Essay on the topic “What is the role of hope in human life”: arguments, examples from literature

Essay on the topic “What is the role of hope in human life”: arguments, examples from literature

In this article you will find big works and an essay on the topic “The role of hope in a person’s life”.

In Russian literature there is such a topic based on the final essay - this "The role of hope in human life". At the same time, topics can be different, and also examples from literature and arguments need to be given. Without this, the assessment is reduced by 1, and even on 2 points. Below you will find several works - large and small, which are suitable for a semester and final composition. Read further.

The role of hope in the years of the Great Patriotic War (WWII): the final composition, arguments, examples from literature

The role of hope during the Great Patriotic War
The role of hope during the Great Patriotic War

Russian language and literature are one of the most important subjects at school. Often the topic about hope and the Second World War is attached to the final essay in the Russian language. Below is an example of one of these works on the topic "The role of hope during the Great Patriotic War" With examples from literature and arguments:

Despite the fact that since the heroic victory of our people in the fight against the Nazi invaders, many years have passed, the exploits of their ancestors will never be forgotten. What helped people in such a difficult time for the country? Of course, the forces were cooperated to fight the enemy not only Russian soldiers, but also working people, elderly, women and children.

It is likely that this cohesion made the enemy retreat. But in this case, we will talk about the moral component, the power of the spirit that burned in the souls of Soviet citizens with bright and all -consuming fire. Incredible resistance and dedication, fidelity to the cause, the righteous idea of \u200b\u200bliberation and the desire for victory helped people not only survive in hunger and cold, but also find physical forces in those moments when each movement was given with difficulty.

Of course, hope played an important role. By the way, on the example of the heroes of that time, you can clearly observe the fact that sometimes faith can be even “blind”, without any prerequisites. In such cases, efforts multiply and lead to truly stunning results. What is the role of hope during the Great Patriotic War?

The dreams of the happy future of descendants, of the long -awaited victory over the enemy, sometimes replaced people as good nutrition and timely medical care - the forces for resisting the enemy and to accompany truly triumphal acts appeared “out of nowhere”. Therefore, hope is the greatest motivator. The one who sincerely lives it is omnipotent.

Writers, poets and composers of that time, for their part, made all possible efforts in order to maintain a human fighting spirit. This is evidenced by many patriotic military songs, the lines of which gave liberators and their families hope, and a huge number of literary works.

World famous "Katyusha" M. Isakovsky, "Song of Bold" A. Surkova, "Wait for me and I will come back" K. Simonova, and, of course, "Holy war" V. Lebedeva-Kumach is far from all the means that were used to strengthen the faith of the people in the happy and triumphant outcome of events during the Second World War.

Marshal G.K. Zhukov repeatedly admitted that his favorite work - "Quiet Don". It is quite possible, because this creation shows all those trials that fell to the share of the common people with the advent of the war, which takes away lives, destroys families, separates those who were once close to each other.

Of course, the main leitmotifs were:

  • The image of a warrior-liberator.
  • Beautiful and immortal homeland.
  • The strengthening of the awareness is that the victory is close, it is only necessary to make a joint common breakthrough.

However, there are examples of when not only military events were described in the literature. Some authors tried to give hope for a brighter future in a softer form. Suppose Prokofiev in his poem writes:

  • « Comrade, today above her
  • Sunset in smoke and blood,
  • So that hatred beats stronger,
  • Let's talk about love. ”

The poet seems to show what exactly the Russian soldier is fighting for, he skillfully alternates calls to protect his homeland with colorful descriptions of the rich nature of his native land:

  • « We will return the spring noise of the forests
  • Chamomile in the meadow.
  • Beyond the edge of the native, the country of the fathers
  • We go - and death to the enemy! "

Tvardovsky, author of the legendary "Vasily Terkin", claimed that "Russia, Mother Starukh, we can not lose in any way". Olga Bergoltz on behalf of the Russian mothers swore the land of their ancestors in victory, and Pavel Kogan claimed that he loved the land and air of his native country.

In addition to the need to fight for the liberation of their native land, the writers nurtured people in the minds of people and the understanding that the deprivation of a person of life (if this is an enemy) is not a crime, but a good matter. Here's what the poet A. Surkov writes at the beginning of the war:

  • “A man leaned over the water
  • And he suddenly saw that he was gray -haired.
  • The man was twenty years old.
  • He vowed over the forest stream
  • Mercilessly, violently execute
  • Those people who are torn to the east.
  • Who dares to blame him,
  • If he is in battle cruel? "

Of course, the people themselves “helped” the figures of prose and poetry. Sometimes patriotic poems and songs were composed at the front, the soldiers themselves. Moreover, these works treated the souls of both the authors themselves and others.

