Adult tongue twisters - the best selection: 110 funny, cool, vulgar tongue twisters

Adult tongue twisters - the best selection: 110 funny, cool, vulgar tongue twisters

A selection of tires for adults to cheer up mood.

Tlates are not only a way to improve human speech. These verbal combinations can also be used to entertain guests. As a rule, people are not able to speak a specific phrase the first time the first time, they change the words, or pronounce them, not quite correctly pronouncing sounds, and this is what becomes a kind of highlight.

In our article you will find a large number of funny, funny, vulgar speed -breeds for adults suitable for noisy feasts and corporate parties. We will also offer you simple short and long complex tongue twisters that will help you correct the diction.

Funny tongue tape for adults for a fun feast

Funny tongue tape for adults for a fun feast

Funny tongue treads for adults for a fun feast:

  1. The longboat arrived at the port of Maras.
    The sailor brought on board the mattress.
    In the port of Madras Matros Matros
    Albatrosses were torn in a fight.
  2. Once Galkal Pop is frightened,
    In the bushes I noticed a parrot,
    And the parrot says here:
    “You scare the galls, pop, scare.
    But only galls, pop, scaring,
    Do not dare to scare the parrot! "
  3. They took off color clothes from hope,
    Without clothes, hope does not attract as before.
  4. Terrified the dinner.
    Ladu with the dinner cannot get along.
    Already from horror has already become -
    The terrible will eat for dinner.
  5. Sasha shurges dry dry.
    Drying dried pieces of six.
    And old women hurry funny
    Sashin drying
  6. Sitting in a taxi, the dachshund asked:
    "For travel, what is the dachshund?"
    And the taxi driver answered like this:
    "We carry dachshunds we just like that"
  7. At the arrival of Tahiti, do not hang up, aunts, Titi.
    There is no reason to hide the aunts on Tahiti.
    There the aunt is in high esteem, so Titi by the way by the way.
    In order to become your own in Tahiti, do not hide, aunt, become.
    Tear everything, do not languish, for events on Tahiti.
  8. The balcony suffered painfully.
    He was in love with a balcony.
    Only think - and she
    I was in love with a balcony!
  9. Red erysipelas glowing with a fire,
    Hair on end, eyes - like headlights ...
    This is not a thriller on the television screen -
    This is my dad returned from the bath.
  10. Vodka in a glass plays, sparkles.
    Pleases the soul and warms the womb.
    If vodka interferes with learning,
    Throw her nafig, such a study!
  11. Operator The copy apparatus photocopied the copied.
  12. Macho In the ranch in Poncho, he eats Lecho and Harcho.
  13. Killer He eats chili forks at the villa.
  14. Higher Echelons of the Poshof, walked to the sponsored along the highway.
  15. Konstantin He stated an incident with an intended and a precedent with a contender.

Long tongue twisters for adults for entertainment

Long tongue twisters for adults for entertainment

Long tongue twisters for adultsfor fun:

  1. Even the neck, even your ears, you stained in a black carcass.
    Get rather under the shower. Mile the mascara from the ears in the shower.
    Miles and mascara in the shower from the neck. After a shower, wipe the dry.
    The neck is dry, the ears are dry, and do not get touched anymore.
  2. Sewn the cap, but not in a kolpakovsky,
    The bell was poured, but not in a one-haired one.
    It is necessary to cross the cap, perekalo.
    It is necessary to cross the bell, re -healing.
  3. The idea of \u200b\u200bmeaninglessness is meaningless,
    After all, the meaning of meaninglessness in her meaninglessness,
    And the comprehension of meaninglessness makes senselessness.
  4. The mayors are not in moderation.
    The measure is not familiar to the mayors.
    We set the measure to the mayor.
    We will accept the measure to all mayors
  5. From under the Kostroma, Four men walked from under the kostroma. They talked about bidding, but about purchases, about cereals, but about scraping.
  6. I exchanged Praskovya Karasia,
    Three pairs of striped piglets.
    Pigs ran along the dew,
    The piglets caught a cold, and not all.
  7. Under the mountain near the pine edge
    Once upon a time there were four old women,
    All four big chatterboxes.
    All day on the threshold of a hut
    They rammed up like turkeys.
    Packed on the pines of the cuckoo,
    The frogs crawled out of the puddle,
    The poplars were tilted to the tops -
    Hear that the old women are hanging out.
  8. Yaroslav and Yaroslavna
    Settled in Yaroslavl.
    They live glorious in Yaroslavl
    Yaroslav and Yaroslavna.
  9. Peter Petrovich, nicknamed Perov, caught the bird Pigalitsa, carried the market, asked for a half -tank, served a nickle, and he sold it like that.
  10. The digging pig is white I stupid, half a day linked with a snout, dug, and teased. For that, Havronya is given to the snout to snout.
  11. The avalanche crawled off from half,
    Slapped from half of the gentle mountain.
    Another half of the snow avalanche
    Lies on a gentle grief for the time being.
  12. Ah, how evil you are!
    The nose is freezing in the cold!
    But, the frost is not terrible to me -
    Close my nose with a mittens!
    And let the evil frost be angry,
    That I hid my nose!
  13. White snow, white chalk,
    White hare is also white.
    But the protein is not white -
    I was not even white.
  14. Bunny is cold in winter.
    Zayka hungry in winter.
    Bunnies knock teeth,
    So they want carrots.
  15. In winter, the finch began to chill.
    I took the grains from the hostess ...
    I hid all the grains of my finch!
    You can’t be hungry in the winter!

Tensions for adult contests at a corporate party

Tensions for adult contests at a corporate party

Tensions for adult contests at a corporate party:

  1. Employed For work, the employee develops achievements, earnings earns from work, and workshops - from processing.
  2. Our trains - The most train trains in the world, and no train trains will drift our train trains on train!
  3. Crane operators and stoker Kremenchug was fed with crusts of potted crocodile crocodiles in the groove under Kerch.
  4. There were a gallery Visiting the wolf cubs, there were wolf cubs visiting the Galchat. Today, the wolf cubs are fought like a gallery. And, like the wolf cubs, the Galchates are silent.
  5. It was in Babylon. The sensed Babylonka Barbara felt the unexplored Babylonian Babil Babylonian - Babylonian.
  6. Dostoevsky He took out wheels and boards, for a long time gave satisfied children amazing doping and batons.
  7. You need to tear your ears. Do you fight with tough ears? And heart talk - those with fearless ears.
  8. Cranes and larks They complain to the gendarmes of cruel heat, Zhuzhnyans and beetles are burning, they fried Buzhenin with plantainers.
  9. I forgot Pankrat Kondratov jack. Kondrata without a jack do not raise a tractor on the tract.
  10. There is a goat with a scythe, there is a goat with a bare goat, there is a goat with a oblique goat, a goat with a bare goat is going on.

Adult tongue twisters are short to raise mood

Adult tongue twisters are short to raise mood

Adult tongue twisters are short to cheer up mood:

  1. In Kabardino-Balkaria Valocordin from Bulgaria.
  2. I am a vertical. I can verifier, I can turn off.
  3. Eats Fedka With vodka radish, eats vodka with radish Fedka.
  4. From the body to the body There was an overload of watermelons. A body fell into a thunderstorm in the mud from the cargo of watermelons.
  5. Lucky Senya Sanya With Sonya in the sled. Sanka Skok! Senya - from his feet, Sanya - in the side, Sonya - in the forehead. All in a snowdrift - clap!
  6. The Turk smoked a pipe, pecked the trigger of Krupka. Do not smoke, Turk, tubes, do not peck, trigger, croup!
  7. The colonel said to Lieutenant Colonel, ensign to the supporter, lieutenant in the second lieutenant, but forgot about the subgenus.
  8. From under the bonfire Four men were walking, they talked about bidding and about purchases, about cereals and about scraps.
  9. Hiromantes and surgeons characterize the ailments of the rickets of the fragility of the cartilage and chronic chromosomal harakiri.
  10. Female stomachs They are not susceptible to jaundice and heartburn, jelly hells heal.
  11. Chinese karatists Cominically twisting limbs, shouting "Kiya!" - Nightmare spells.
  12. Mesozoic well done Water mammoths with stone hammers.
  13. Another master in the registry registered gastritis, cyst, worms and AIDS.
  14. The wind is noisy with Christmas trees, our hedgehog is in a hurry home. And to meet him a wolf, click on a hedgehog. The hedgehog showed, the wolf ran away with fear.
  15. Cracking laughter Laughter laughed: Ha ha ha ha ha!

