Shopper for Tamada for weddings, anniversaries and corporate parties - an introductory word, wishes, toasts, table games and competitions

Shopper for Tamada for weddings, anniversaries and corporate parties - an introductory word, wishes, toasts, table games and competitions

In our material you will find a cheat sheet for a toastmaster - it will help to spend any holiday perfectly.

Shopper for a wedding

Shopper for the wedding:

  • Collective wishes to young

Dear guests!
Show each of your diligence,
Having guessed all the wishes for the newlyweds at once!
We wish today with love:
Let it never fail you ... (Health)

Waiting in Crimea in the summer the shore,
Let you have enough for tickets ... (Of money)

So that your life is more fun,
We wish you more reliable ... (Friends)

Your family only pleases everyone
Let it visit you more often ... (Success)

The groom, you catch the bird of happiness by the tail,
We wish the family only strong ... (Love)

Life does not happen without different interference,
Let your joyful sound more often ... (Laugh)

Although they meet everyone, looking at the clothes,
Believe in success, do not lose ... (Hope)

  • Wedding riddles

If two fell in love, they have already gone to the registry office,
This couple, friends, is called ... (A family)

If after the wedding she immediately - in tears, he threw a vase,
This, well, who guessed? Called ... (Scandal)

At least you are mutually loved and you are one forever,
Your union is at least so, at least, they call the word ... (Marriage)

If a dream suddenly came true: a tie and a veil are nearby,
If the guests are waiting in the estate, then this is yours ... (Wedding)

If you don’t go to the house, someone on the way is forever,
Then you don’t have to guess, quit, wait for you today at home ... (Guests)

  • Kissing Game-Dating at the Wedding


  • Friendly guests gathered
  • And for the toast rose,
  • They only shout bitterly,
  • And they don’t want to kiss!?
  • Come on, everyone who is standing idle-
  • Kiss neighbor on the left!
  • Now we kiss with the heat -
  • Everyone neighbor on the right!
  • You will not leave the kiss -
  • Kiss who sitting opposite!
  • While the newlyweds cooled -
  • The witness is kissedt!
  • Well, now kiss urgently -
  • Newly father -in -law and mother -in -law!
  • Not lost dexterity -
  • Kisses the mother-in-law is a mother-in-law!
  • Further skill is not necessary -
  • Each the wife kisses her husband!
  • Oh, and the unbearable to him, -
  • Let the husband kisses his wife!
  • Now let's look together -
  • The groom kisses the bride!!!!
  • For an endless sweet kiss, we will raise the glasses!

  • Chamomile with duties or berries mulyazhi

The bride and groom tear off the chamomile petals in turn and read out their duties.

  • I will love you gently
    But I will not forget to saw either.
  • In the kitchen in the morning I will be the first
    I won’t forget the dishes.
  • I will protect and undead you,
    I will not forget to wash socks.
  • I will give the salary all,
    I will not forget to buy flowers.
  • I will cook dinner deliciously,
    I won't forget a bottle of beer.
  • I will go to the theater with you,
    I will not forget to drive in the movie.
  • I will not arrange a scandal,
    I will not forget beautiful words.
  • I will wash the diapers myself,
    I will not forget for a walk with the child.
  • Obedient, kind, faithful,
    I will not forget to give gifts.
  • I will go shopping,
    I won’t forget the floors.
  • I will idolize you
    And I'll forget about men.
  • I will love you all my life,
    I’ll forget about women to think.

  • "Vinaigrette" of proverbs and sayings "

Tamada calls the phrase, participants in the program need to recall a proverb, similar in essence “infected” phrase.

  • The lady left Phaeton, and the horses rushed faster. (Baba from the cart - the mare is easier.)
  • There will be no reward without an appendix. (You can’t easily pull out a fish from the pond.)
  • Sometimes our feelings are not subject to reason. (Love is blind.)
  • Continuous reproduction of your own kind. (The apple never falls far from the tree.)
  • Idleness of fear. (Wolves to be afraid - do not go to the forest.)
  • The first of them is always doomed. (The first pancake is always lumpy.)
  • Matter is primary, consciousness is secondary. (They meet on clothes, see over the mind.)
  • Generations conflict at the chicken coop. (Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.)
  • So only the owners of the heel and Americans sit. (Put the pig at the table, she and legs on the table.)
  • If he sober up, he will drown. (Drunk sea knee -deep.)
  • Goose-swar hierarchy. (Goose pig is not a comrade.)
  • Fly sadness. (Every day is not Sunday.)
  • The education of one -eyed. (Too many cooks spoil the broth.)
  • Russian national cuisine. (Cabbage soup yes porridge - our food.)
  • Thoughts are in an extreme state. (What is sober in mind, then the drunk in the tongue.)
  • Invaluable baby. (Small spool but precious.)
  • Follow the bazaar. (The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out, you will not catch.)
  • A smile from a crooked mirror. (There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked.)
  • Lenders do not like to wait. (Debt good turn deserves another.)
  • The written is not afraid of stitching and cutting objects. (What is written with a pen, you will not be cut down with an ax.)
  • Everyone went and you catch up. (Seven are not waiting for one.)
  • Great things are waiting for great people. (Big ship - great swimming.)
  • Benefire is five, and two weekends. (Business before pleasure.)
  • God sponsor. (Whoever gets up early, God gives it.)

  • Food basket

Guests, choosing one of the products, can make pleasant promises to the hero of the occasion.

On the eve of the holiday, we went around the store,
And gathered a birthday (che) product basket.
What do you want your soul,
And instead of the money, the birthday man (Tse) promise let's.

  • For those who have chosen:
    You got the grape of the bun
    For the birthday man (tsy) you will always be a welcome guest.
  • Sausages
    You must invite a birthday man (tsu) to a picnic,
    But there are few sausages in nature,
    Buy more beer, make barbecue,
    And bring fruits, vegetables and of course fat.
  • Croassan
    Croassan - French bun,
    But very suitable for Russian breakfast.
    You need to get up early in the morning,
    And coffee with a bun ... (name) serve.
  • Bread
    Bread to everything and always in the house is a head.
    Fulfill you for a birthday (Tsu) all important things.
  • Sausage
    Sausage, what can I say?
    For a couple with a birthday man (Tsi)
    You will subside and hang out.
  • Cheese
    There is no cheese without cheese.
    The family budget sometimes suffers from them too.
    You must not allow this,
    Money in debt without return ... (name) you will give.
  • Corn
    The queen of the fields is corn.
    For some, this is a burden
    Well, with you with a smile at ... (name) dig a garden,
    Water, weed and harvest.
  • Cake
    From this day on the birthday (Tsu), life is very sweet.
    Hello every day ... (Name)
    Cakes, sweets and chocolate.
  • Cucumber
    You will drink wine with a birthday person (zi) on holidays.
    And if something is stronger, a cucumber and bit.
  • Grilled chicken
    Chicken product is useful, dietary,
    Once a month ... (name) dinner to prepare a romantic one.
  • Carrot
    You have a carrot in your hands.
    By car ... (name) you will carry fast and deftly.
    To work, from work and shopping,
    Just have time to refuel it with gasoline.
  • Egg
    No wonder you chose an egg.
    A smile will illuminate (name) face.
    Buy for him (it) ticket to the Philharmonic,
    And then complete harmony will come.
    For the health of the birthday man (tsy) you are responsible,
    Any massage to do and carry it to the resorts.
  • I would like to wish you
    So that the basket with products does not impoverish.
    So that you become richer day by day.
    Let everything be so, and it will not be otherwise!

  • The package is secret

They say that in the anniversary!
That will not wish
Everything will always happen,
Everything always comes true!
There are a lot of desires,
We collected a little
And they were hidden in a package,
And our package is a secret !!!
Do we have a lucky one here?
We will learn everything now!

