Essay, essay on the topic “What is kindness?”: Arguments, reasoning, examples

Essay, essay on the topic “What is kindness?”: Arguments, reasoning, examples

In this article you will find essays and mini essays on the topic “What is kindness” and others.

Topic "Kindness" - This is one of the most popular topics for school works. Everything is clear and known about her, but sometimes the student does not have enough words to write a beautiful story. Below you will find several works on this topic with examples, arguments and reasoning. Small works can be collected in one large or presented by separate essays. In general, choose what you need and write, earning excellent grades or gaining points for admission.

The theme “honesty, kindness, justice” is a lack of kindness: composition, reasoning, arguments


The prosaic of the modern world often kills in people all the remnants of the good, human. The lack of kindness is the problem of modern society. Therefore, old virtues depreciate, lose strength. But once they were considered the main guidelines that helped a person in this life - therefore, they were appreciated and respected.

Why did it happen that today is an honest, open, kind, fair person - not an example to follow, but an outcast, doomed to misunderstanding and condemnation? And is it right? Of course not. After all, self -interest and thirst for easy profit will never replace a sincere attitude towards people, will never prevail over decency. As for kindness, it is vital (both to the neighbor and in relation to the whole world).

An excellent example of honesty from literature is Evgeny Onegin. Further arguments and reasoning. He was honest with Tatyana. He did not use her and her feelings (at least he could), and did not hide the fact that he did not love her. And albeit on the one hand, it seems cruel to the girl, but the hero did not mislead a person. After all, the pain from unrequited love passes over time, and the pain from betrayal remains forever.

“Good changes the world”: an essay with arguments

Philosophers do not in vain believe that reality is as a person sees it. Therefore, each person is always faced with a choice - what to exude and carry into this world? Here opinions are separated. Someone is trying to "go on the head" on the way to the goal, considering it his own strength.

However, it is worth considering - what does he carry its existence? Aggression? Anger? Hatred? The ability to step through the principles (both their own and other people) for your good? Hostility? Negative?

Of course, determination and determination are important qualities. But still it is worth carrying good people. After all, it is always rewarded, like good thoughts. Even if it seems that it is more evil and cruel to be more profitable, it is worth remembering the simplest rule - both good and bad deeds return. The return good to receive is much more pleasant than “mutual” evil.

This can be called a kind of cycle of good in nature, where everyone gets what he carries. There is no doubt that good changes the world only for the better. Here are arguments: in "The fate of man" Sholokhov, who passed the war, Andrei Sokolov, who lost his wife and children, takes a boy to his orphan, whose parents died in the same war. Accordingly, not a militarized conflict changes the world, namely human nobility and sincere kindness.

What is human kindness - “as I understand kindness? What does it mean to "experience kindness?" - essence: composition, examples

As I understand kindness
As I understand kindness

What is human kindness? How do I understand kindness? What does it mean to "experience kindness?"
Kindness is a kind of complex of human qualities that are not aimed at the personal good, but at the benefit and happiness of another person. Accordingly, taking care of others, supporting them, helping and doing good for them, a person shows all the best.
That's what kindness is.

Accordingly, to experience kindness means to catch yourself thinking that there is a desire to do something positive for a certain personality. Of course, if a person experiences this feeling, he must express it. You can’t conceal good undertakings in yourself-if you have a desire to help someone, you need to immediately begin to implement your plan. This is how I understand kindness.

Example from literature: in "Scarlet sails" Egl, a collector of legends, experiences kindness to Assol. Seeing that the girl is not loved in the city and everyone laughs, make fun of her, the hero decided to endow her with a kind of hope. He told Assol that sooner or later a wonderful prince would sail, who will take her from this unfair place.

Of course, given the future of the heroine, we can say that Egl condemned her to aimless expectation. But he was right, since it was this faith in his future love and happiness that helped Assol survive the period of bullying and misunderstanding. It turns out that the hero eased her life, redirected thoughts to something more pleasant and exciting. This is the whole point and this means "experiencing kindness."

“Kindness around me” - qualities, power of kindness: composition, examples

Kindness is a great power. Indeed, often she can not only instill in a person faith in the best, in his own strength, but also radically change his life. Of course, it is important that the impulses are not due to self -interest or “because it is necessary” - they should proceed from the soul and sincere desire to bring happiness to others. This is the power of kindness.

Often, honesty and sincerity borders on this quality. And also the “breadth of the soul”, because a greedy person is unlikely to be kind. Here is an example from life: volunteers who are engaged in the attraction of stray animals. All of them have a big, kind heart, as they spend their efforts, time and means that cats and dogs do not die from hunger and cold, have blood over their heads and loving owners. Thanks to such people, everyone can say "kindness around me."