These and many other factors allow us to make sure that hope played a significant (if not fundamental) role during the Great Patriotic War. After all, the loser is not the one who was the first on the ground, but the one who first dropped his hands.

The role of hope in human life and its danger: composition, examples from literature

The role of hope in human life and its danger
The role of hope in human life and its danger

It turns out that hope can be dangerous. It is sometimes difficult to understand if you want to believe in something. Here is an essay with examples from literature on the topic "The role of hope in human life and its danger":

Why is hope dangerous? Often by the fact that it gives a person an incentive to believe in the best that does not always come. If the personality notices that the “bright future” does not come, she experiences a state of disappointment and despair, which can act extremely destructively on the psyche.

After all, a person brought to extreme despair may well go to terrible, but at the same time, stupid things. Suppose, to take yourself life, to turn to the eternal recluse, to be completely disappointed in yourself and the human gender.

That is why it is very important that, at the time of the personality of the fact that hope, alas, is unrealistic, is nearby who will be able to support and inspire the belief that this “black strip” is not the end of life, it is worth surviving the troubles and go Forward, for the better, with a proudly raised head.

Naturally, creative people are in the risk zone - since they are very vulnerable and emotional. The reason for more than 90% of cases of suicide of writers, poets, musicians, precisely despair, lack of faith in themselves and humanity, as well as understanding that ideas and ideals that they sing with their creativity are unlikely to come true in this unfair life.

This phenomenon takes place in the literature. Eugene from Pushkin Poem "Bronze Horseman" I experienced the collapse of almost all the hopes that I cherished. The hero hoped to marry his beloved parash, and to live with her in peace, love and harmony. But the flood not only deprived of housing, but also carried away the life of her beloved and her mother.

Seeing the wreckage, Eugene loses his mind. He wanders through the streets of the city, finding himself out of place. Despair sucked all his strength - both moral and physical. It is so mentally exhausted that even a monument to Peter, standing in the square, was frightened.

The heroine of the story "Poor Lisa" She was in love with the nobleman, but he was fed up with her affection and said that he needed to leave for war. The girl meekly equipped her beloved on the road, but after some time she saw him on the street. As it turned out, he lied and has long been engaged to another - moreover, for selfish considerations. After all, in the war he had fun than defending his homeland. Therefore, now it is in difficult material that will help to establish a new bride.

A fairly wide range of feelings begins to rage in the soul of the heroine: from hatred of the traitor Erast, to torment from the realization that they will never be together again. In the end, the girl does not withstand and gets scores with life. Here it is, the danger of hopes, tormented by despair, which leads to moral and physical death.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to live without dreams and goals, not hoping for the best. But it is always necessary to allow the fact that not all efforts aimed at a good matter can be appreciated by fate “dignity”. Sometimes she is unfair. Therefore, after each unsuccessful step, it is worth “encouraging” yourself with the thought that “if this time is not lucky”, it means “not time” and “will be lucky in another”. It is difficult, but feasible.

What is the role of hoping in a person’s life in literature on the work “Thunderstorm”: essay, essay

What is the role of hoping in a person’s life in literature on the work of “Thunderstorm”?
What is the role of hoping in a person’s life in literature on the work of “Thunderstorm”?     

A small essay, an essay on the topic “What is the role of hope in a person’s life in literature on the work“ Thunderstorm ”by Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky:

Hope in the work "Thunderstorm" He plays a key role: after all, Katerina lives that she perked up that she perked up after a new love appeared in her life - a polite, intelligent Boris. He does not look like her hated, unloved, miserable husband and villagers (who, by the way, do not like a woman).

Of course, the heroine sincerely hopes that it is the feelings for a man who every second to inspire her and give birth to hope for happiness and a bright future that will become a “starting point” on the way to a new life.

But fate plays a cruel joke with her. Boris does not become the “savior” of his lover. She remains among the unfair to her and sometimes cruel people, who now also accuse Katya of sin, therefore, they do not like even more.

The hope of despair is replaced by hope, which destroys a young woman. Realizing that dreams are not destined to come true, she deprives herself of her life. Accordingly, the hope in this case first serves as a catalyst for an incredible rise, immense joy and a feeling of unprecedented happiness, and then “throws about stones” - both in a figurative and sometimes literally.

The role of hope in human life: an essay on the work "Pomegranate Bracelet"

The role of hope in human life: an essay on the work
The role of hope in human life: an essay on the work "Pomegranate Bracelet"

In Russian literature there are only a few works that are studied thoroughly. "Pomegranate Bracelet" by Alexander Kuprin one of them. The plot is based on real events. Here is an example of an essay on this work on the topic "The role of hope in human life":

The hero of the work, the official Zheltkov, until the last breath, hoped for a mutual feeling. But, alas, his dreams were not destined to become a reality. Having broken under the pressure of life circumstances, the man no longer sees the way out. He ends with him, leaving a suicide note that he completed by lines from the Bible. This fact can be interpreted as confirmation that hope, as a rule, dies the last - before the death of the person himself.