(Choosing the first woman)

  • I give you a bag in my hands
    And let's start our game! (track 1 I'm so beautiful)
  • Give it that hour
    A man who looks at you! (track 2 hungry eyes)
  • You don't hold a bag
    Land with a beautiful lady! (track 3 ah what woman)
  • You are not a beauty - queen!
    Give it to the one on the left! (track 4 is good, everything will be fine)
  • Do not press the package to yourself
    Give a man in a tie!
    You look at the table soon
    Who is here in the shoes - give it! (Track 5 Well, where are you a girl)
  • Climb, tell me how to call?
    A girlfriend needs to give everything! (track 6 Help me)
  • Give it a rather present
    Who sits like a president! (track 7 song vini-fluff)
  • Pick up a bottle
    In the middle of the guests, find a blonde!
    Pour her pour a stack
    And give our surprise! (track8 I will kiss your hands)
  • A success awaits the beauty,
    Give a man who is above all! (track 9 I am a chocolate hare)
  • Get up and raise your hands
    And find a woman with beautiful forms! (track 10 The most beautiful priest)
    Give the package and do not pamper!
    In both cheeks a kiss!
  • Let the man go a surprise
    Who will take you home today (take you) (track 11 Spare)
  • You have to see
    What a woman loves to sing here! (track 12 wound up)
  • Do not pull and you elastic band
    Who likes to dance Lezginka?
  • Picture dance to us
    And shock with your hands! (track 13 Lezginka)
  • Russia is famous for the talents
    Tell the one of the girls liked it! (track 14 I'm so awkward)
  • Pass on this bag,
    To those who are the most sober of the guests! (Track 15 did not transfer heroes on Russian land)
  • What in the package get
    Read loudly all of us

(in the package lies a bottle of something soft and the note "From you toast")

Oh, what a wonderful toast!
He is not drunk for him - sin!
I propose to pour piles!
Successfully drink success for the hero of the day!

  • "I drink a glass."

I take a candy, put it in my mouth,
I drink a glass, ... I am embracing!

I will pour a neighbor, I will hug her tightly,
We drink a glass, drink juice.

I take a rawhouse, put on a piece,
I pour a neighbor, I don’t drink it myself.

I will pour all the guests, I will offer a sandwich,
I’m drinking a glass, I jerk a fish.

I do not take anything. I don't put it on a piece
I drink a glass, .... Congratulations.

I’ll say to everyone on a glass, I’ll say a toast for the anniversary
I drink a glass, I offer guests.

I take an orange, putting it in my mouth,
I drink a glass, hug all women.

I take a salad, I put a neighbor in my mouth,
I drink a glass, I still pour it.

I take a sausage, my neighbor in my mouth is putting,
I drink a glass, pour a neighbor.

And I take the fish, put it in my mouth,
I drink a glass, ... hug.

I don't want anything, I'll just take the bread,
I drink a glass, I jam bread.

I do not take anything, I don’t put it on a piece,
A neighbor hugs a neighbor, and I drink a glass.

I take lemonade, in my mouth with a way,
I drink a glass, I shook my hand for everyone.

I take the tangerine, I will treat the anniversary,
I drink a glass, ... hug.

I take a candy, I will treat all the children,
I drink a glass, ... congratulations.

Tamada cheat sheet for an anniversary

Coarse cheat sheet for the anniversary:

Meeting of the anniversary

  • All guests are in a semicircle
  • The coronation of the anniversaries
  • As in one wonderful kingdom,
  • Yes in the Alzamai state
  • Today the holiday is announced,
  • The working day is stopped!
  • Brother and matchmaker, merchants, boyars,
  • The sages from the sovereign
  • Charmed, combined,
  • The retinue gathered together
  • And finally rushed
  • To this fairy -tale palace.
  • To keep the queen's anniversary to me,
  • I ask you to bring the throne here! (throne-chair)
  • Well, the beauty is a girl,
  • This evening you are the queen!
  • We ask our queen to be,
  • And we present a symbol of power!
  • After all, you are really worthy of a throne.
  • So, a crown is awarded! (crown)
  • Solemn ceremony to complete,
  • All attributes of power should be handed!
  • Sons -in -law, relatives, Kumovya,
  • Well, in - in general, the whole huge family!
  • Help to dress the queen,
  • Rather, make a mantle! (mantle)
  • Your favorite devoted friends,
  • With whom you share joy and misfortune in half,
  • With whom it is easier to overcome everything in life,
  • It is instructed to hand this scepter! (Cognac bottle (wine)
  • The sons of the daughter, the most dear in the world,
  • Like a ray of light for you all your children.
  • Such a big heart should be enough for everyone.
  • Power, a symbol of power, we want to give you! (Heart-marshmallow)
  • And so that in this life forever
  • Good only the moments were remembered
  • Today, here and only for you
  • These stormy are applause! (guests applaud)
  • Start the feast by the royal decree, start
  • Bring guests to have fun.
  • You are born to be a queen!
  • Take a look right, look to the left!
  • Close -ups gathered, friends,
  • To welcome you!

Comic lottery

Examples of joking phrases:

  • So that your life is sweet, get a chocolate.
  • You don't need kvass anymore - now you have beer.
  • Not a win, but Manna from the sky, you got a piece of bread.
  • You accept this button and happily go around the light.
  • What is this? Pencil! It is very difficult to believe in it: now it will be only yours.
  • Do not look so timidly, do not be alarmed - this is a traffic jam.
  • This paper clip will help you tightly in life.
  • In order not to eat you in the dining room, get a laurel sheet.
  • Cleanliness is a sore question, get a vacuum cleaner (broom).
  • When you are dancing, so that your pants do not sleep, you need to have a bola one of steel with you.
  • We give you the best toy in the light - a rattle.
  • Everyone is glad for such a gift - delicious, juicy grapes.
  • And not a nut, and not a screw is a medical bandage.
  • Fate took a quitter from you, to surrender - matches of boxes.
  • In life, the best girlfriend is a whole coil.
  • The gift is not random - we hand you a tram ticket.
  • There is no better gain than a cellophane bag.
  • You have a very sported - get a piece of soap.
  • Do not hurt, be strong, we give you pills.
  • For you, we don’t feel sorry for anything - accept this lighter.
  • You need to believe in miracles - you as a gift from sausage.
  • We give you a balloon and a flashlight in a set to it.
  • Forget all the questions, we give you cigarettes.
  • A thing very necessary on the farm, take it rather, do not be shy (cover).
  • So that you look at the window less, we hand you a domino.
  • Yes, this is what you need so - cheese under the name of the glorious "friendship".
  • You should not be upset - you are new. You got a tasty mustard, dining room.
  • You slightly move your brains - for this we hand over the book.
  • Nothing sorry for you-get a medal.
  • Do not be sad, do not grieve, get up, a neighbor kiss.
  • There is nothing better in the world than getting flowers of a bouquet.
  • Here is a gift for the future - from a shoe lace.
  • We give you this ticket so that we go around the whole world.
  • To keep a beautiful hairstyle, get a comb.
  • So that there is no longing, we give you socks.
  • At first glance, it is completely not noticeable - the paper is toilet.
  • Fruits are the best diet, but today you eat candy.
  • The strip in life will only be white, a piece of chalk will help you with this.
  • What is happening now in the light - you will read in the newspaper.
  • We provided you with hooks, but catch the somov yourself.
  • Always, at any time of the year, this soda will come in handy.
  • For teeth, an excellent find - here's a toothbrush.
  • If you love excitement, get a deck of cards.
  • To cook jam for the future, get the sugar.
  • This thing is necessary to create intimacy (candle).
  • If you are not drunk yet, get a glass soon.
  • The fragrant banana to the envy of monkeys.
  • To keep the linen tightly, we give you a clothespin.
  • Soon success awaits you, get a nut from us.