Cool tongue treads for adults for noisy parties

Cool tongue treads for adults for noisy parties

Cool tongue tape for adults for noisy parties:

  1. Turner Rappoport drank a pass, rashpil and caliper.
  2. Either Borya He acquired a roll toly for felts, or Tolya acquired Rolon Tolya for Bori.
  3. Skinny is weak Koschey drags a box of vegetables.
  4. Three millions Limonov for a million chameleons.
  5. This Monsieur eats Montpansier, and the breakdown suck in candies.
  6. This is not colonialism, and neocolonialism.
  7. Yalik in Yalta In the pier, the waves rocked at midnight.
  8. In a hut rustle Silles Yellow Dervish from Algeria. And, juggling with knives, a thing eats figs.
  9. Violent Byaka Buzit, Byaka Buke threatens,
    Byaka bouquet dares, Byaka Buka Tuzit.
  10. Funny monkey They threw bananas, threw bananas of a funny monkey.
  11. He managed to oversleep The ability to sleep.
  12. Altyn pierces Tyn, and Pyatina kills Martyn.
  13. Tsekalo On tiptoe, chick chip. Tenaciously clinging the chicks of the cake.
  14. Cook Peter and cook Pavel They recklessly listened to all rubbish, but they would have listened to Russian radio, and everything would be fine.
  15. Quarter of an hour Chizhihi sang ditties on Plyushchiya, a black cat, a big eccentric, climbed to listen to the attic.

Tensor for an adult company at the festive table

Cool tongue treads for adults at the festive table

Cool tongue tape for adults at the festive table:

  1. The thermometer is not required to the terminator.
    The terminator has a subfebrile temperature.
  2. The fat toad gave birth to a hedgehog,
    In the puddle lay two fat terns.
  3. Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass,
    On the firewood, the lads like a lads,
    All the lads in firewood. Good grass!
  4. Fishermen in the wheelhouse of barges took Buryak, Fish and lamb, chose Barina BaroCamer, and Brezhnev’s brother was shaved.
  5. Lilac Glazonaire with half -dull legs.
  6. The adpm ads - The seams with coverage, and the tacks were seized without coverage.
  7. The merchanders lied - Sampling sampler is torn!
  8. About love are you cute They prayed. And in the fogs of the estuary they attracted me?
  9. I got enough sleep, I washed I got rid of, walked, got out.
  10. If "if" before "after", So “after” after “if”. If “if” after “after”, then “after” before “if”.
  11. Dasha, give The girl is cheap mascara?
  12. You will get the tire - You will go by car.
  13. Wash Kuzya Puzo in a jacuzzi.
  14. The moderator modulated, modified, but did not recover.
  15. I'm going on potholes I won’t go from the pothole.

Tongue twisters for adults at the table

Tongue twisters for adults at the table

The tongue twisters for the company of adults at the table:

  1. Graduated The dentist hollows hollow.
  2. Masterpiece The masterpiece rushes the masterpiece.
  3. Give Kirk Kirkorov crusting.
  4. In the town It smells only with you ... Again, interruptions with hot water.
  5. He came unusual - Uninvited, said that you are drying with longing. I drove into a bath for a moment, put on studs and stockings.
  6. Driving a ship caramel, The ship scored aground, and sailors for two weeks Karamel at Meli spruce.
  7. Organization organically organized an orgasm of organized organic organs of the organ.
  8. It was frightened Ivan the Terrible, that the menaces are dirty. And Ivana is not dirty and not formidable even for the formidable.
  9. Amused Mrs. and Mr. vinegar, cheered the indelible gopher of sleepy.
  10. Tell us about purchases. About what about purchases? About purchases, about purchases, about my purchases. About our purchases, about our purchases.
  11. When I hurry, I eat noodles. I get noodles and hurry.
    I hurry to hurry. Lapshah.
  12. Well, again I’m making everyone laugh. The king copied the penny onto the crown.
    Yes, instead of a crown, I bought a cow, and this king saved up on a cow.
  13. There is a stack on the window, Not presented, not identified.
    The grip came to identify - presented, and revealed.
  14. Count Toto plays in lotto, and the countess Toto knows about
    That Count Toto plays in lotto. If Count Toto knew about
    That Countess Toto knows about the fact that Count Toto plays in the lotto,
    That Count Toto would never have played in Loto in life.
  15. Walked Shishiga along the highway, walked rustling with his pants. The step will step, whisper: “mistake”, move his ears.

