Composition on the topic "The appearance of a person": examples from life, arguments from literature

Composition on the topic

This article published interesting works on the topic “The appearance of a person” with arguments and examples from literature.


Our beloved and native Russian language. Without it, it will not be possible to beautifully talk about some events or describe the appearance of a person. Works on the topic of appearance are asked to write at school in high school. In this article you will find a mini-processing with a description of the appearance of different people: sisters, brother, friends, grandmothers with arguments and examples. Read further.

Composition on the topic “Description of the appearance of a Russian person” - 7th grade, Russian language: how to make a plan?

“Description of the appearance of a Russian person” - how to draw up a plan?
“Description of the appearance of a Russian person” - how to draw up a plan?

In order to accurately display the appearance of a person who may well tell a lot about the features of his nature, tastes and attitude to life, it is important to adhere to a certain plan. Above the picture is one of the options for the plan. But to make the composition more beautiful and does not consist of adjectives and participles, you need to add other points. Read further.

The plan can undergo changes depending on the writing style. So, how to make a plan for an essay on the topic "Description of the appearance of a Russian person" In the 7th grade in Russian? The description of the appearance should include the following components:

  • Who is it about? -Without this fragment, the story of a person simply does not make sense. It can be absolutely any person: a relative, friend, loved one, an idol.
  • Detailed appearance analysis -growth, physique, posture, gestures, facial expressions, manner of conversation, any distinctive individual characteristics that should be paid attention to.
  • Hairstyle and manner to dress - Also a very important factor that allows you to learn more. Indeed, according to these criteria, it is possible to determine not only the level of education of a person, the presence or lack of a sense of style, but also his hobby, attitude to life.
  • The character traits of man - Of course, in order to make a full opinion about a person, you also need to “look” into his soul. After all, appearance is far from always combined with disposition. This category should also include behavior.
  • How can this person attract? - Any narrative of a person is already implies by the fact that he can be interesting to the audience. Therefore, the narrator must reliably and intriguly describe precisely the properties of a person thanks to which he may like others. Or not like it (if it is a charismatic negative hero).

You can add your own points to the plan, thanks to which it will be more fully described by a person from all its parties.

Composition reasoning about the description of mother's appearance on personal observations: Example

Description of mother's appearance on personal observations
Description of mother's appearance on personal observations

The composition of the description of the appearance of the mother at school writes not only in high but also primary school. If in the fourth grade you can write 4-5 simple sentences, then in the 7th grade you need a more detailed reasoning. Here is an example of an essay about mother's appearance on personal observations:

A stranger probably might seem that my mother can not be seen among thousands of other women of her age. However, I, the person who lives with her side by side from birth, can find her even among the crowd - and, with my eyes closed.

It is of medium height and physique, but what immediately catches your eye is the incredibly long, fiery hair, which mother, as a rule, wears in a horse tail ending in the belt area. By the way, for several years in a row she has been repeating that it was time to make another hairstyle shorter (after all, she said, she’s not 20 years old), but I stubbornly dissuade her. Since I believe that she is not yet at that age to wear a standard pensioner’s hairstyle “under a boy”. In addition, mom looks 10-15 years younger than her age. Sometimes she is even mistaken for my older sister. What is madly pleasant to me. I'm sure she too.

My mother also has expressive green eyes, in which a cheerful spark is almost always jumping. Despite the fact that in the past couple of years she has had small health problems, her mother still has a good posture (unlike me constantly stooping for me)-most likely, the matter is in her university habit and the fact that she worked as a good half of her life as a teacher History and English in high school.

Mom dresses simply, but with taste. Often in order to look good, she does not need famous, expensive brands. Of course, congratulating her on any holiday, I try not to present cheap gifts and buy “better”, because I know that she will regret to spend money on good cosmetics or outfits (if there is an option to buy cheaper).

My mother is very kind, honest, punctual. Sometimes unnecessarily demanding on itself. But it can be loyal to others - it all depends on the situation. Moreover, I always struck me, and at the same time delighted her democracy. While my classmates say that it is very difficult for them to find a common language with parents, they practically cannot tell about their hobbies, thoughts, desires and dreams, I never had such problems.

Yes, perhaps the mother is a little conservative in appearance, but with her you can talk to many “youth” topics - from films and music to problems in personal life. Of course, there are things that even parents should not talk about. Therefore, it is important to observe the line. But her tips sometimes really helped and help me.

What else I like in my mother is honesty. When I take it for anything, and after a while I show her the results of her hobby, she will never hyperbolize my virtues (only because I am her own son), but she will always openly say that I do well, what I need To work, but for which it is better not to take at all. She also knows how to support and find the necessary words in those moments when it is really required.

Mini composition "My sister's appearance": an example, a verbal portrait

My sister's appearance: verbal portrait
My sister's appearance: verbal portrait

Sister is the most beautiful that it might be, of course, after mom. You were asked to write a mini composition on the topic "The appearance of my sister"? Here is an example of a verbal portrait:

I have a wonderful friendly family. I especially adore my younger sister Olga. This is a bright and disinterested man. It has a attractive appearance and good character from a small age. We are very close to her, tell each other bad and good.

