The most profitable profession in Russia and the world: list, characteristics, amount of wages

The most profitable profession in Russia and the world: list, characteristics, amount of wages

Want to know what the highest paid professions in the world? Study our material.

The labor market dictates new rules from year to year. The changeable situation forces many specialists to undergo retraining. Professions that undoubtedly leaded 10 years ago are less in demand today. Nothing is in place, technical and scientific progress make their own adjustments. The world labor market is significantly different from the situation in some countries, but is still a guideline when choosing a profession for many people. The most profitable work with enviable constancy is maintained for the medical industry.

The most profitable professions in the world ranking

Compared to last year, in 2018 the most profitable professions in the world formed a new list:

  1. Profession Surgeon.Specialists of this profession rescue someone’s life daily and has no right to mistake. Diagnosis and surgical intervention requires accurate vital decisions. Due to increased responsibility, surgeons are often in stressful and tense situations. The difficulties of this profession are rewarded with worthy earnings. Surgeons are greater than others. Doctors of this direction earn at least 200 thousand dollars a year. In the Netherlands and the USA, surgeons have the highest salaries. Unfortunately, in the CIS countries the situation is radically opposite. Doctors on state support have small salaries. The situation is a little better in private medical institutions. In order to become a good surgeon, it is necessary to study at least 10 years. Responsibility, liable for surgeons, must be worthy of paid.

    At the first place
    At the first place
  2. Profession anesthesiologist.No operation is complete without the participation of this doctor. For his work, the doctor is of great responsibility. The life of the body depends on the correct solutions of the anesthetist. The specialist provides a painless operation. Thanks to the actions of the doctor, it is possible to avoid stress and complications. This profession requires good erudition and fundamental knowledge. In each individual case, the anesthesiologist needs to choose and calculate the drug used, while taking into account all the characteristics of the patient and the ability of the body. Such a specialist is indispensable during operations. The annual earnings of the anesthetist is at least 160 thousand dollars per year.

  3. The profession of a top manager.Directors and managers are key persons at each company or enterprise. By occupying a managing position, a person takes responsibility for the main proceeding processes and important decisions. The responsibilities of this profession also include monitoring the work of their subordinates. Experience plays no small importance when choosing such a specialist. At profitable enterprises, managers use privileges and benefits. The leading firms for a good specialist are ready to pay a tidy amount. The more prestigious the company, the higher the earnings. The salary of the head is from 150 thousand dollars. in year.

  4. Profession pilot.In the modern world, air movements are in great demand. When driving air, a huge responsibility is entrusted to the pilot. When several dozen passengers on board the aircraft, the aircraft manager simply does not have the right to make a mistake. Only a strong personality can master such a profession. Each pilot needs patience, a cold prudent mind and a trained memory. When flying along the selected route, it is necessary to make important decisions and be prepared for non -standard incidents. The obligations assigned to the pilot require a huge exposure. Having chosen such a profession, your annual income will be about 135 thousand dollars per year.

  5. Profession dentist.Specialists of this profession are very in demand among the consumer. Every person uses the services of a dentist, so doctors will never be left without work. Despite a considerable number of dental centers, there are not enough professionals in this area. Not so long ago, the choice of such a profession emanated mainly from men. Today, the trend has changed and women are increasingly found among dentists. Services in this area are constantly modernized and expanded, so periodically experts must improve their qualifications. The profession of a dentist also implies responsibility for the life of the patient. In addition to professional knowledge, a specialist should have sociable qualities. The dentist’s salary depends on the choice of the medical institution and is at least 130 thousand dollars per year.

  6. Profession of market analyst.This profession involves an analysis of large volumes of information. The main function of the analyst is the ability to predict the movement of various goods in the sales market. Successful businessmen are always guided by such information. A specialist in such a profession should have an analytical warehouse of the mind and have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe flow of economic processes. The process of work is accompanied by the study of new programs. When analyzing rapidly changing digital indicators, mathematical knowledge will be needed. The annual income of market analysts is about 120 thousand dollars.

  7. Profession Lawyer.In order to adhere to constantly changing laws and standards, large firms and enterprises need to acquire a qualified lawyer. Sometimes the help of a whole state of lawyers is needed. Specialists of this profession own the knowledge of the fundamental legislative framework, monitor a change in legal norms and laws. Thanks to lawyers, the activities of entrepreneurs are safe. To master this profession, it is necessary to have analytical abilities, developed intelligence, logical thinking. Qualified lawyers are always in demand in the labor market. The annual income of such specialists is at least 110 thousand dollars.

