Composition on the topic "internal moral qualities of a person": arguments, examples from literature

Composition on the topic

This article has a lot of mini-employments and an essay on the topic “internal qualities of a person”.


A person should be faithful to his friends and beloved, as well as his life principles, must adhere to moral and ethical norms, be able to bear responsibility for his actions.

Accuracy, frugality, economicity, the ability to find a common language with people are welcome. What other qualities should a person have? Read the continuation of this thought in the works below. Such essays will help you prepare for the exam in the Russian language and literature.

“What moral qualities should a person possess?”: Composition, arguments, examples from literature

"What moral qualities should a person possess?"

Humanity has long divides people into “good” and “bad”, “decent” and “unworthy”. The balance between these concepts is as eternal as the confrontation of good and evil. Therefore, often a logical question arises: "What moral qualities should a person possess?". Of course, we will talk about positive aspects of character.

Arguments for writing about a person:

It is kind to be necessary. Since evil always returns evil, and good deeds are always rewarded. Sincerity is also important - however, it is worth remembering that not every interlocutor can open up. Also, a good person is almost always merciful, capable of compassion, bold, tactful and noble. Sometimes he can show compassion even to fierce enemies.

An important role is played by the ability to love - moreover, not only another person, but also his own life. Also, good internal qualities of a person are: determination, determination, will to win, the ability to stand up for oneself. Quite often, they can help in a career, where a person sometimes has to “go over your head” and fight for a “place in the sun”.

A good person should also have responsiveness. But this quality should not be hypertrophied - after all, you will not help the whole world. However, it is very important to believe in this world and carry good things to others.

Given modern realities, the balance and the ability to maintain self -control even in the most difficult life situations are very important. In a business environment, this quality is often called "stress resistance."

Initiative and caring representatives of the human race are valued. An important role is played by charm. To achieve success in something, it is important to be responsible, diligent and hardworking.

Examples from literature:

The positive qualities of a person were often sung in literature. Suppose, let's Natalia Savishna, the heroine of the story Tolstoy "Childhood", has always been kind and responsive to their owners. And they considered her not at all a servant, but a member of their family. That is why, when the heroine was given free, she refused to leave the house she was used to. This elderly woman for many is an example of kindness, compassion, honesty, hard work, zeal and philanthropy.

A great example of compassion and a teacher from a story Valentina Rasputin "Lessons of French". She sincerely empathizes with her student, a native of a poor family. The child is starving, but natural pride does not allow him to take food and money from someone else's hands.

That is why a young woman resorts to cunning - she plays gambling with the boy, succumbing to him so that he can win at least a small amount for his food. By the way, this image can also be called an example “lies for good”, which is sometimes also useful. Yes, the heroine is cunning, but her task is to help the incomprehensible growing body.

An example of such a positive quality as courage is Peter Grinev From the story "Captain's daughter",who wrote Alexander Pushkin. Not knowing fear, he fights for the Belogorsk fortress. The character also has an aggravated sense of justice, above all he appreciates a sense of duty.

“What qualities do love in a person?”: Composition, arguments, examples from literature

"What qualities do love in a person?"

Some are wondering - the ability to love this quality innate or acquired? What qualities reveal love in a person?

Arguments, composition:

We can say that we absorb this ability with mother's milk. However, there are a lot of callous people who are incapable of such a feeling. Can I learn to love?

If we allow everyday work on himself, as a result of which a rude, uncouth person will become more kind, sensitive, responsive and sincere, learn to show tenderness and concern for the object of his adoration, then this is real.

It turns out that love in a person reveals such qualities as:

  • Responsiveness
  • Ability to take care of a neighbor
  • Sensuality
  • Empathy
  • Kindness
  • Honesty
  • Sincerity
  • Openness
  • Sacrifice
  • The ability to see the beautiful
  • Ability to affection and tenderness

A high feeling seems to “correct” the shortcomings of the personality, it can not only inspire a person, but also make him better. That is why the lover seems to be updated, transformed. It seems to exude the incredible spiritual light, the rays of which apply to everyone who is nearby.