The sister has the right physique. She got low growth from her mother. The thick hair of a light wheat shade, slightly curly, barely reach the shoulders. Svetly brown expressive eyes radiate love and positive energy. The nose is upturned, which gives the face of mischief and playfulness. The lips are chubby, nasolabial folds pronounced, because Olya often smiles and laughs. The cheekbones are high, the shape of the face is oval. She never curses, does not angry, such a thing as anger is not familiar to her. My sister just has iron nerves.

My sister and I loved to dress up in childhood. Olga now continues to do what he loves - she always dresses stylishly and fashionably. She constantly monitors her appearance. When I ask my sister about the fashion trends of the season, she gives me a detailed answer about all the novelties of the women's wardrobe.

Olga absolutely does not know how to get bored, at home and at work there is an interesting activity for an active and active girl. She will always support in difficult times, give valuable useful advice on any problem. I believe that I was lucky, because next to me is a devoted and dear person with whom it is easy to walk through life.

Miniature-processing on the topic “The appearance of my girlfriend, classmates”, its appearance: Example: Example

The appearance of my friend, classmates, her appearance
The appearance of my friend, classmates, her appearance

School years are a great time. In the class, each student has many friends. Therefore, write a miniature-processing on the topic "The appearance of my friend, classmates" It will not be difficult. Here is an example of a description of its appearance:

I want to tell you about my girlfriend, who is the name of Masha. This is a very kind and responsive person whom I met in kindergarten and is still inseparable. Mashenka is my same age, and we, in addition to the school, are at the same time, we visit the same art group. My girlfriend, however, has a unique appearance, which, like a mirror, reflects her inner world.

Masha looks charming:

  • Oval shape of the face, slightly elongated to the bottom.
  • The brown eyes of the eye, in which the mischievous shine always sparkles.
  • A small and slightly raised to the top is a neat nose.
  • Scarlet, like puppet, lips.
  • Dark blond long hair, which she braids every time in a new way and always successfully.

My friend has a slender figure, which she went to as a reward for long -term playing sports and dancing. She tries to maintain her form and, having made a long way to achieve the goal, now she cannot but be proud of her own results.

Mashenka prefers not only beautiful branded things, but also practical. She has a great taste, and we, as it happens, often walk around the shopping center, looking into various boutiques and trying on outfits there, imagining ourselves well -known models and stylists.

I really love my friend and, of course, I am proud that we were able not only to carry our friendship in years, but also to strengthen her.

Composition on the topic "My appearance": Example

My appearance
My appearance

It is always the most difficult to describe yourself. I would like to do beautifully, and at the same time, not exaggerating and not embellishing. Here is one example of writing an essay on the topic "My appearance":

Despite the fact that my appearance cannot be called too shocking, it just so happened that I was always different from my classmates. No, we are not at all about the image of a too cute or brutal young man.

Nature bestowed me up to the best of good initial data: black hair, a pleasant oval face without obvious flaws, green eyes (which, however, in most cases seem to be brown), and a slightly higher than average and a slender physique.

Close friends have repeatedly noticed that when I look at the nonsense, my gaze exudes some mystical. Therefore, they advise me to try myself as an actor in some thriller. They say that the image of a medieval magician or a closed eccentric writer with super -resistance is quite suitable for me. Perhaps they are right.

As for gestures, I try not to abound them in communicating with people. After all, their excessive use can be called Moveton. The only thing I do not like in myself is posture. I'm leaning a little.

Unlike many of my friends, in clothes I do not pursue brands. And if the guys and girls of my age try to purchase expensive sneakers of the new model, then the main thing for me is that clothes and shoes are comfortable, comfortable and tidy.

My character is controversial: sometimes I can be responsive and kind, sincere. But sometimes situations arise when good qualities give way to temper. However, I try to fight this, because I understand that this will not help me in my future life.

What attracts people in me? I think a certain charisma and energy. After all, no matter how many shortcomings I try to find in my features of the face and figure, when I begin to get involved in anything, like-minded people are always quickly.

Nevertheless, I have never been the most popular in the class regarding the general love of girls. Of course, there are those who like me, but their minority and often sympathy are due not so much by external factors as the inner world and the common interest of interests.

Composition "Description of the appearance of a friend, classmate" - characteristic of a person: Example

Description of the appearance of a friend, classmate
Description of the appearance of a friend, classmate

Friend is forever, especially good. The girls at school simply describe the appearance of their girlfriend, they are more eloquent. It is more difficult for boys to make a verbal portrait about a friend. Here is an example of an essay “Description of the appearance of a friend, classmate” with all the necessary characteristics of a person:

Today I will talk about my friend Valentine. It is very different from all my friends - moreover, not at all excellent studies or “picture” facial features. His "highlight" is completely different.