Crit - a jubilear spell

  • LEADING: Today at the festive table
    He tied us with the anniversary of the sea knot.
    To unleash this knot,
    We'll have to spell us!
    Let's say magic words
    And the shower shirts shoes the soul!
  • All: Fuck - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh
  • Presenter: Enter Nirvana, so you can!
  • All: Fuck - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh
    To go around your house a microbe.
  • All: Fuck - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh
    So that the grief does not step on the threshold -
  • All: Fuck - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh
    Ways not difficult and direct roads -
  • All: Fuck - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh
    So that your God guarded you.
  • All: Fuck - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh
    So that until the hundreds you can love your wife
  • All: Fuck - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh
    Let the glasses now be filled to the edges
  • All: Fuck - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh - Tibi - Doh

Corporate party

Corporate party for tamada:

  • Dispensary - a funny scene

Well, with, show your language.
He dried all, stuck, drooping.
Well, what did you do-
They talked so much!
The treatment needs to start-
We'll have to shut up a year.
Voice ligaments are torn and knitting.
If you want to say-
You don't sing a year
Do not drink, do not eat.
It will be a sparing diet.

Stomach, liver, gutted
And the spleen is so bad.
Ah, this group number six-
You need to sit on sick leave!
I went around the body of yellowness
Please open a mouth.
You have green saliva
And no analysis!
I have to tell you straight
We came to us for a long time!

Well, close your left eye.
Let's check your vision now.
Here is the old table
It will come in handy to us
This line is not visible to you?
What, is she blurring?
You have zero on both eyes
And, even the eyebrows ate a moth.
Put these glasses!

Re ntgenologist
Here is a picture. What will I tell you:
I don't find here at all
A healthy place.
Your head is swollen
And the neck is barely.
You are painfully careless ... yes with! ..
But put you on your feet.
Doctors are the upper class!

What is the point of lying here?
Try to breathe somehow.
Where is your heart? What a knock?
Presenter: And here the device suddenly broke ...
And on the cariogram, in the sinusoid there are many
Kindergarten "Birch" loves you very much!

The head physician
The examination was perfectly done,
Of course, it became clear to me
That everyone is healthy in the hospital
And vigor! I give you a word!
We put out the conclusion:
Do not need treatment!

Interactive with guests, continue the phrase:

  • I can compare work in our company with ....
  • Every morning, stepping to work, I think about ...
  • For some reason, my boss is associated with this literary character ...
  • For me, authority in the team, the person I want to go to, of course ...
  • The first impression of my company was ...
  • Every Friday, closer to the 4th I really want ...
  • Work would be a joy if you forever delete from my duties ...
  • I will not wait for the vacation to ...
  • I would be quite a salary .... (sum)
  • I really have innovative proposals to improve our work ...
  • I would introduce the uniform and that would be ...
  • Only for this I wake up every morning and go to work ...
  • What I want to say to my immediate boss ...
  • If I were the director of the company, I would immediately do three things ...

Mobile ditties

The male. Where are you, Milka, disappear?
You don't accept my call!
Oh, look! I get into the chat -
I will look for other girls!

Together (singing a chorus). OPA, OPA, America, Europe,
Asia, Eurasia - and everywhere in the connection I am!

Woman. Milenok changed me
And the SIM card replaced!
Inaccessible subscriber
Dear became one moment!


The male. My Milka is like a mobile phone:
To kiss the ardently,
I need to hold in the handles
And press the button.


Woman. When the dear leaves
The heart of the girl suffers.
There is no long forces -
He is outside the access zone!


The male. How am I my sweet
I will give a mobile!
To ... (company name) I will connect
And I'll get all the discounts!


Woman. There are two mobile phones on the window -
Red and blue.
There is nothing more beautiful
Than mobile love!


The male. You swore that you loved
All called on the mobile.
Yes, this chance did not come out
Apparently, the balance has ended!


Woman. My phone, phone,
Multi -colored buttons!
Tell me, where is my dear
What are the paths of the path?


Together. How did people live before
Did you love it without mobile phones?
Just punishment -
Mobile suffering!


Table chants

  • Everyone dreams of flying in life,
    But only brave can!
    He will show the aerobatics without embellishment,
    We will say about this pilot ... as
  • She sang the song a snowstorm,
    In the New Year we put .... SPRUCE
  • The people are going to America with the dollar,
    And in Latvia it takes this currency! (Lat)
  • The place is not simple
    And dense, thick (forest)
  • Square is puppy, wet nose -
    You are met by the right .... DOG
  • Meadows turn green
    In the sky, a rainbow-fool,
    The sun is warmed up by the sun:
    All calls to swim ... Summer
  • In a minute, he saved your soul sad!
    Favorite the public, sings Mikhailov ... Stas
  • Name without error
    The tool is slightly larger than the violin.
    He is her closest friend
    But the sound is slightly lower.
    There are strings and a bow,
    He is in the game - not a beginner! (ALTO)
  • “You are the best and most beautiful
    You are the smartest and beloved! " -
    There are no such praises not to count.
    But often it's just ....... flattery
  • I have in my table stored
    Earth ball on a hundred pages! (ATLAS)
  • Vitamins are just a treasure
    Fruit-berry .... SALAD
  • You take care of your heart like crystal:
    It is fragile, but it is durable, like ... steel
  • This uncle was above all,
    He helped everyone, looking from above.
    Was not at all a shortage,
    I just presented ... Stepa
  • The new dance was learned
    We surprised everyone around:
    He is not at all in the rhythm of the waltz,
    We just dance ... salsa
  • I wish you all today
    Good luck in work and happiness without a edge!
    And I am very glad that you are my friend!
    With a great profession in life - a rescuer


  • SP - bailiff, or can read the host
  • Colleagues! On this day wonderful
    We are starting the court!
    We ask you to keep silence,
    Stop wandering around the hall.
    We invite the judge to us today,
    There is no reason for them to rest today!
    We meet with applause
    Currants of Russian Law!
  • SP Today you, femids children, we wish,
    To always accompany the enthusiasm!
    You have to live fun and interesting!
  • Referee. Hard, but fair our sentence! (a hammer)
  • S.P Let all dreams and plans all come true,
    Did not know that you are the words "force majeure",
    With luck we walked shoulder to the shoulder to success!
  • Referee. Hard, but fair our sentence! (a hammer)
  • JV walk only up the stairs of the career
    And hourly expand your horizons.
    Professionals! You are worthy of respect!
  • Referee. Hard, but fair our sentence! (a hammer)
  • S.P. So that you are not offended with the salary,
    So that the house and the yard are a full bowl
    Although, what's the money? Dust ... but gold.
  • Referee. Hard, but fair our sentence! (a hammer)
  • SP and for the soul, study the family code:
    Fake an emphasis on your personal life.
    Love to you, gentle views and embrace!
  • Referee. Hard, but fair our sentence! (a hammer)
  • We also want to strengthen health,
    Disease and spleen to repulse.
    Health is what we all need!
  • Referee. Hard, but fair our sentence! (a hammer)