Examples from literature:

In the work "Romeo and Juliet" The imaginary death of his beloved forced the young man to "take his accounts with life." Since he did not see the point of existing in this world further without his beloved. By the way, the girl herself made a similar decision when she saw the real death of her beloved. This, undoubtedly, can be called the highest manifestation of love.

In addition to such quality as sacrifice, heroes literally exude spiritual dependence on the object of adoration, determination, uncompromising. Despite the fact that many can calculate this example negative, in view of the death of the heroes, love nevertheless committed a “good deed” - after all, two long ago warring clans, finally, went to a truce.

As a model of how love changes people, is and Margarita From the novel Bulgakova. Despite the fact that a woman is accustomed to live in abundance, she does not need anything, she, really love Masters, understands that in fact, all the hypostasis of wealth is an unnecessary tinsel. Only one thing matters - the opportunity to be close to his beloved and provide him with feasible assistance in his work, to support in difficult times.

Accordingly, in the heroine, kindness, responsiveness, sacrifice, deep affection are manifested, it becomes more elevated and less mercantile. Moreover, the girl goes to the very extreme measure in the name of her partner - she gives her soul to the devil. Thus, the master survives, and hell is waiting for her. There is also an example of reward for kindness - a woman receives forgiveness. Thus, the sincerity of her act is encouraged by fate.

"What qualities should a person of honor have?": Mini-Equis

Human qualities of honor
Human qualities of honor

A person of honor can be called a person who professes a certain system of values \u200b\u200band life priorities, regardless of external factors. Thus, such an individual has persistence, endurance, determination, fidelity to moral ideals, he knows how to argue his opinion. Here is a mini-essay on the topic "What qualities should a person of honor have?":

Such qualities are not alien to a person:

  • Responsiveness
  • Sacrifice
  • Honesty
  • Empathy

After all, the salvation of someone’s life or the protection of the Motherland is also a “matter of honor”. What other qualities should a person of honor have?

As a rule, "people of honor" are fundamental. But this is not stupid perseverance. Often such personalities can explain the motives of their good deeds. They are incredibly decisive. Indeed, in order to accomplish a feat, it is necessary to have a fairly large amount of courage.

A good example of a “man of honor” is Ostap From the story "Taras Bulba", one of the sons of the great chieftain. This is a Cossack, devoid of fear, strictly following the “faithful” in the understanding of his and his associates, doctrines whose main meaning is the protection of the homeland.

Its positive qualities:

  • Dedication
  • Persistence
  • Consciousness
  • Cross of justice

Why is the struggle with the thighs for him a matter of principle and honor? Because they not only destroyed his house and killed their mother, but intended to deprive the latter in life - faith. That is why the young man sacrifices personal benefits for the struggle for the freedom of his people.

Also a person of honor is a hero of the work Kuprina "fight". After all, like Pushkin at one time, he defends the honor of his beloved, not sparing his stomach, at the cost of his own life.

In general, honor is inextricably linked with human conscience - because such people never go against their own principles and beliefs. For them, this is a taboo, which is like death like.

In which of the literary examples are the personal qualities of a person manifested?

Andrey Bolkonsky is a literary example in which the personal qualities of a person are manifested
Andrey Bolkonsky is a literary example in which the personal qualities of a person are manifested

In fact, the personal qualities of a person are manifested in almost every literary creation, because the task of the writer is not only as interesting as possible to portray the life and events of the life of fictional heroes, but also to endow the latter with maximum similarities with real people.

Literary heroes have the same qualities as those whom we see on the street every day - they can be kind and vile, fundamental and flexible in those cases when it comes to personal benefits, can sincerely love and empathize, go to sacrifice, defend their own. Or someone's honor.

Here are specific literary examples in which the personal qualities of a person are manifested:

Suppose courage. It shows it Andrey Bolkonsky in the work "War and Peace". When many have already lost faith, the young man not only retains optimism, he “charges” the courage and determination of everyone who is nearby.

Also a great example is Vanya Solntsev From creation "Son of the regiment". Having lost his parents due to the insidiousness of war, the boy is brought up by soldiers. Life events and efforts of senior comrades cultivate in a child such useful qualities as:

  • Honesty
  • Sincerity
  • A responsibility
  • Responsiveness
  • Bravery
  • Determination
  • Principle
  • Courage

Therefore, at his fairly young age, the guy already knows the price of deeds and words, acts as a “real man”. Partly because of a sense of duty, or maybe because of “not to fall into the dirt face,” do not seem weak and cowardly.
The military highly value the efforts of the pupil. After the death of the commander, he is recommended to the Suvorov School.

