The image of Vasily Terkin in the poem of Twardowski: essay, description on verse

The image of Vasily Terkin in the poem of Twardowski: essay, description on verse

The image of Vasily Terkin in the Twardowski poem of the same name is a cheerful brave soldier who protects his homeland from the Germans. Read more in the article.

Vasily Terkin From the work of the same name, which was written Alexander Tvardovsky, is a brave soldier and a real patriot. He is brave and will always go into battle for his homeland. But besides this, in a work of soldiers lives his life. In this article you will find a description of the images of Vasily Terkin, as well as other Twardowski characters. Such information is suitable for writing essays, fulfilling reports and presentations.

In Russian literature, there are many other images associated with military actions, exploits. For example, the character of the work "Captain's daughter" Peter Grinev Or an image Napoleon Bonaparte From the epic "War and Peace".

The poem "Vasily Terkin" by Alexander Tvardovsky is a collective image of a Russian soldier: an essay briefly about the image of the main character

Vasily Terkin
Vasily Terkin

Vasily Terkin - This is not only a brave soldier, but also a real patriot. Despite the fact that in his youth he saw a lot of grief, the war did not make him cruel and callous. Here is the collective image of a Russian soldier from the poem "Vasily Terkin" Alexander Tvardovsky In the essay about the protagonist briefly:

The soldier thinks about the future of his country, about the world, remains open and human. U Vasily Wide Russian soul. He is brave enough. From the first lines, respect and trust inspires the reader.

However, the author does not show him as a harsh warrior. Terkin He understands that the war was war, and life goes. Therefore, he can fight like a tiger, but he can have fun, relax. He is kind, open, honest, slightly rustic, but quite cute. One battle was marked by the fact that Terkin He shot down an enemy plane. In another, he defeated the Germans with his bare hands. It is noteworthy that Basil - The only soldier who receives for the exploits at lunch additive. The cooks always grumble for him for this. However Terkin Not touchy, he just translates everything as a joke.

Although Basil Protects its land, it does not require awards for himself. At the same time, Terkin always risks life. The hero regrets the ordinary people, understands that in both cases he did not begin the war. Therefore, people of both countries should not suffer.

Basil - Unconditional leader. They admire them, take an example from him. The character is positive, optimistic, resourceful. We can say that this is the ideal of a Russian soldier who will not disappear anywhere.

Images of heroes from the poem "Vasily Terkin" by Alexander Twardowski: a description of the characters from the verse about Vasily

Images of heroes from the poem
Images of heroes from the poem "Vasily Terkin"

Except Vasily Terkin The work traces the images of other heroes. You will find their description below. Images of heroes from the poem Terkin Alexander Tvardovsky, description of the characters from the verse about Vasily:

In addition to the brave soldier, other characters exist in creation. For example, grandfatherand woman. The first is the servant “in years”, perhaps a participant in the First World War. The couple already survived the occupation. Grandfather justifies all the misses of the Soviet Army that were admitted and believes in victory. Moreover, he himself did not lose his fighting spirit in old age. He protects his old woman and house, is ready to join the battle with an ax in order to fight for them. As for the old woman, there was a period that she underestimated her husband, but now she treats him with respect.

There is a general in the verse. This is a person who has shown himself perfectly in battles, has a tremendous experience, is very baking for his country. Terkina He respects, sends him on vacation. But he says that the Germans occupied their native land. And the general promises him that when the enemy is broken, Basil He will be able to return to the native village. It is noteworthy that the general behaves in a theatically-say, hugs a soldier and presses his hand.

"Vasily Terkin" Alexander Tvardovsky - the image of the author in the poem: Composition briefly according to the verse

The image of the author in the poem
The image of the author in the poem

This work even traces the image of the author. Without this, the poem would not be so interesting. The image of the author in the poem "Vasily Terkin" Alexander Tvardovsky - Composition briefly according to the verse:

The narrator in the work occupies an important place. The same as the image of the most important hero. Tvardovsky A few autobiographical. The writer acts as a mediator between Terkin and the reader. Moreover, there are chapters "About myself" and "From the author". Their task is to supplement the composition, structure a verse, and connect the chapter among themselves.

It is worth noting that the author’s speech is quite mental and lyrical. It seems to smooth out the realities of wartime. Sometimes Tvardovsky addresses both animated and inanimate objects:

  • Overcoat
  • Motherland
  • Shell
  • Heart
  • Enemy
  • Battle friends

In some ways, the author is a double of the hero, this can be seen in the following lines:

  • "And I will tell you, I will not hide"
  • "In this book, there, there, what would say to the hero, I personally say myself"

Already in the second part of the work of the author, the author’s words are written in the first person. The narrator plays the main role. He accompanies the main character to the end of the poem.

“Can I try on the image of my great -grandfather for Vasily Terkin? - " each company always has, and in every platoon": Composition on this topic on verse on war

Each company always has, and in every platoon
Each company always has, and in every platoon

In the harsh years of the war, the Russian people defended their country as a united front. Essay on verse on the war on the topic “You can try on Vasily Terkin The image of my great -grandfather? - each company always has, and in every platoon»:

At that difficult time, there were no personal interests for our country - only common, civilian. Given that Vasily Terkin - A collective image, a symbol of a Russian warrior, then, of course, you can associate not only my great -grandfather, who risked his life, fighting for his homeland, but also the great -grandfathers of all other children.

After all, as the author said, this is necessarily in every company and in every platoon. By the way, this phrase is a direct confirmation of what under Terkin A certain person is not implied. We can say that this is every person, a soldier of the time who tried to responsibly carry the service.

And though Tvardovsky Vasily sings as a separate person, in fact, our people defeated the Nazi invaders. All this is due to the fact that such “thermal” were entire companies and platoons. This cohesion, the will to victory became the decisive factor thanks to which the enemy surrendered.

We can say that the Germans were surprised not only by the stamina of Russian soldiers and civilians, but also by their incredible ingenuity, the will to life and an unbending faith in victory. It is likely that if Russia attacked Germany, and not vice versa, then the Germans would not withstand all those trials that fell to the share of Russian civilians and the military. Surely foreigners would be powerless before so many deprivation, could not survive in such difficult conditions. And among the Russians at that time, even women and children survived.

From this it proceeds that our ancestors represented a great, united power, which would never have given the enemy native land for anything.

As for the soldier Vasily Terkin - These are the initials of the same nameless soldier who was that component in the Victory mechanism. After all, the folk defenders of that time committed their exploits to ensure that we had a clear sky above our heads, and not in order to enter our real names into history. They were alien to rewards and honors. Many of the soldiers acted so simply because they could not otherwise. This is a great feat not of one person, but a whole people, by the way, consisting at that time from many nationalities.

That is why on the tombstones of every unidentified, who died during the years Great Patriotic War, a soldier, these simple name and surname could well be written - Vasily Terkin.

Vasily Terkin Tvardovsky: the content of the verse about the soldier of Vasily, video

To read the poem "Vasily Terkin" Tvardovsky It will take about 2 hours of time. This is long for many. But you can listen to the work in the form of a story. Below you will find a video with the content of a verse about Vasily.

Video: A. Twardovsky. Vasily Terkin. Reads Oleg Tabakov (1979)

You do not want 2 hours spend on listening to the content of the work? There is an exit. You can listen to a summary in the video below.

Video: summary - Vasily Terkin

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