Riddles for adults

  • Here you have to think a little
    And call the road differently.
    About the highway and the path - forget!
    The word is very ordinary .... PATH
  • Will be built and high
    The one who drinks tomato ... .. juice
  • Didn't you know yet?
    The plates in the sky were flying!
    We had been loud for a long time
    Appearance .. .... UFO
  • No wonder you taught chemistry?
    After all, I will not put you a stake,
    Think the same as TNT.
    Well, guessed? This is ...
  • Sulfurled, started
    Long song ... Yula
  • He will overcome at night -
    Hibernation ... sleep
  • We won football.
    I scored the last goal:
    I ran away, and just
    Gave me great ....... pass
  • Flows like blood on a person’s veins,
    But not a river, not a drinking source,
    On wires ooles oozes and sockets,
    Be neat, because it is dangerous .... CURRENT
  • Mom brought success
    This is a food for everyone:
    We will eat from the cereals
    Very delicious mother .... SOUP
  • You are not a rash on the wound,
    Otherwise it hurts, e-my .... (salt)
  • There are a lot of lakes and rivers in Russia
    The road has long been known for them.
    There is no more beautiful than that river
    What is called .. ... eye
  • A knock is heard in the grove -
    The woodpecker hollows .... Bitches
  • I asked my friend Maya:
    Let's play chess.
    I will not be upset, I will be glad
    If there will be no one .... Pat
  • The well -known Pinocchio
    He pierced the picture on the door.
    I have this question:
    What did he pierce? It …. NOSE
  • In Poland, he is in high esteem.
    And you will find in the proverb.
    Well, who did not guess -
    Either he, or disappeared (pan)
  • The people are going to America with the dollar,
    And in Latvia it takes this currency! (Lat)
  • Come from the tax problem:
    They behave, well, like policemen.
    And how carefully the accountant did not hide,
    But they will immediately find black ...
  • It is not easy for poems that are given
    Do not immediately select rhymes.
    Knows the creative people
    This work throws in ... .. sweat
  • Those with whom I buzzed nearby,
    Remember - I have a sting
    And on the belly strip,
    Because I .... WASP
  • Mom Validol needs -
    The son brought from school .... Stake
  • Are there any sailors in the hall?
    The guess knows the glorious fleet!
    My questions are not easy!
    What will measure the depth? .... Lot
  • In color, like a red poppy,
    Shiny for nails .... Varnish
  • A television screen showed us:
    Relatives in Italy - there is ... .. clan
  • Very bitter, but useful!
    Protects from diseases!
    And he is not a friend to microbes -
    Because it is ... .. onions
  • Lives with us together
    You caress - sing a song.
    And you offend - it will pull it!
    This beast is mustachioed ... cat
  • May she burn in the night,
    Zlatorogaya (silver, majestic) ....... Moon
  • Artists dance skillfully, beautifully,
    Yes, only one will not understand what and how?
    The audience shout to him everything that is forces:
    Listen to the melody, you don’t feel .... TACT
  • You know, without doubt,
    What brings everything in the movement?
    Up will go up or on the descent,
    Feel free to click the button .... START
  • Graceful and zealous,
    He cowards a beautiful mane.
    He loves to swim in dew,
    Eat hay and kick:
    Gave the nickname - fire -
    This is the best ... horse
  • He is not afraid of dirt
    Va-Bank always goes.
    He can drive everywhere
    Our caterpillar .... TANK
  • Can swim and dive,
    Fly in the sky high.
    Name in a minute
    What is this bird? .... DUCK
  • How many songs and melodies!
    Missing them is a difficult job!
    Chords, gamma and tonality ...
    There is always at the basis .... NOTE
  • Samovarov - a dime a dozen,
    But the saying winked:
    They do not go there with their own,
    If this city .... Tula
  • I caught a basotuhu on the network,
    Strongly tied up.
    The villain has a lot of "hands"
    And his name is ... .. Spider
  • While he was walking, she swayed,
    And for a very long time did not end.
    And suddenly that board broke,
    Goby exclaimed: "Eh, ... longing"
  • A very elegant breed of a deer,
    He runs so that you can hardly catch up with ...
    She is definitely not lazy to admire,
    And we saw her in the zoo! (Lan)
  • The guy soon find out
    What is called, guess.
    Hair like a scallop
    For grannies, this is a shock. (PUNK)
  • There is a reference point - we start with it,
    Sometimes we do not notice this figure
    Show it as soon as possible!
    She is so small! Called .... ZERO
  • We take a chance in the casino, we will play,
    Fortune has its own law,
    We understand very well
    Everything is put on ... .. Kon

Shoppark for toastmaster - Introductory Word

Shoppark for the toastmaster - the introductory word:

Good evening, dear guests!
People’s people, simple,
Married and idle,
Old and young,
Rich and poor,
Good and harmful,
Drinking, non -one,
Little yielding!
We ask for mercy for the holiday
Love, beauty and happiness!
To the celebration dedicated ... ..

A narrow path curls
Today for your anniversary,
We hasten in the cafe we \u200b\u200bare at the feast
To take your places soon.
We gathered in this room in your honor
We left things in your honor.
We want to remind everyone to know
As you are always sweet and how you need it.

Good afternoon, but what does it mean -
So the day was kindly started!
There will be our day in kind, it will last,
After all, the anniversary should be unique!
So let the hero of the occasion
Rejoice at this moment -
And now the words now -
Let the guests sound applause!

Today you will see and hear a lot.
You should like everything now,
I hope you will like this holiday
And for a long time you will remain in your memory,
Well, now let me introduce myself

Oh, you guests - gentlemen
Why did you come here?
Il lives at home badly -
But dressed, just a miracle.
And the answer is very simple
Our Vladimir is young
In the circle of their friends
I decided to meet the anniversary.

Get to know me
I am doing attention
I do not smoke, I don't drink wine
I will be with you at the same time
Funny intricate
And it seems not a loafer.
I am glad to introduce yourself.
I want to like it all.
For me, your laughter is a reward
And for everything I am just Lada.

Hello dear guests!
I ask you to throw timidity
Meet if you are not familiar
And feel at home.
Come in, go
And sit down at the table,
Look, admire
You are a bride, groom!

Here, today at this hour
We welcome all of you
An anniversary dinner is waiting for you
shine of smiles and pearls
Easy music delight!
We announce the entire district:
Songs are ringing here to sound here
We invite everyone to the feast
We will start a holiday!

Grounded - weather,
The sun shines more fun!
And decided ________________
Invite guests to you!
Well, guests, tighten up,
Smile from the bottom of your heart,
Get ready to clap her
In this glorious anniversary!

On one of the last autumn days,
And now the day is undoubtedly such
Friends and relatives all gathered here
There is a reason that there is no water in the glasses!
Not just a hunt for to put vodka
We have an anniversary- this is a topic for a gathering!
And now for the event now this
We hope everything is ready in general terms! ……

You pour champagne into them,
___________ - anniversary!
Well, guests, do not miss
We meet a birthday man!

Good day, guests of the city!
Everyone who came to us here!
Here - fun and fun,
Even the crisis is not a hindrance!
Now the holiday has been announced,
The working day is stopped
_____________- The anniversary notes!
Let each of you meet him together!

At the table with friends,
Opening the anniversary,
Speaking in front of you
I want to start with words
Not from pathos speeches,
Not feast, rather,
And such that friends will tell hearts.
Let our evening today
There will be warm and will be cheerful
Let them sound today
Congratulations to one hundred in a row.
There will be dances, there will be songs,
The jokes will be appropriate here.
We celebrate the anniversary together
Everyone needs to be poured into glasses!

I inform all the guests - we have a palace anniversary!
All congratulations and gifts should be generous in royal!
The prince (. Mym.) ... At the head of the table, he will be honored and praise!
While I am speaking, I am asking all the wines to pour!
Like in the 60th kingdom and in the Ural state
Now the holiday is annoyed, the working day is stopped!
The guests were treated with a retinue together gathered
And finally appeared - to this fairy -tale palace!
At the tables everyone settled on the snacks.
Yes, on the fault that everyone is beckoning in a row with labels!
Prince (name) ... He rules the feast today with the parade
And he is beautiful and statue!
From all of us (guests tell him) ... bow
The prince of health and heartily congratulating
We will stand together at full height and raise the first toast!