Quite often, there are times when, in order for the animal to find the house, you have to resort to a fairly large number of different methods, to carry out a thorough search, but what relief they feel when they see that efforts are rewarded. These are the qualities of something good-this is the real, sincere kindness that is around all of us.

“All people need kindness: an essay, arguments, examples about kindness

All people need kindness
All people need kindness

It is believed that "a kind word and a cat is pleasant." That is why it is possible to say with complete confidence that it is impossible to live without kindness in the world: even if a person stubbornly denies the fact that he would very much like him to share their mental warmth, considers himself persistent and independent, in fact this is only an illusion. All people need kindness.

This quality helps to achieve more success in life than such negative tendencies of character as anger, aggression, hatred, meanness, etc. After all, a pleasant, optimistic and friendly person, as a rule, has a good relationship with everyone. Accordingly, he has practically no envious and enemies.

Here are examples about kindness: the sacrificial and all -around kindness is Cinderella from the fairy tale Charles Perrault, who managed to forgive the stepmother and sisters. They treated her unfairly, did not allow to take a break for a minute, indulging in amusements, and loading the girl with a huge amount of exhausting duties.

It was kind and "The little Prince", who fought weeds on the planet only in order to save the only rose - the source of the living and the beautiful. These are good arguments about kindness that are present in the life of modern people.

"Kindness leads to humanity": composition, arguments, examples

To be humane means to be humane to those who surround you, to commit good, reasonable, disinterested deeds. Also, humanity means the ability to put himself in the place of another person, to imbue his difficulties and spiritual pain, so that after providing him to give rise to assistance. Kindness leads to humanity.

However, in modern times, finding this quality is extremely difficult, since very often everyone thinks only of himself and his problems, not wanting to delve into what is in the soul of the neighbor. Nevertheless, humanity is powerful, creating. After all, only a highly moraine, noble representative of the human race is able to show this quality.

Humanity is somewhat similar to humanity. This is love and attention to a person, respect for his personality, a good attitude to everything that surrounds. Of course, it is impossible to become a humanist if anger prevails over kindness and alienation. Only a sincere, open and truly kind person is able to be human.

Examples and arguments: in the story "Matrenin Yard" Solzhenitsyna, the heroine can be called a model of humanity. Despite the fact that she is in poverty, experiences hunger, she selflessly helps her fellow villagers, without demanding any payment or gratitude. It's a shame that others do not appreciate a good relationship. Nevertheless, a woman does not reproach them, considering her duty to help people, even if no one will tell her for this banal “thank you”.

As for the work of Bulgakov "Dog's heart" Humanity is present there, but in another context. Professor Preobrazhensky in vain hoped that a full -fledged person can be created artificially - yes, the fruit of experiments had a human appearance, but it is impossible to “transplant” the moral and mental qualities characteristic of man. That is why an attempt to inspire Sharikov's norms of ethics, morality, to teach the essence of kindness, humanity, responsiveness did not have any results.

Sayings about kindness, honesty and justice: 4 proverbs

You can understand most well what good, honesty and justice are with saying and proverbs. The whole essence is reflected in them. AT article on our website on this link You will find 4 proverbs about kindness, and as much about honor, fair attitude to others and other folk statements on this topic.

Kindness class: presentation, kindness lessons

Now at school, according to the program, teachers are conducting kindness classes. To do this, schoolchildren need to make a presentation for a kind of kindness. Here are a few suitable slides for the essay:

Presentation for a lesson of kindness
Presentation for a lesson of kindness
Presentation for a lesson of kindness
Presentation for a lesson of kindness
Presentation for a lesson of kindness
Presentation for a lesson of kindness
Presentation for a lesson of kindness
Presentation for a lesson of kindness
Presentation for a lesson of kindness
Presentation for a lesson of kindness
Presentation for a lesson of kindness
Presentation for a lesson of kindness
Presentation for a lesson of kindness
Presentation for a lesson of kindness

The world does not lack knowledge, but is in a lack of kindness: arguments

Scientific and technological progress is developing rapidly. A person’s life becomes simplified “jerky”. Moreover, technologies allow the individual to replenish the luggage of their knowledge, skills, without leaving home. That is why humanity does not have a shortage of information. However, a constant companion of such development was the degradation of moral qualities - sensitivity, humanity, educators, degeneration of spiritual values. Therefore, it is believed that the world does not lack knowledge, it is in a lack of kindness.

It's a shame that as people mastered technology, they gradually forgot those simple truths and ideals, oriented on which it is worth living. Based on this, we can say that modern time is called "information indifference." A person has thousands of sources of knowledge, but if you need to give a hand to your neighbor, it can pass by like the last ignorant.