  8. ProfessionIt-specialist.Thanks to such specialists, uninterrupted operation of computer technology takes place in firms. IT specialists ensure the integrity and safety of information. Exclude damage to various programs and computer technology. Such an employee accompanies and facilitates the work of all departments daily. Working days are associated with both routine and creative responsibilities. The possibilities of this profession allow specialists to work both at home and in the office. With the development of information technology, the capabilities of IT specialists are expanding and the demand for this profession is increasing. To date, the majority of commercial and state enterprises need IT specialists. The salary of an IT specialist is more than 100 thousand dollars per year.

    IT specialist
    IT specialist
  9. Profession Advertising Manager.The functions of such a specialist are to ensure high -quality and timely advertising of various products. The advertising manager monitors the innovations and changes in the market economy. The activities of a specialist are closely related to marketing and copywriting. The effectiveness of the advertising manager helps attract a new flow of customers. The salary of such a specialist is up to $ 100 thousand per year.

    Advertising Manager
    Advertising Manager
  10. Profession breeder. The profession is in demand in areas such as medicine, industry, and agriculture. The removal of new varieties of nutrient plants helps save thousands of lives. To master this profession, it is necessary to have knowledge in the field of genetics, chemistry, biology. Thanks to the activities of the breeder, new species of plants are created and new animal breeds grow. Genetic studies are very important for the future plant and animal world. Specialists of this profession receive up to $ 100 thousand per year.

In order to receive the desired position with a high wage, it is necessary to constantly improve qualifications and be a professional in your field. Leadership and work experience will help in achieving the intended goal. A profitable work opens up new opportunities for a person. If you still have not decided on the profession and want to know what the most profitable job, then you should use the ratings of specialties.

The most profitable professions in the Russian market

I listen to your list of the most profitable professions in Russia, which has similarities and differences with world ratings.

  1. Profession financier.In the modern world, such a profession is considered very prestigious. Thanks to qualified specialists, the financial indicators of companies double. In order to become a financier, you need to get a quality education. The financier must be a good analyst. Show persistence in achieving the goals. Coldly and restrainedly perform the tasks. The monthly salary of the financier is about 150 thousand rubles.

  2. Profession of insurer. The main duties of such a specialist include the conclusion of insurance agreements with clients. The insurer's income directly depends on the client base. This profession allows you to work in several insurance agencies. A good specialist has ample opportunities for promoting a career ladder. When choosing such work, you need to be able to communicate with people, to be sociable and mentally balanced. The salary of the insurer is up to 150 thousand rubles.

  3. The profession of an oilman is a receipt. Oil is a strategically important resource for the state. Employment in the oil industry includes many different professions. They are all united by increased danger and high salaries. The work of the oilman requires increased attention and high physical training. The profession is associated with the operation of a large number of various devices and tools. The salary of such a specialist is about 140 thousand rubles. per month.

  4. Profession Oil Program. A specialist in this profession is responsible for the quality, movement and operation of oil products. For oil refineries, wide opportunities are opened in the design and operation of oil production equipment. In order to master such a profession, you need to go through several steps of the career staircase, starting with an ordinary operator. The salary of such a specialist is up to 140 thousand rubles. per month.
  5. Profession Cosmonaut.A person of this profession interacts with space technology. Employment of the astronaut is the main part of the time on Earth and is associated with constant training. Before the flight, the space employee is involved in the design, research, design, etc. The astronaut is constantly faced with new diverse tasks. A specialist in such a profession should have strong qualities and good health. The salary of the astronaut is more than 100 thousand rubles. per month.

  6. Profession Aviator.This can include such professions as a stewardess, a pilot, an air traffic controller, etc. The work of these specialties takes place in transport firms and airlines. Specialists carry out their functions both in the air and at airports, airfields. The monthly salary of such professions is more than 100 thousand rubles. per month.
  7. The professions of the tobacco industry.Despite modern technologies, professions associated with the production of various tobacco products cause significant harm to health. In the process, you have to constantly contact with harmful substances. A tobacco industry specialist receives about 100 thousand rubles. in year.
  8. Professions of the scientific sphere.The various professions of this industry are aimed at the study and study of living and inanimate nature. Science is developing rapidly and is an important component of social life. Ecology, chemistry, archeology and many other different directions make it possible to make a choice to a future scientist. Specialists involved in scientific developments receive about 90 thousand rubles. per month.
  9. Profession of communication and information.The professions of this sphere are associated with the processing of large amounts of information, the implementation and development of telecommunication equipment, the development of communications and information, etc. Specialists in this area earn about 60 thousand rubles. per month.

    Information and communication professions
    Information and communication professions
  10. Professions of pharmacological production.Pharmacology is a profitable and rapidly growing industry. Specialists of this area are studying the interaction of drugs and various diseases of living organisms. The work is associated with a constant study, study, development of various pharmacological substances. The monthly income of specialists in this field is at least 50 thousand rubles.

Such a rating is represented by the Federal Statistics Service. There are several more alternative ratings compiled by other services. According to them, there are similarities and discrepancies.

Video: TOP-10 high-paid professions

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