I use it for the anniversary
I was in a hurry to you for a holiday,
And, alas, I forgot to ask -
What will we celebrate
And who to dignify here!
You will help me guests
All the doubts allow me!
Why everyone gathered
Everyone is responsible for me soon!
I think so to celebrate
The best holiday - .....
Guests! You really are not silent
Tell me the name of the birthday girl! ... Valentine!
Valentine's name is wonderful! But you do not yawn!
The middle name of Valino call me! .... YURYEVNA!
Something information is not enough for me!
And what is her round date today? ... 50 years!
etc. husband, children, sisters-brothers

For the wedding
Dear newlyweds!
Right now ... And what right now?
Yes, right now ... You can already relax!
And forget all the unrest of the day!
You were congratulated by friends and comrades
And of course - all your relatives!
We are all together today
Your family's birthday!
And she was born strong
Then the end:
And now I am addressing all guests
And I ask me to support me in a toast
For the young we will certainly drink standing
And we will not forget to tell them:
We wish you happiness without borders
And everything is together .... We will care !!!
We wish you bright days
And all together ... Congratulations!
We wish you huge love
And everything in chorus .... We will care!

I ask the birthday girl to rise,
So that the guests can stop at you.
Here the table is covered in korolevsky,
You arranged a reception for everyone.
I think it will be appropriate
If the queen will call you everything.
Today everything at your feet:
Flowers, greetings and admiration for eyes.
You are the queen and the deadline is suitable
Raise all cups without excessive conversations.
And since we have this event,
We will raise the glass for the birthday girl standing!
And to laughter, fun and smiles
Did not disappear until the morning
Let's shout three times
In honor of the birthday girl "Hurray"!

let me introduce myself
To those who are entrusted to the wedding
Tatyana and Claudia call us
At the holidays of different everywhere we are waiting for us!

And our partners are known in the entire area.
Soloist Maryam and DJ ours is Sergey!
Friends, posing everything boldly -
_______- The specialist is skilled!

We will joke here decently,
And ______ will shoot the video perfectly!

Let's get acquainted further soon.
Do not regret your applause!
We give the first ladies on the first ladies
That the bride and the bride are mom!

Let the dads of the young stand up
We applaud in honor of them.

In Kaleidoscope family motley
The newlywed sisters fit!

And we must give tribute
Who is the bride with the bride!

Not for the sake of glory, honor for
The newlyweds will get up by uncle!

And we do not mind,
Since the newlyweds will get up aunts

We will play the lifescake together
We are grandfather and grandmother!

Let them get up to be noticed,
Witnessing family!

Do you have godparents?
We are applauding them now.

I would like to see more
The nephews of the newlyweds!

I will say just without going to it:
Applause - for friends!

And there is you, please, answer, answer
Heroes of the triumph of the neighbors

And then, so as not to confuse you too,
I'll try to list everyone with the list:
Sword, Shurin, Sillar, daughter -in -law,
They have a maid and a son -in -law, I wonder?

Let's beat your hands
For all guests, good for you!
And everyone always liked it.

Crap for toastmaster - universal wishes

Crap for toastmaster - universal wishes:

I sincerely wish joy
Long and happy years.
And in the days of youth and old age,
Live without knowing the pain of troubles.
Let the desires of the possibility,
The world will give them and
Having become a matter, they will solve all the difficulties,
Having made the happiness of life days.

Let the problems are small,
Will be in life and in business.
Not forcing them only to live,
On paths and paths.

There will be prosperity in the house
Let the roof flow in it.
There will be no evil riddles,
In those who live in it.

I sincerely wish joy
Love is clean and big.
In the light of the day of heat and brightness,
In the darkness of the night - sleep rest ... ..

Let the desires of the possibility,
The world will give them and
Having become a matter, they will solve all the difficulties,
Having made the happiness of life days.

Let the problems are small,
Will be in life and in business.
Not forcing them only to live,
On paths and paths.

There will be prosperity in the house
Let the roof flow in it.
There will be no evil riddles,
In those who live in it.

I sincerely wish joy
Love is clean and big.
In the light of the day of heat and brightness,
In the darkness of the night - sleep rest ... ..

On the wave of success to stay,
A strict course for a dream always keep,
Never doubt
And always brilliantly win!
New horizons and discoveries,
Bold undertakings and ideas,
The most amazing events!
The most remarkable ways!
In life, everything is very important and valuable:
Achievement, big things,
Friendship, bold plans, aspirations,
A house, where joy and a lot of warmth!
Let them entail prospects, ideas,
I want to do a lot, open,
To meet the anniversaries with brilliance,
With pleasure, happily live!
And let the days be warmed with love,
Attention of loved ones, dear people!
Let wonderful moments give life
Let it surprise with its beauty!
Dream, and let the dreams come true!
Soul - soar, desire to come true,
To meet a smile every day
And enjoy every minute!
Let luck pamper more often,
Bringing success over time,
To be even more saturated and brighter
It became every day and an hour!
Let the dear people surround
Give a lot of tenderness, heat
And the desires will come true any
So that life is still happier!
I wish you a lot of tenderness, warmth,
Attention from loved ones and friends.
More wonderful for your life to be
Minutes of happy, brightest days!
Not just everything happens in life,
But as a gift on this bright day
Let happiness just come to your house,
And does not require anything in return.
Believe the most rainbow dreams,
They cannot deceive
Take off from happiness to the clouds,
Believe in yourself, bolder!
Let the music sing in the heart,
And they will be bright all days
Let you always be lucky
Desires will come true yours!
If every moment is joy, warm
And if you enjoy anyone with a minute -
It will become easy and light on the heart,
And there will be desires to come true more often!
Words that are warmly warm
We give congratulations in this:
Let life with warm and sun light
Fill every moment!
We wish you tenderness and affection,
Days amazingly happy!
Let everything in life, as in a good fairy tale,
It will be magical and beautiful!
More sun and flowers
Good gifts, beautiful words,
Let it only surround
What gives joy, light and happiness!
From the long -awaited changes
The heart will become a little warmer
And surprises every day
The uniqueness!
Moments of bright and happy,
Beautiful, kind words
And wonderful, beautiful
Smiles and flowers!
Heat so that the heart is filled
From this beauty,
And be sure to come true
Desires and dreams!
Let the big and important roads wait a lot,
Bright stories are fascinated by life,
And brings every new turn
Happiness, joy and beautiful victories!
Each day has a special taste, its own -
Either new, then familiar.
Let the joy come with a minute of any,
After all, everything is so unusual in life!
May she bring happiness with her,
Great success, good luck,
And, embodying your dreams in full,
It will be more saturated and brighter!
There is one secret about happiness:
He has that
Who, although he knows the taste of victories -
They are not counted.
Who appreciates friendship and love
Who believes in their success.
We wish you to win again
And to be happier than everyone!
In business - success and luck!
In the soul - warmth and kindness!
Live is interesting, with a mood,
In luck to believe in dreams!
Give love to relatives and friends,
With a smile new day to meet
And all that is the best in life,
Be able to see and know!

We congratulate you today,
We wish you sincerely victories
Spring, good luck, inspiration,
Success of bright one hundred years!
In the congratulation, I wish you
Happiness, joy, peace, warmth.
So that luck walks nearby,
And life for you would be good.
Strong health and strength,
Warmth, comfort, kindness,
Let you surround in life
Love and a lot of beauty.
Let the hopes be justified,
Dreams will be done, miracles.
Love to you sincere, vastly -
Let the blood boil, burn eyes.
Accept congratulations
With the wishes of good,
Happiness, joy, luck
And spring heat.


Inspiration and order
Let them accompany in business
In the house - order reigns
And you have harmony!


Congratulations! Let luck
Will never leave
Let happier and richer
You have been making you years.


Let friends do not forget
Do not forget them either.
Let only joy illumin
Your light in life let it be!


I wish you health, good luck, success,
Make happy laughter into your life.
And brighten up all the days with a radiant smile,
Catch a magic fish at leisure.