A logical question arises: "Is this the right path of development?" And is it development? Arguments: in theory, technology and gadgets are designed so that the human race exalt the rest of the animal world, raises its erudition and horizons in the shortest possible time. However, the opposite effect is observed - many forget even those lessons that the heroes of classical literature give. And sometimes they become worse than animals. The only difference is that Homo Sapiens can press the keys.

Humanity has a lack of kindness and life values: Composition

"Humanity is lacking in kindness and life values"
What can be called typical features of modern society? Often this is coldness and indifference to someone else's grief, orientation only on themselves and cruelty in relation to those who are nearby. It is difficult to say whether the time of people is embittered or is it themselves. But humanity really is in a lack of kindness and life values.

The fact remains - reassessment of life values \u200b\u200bhas not occurred for the better. If before people were respected by such benefactors as justice, goodness, empathy, responsibility, educators, responsiveness, now the only thing that bothers them is prestige and capital.

It's a shame that for the sake of these “ghostly” ideals, many can sacrifice their principles, lose all that valuable, kind and eternal that can be in their souls.
As for moral norms, they became "not fashionable." It is also very disappointing. It turns out that the one who is impudent is happy. But before everything was different.

Moreover, a lack of kindness led to the lack of an adequate reaction in people to manifest humanity to them. Quite often, when a person strives to help a stranger, he treats these attempts wary-as if afraid that the “benefactor” will begin to demand something in return for his help.

Day of Kindness: when is it?


People were so wealthy from disinterested kindness that they even began to perceive the minute manifestations of education and humanism cautiously. Just like a homeless dog tries to slip away from people when they try to feed it or take it to a veterinary clinic for treatment, as well as the person who unexpectedly decided to help the stranger, will carefully look around, thinking whether this is not a rally, not Whether a hidden camera is installed nearby?

This is very wild and insulting. After all, in order to show the rules of etiquette in relation to a passerby, to help the one who needs or falls into trouble, there is nothing wrong. Nevertheless, the people were wearing from the manifestations of good and lost the belief that it could be disinterested. Therefore, the Day of Kindness was invented. When is it celebrated?

  • World Kindness Day is celebrated the 13th of November.

But you need not only on this day to be kind and without fear to accept good deeds from strangers. But every day try to take the right steps towards other people.

Barbarics "Kindness": listen

Now a minute of rest. Listen to a funny song "Kindness" from the barbarics in the video video. These cute cartoons sing songs about human values \u200b\u200band teach children to all good.

Video: Lelik and Barbariki | What is kindness?

Song "Lakes of Kindness": listen

Another song about kindness, but already about teachers. Listen to what correct words sound in this video. The song "Lakes of Kindness" perfectly conveys all the warm feelings of students who can only be to their teachers.

Video: We love you, your relatives. Song to your favorite teachers

Kindness of Russian people - what is it: an essay about good deeds

Kindness of Russian people
Kindness of Russian people

A lot is known about the breadth and kindness of the Russian soul. In almost every fairy tale, a domestic author can find references to this.

For example, Ivanushka. He does not have anger in relation to people and all kinds of self -interest. He is cheerful, open to the world and is poor. Nevertheless, in the course of the development of events, it is clear that the moral qualities of the hero are rewarded. After all, the humanity and good that the personality gives this world will always be returned to a hundred times size. As for Vasilisa, she is also wise, hardworking, fair. And, no doubt, kind. In these heroes of fairy tales, the kindness of Russian people can be traced.

These are only the simplest examples. But what kind of kindness is she? In fact, the Russians have long been distinguished by their openness to the world and people, humanism, hospitality. As a rule, the Russian soul does not accept restrictions. If he loves, then to insanity, if it is friends, then so much that it becomes with a friend of the twin. The Russians have always done good deeds.

Unlike foreigners who can resort to cunning and various kinds of “harmless” tricks, Russians always say what and feel, share what they have in their souls.

If Russian twists, then he does not hide this and there are always those who are able to support - both in a word and deed. Of course, at present, the values \u200b\u200bhave been slightly modified, but even among the above “shortage of kindness” you can still find those who really love and appreciate people who are kind to them and always come to the rescue.

Russian kindness also gives rise to Russian generosity. If a person experiences a location to someone, he will always give him the last shirt. And he will never regret it. Moreover, our compatriot is able to divide with a friend, both his joy and pain. And it is sincerity that is the distinctive feature that exalts the people over the others, makes it spiritually cleaner.

But it happens that a needy to kindness refuses her due to decency, although he really needs it. So, for example, in the work of Rasputin "French lessons", The teacher has to resort to cunning and playing the money with the boy with the boy, letting him win. After all, to accept financial assistance (very necessary for him due to the fact that the child was starving), the guy stubbornly refused.

Kindness and cruelty: composition, arguments

As a rule, a person always has a certain choice. In this case, it is what way to choose in life. One is filled with light, philanthropy, responsiveness and good, and the other seems dark, cold and vile.