It is noteworthy that the hero does not hold evil to his beloved and does not regret that he lived hope. After all, at least sometimes an unrealistic belief in the best is a killer, it also gives short -term, but such lucked, magical moments of happiness that a person would never have experienced, he would not trust him to hope.

We can say that hope is like a flame. And even the moment of her extinction in her own way is beautiful and unique. Therefore, in some cases, it is better to experience short happiness and a state of inspiration than to die from old age without knowing this.

Accordingly, Zheltkov is sure that it does correctly. He deprives himself of torment, but is aware of the fact that the spiritual upsurge that he was destined to experience should be taken meekly, perceived for granted. Even unhappy love is beautiful in its own way.     

The role of hope in the work "at the bottom": composition  

The role of hope in the work
The role of hope in the work "at the bottom"

Another work in which there is a human excellent feelings. How can you write an essay on the topic "The role of hope in the work" at the bottom "? Here is one example:

In the work "At the bottom" Maxim Gorky is considered both fake and true hope. Luke is the person who inspires a false hope in the inhabitants of the night. But after his departure, a real faith in a person and a positive outcome of events reign among people.

It turns out that sometimes pipe dreams and illusions can push to action, and sometimes significantly change life. Therefore, they are not as unnecessary as it might seem at first glance.

Indeed, despite the rather dual beliefs, Luke was able to show the main ones the main thing - how terrible their life is. And then the human mind was able to reach the realization of the changes already on his own. As a result, hope originated without a hero, but with his help.

Of course, true hope in this case manifests itself for a short time, it goes out like a match. However, even this second spark is already perceived as something significant.

Nevertheless, it cannot be said that false hope given by Luke is salvation. The author shows that happiness in the illusions cannot be comprehended, and the existence of a person can become better only if the hope is real.

What is the role of hope in human life: arguments for the exam

What is the role of hope in human life?
What is the role of hope in human life?

Arguments are important for any school essay on Russian literature. With their help, the student remembers the material better, learns to think and reveal the topic. Here are a few arguments for the exam to compose on the topic "What is the role of hope in human life?":

The role of hope in a person’s life can be different - for example, it can lead to despair and death, as it was in the case of Katerina from "Thunderstorms" Or a heroine "Poor Lisa", and get rid of death - as in the case of Sonya Marmelado from the work of F. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

After all, it was faith in the best that helped the girl get out of poverty. Nobody supported her absolutely, because Sonya sincerely believed that it was faith in the Lord and his help that would save her. So it happened.

Moreover, the heroine believes that the meaning of life is laid down in man by the Lord. The previous, “unworthy” life remains behind. Sonya accompanies Raskolnikov in hard labor, tries to influence his consciousness, cares about him and understands that this is the happiness that she had been looking for for so long.

In the play by Gorky "At the bottom" The hope of Luke, although false, but still she could give a second chance to the actor-soldier. After all, he sincerely hopes that a hospital in which is being treated for free of the "green serpent", wants to recover, leave the night and start a new, happy life. He is ready for changes.

As for Assol, the heroine of the work "Scarlet Sails", the hope that she was inspired also helped to become happy not only to her, but also to Gray. Of course, on the way to this girl a large number of bullying had to endure, but often life is worth living, and love is worth waiting and hoping.

What role does hope play in a person’s life, how is it to live by hope: conclusion, conclusion

What role does hope play in a person’s life, how is it to live hope?
What role does hope play in a person’s life, how is it to live hope?

And finally, several conclusions on the topic “What role does hope play in a person’s life?”, Which will come in handy for essay. These are the conclusions:

Accordingly, hope can be a “rescue circle”, the only means that will overcome the unfair reality, and is also a way to achieve happiness. If hope is unrealistic, then it gives short -term but very vivid moments of joy. And in this case, one second spent in a state of euphoria can be more expensive than a whole life.

Live hope - It means to see the meaning of every day, burn, rejoice at the soul, realizing the fact that possible happiness is very close, literally in two steps - you only need to tolerate a little, and it will definitely come.

Live hope - So continue to move and live in those cases when everyone else gives up and give up their hands forever. Sometimes it is very important to believe and wait without visible prerequisites. After all, life is unpredictable - because, the dream can really become closer. The main thing is to go through the “black strip” of your existence.

Live hope - So do not regret the and said, never give up and have truly inexhaustible vitality. After all, hope in the human soul is a powerful weapon, which, unfortunately, can be aimed not only at creation, but also for destruction.

Video: Final composition 2019. Thematic direction No. 2 “Hope and despair”

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