As for the adults of the military, they also show personal qualities. In addition to valor, honor and courage - this is:

  • Compassion
  • Empathy
  • Responsiveness
  • Attentiveness
  • Sincerity
  • Honesty
  • Care

Every military will come to the aid of a person if he is in trouble. We are constantly observing in the news and just on the street in our city.

"What qualities should a bold person have?": Essay

A brave man and his personal qualities
A brave man and his personal qualities

The image of a courageous person is perfectly depicted in literary creations, covering the events of wars. In general, a similar person should be:

  • Decisive
  • Fundamental
  • Self -confident
  • Balanced
  • Responsible
  • Decisive

Also, a person must appreciate a sense of duty. Here is an essay on the topic "What qualities should a bold person have":

A brave person should be persistent - after all, one determination is not enough. We also need endurance, willpower, the ability to endure hardships and hardships, tolerate moral and physical pain.

A brave person is usually honest and fair. Just as in the case of a “man of honor”, \u200b\u200bhe is faithful to his own principles, ideas and beliefs. It is simply impossible to knock him out of the way - he will always reach the intended goal.

However, on the way to victory, a real hero and daredevil will not resort to meanness (after all, in fact, meanness is a manifestation of cowardice), he will better choose a more thorny but honest path and achieve victory with his actions and hard work. Of course, pettyness, greed and greed for a courageous person are unacceptable. This is a strong, strong -willed personality that is not afraid of trials.

In the novel Sholokhov "Fate of man" This is Andrey Sokolov. The hero does not know what fear is. Neither the battle, nor captivity, nor death could tame his temper. Whatever happens, Andrei accepts all difficulties with dignity, does not timid and does not complain.

The hero of the story is the same L. Panteleeva "On Yalik"who transports people across the river. Fragments of anti -aircraft shells fly from everywhere, but the carrier does not stop and continues his job - not because he is not afraid, but since he understands that this is a matter of honor. If he saved and showed cowardice, then other people would have lost their lives with him. Therefore, he holds all emotions and feelings deep down and thinks only about how to reach the shore as soon as possible so that the “crew” can land “safe and preservation”.

"What is the connection between the activity and qualities of a person?": Essay

Communication between human activities and qualities
Communication between human activities and qualities

There is a direct connection between the activities and qualities of a person. Indeed, even in peacetime, the character of a person is highly affected even by the choice of his profession. Suppose, a cowardly, afraid of the type of blood, a person will never become a surgeon. The fundamental, decisive, brave, responsible “people of honor” with an aggravated sense of justice find themselves in law enforcement.

Here essays on the topic "What is the connection between the activities and qualities of a person":

Full of positive qualities, kind, responsive, decent, but a weak -willed person, as a rule, chooses a more calm and measured activity. In most cases, he can become an office clerk or librarian, but not a military, a sailor, a lifeguard.

Accordingly, the personal qualities of a person not only depend on the type of activity, in the necessary period of life they determine it. The sphere in which a person manifests itself is due to both his congenital talents, abilities and inclinations, and personal qualities.

However, there are exceptions. Suppose, in the biographies of some artists and singers, it is indicated that in childhood they were very shy and public performances seemed to them a difficult task. But subsequently these people were able to “overcome” themselves and conquer the world. Consequently, in some cases, a type of activity can get rid of fears, phobias, uncertainty, “refers” a specific person.

An example of life is an army service. After all, often the guys go there irresponsible, lazy, arrogant, freedom -loving, careless, sloppy, cowardly, and ribs. However, at the end of the service life, many were aware of the need for operational work on negative personal qualities. And some of them returned home more disciplined, responsible, with an aggravated sense of duty.

Of course, there are people whom you can’t change. But in some cases, falling into an atypical for himself, uncomfortable conditions, a person begins to “adapt”, respectively, in it they can wake up before that do not show themselves (due to unnecessary), positive qualities.