I wish something good
It happened as soon as possible in life.
And everything that was planned,
It would definitely work out.
We are very dear to you with friendship,
We want health with all our hearts!
On this holiday, accept congratulations!
Let only bright days await you!


Let there be no barriers on the career path!
I wish you all the hardships!
We really like it with you
And that means you to sing to your health


For you - everything is only the best
And on this occasion
And let luck favors:
Any way for you in life is open!


Let this day be kinder
Good health of laughter
I wish you a lot of happiness.
More smiles of both the sun and light,


Let each dream come true in life,
So that dad and mom love you very much,
I wish you a lot of joy
Success in creative work
You are still my sister!
How much two whales weigh!
So that she lives, bloom, did not know

Tamado cheat sheet - toasts

The cheat sheet for toastmodes - toasts:

For everyone to work out everything,
So that everything is always good
For dreams to come true, and happiness,
It came to the house today.

To smiles, sincerity, joy,
So that they all live in abundance,
So that our old age was cheerful,
To make our desire come true.

So, let's drink friends, so that everything is so,
So that we do not need anything,
So that the bad leaves us,
So that all the troubles do not care for us!

Friends, how great it is that we all gathered,
I want to raise my glass for you,
For the fact that at the most difficult hour
There were always with me!

I want to raise my toast for
So that we are going to you more often,
So that we are always lucky in everything,
And so that they are never mistaken!

So that troubles are forgotten, sorrow,
So that dreams always come to life,
To always go uphill.
So that our soul was calm!

So that there is happiness, at home coziness,
I want to choose the right route,
Let's drink for not evil,
So that there is a strong, happy family!

For parents
I want to offer everyone to fill the glasses
And to fulfill the duty of all children around the world.
Let's raise the glasses for those
Who gave us every chance of life and success!
We’ll drink our parents, friends,
We can never forget about them.

For a friend
When tears from grief is hail
The misfortune of the circle is compressed
We go to the one who is with us - -
Friend! True, close, kind friend!
When with joy and happiness
Everything drowns out the hearts,
I want to rush to you
Friend! True, close, kind friend!
I want to raise a glass higher
And I see a lot of hands nearby.
With me at the table, I see
Friend! True, close, kind friend!

For friends
Perhaps there is no next to us
Those with whom they were friends for many years,
With whom in a tender childhood barefoot,
And later in sneakers, with a backpack ...
But the memory does not allow you to forget
And we continue to love
Friends, distant and relatives.
So let's drink for them now!

Toast for a good person
The glass is poured, the wine sparkles.
And we, raising the glass, stand.
My toast is like a bird in a blue sky,
He is tall and unique.
My toast is completely, my friends, unheard
There are more toasts to us.
We will drink good people for people
There are more of them in life than bad ones!

Toast for the mistress
Whose hands bustled in the morning?
Whose hands were cooked, baked?
Whose hands were set on the table?
We could not forget about her.
For our mistress glasses
Let's raise the hop guilty!
She was conjuring here in the morning
And I got it in full!

Toast for hospitality
Today we all drink together
For this house! Wonderful house!
Hospitality here in honor,
So, it’s good to grow here!
So, there will be comfort here!
The guests drink for this!

For the young!
You have become a husband and wife,
One and indivisible whole!
Fate, as a world sculptor,
Cremed you with my soul and body,
Let the family's birthday
It will be supplied with toasts
From a small spark of love
Let the flame flare up!

For friendship!
My friends! I am glad to see you like that!
Fill the glasses all the more!
For our friendship, which is always by the reflection
It happens to us among the everyday life of days!
For the fact that God is an invisible hand
Gathered us all at the table today,
And let the champagne flows with the river,
Let's drink for friendship and still pour it!

Toasts "For ..."
Well, now is the moment,
Once we had a chance to get together here,
Let the wine flows the river!
We will swim in that river.

We are given to live and wander,
Search for the way to God's kingdom.
Why drink vodka and wine?
And this is the best medicine!

Who loves the languid moon
Who is an extraneous wife
Who to say, who to listen,
But everyone loves to eat.
For cool snacks!

So that neither friends nor dishes
Do not forget this table!
For kindness and for wealth!
And so as not to drink brine in the morning.

We, as we will drink, the head in the dishes ...
Or we beat someone on the lenses ...
We still have no culture of drunkenness
There is no culture, so to speak, alcoholism.
For culture!

Now all the guests will say "ah!"
My toast, friends, in black tones.
Let the wish come true
The family will add weight,
Kohl in the garage flaunts
Black Mercedes.
Let the mobile phone be black,
Each room has two.
The kitchen is black refrigerator,
In which black caviar.
A wonderful aroma from the kitchen,
Of course, the coffee is black!
And if they want to warm up -
South! The sea is black!
As for finance
Any color, variety,
But in the Black Diplomat "bucks"
The number "to the devil"!

Everything in this world is raging.
We have a toast, hold on to the glasses:
“There is only experience between the past and the future.
It is he who is called life. ”
For experience!

What to wish? Wealth? Good luck.
From life, everyone wants their own
And it is possible, so to speak, otherwise:
Let it be a little, but everything.

To drink, there are any reasons:
All days of birth, meeting, seeing off,
Christening, porridge and divorce,
Frost, fishing, New Year,
Recovery, housewarming,
Success, reward, increase,
Sadness, repentance, hangover
And just like that - for pleasure.
We have one reason:
Per… (name)! I ask to the bottom!
So that we live, breathing easily,
And life seemed good
Let luck not change us.
For "Sales of Dreams!" And "grab the money!"

For the right angle of view.

Philosopher, know: you always
Suffer from a heap of problems.
There is anyone and where, and when,
And there is something, but why?

Let's drink without question
So that there was a man - not a philosopher!

For life plans!

They say that everyone owes
In your life at least once
Build the house with a bed on the left,
Stand at the house
And for the completeness of the picture
Daughter to grow or son or son.

I ask you to raise glasses
For our big plans!

In order not to go around the promotion!

Which of us is not dreaming of success in business?
And I think: we must drink
So that according to our service staircase
The steps with soap were not smeared.

So that the chef is not a usurpator,
So that the employees are not bores,
So that the escalator is raised up,
And down I would have to fly down with parachutes.

For those who are moving up all the time!

The people are proud of climbing
And in this right as ever.
This is how they climb all their lives:
Everything up and up, back and forth.

Ask why to do this?
And they will say the brave then
That we are growing - soul, in the body
Everything up and up. Look there!

And the right word, it's great!
Let's drink, gentlemen,
In order not to lose, climbing, head,
And the path to see always!

For those who know everything!

Workaholics, plowmen, nerds,
Golden arsenal of our days!
You are so worked out by work,
What almost registered on her.
You can’t lure you home with a gingerbread,
So let's take the chest,
So that everyone is a little botanist,
And the botanist is a little normal!

Shopper for toastmaster - table games and contests

Shopper for toastmaster - table games and contests:

  • "Fruit assorted"

Fruits are bought in advance by the number of guests, you can all 3 fruits. The guest chooses the fruit you like, and the host reads what this choice means!)

1. I am a perirable banana,
A very immodest boy
2. I am a playful, I'm a banana
I will not give a man and I will not give
3. I am a ripe fragrant apple,
I am tempting everyone that they ask for an additive!
4. I am a delicious apple, friends,
Fragrant and always fresh
5. I am a peach of the south, wah-wah-wah,
Hot as Georgians in the mountains
6. I am a woman-peach, blush, plowing,
I go in clothes only from Armani and Guchi!
7. I am ripe, sweet grapes,
Everyone is happy to try me
8. I am grapes, men are getting drunk from me,
I am created for affection and love!
9. I am a fragrant and juicy pear,
Run away from me, I'm a vicious woman
10. I am a pear - pulp on the lips,
Everyone is melting in my affectionate hands
11. I am a kiwi-exotic self, a copy,
I'm in favorites, I loves the anniversary
12. Friends, I am Kiwi! You are glad to all!
Let's play, arrange a masquerade!
13. Brown, positive orange,
God I am in the world, I am my lord!
14. I will raise my mood, friends,
I am an orange! Medicine for idleness!
15. Shameless strawberry I,
Love, love me!
16. Strawberry I, I love to seduce,
You all have to send me a kiss
17. I am an important fruit, I am,
And I have money in my pocket to a fig!
18. Lemon I, Abramovich is resting,
I love myself and everyone knows me!