Adults long and complex tongue twisters with text

Adults long and complex tongue twisters with text

Adults long and complex tongue twisters with text:

  1. Not the same, comrades, comrade comrade,
    Who is comrade comrade with comrades,
    And he, comrades, comrade comrade,
    Who is without comrades comrade comrade.
  2. Programmers encapsulated, encapsulated,
    They encapsulated, encapsulated, but underinqual.
  3. In the bowels of the tundra, otter in the hetras is threw cedars into the buckets! Pulling out of the otter in the tundra of the leggings, I will pull out the cedar's core, I would pull the gear otter to the muzzle - the nucleus in the buckets, otter in the tundra.
  4. On Thursday the fourth day, four and a quarter of an hour, four black, grimy exposure, drew a drawing with black ink. Extremely clean, extremely clear.
  5. Your severide of our severmar does not reponate to become: Our sexton of your severmar is reponamous, re -massacre.
  6. Hysterically nervous constitutionalist Konstantin, found acclimatizing in the constitutional Constantinople and with a calm dignity inventing a pmintamet -recoil.
  7. The cap is sewn, but not in Kolpakovsky, the bell was poured, but not in a one-haired one. It is necessary to cross the cap, perekalo. It is necessary to cross the bell, re -healing.
  8. Feofan Mitrofanych has three Son Feofanich, three daughters Feofanovna, three granddaughters of Mitrofanovna.
  9. Once upon a time there were three Chinese: Yak, Yak-Cin-Drak, Yak-Cin-Drak-Tsindraconi. Three Chinese people lived: Tsipa, Tsipa-Drypa, Cipa-Drypa-Limpopony. Here they got married to the yak on cype, a yak-cin-drah on cype-dripi, and Yak-Cin-Drak-Tsindraconi on cypor-deripa-limpopni.
  10. If you lived near a blackberry, it means blackberry jam You are familiar, and not at all the usual strawberry jam. But if you lived near the blackberry, and if you lived near the strawberry, and if you did not regret the time on the forest, it means that you have been a shade, a strawberry jam, you ate a strawberry jam daily.

Vulgar tongue twisters for adult contest at a party

Vulgar tongue twisters for adult contest at a party

Vulgar tongue twisters for an adult competition at a party:

  1. Kolya rode to Olya,
    He sees: Tolya to Ole is a step.
    Complete Kolya Tolya crowbar:
    In a word, scrap is in a bummer ... and passion.
  2. In the department store at the top I
    I bought a dohu me on fur,
    But, apparently, I gave a swing here -
    Doha does not warm ... Absolutely. (Well, you understand what word should be inserted?)
  3. Shura Semashko felt Natasha,
    And the nurse Nagoshin drove the tambourine.
  4. Fish with cancer got married.Cancer put the fish cancer.
    Wow, cancer, since I entered into a legal marriage.
  5. You rubbed enough hands, my eyes brazenly undressed ...
    The trousers are clumsy. In everything, the passions hung up the intensity.
  6. Zeppelins with boys kissed in cellophane,tsiberthiller dagged the numbers of the integer process, and cyanide grips hooked on the tsunami, a heron with a cent dancing a chaste excess.
  7. If the rain did not drip, I would go poked,
    Under a spreading bush and wiped a leaf.
  8. In the city of Kalyaziev, the girls were jinxed,
    And if they had not been jinxed, then we would not have lured them.
  9. My dear, my dear, do not lie down with me with my back,
    And go to the chest, take out the tool.
  10. The darkness is a friend of youth, the darkness is not visible in the dark:
    -I love you, I am you too!
    -I want you, I am you too,
    -What is your name? Seryozha ...
    -Uh, damn me, too!

Video: Funny tongue twisters for adults

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