Of course, the first name is kindness, and the second is cruelty. And, often the person itself decides what path to step on. Only now, standing at a crossroads, it is necessary to remember the consequences. Since everything returns in the same "currency" in which it is sent to the world. That is, kindness will always turn into kindness, and cruelty - cruelty. Accordingly, it makes sense to become more responsive, more humane in relation to others.

Yes, cruel treatment of people can sometimes give advantages, but they are not so significant as to stain their soul. Nevertheless, sometimes people make circumstances cruel. Here are the arguments: Gregory from the novel "Quiet Don" He was always kind to people, but he acted quite cruelly with his loving Natalia, because he left his family to the woman who he loved more.

But on the other hand, the hero acted not only for his good. After all, living in a marriage with a person who does not feel feelings for you is severe flour. In addition, Natalya herself knew very well that Grisha's heart belongs to a completely different girl. So, in this case, the hero, although he hurt her, did honestly.

Good and Peter Grinev from "Captain's daughter". However, sometimes he also shows cruelty due to his temper. For which, however, always asks for forgiveness. Another rule follows from this: sometimes kindness and cruelty can go on flush. And manifestations of cruelty are not always an occasion to put a “stigma” on a person and erect him to the rank of “evil”. Sometimes the personality is very good in nature - it all depends on the circumstances.

Can kindness, manifestation of kindness to bring a person disappointment: Essay

Kindness, manifestation of kindness can bring a person disappointment
Kindness, manifestation of kindness can bring a person disappointment

Often, manifestations of humanity come out “sideways”. A rather large number of people are sincerely upset when he sees that others did not appreciate their efforts, did not pay attention to manifestations of humanism. Moreover, sometimes good turns around and evil. Therefore, in return for its kindness and its manifestations, a benefactor can receive negative, disappointment. After all, there are people who do not like when they help them or do not want a person to climb "not in his own business."

The example can be given by all the same "French lessons"Where the teacher Lidia Mikhailovna suffered for her "non -pedagogical help". Despite the fact that her dedication is worthy of respect, women drive out of school, she loses her job.

However, the teacher does not regret her act. After all, the position is just a position, and she, one might say, saved a person and contributed to his formation.
The fact that the growing student finally finally understands the essence of the situation and is full of gratitude for the actions of his “benefactor” is very pleasing.

Kindness is better than beauty: Composition

Alas, at present, a lot of people focus on appearance, forgetting that internal beauty is much more necessary. A person may not have attractive facial features, but by nature to be sincere, responsive, to have people to himself.

Accordingly, the body is only a shell. The most important thing is in the soul. It is worth watching deeper and not to be too biased to those who sincerely show kindness and humanity.
It follows that kindness is better than beauty. After all, sometimes she is able to change the world, help people. And physical beauty is just a beautiful picture that brings nothing but aesthetic pleasure. Moreover, this pleasure is temporary, because over the years, people do not become younger.

Suppose, in "The Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God" The Kvasimodo hunchback, which everyone considers ugly, turns out to be the kindest, sincere, sincere character. Despite the fact that he is deaf, he continues to work as a ringleader. He pays Esmeralda good for good. Once she regretted him, and he, in turn, saves the girl from execution.

Moreover, of all the men in creation, he was the only one to be a gypsy in a good way, not even hoping for reciprocity. He loved, because he could not otherwise - although he realized that of all the fans of Esmeralda, he has the smallest amount of chances for mutual feelings.

Love and Kindness: Composition

Love and kindness
Love and kindness

Often, love for a person implies not only admiration, but also sacrifice in relation to the object of adoration and the manifestation of sincere kindness. Moreover, the in love often experiences kindness, condescension and forgiveness in relation to the whole world.

Moreover, a loving person is able to become kinder and change for the better. Suppose Sonya Marmeladova from the work "Crime and Punishment" Nevertheless, Raskolnikov’s worldview changes. Of course, this does not save the criminal from conclusion, but still. He begins to sincerely repent and understand the whole failure of his hypothesis regarding mankind, becomes more responsive, closer to God.

Kindness: Pictures

Kindness is good in photographs and pictures. You can not talk about her in words, she can be seen from the eyes of sincere animals, people, and birds. See how good eyes to everyone who is depicted on these images:


Evaluate kindness and understand its meaning: mini-processing

In order to evaluate kindness and understand its meaning, you need not only to test it yourself and understand its advantage in this world, but also to learn how to show it in relation to others. After all, only having grown sacrifice in himself, one can understand how spiritually a person grows over himself, that he does not accept self -interest and acts by the will of the heart, bringing disinterested benefit to other people.

Video: Good returns good. Touching video shot in Kazakhstan

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