Composition on the topic “Mercy is an important quality of a person”: essays, arguments, examples from literature

Mercy is an important quality of a person
Mercy is an important quality of a person

By mercy is meant the ability to do good for the good of the neighbor. Of course, this concept is in contact with such human qualities as sacrifice, kindness, responsiveness, honesty, openness, sincerity, decency. Here is a mini composition, an essay on the topic "Mercy is an important quality of a person" With arguments and examples from literature:

In the biblical sense, mercy is based on love for a person - regardless of his beliefs, religion, committed actions and social status. Accordingly, a person with the ability of compassion can show him in relation to any representative of the human race.

Often this quality is a kind of “duty”. After all, a person shows him because he cannot otherwise. Of course, “measure” are moral principles, moral and ethical norms, a thirst for justice.

Mercy is disinterested. Helping a person and waiting for material reward, one cannot call himself the owner of this quality. A truly merciful person helps people just like that, not expecting to hear even a banal “thank you”. In other cases, he has interest (no matter, material or moral), therefore this is not considered a manifestation of compassion, but is called cooperation, partnership or mutual assistance.

A good example of mercy from literature is Natasha Rostova. She saves the wounded soldiers, gives them the carts that were prepared in order to transport the count's family. She cares about Bolkonsky. By the way, sometimes sensitivity and compassion are manifested precisely in difficult situations. After all, manifestations of kindness not only spiritually exalt a person, but can also save someone's life.

“What qualities are inherent in a generic person?”: Mini-processing

The qualities of a generous person
The qualities of a generous person

Which person can be called good? "What qualities are inherent in a generous person?" -Mini-processing on this topic:

Often generous are compliant people who are able to be condescending and sacrificial in relation to others. Moreover, they are not vindictive - accordingly, they can even help someone who once tried to cause evil to them.

As a rule, only a very strong person can be generous. This is a born winner. This quality speaks of the breadth and genius of the soul, therefore it is inherent in a few. Accordingly, the qualities inherent in a generous person are:

  • Close
  • Sincerity
  • Condescension
  • Kindness
  • Responsiveness
  • Lack of self -interest
  • Mercy
  • Sacrifice
  • Honesty
  • Openness
  • Reliability

We can say that being generous is a real art.

“What qualities does a proud person have?”: Mini-processing

The qualities of a proud person
The qualities of a proud person

Pride is another person’s quality. Many are endowed with them, and it interferes with someone, and others help others in life. Here is a mini-processing on the topic "What qualities does a proud person have?":

Human pride is a fairly controversial quality. On the one hand, self -esteem and an adequate assessment of their advantages, unwillingness to sacrifice principles is good. But on the other hand, this human quality can harm its owner - after all, there are situations when you have to sacrifice your beliefs due to circumstances (for example, in order to survive). However, pride causes greatest discomfort in cases where it passes into indefatigable pride.

What are the proud person? As a rule, this is:

  • Self -confidence
  • Principle
  • Solidity of character
  • Endurance
  • Strength of will
  • Stubbornness

Often a proud person is driven by the concept of personal norms and values, principles, which is extremely difficult for him to cross through. Perhaps it is the fear of violating his own taboos and making a proud person so hardy.

A proud person will never perform those actions that seem humiliating to him. In some ways, he is also a "man of honor." Only for him it is not always “right -handed”, most often “personal dignity”.

“Kindness is the most valuable quality of a person”: mini-processing, arguments, examples from literature

Kindness is the most valuable quality of a person
Kindness is the most valuable quality of a person

Being a kind person in a cruel world is quite difficult. However, kindness is a universal quality, a key that is able to open all the doors. Accordingly, a person who is not alien to, can not only make contact with almost every interlocutor, but also make the world a little better. Here is a mini-processing on the topic "Kindness is the most valuable quality of a person" With arguments and examples from literature:

The basic principle of kindness is laid down even in the simplest children's fairy tale "Little Raccoon". A smile causes a response smile, and kindness is always rewarded. Of course, a kind person, as a rule, is responsive, honest, caring, open to the world.

The side of the side with kindness is also coming, the opportunity to help people and sincerely empathize with them. A kind person is also generous - he is able to show his location even to those who have not always been fairly treated.