  • Tasks

To be healthy, it sounds so that our laughter,
The thumb should be raised up!

To tell all kinds of "scum" diseases-
The thumb should be lowered down.

So that all our dreams are fulfilled,
We click our fingers together.

So that love is always in the house,
Hug each other, friends!

So that life is at the peak of dawn,
Firmly press the neighbor's hand.

Do you want to be happy?
Then wink each other now!

And so that life is even more beautiful,
We will hold hands and shout cheers!

  • Table physical education for hand.

Success accompanies everyone
Who will raise their hands up!
Let them go to your shoulders -
This evening will be cool!
Put your hands to your heart
Picture a knock on your heart!
They need to pull them forward,
Squeeze fingers together!
At a delicious, festive table
Let's bring your hands to the glasses!
In the glasses of the wine "refresh"
And we drink for each other!

  • Fands

1. How many guests are there ...
Pour the pile faster!
I want to surprise everyone
To the toast is beautiful to state!

2. Legs are asked to dance!
Isn't it time for us to give!?

3. I shout out loudly three times:
I want a birthday girl
I am congratulated on birthday.
That's the whole poem!

4. I want without delay
Song to sing about birthday !!!

5. Well, I drink for love,
So that our blood is seething!

6. You DJ do not fall asleep there!
Turn on me music!
So that I would like and could
To be dancing and drinking!

7. Since childhood, I love cinema.
And I want it for a long time
I am an actor to visit
Show all you a scene !!!

8. My soul is my soul,
I have lived for the year for no vain
I know ditties!
Put the ears !!!

9. Songs dance from the tongue,
So their words are torn!
Right now ... a second ...
I will fulfill me!

10. I am embarrassed to admit ...
You don't all understand me,
I can't resist
I will kiss everyone here !!!

11. Well, I am a very noisy guest!
Someone will say that the amazing.
I want everyone to "swing"
And I ask you to repeat:
- The right hand was raised,
Left after
Well, to pat together everyone,
Strongly, bright, loud!

Quiz "Guess the riddle"

  • Caps for the chest? (Bra)
  • To put on his suit, you need to completely undress. (Adam)
  • Underground tremors? (Toilets in the subway)
  • People who believe what they write in the newspapers? (Old Believers)
  • Little tyrant? (Tyrant)
  • In winter and summer in one color? (Black person)
  • Traditional Russian alcohol, which, however, is not put on the table? ("Triple cologne")
  • An order that can be earned on a bed front? ("Mother heroine")
  • A lover of a taxi ride? (Taxicomaniac)
  • Creator of wedding? (Matchmaker)
  • People who hate their family? (Anti -Semitians)
  • Grain, passed fire, water and copper pipes? (Moonshine)
  • Apple chopped into parts? (Dismemberment)
  • How will the Russian proverb "Where is my big spoon?" ("Where are my big sticks?")
  • Treatment of psychos with steam? (Parapsychology)
  • A quilted jacket for the head? (Hat)
  • On a stick, but not hemorrhoids? (Eskimo)
  • Details of Pope Carlo? (Chisel)
  • A person who knows how to be silent in many languages? (Diplomat)
  • What could be better than a glass of good wine? (Bottle)
  • Drawings of naked people on the walls of toilets? (Holography)
  • Human behavior, simple and natural? (Rudeness)
  • A very tanned person? (Black person)
  • People living only on labor income? (Distribution)
  • How, from the point of view of the Church, is the rite of circumcision? (Acquaintance)
  • Gourmet, a lover of Konina? (Horse -drawn)
  • A person who constantly tumbles? (Nudist)
  • A bandit tormented by a fool? (Bangdurist)
  • Oats missed through the horse? (Manure)
  • A person with a large forehead? (Lobotryas)
  • Sex shop in the desert? (Sexaul)
  • Polyglot, to which can be addressed in any language? (God)
  • A person who received a lot of letters? (Literacy)
  • The only Jew who did good deeds for free? (Jesus Christ)
  • Klyatznik, writer of anonymous? (Onanist)
  • Insurance agent specializing in people's insurance? (Insured)
  • A man interested in elderly women, grandmothers? (Womanizer)
  • A fan of showing a figure? (Figure skater)
  • A picture depicting a drink for three? ("Hunters in the halt")
  • A secretary who forever confuses everything? (Putana)
  • Bad Coca-Cola? ("Kaka-Cola")
  • The room where old people gather? (Chrychnik)
  • Shoes for one leg (for disabled)? (Half -bots)
  • Modern folklore? (Gossip)
  • A person who is all up to the light bulb? (Do not care)
  • Who was the first nudist? (Adam)
  • The biggest enemy of an elderly woman? (Mirror)
  • Friction of two sexes about the third? (Dancing)
  • Calculator for final calculations? (Kalashnikova machine gun)
  • The world's smallest giant in the world? (Charlie Chaplin)
  • Pile, former in use? (Ecstasy)
  • Panic on the water? (Hydropower)
  • Smells pleasant to a person? (Incense)
  • Foal lover? (Don Juan)
  • Dad milk? (Kefir)
  • A person who laughs both first and last? (Massovik-stall)
  • The most common way to transmit infection? (Kiss)
  • Hypertonik's love? (Platonic)
  • A person working until the seventh sweat? (Steelmark)
  • A person working until the seventh chin? (Cook)
  • Anti -doping? (Purgen)
  • Sexual licentiousness of the southerner? (Mustache)
  • A trifle, without which it is difficult to walk around doctors? (Health)
  • A person suffering from urinary incontinence? (Ubiquitous)
  • Polovtsian dances? (Striptease)
  • A man neatly dressed, warmed and powdered? (Dead person)
  • Woman Trubadur? (Trubadura)
  • Who was the first camouflager? (Adam)
  • Who was the first traffic cop? (Nightingale-robber)
  • Free imported clothes or food? (Interkhalyava)
  • The concert that his wife named Galya gives her husband? (Gala Concert)
  • What does the eagle-junction eat? (Bitch) Bible for the stomach? (Cookbook)
  • The leading and guide force of modern Russian society? (Bucks)
  • Who has been uninitiated all his life? (Bald)
  • Shock among art workers, artists? (Artichoke)
  • Chatter, awe about the superiority of one nation over another? (Trepanation)
  • A traveler who moves only lying? (Dead person)
  • Women of increased demand? (Blonde)

  • Competition "Happiness".

Guests pull the cards and read what happiness means to them.

  • Happiness gives me work, I can’t live without it.
    I have one care, how to get a salary!
  • I only need one for happiness for happiness:
    Cavalier languid, candles and wine!
  • I need a house for happiness, so that 12 rooms are in it,
    And the jacuzzi, and the pool for the family and for the guests!
  • I will be happy, friends, if the seas suddenly become, and the lakes,
    And the bays are suddenly filled with beer!
  • For happiness I need the sun, the sea, a couple of strangers,
    A yacht with a white sail, on a hat of an ostrich feather!
  • I will be happy, guys, if they give me a shovel,
    I will always walk with her, pits and ditches to dig!
  • For me there is only happiness in food, I love to chew so much,
    And I can be able to be able to be tasty at any time.
  • I will, I am happy to go into the pond entirely,
    But I won’t get to this business yet!

