future life. And not in the best way. An example of destructive cruelty can be called Raskolnikov. He himself got lost, following the incorrect doctrine, and let his life downhill, and also ruined it to the others. This is a clear example of the fact that creation through destruction is impossible. Of course, the hero subsequently repented - but it was too late.

AT "Thunderstorm" Cruelty is also represented by destructive power. She corrodes from the inside of every inhabitant, destroys his soul, causes everyone pain and suffering. And the demon seems to sit in every human body, regardless of gender and age. The only ray of light remains Katerina -But her life subsequently breaks off due to human cruelty.

By the way, human cruelty is destructive when insensitive people are not one, but several. Since an angry crowd can cause much more pain and suffering to others than one (even very cruel) person.

Moreover, this quality removes a person from society, makes him unsociable and very dependent on his addictions. This also contains the destructive effect of cruelty.

Conclusion into an essay about cruelty: correct words

Conclusion to the essay about cruelty
Conclusion to the essay about cruelty

It’s not enough to write just an essay. You need to understand why this is happening, and what a single person can do to improve the world. Here is a conclusion to the essay about cruelty:

Cruelty - This is a negative human quality, expressed in causing pain and suffering to others. Quite often (but not always) a cruel person experiences joy, pleasant sensations and moral satisfaction from his destructive actions.

Cruelty is inherent in people who are cowardly and morally weak. They hope that this peculiar mask will make them more confident and strong. However, possessing this quality, can never find the respect of society.

Cruelty is destructive. She destroys man and society. It can be justified in very rare cases. Only if a person has to use force and cause pain to another for the sake of someone's salvation.

A cruel is not always a person who is openly torturing another. Sometimes the consequence of the presence of this quality is indifference, indifference to other people's grief.

Video: Final composition: Kindness and cruelty

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