Why is kindness valuable? If only because in some cases, its absence can largely worsen the outcome of the situation. Suppose, in the work of g expelled "Overcoat" The hero dies from human indifference. Almost the entire settlement ignores it. While help could save a person. Accordingly, this is not just a positive quality - it is a tool on which the life of the neighbor sometimes depends.

The power of kindness is well described and in " Snow Queen " - The heroine saves Kai, only her openness, sincerity and good thoughts are able to melt the ice. Of course, abstracting from fairy -tale events, you can interpret the author’s thought as a mention that even the most arrogant person can change for the better if treated him with kindness and location.

"What qualities does a loving person have?": Mini-processing

The qualities of a loving person
The qualities of a loving person

Love is a high feeling. Not everyone is destined to test it, but the one who succeeded in involuntarily endows himself with special features. Here is a mini-processing on the topic “What qualities does a loving person have?”

A person who has a truly high feeling for another, has a huge set of positive qualities, including:

  • Sensuality
  • Sacrifice
  • Generosity
  • Carefulness
  • Openness
  • Sincerity
  • Kindness

A loving person is often decisive in his gusts for a lover, can sacrifice principles for the sake of the happiness of a partner and general personal happiness, is able to endure deprivation and step over his own pride.

There are sometimes lovers and merciful in relation to others. Since love enclosed in the heart, quite often extends not only to the object of adoration, but also to the world around him.

Love can not only give a person courage, but also repeatedly increase his physical and mental strength. Moreover, this feeling that stores in the heart is always open, therefore it needs response.

Not alien to a person in love and empathy. After all, the life of a beloved for him is more expensive than his own, and, consequently, the problems of another person become much more important than personal convenience and comfort. Anyone who experiences love is selfless - often the border and fear are unknown to him. After all, the well -being of his “half” for him is a matter of honor.

"Hope as an important quality of a person": an essay, essays, arguments, examples from literature

Hope as an important quality of a person
Hope as an important quality of a person

A person’s life is impossible without such positive quality as hope. After all, faith in a happy future really helps to survive in those conditions when the rest do not see gaps and give up. Here is an essay, an essay on the topic "Hope as an important quality of a person" With arguments and examples from literature:

Often hope is a faithful companion in many situations: from the difficult situation of people during the war years and ending with temporary life difficulties like a “black strip” in business or inconsolable love. Moreover, this quality is able to literally support life. Since the personality that sees the meanings and incentives for existence simply will not allow himself to disappear and overdue injustice.

Accordingly, when a person loses hope, he loses the meaning of life. Suppose, let's Merevalov From the story Kuprina "Wonderful Doctor" He was depressed by a worsening financial situation and a serious illness of his daughter. It would seem that there were no prospects - only the hunger and cold surrounding them.

But Dr. Pirogov gave the family hope: he not only healed the sick child, but also helped the rest of the family members "get to their feet." If this did not happen, then the head of the family would commit suicide. The help of the doctor saved not only the grief of the parent killed, but all his offspring.

In the story "Old Isergil", Danko It was also a source of hope. It was thanks to him that people managed to get out of the dark forest, found the way home. By the way, hope implies sacrifice - after all, a person giving it, as a rule, provides for disinterested help to those who need it.

"Positive and negative qualities of a person": composition

Positive and negative qualities of a person
Positive and negative qualities of a person

There are many people in the world. All of them have good and bad features. Read more about this in the essay on the topic "Positive and negative qualities of a person":

There are no ideal people. Therefore, in each of us, both negative and positive qualities get along. It is according to the prevailing among them that you can determine what a person is - bad or good.

Of course, positive qualities include:

  • Generosity
  • Kindness
  • Responsiveness
  • Empathy
  • Mercy
  • Sincerity
  • Sacrifice
  • Ability to love, give people hope

As for the negative - this is:

  • Cowardice
  • Meanness
  • Greed
  • Greed
  • Cowardice
  • Indifference
  • Self -interest
  • Pride
  • Self -confidence
  • Egoism

Of course, each person is obliged to work on the development of positive qualities and eliminating negative ones.