  • Dairy puzzles.

We all love without deception
Village ... (sour cream)

He is useful, everyone is glad to him,
You will be glad to lose weight with him ... (Kefir)

She is loved by those who have a thin taste,
Thick, sweet boiled ... (condensed milk)

Not hoping for vaccinations
We consume with tea ... (cream)

To make life beautiful
You spread on bread ... (oil)

It happens in chocolate
Children are very glad to him
He is more satisfying than a hot dog,-
Glazed curd)

Very tasty cookies
And the excellent pie
It will be if we add
By proportion ... (cottage cheese)

Well, which can be tastier in the world,
Why are yellow countless holes in ...? (cheese)

It is so easy to cook food, if there is ... (dry milk)

  • Game "Festive menu"

The host offers the playing to recall and name the most traditional dishes served on holidays. The guests in chorus or take turns answering how conveniently the organizer, he chooses the correct answers (those that coincide with the dishes in the "menu") and confirms them with a verse from the "menu, then gives them
Guessing the token.

1. I am a favorite on the table-
Excellent Olivier!
I don't need spices
I am out of competition!

2. It won't do without me
At the table of an honest people!
All vodka is pouring on everyone,-
Open your mouth wider!

3. I am a salty cucumber!
Sit me, my darling!
If you drink vodka in Russian,-
Better you will not find a snack!

4. Take us out of the barrel!
We are salty mushrooms!
Bes the haste!
There will be joy from the heart!

5. Everyone is glad to eat me
I am Russian chocolate!
If you want to live sweetly,-
Always take me in your mouth!

6. Standed in a vase
bulk apples,
Orange, pears
Supple us rather!

7. I am by no means somehow
Five -star brandy!
I am so serious.
Under the table, then do not half -tie!

8. We, dumplings at least where!
Crossed food!
On holidays without us, you can’t,
Fighting yourself, friends!

9. I- from meat jelly,
All student well done!
I languished in the cold
And he hardened to the feast!

10. I am a fortified wine,
I have been standing on the table for a long time!
Do not yawn me together,
Pour it by glasses!

11. And I- fish in the marinade,
I need to be treated!
I fell in love with the people
I don't want to go back into the water!

12. I'm not a paste, I'm not pizza,
I'm a fragrant bird!
I reached, she steamed
I got a dish on your table.

TAMADA cheat sheet - invitations to the table and dancing

TAMADA cheat sheet - invitations to the table and dancing:

My guests are dear
I invite you to the table!
There are any goodies here,
Everyone to find his own!

Let the toasts sound loudly here
And the fun pours the river.
I thank you, guests,
What came for my holiday!


I am in a hurry to invite you to the table,
There are treats for you here!
Take a seat all, please
And try my creations!

Quickly fly on dishes,
I want you to appreciate them!
And get pleasure,
Until all the dishes have cooled down!


Evaluate culinary talent,
I invite you faster to the table,
In my heart I am pleased with a hundred times,
When I treat loved ones.

How the feast will end, let
There will be no baby on plates.
I take you with all my heart,
I am waiting in response to praise at least a little!


I already invite you to the table
Everything is ready, you can eat,
About calories, diets
I don't want to listen now.

Everything for you, you don't get lost,
Tablespoons, forks in your hands!
And with a huge appetite
All more to absorb.


I invite you to the table
Eat filed, it's time,
It smells delicious, just beckons
You are great food.

So that you quickly sit down
Tablespoons in hand and forward
Drum of beautiful dishes
You have been waiting for all for a long time.


Thank you all, dear
That you came to the holiday
I invite you to the table
The best guests are my best.

Eat everything with appetite
And fill the glasses,
For my health, guests,
You all drink to the bottom.


We want to continue the feast, friends,
Please take all the places at the table.


The wine sparkles on the tables,
Does the toast languish on the lips?
Well, friends, faster at the table -
Strong, well, the weaker sex.


After strong wine
You need a snack now.
We offer you to enjoy it,
We continue the anniversary evening.


We don't forget about dessert
And we invite you to the table!


We ask the guests at the tables of everyone to sit down,
After all, you need to drink and eat deliciously.


The table is so rich today
What attracts the eye.
Both snacks and wine
They have been waiting for you all for a long time.


Dear people!
The table has been waiting for a long time.


Something we are missing here ...
Maybe he doesn't bother to drink?
I am a male and female sex
I invite everyone to the table.


So that the guests' eyes shone and bending,
We want you to reinforce a little.


Before that danced together -
It became hot for everyone and stuffy.
It's time for us to cool the heat
And pour it with wine!
Pull it with a snack -
Unearthly, but very tasty!


Monashed merrily, cheerfully
Isn't it time to eat?
Drink the fault of the game?
Yes, to listen to a joking toast?
Go to the table as soon as possible
And fill the glasses!


We danced, have fun
And they sober up a little.
I ask everyone again at the table -
Both men and weaker sex.


Now I want to ask:
Not tired of eating and drinking?
Maybe we’ll change the crystal ringing
For a beautiful dance ball?
On hip-hop il rock and roll?
If only the floor was withstood here!
Go out, feel free
Yes, take the dances!


It’s impossible without music,
Let's dance fun, friends!


The music will sound
Come out to dance!


We are calling all now, now
After all, music sounds for you.


If the hunger was satisfied,
If you ate together together,
If there is no strength to chew -
Come out to dance!


We continue the evening further
And we invite everyone to dance.


Isn't it time, guests, get up,
Dance with the anniversary?


Do not forget about music,
Perform all the dances together.


Put the forks-pits
Mash your legs
So that Handrz does not torture you,
Rock-n Roll We will combine!


Than with glasses to ring,
It’s better to sing a song together.
Well, do not sing - so dance,
Growth your legs.


We danced, have fun
And they sober up a little.
I ask everyone again at the table -
Both men and weaker sex.
We stretched the bones gloriously.
Isn't it time for us to dick?
So at the table, honest people!
Let's raise the toast in ...!
(name of the holiday)
Monashed merrily, cheerfully
Isn't it time to eat?
Drink the fault of the game?
Yes, to listen to a joking toast?
Go to the table as soon as possible
And fill the glasses!
Before that danced together -
It became hot for everyone and stuffy.
It's time for us to cool the heat
And pour it with wine!
Pull it with a snack -
Unearthly but very tasty!
The wine sparkles on the tables,
Does the toast languish on the lips?
Well, friends, faster at the table -
Both male and weaker sex.
Placed all free
Let's raise the New Year!
So that the guests' eyes shone and bending,
We want you to reinforce a little.
After a strong wine, you need a snack now.
We offer you to enjoy it,
We continue the anniversary evening.
Dear people!
The table has been waiting for a long time.
Dear guests!
Something we are missing here ...
Maybe he doesn't bother to drink?
I am a male and female sex
I invite everyone to the table.

Dear guests!
We don't forget about dessert and to the table
We invite you.


Dear guests!
The table is so rich today
What attracts the eye.
Both snacks and wine
They have been waiting for you all for a long time.


Gifts, cards and congratulations
This causes a great sensation.
To extend the holiday to us,
The glasses should be poured.
(Guests fill the glasses.)


We want to continue the feast, friends,
Please take all the places at the table.


We ask the guests at the tables of everyone to sit down,
After all, you need to drink and eat a little.


This holiday is a birthday,
Just a glorious anniversary
So that the fun continues
I’ll say to everyone "Pour in!"


Hello, guests, gentlemen!
We called you here.
So that you do not dare to miss,
Let us start.
The custom of Russian has not forgotten?
We have a table set for a long time.
They meet us here with bread, salt,
And we ask you all to the feast.
Sit down, dear guests
For these long tables,
Let our young
We will be treated with all my heart.

Video: The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish. In a new way. 16+

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