Composition on the topic “Good internal qualities of a person”: essays, arguments, examples from literature

Good internal qualities of a person
Good internal qualities of a person

Often positive human qualities allow the individual not only to find the respect of others, but also to achieve spiritual and moral heights. Here is an essay, an essay on the topic "Good internal qualities of a person" With arguments and examples from literature:

Kindness is the main positive quality on which everyone else is based. After all, it is on the sincerity of thoughts that a person is generous and responsive, to make sacrifices for the sake of others, to be sincere with them and always come to the rescue.

A person with good internal qualities is usually decent and honest. He does not accept self -interest. He will never betray and will not come true with his conscience and ideals. Of course, even a moral person at some moments of his life can be shaking and stumbling - but it is extremely difficult to call him dishonest.
Accordingly, good internal qualities form a certain system of values \u200b\u200band beliefs that a person follows. Moreover, this is in this case a “business of honor” - a person simply cannot do otherwise.

By the way, some of them are congenital, and some are developed under the influence of the environment and circumstances. An example of the manifestation of good human qualities is a boy Hug From the work "He killed my dog" Yu. Yakovlev. The child wants to shelter a homeless animal. He secretly carries him to school and later wants to take him home.

Moreover, the hug dreams that the dog brings good to people - he wants to teach her to save the drowning people. However, it seems that the whole world is against the boy - the teacher drives him out of the class, and dad in his absence kills the pet.

In this work there is a great example of a person with positive qualities - a hug. He is honest, kind, responsive, loving animals, open, sincere and his dad is a convinced individualist who lives only for his good and does not tolerate discomfort. By the way, I really want to hope that the hero grew up a decent and worthy person.

The composition of “the qualities that I value in a person”: essays, arguments, examples from literature

The qualities that I value in a person
The qualities that I value in a person

We all value people for certain features, but be sure to be good. In the continuation of this thought, this is an essay, an essay on the topic "The qualities that I value in a person" With arguments and examples from literature:

Often, by what qualities this or that person appreciates in people, it is possible to determine what he himself is. As for me, I most appreciate honesty, lack of arrogance, kindness, generosity, responsiveness, fidelity to my principles, balance and determination.

Of course, it is very pleasant when the individual adheres to his moral ideals, he is decisive and dare. I also really appreciate a person’s good attitude to older people and animals, attentiveness, zeal and restraint. Naturally, I really like people who know how to love and give good and hope to others. Unfortunately, at present there are few - but it is joyful that they still exist in this world.

I am also attracted by charismatic, knowing people - however, the line is important here. It is necessary to soberly evaluate your advantages and disadvantages so that love for oneself and pride in their actions does not grow into pride. Since this is already negative quality.

Suppose, let's Pavel Korchagin From the work "As the Steel Was Tempered". He has pride, fundamentalness, fidelity to his ideals. However, despite the fact that this is a real rebel and revolutionary, he is also a zealous and responsible worker, as well as a person who can sincerely love. Throughout the creation, the hero always acts “in good conscience”.

Korchagin has an incredible power of will-neither human weaknesses, nor illness, nor poverty, nor arrest, nor betrayal are simply incapable of stopping him, to bring down from the true path. This hero can be called a model of a “real person”.

“Anger as the quality of an unfortunate person”: essay, essays, arguments, examples from literature

Anger as the quality of an unfortunate person
Anger as the quality of an unfortunate person

The world is full of good people. However, at the same time, there are those who are not good and positive to others, but rather outlive anger and aggression. Why can anger be called the quality of an unfortunate person? The answer to this question will be an essay, an essay on the topic "Anger as the quality of an unhappy person" With arguments and examples from literature:

Why does embitter say that a person is unhappy? If only because they are not born evil - this is the result of an unsuccessful interaction with the outside world. Accordingly, such people are deeply unhappy - at one time they caused a significant mental trauma, the echoes of which still live in their souls, constrain consciousness, and do not allow to move forward.

In fact, only one who knows how to cross through difficulties, look into the future and, of course, forgive, is able to achieve heights. After all, old grievances will never help someone who wants to build their own happiness.

It is important to be able to let go of the past. Of course, forgetting about the unfair attitude of people and fate is sometimes very difficult. But in some cases, this really needs to be done.

A great example is Rodion Raskolnikov from "Crimes and punishment". If we consider the hero from the point of view of an “ordinary person” - he is kind, responsive, honest and could well be a decent member of society. But poverty, lack of prospects and poor attitude of some people embitter him. That is why the string in his soul breaks, and he decides on the worst thing that a person can invent - to kill.

Of course, practice shows that it is impossible to achieve justice through depriving a person of life. Therefore, the hero understands that his beliefs will never become a way out of the situation. Only now it is already too late to change the situation. Accordingly, schismatics are not so much a bad person as deeply unhappy.

"Kindness as the quality of a happy person": essay, essays, arguments, examples from literature

Kindness as the quality of a happy person
Kindness as the quality of a happy person

There are many kind people on Earth. This indicates that our world is bright and full of something good and human. Here is an essay, an essay on the topic "Kindness as the quality of a happy person" With arguments and examples from literature:

If anger is the quality of the unfortunate person, then kindness is, on the contrary, the property of the happy. This is true. After all, one who exudes light, optimism gives hope and faith in the best, not only makes the world a little kinder, he saves life and does not give his hands.

We can say that happy people share their kindness with everyone who is nearby and is open for this. The very ability to be kind serves as evidence of their happiness. After all, a person who does not get along, as a rule, is in a depressed or embittered state. There is no third. And given that the good, made to people, is often returned, it can be said that happiness fills the responsive, sincere and decent person more and more.

That is why it is important to be kind yourself and share kindness with others. By the way, sometimes kindness brings mutual happiness. An example is the princess from the work A.S. Pushkin  "Ruslan and Ludmila". In this poem, the choice of the chosen one in this case is due to the fact that he is fair, honest and open.

“Composition“ What qualities should a talented person have? ”: Essay

The qualities of a talented person
The qualities of a talented person

Talent is a gift that is given to a person from above. Many famous people have a set of good character traits. Here is an essay, an essay on the topic "What qualities should a talented person have?":

In order to achieve heights in creativity, and to become not only charismatic, but also a well -known person, it is important to have a certain set of human qualities. What does it treat?

Firstly, determination. It doesn’t matter whether a person plans to become famous in painting or becoming a famous rock musician. In addition to daily work on himself, such a person should always set goals and go to them, despite the barriers, believing in his strength. Otherwise, even a brilliant person will not succeed.

Also important:

  • Determination
  • The ability to defend one's position
  • Courage
  • Openness

It is often extremely difficult for beginners to liberate on the stage-since thousands of eyes are looking at them, who are waiting for something. And it really needs to be revealed - otherwise, the audience will remain unsatisfied, will not enjoy the concert.

Of course, a talented person should be honest. After all, creativity is only valuable when it reflects true feelings, emotions and experiences. Otherwise, it will not attract wide masses, will not cause interest.

A talented person should be generous - because quite often celebrities participate in charitable actions and are quite patient with respect to fans. A creative, talented person should also be a “man of honor” - after all, fees are by fees, and conscience and soul should not be sold.

“What qualities does a good person have?”: Composition, arguments, examples from literature

The qualities of a good person
The qualities of a good person

Ideals in life for many people are honesty and kindness. Although, from these qualities, a person is sometimes capable of suffering - after all, excessive philanthropy can bring pain and disappointment. But still there are a lot of good people. In the continuation of this thought, the essay on the topic "What qualities does a good person have?" With arguments and examples from literature:

A kind person is always sincere, open, caring, responsive, generous. He is charismatic and as if exudes light. He is capable of compassion and mercy. A kind person is never vindictive - even if he hurts him, he knows how to forgive enemies and let go of the past.

A kind person will always share everything that has. He will always help a person who needs trouble. Often, for the one who exudes kindness, it doesn’t matter who is in front of him - an ally or opponent, if it is necessary to save life, he will always do it. A kind person is happy and gives a feeling of happiness to others.

Samples of sacrificial kindness and love for one's neighbor, like Sonya Marmeladova From the work "Crime and Punishment", so Margarita - Both of these women neglect their interests in order for their loved one to be happy. And a fair fate sometimes even rewards their efforts.

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