It would seem that the appearance of this person is a very non -casualist: he is not tall, stocky (but not complete), he has a slightly puffy face, slightly narrowed gray eyes, neatly tonsured and laid brown hair.

Despite the fact that he has not yet grows a “full -fledged” beard, he always leaves a little gun over his upper lip (it is likely that in his 15 he wants to seem older). It looks at the same time ridiculous and comical. Of course, because of this, classmates chuckle over Valya.

By the way, I invited him to start letting his mustache and beard a little later, when he would grow up a little. But Valentine is adamant and continues to wear barely noticeable antennae. Not to say that I like them, but I respect him for a clear position. After all, my hairstyle is not everyone like.

Valentine's lips are slightly full, freckles are present on the cheeks. When he smiles, his face becomes incredibly open and kind. Although he is a closed person by himself.

But, quite possibly, it is closed from the world and the whole class because he does not trust anyone. After all, peers laugh at him, consider him eccentric. And I was lucky - the providence itself contributed to me to become his friend. Much has opened - it turned out that under the mask of a weak -willed person with a slightly ridiculous appearance, an interesting personality is hidden.

Despite the fact that Valya is considered the most ugly in the class, I know that his advantage is completely different: he draws very well. By the way, once he painted my portrait on canvas, I brought home and showed my mother, and she thought that a professional did it, and for money.

What else mixes peers in Valentine is his manner to dress. Often he comes to school and goes out for a walk in the courtyard as if he is not a high school student, but a member of the State Duma: neatly ironed classic trousers, a jacket and a shirt with a tie.

I tried to prove to him that this was not always appropriate. He compromised. Now, in an unofficial setting, my friend dresses jeans, sneakers and a jumper. I am very happy about this, because I think that everything is good in moderation. No doubt, classic men's costumes are beautiful. But they must be worn in accordance with the case. Especially if you are not an adult office clerk, but a young man who is studying at school. Clothing should correspond to the occasion and age.

In Val, I am attracted by responsiveness, openness, honesty and kindness. Therefore, I am not at all embarrassed by the fact that he is unpopular at school and many are not friends with him because it is shameful. It seems to me that a little more efforts - and it will become much more liberated, self -confident.

I will try to do everything possible so that the rest of the guys realize that he is not a funny eccentric, who can be mocked, because he cannot give back, but a really good guy who is to respect for.

Composition "Description of my brother's appearance": Example

Description of my brother's appearance
Description of my brother's appearance

Another example of an interesting essay about appearance. Any schoolboy who has a brother can choose such a topic. Here is an approximate description of appearance:

Since my mother raised us without a father, an older brother was always a model for me. We have a big difference in age-I am studying in the 10th grade, and he will soon be 32 years old. However, he looks younger. It happens that people who meet him for the first time think that he is no more than 25.

My brother's name is Kostya. It is slightly taller than me, but more physically developed. It has a sports physique, living eyes (in which a positive light always burns), an oval face, a sharp nose and ruddy cheeks.

For a very long time it has been cutting very briefly, almost bald. It jokes that he is so comfortable and not at all hot at all. In addition, he is fond of tourism, and in the campaigns there is no time and the opportunity to often wash your head and comb every minute.

But such a hairstyle suits him very much. After all, facial features, unlike mine, he has courageous, even brutal.

Kostya has a decisive character. In general, he does not like long talk about problems. He lives separately, therefore, when I call, he first asks whether I need any help, asks to briefly express the essence of the problem and, if it is in his competence, immediately decides it.

Kostya is friendly. When you go somewhere with him, the impression is that my brother knows the whole city (so often he stops to shake someone's hand). Since my brother works as a bank’s personnel manager and gets tired of a perfectly ironed business suit, in “ordinary life” he wears only sports, youth clothes. Nevertheless, even training pants on it look neat.

The elder brother attracts me with courage, the ability to find a common language with people, their physical training, masculine character and, of course, honesty, justice and the ability to come to the rescue.

"Description of the appearance of the grandmother" - composition: Example

Description of the appearance of the grandmother
Description of the appearance of the grandmother

Grandmother is beloved, elderly, a little weak, but so dear. What else can you write about her? Here is an example of an essay "Description of the appearance of the grandmother":

My grandmother, Tatyana Vasilievna, is soon 80. She is not tall, a little half -hearted. Despite the fact that her kind face was already dotted with wrinkles, her eyes remained as fervent and alive as they were in his youth.

Grandma's face is round, with a small but neat nose. Not so long ago, she began to wear dentures, so an open smile began to appear on her face again. Despite the advanced age, the grandmother is a very active person and loves to joke. Moreover, she knows as anecdotes as much as he would not fit in the world's largest book.

As for clothes, Tatyana Vasilievna dresses neatly, but according to her age. Nevertheless, for the holiday she always tries to choose an elegant outfit. For example, she met the last New Year in a cocktail dress and heeled shoes. True, she could not walk in “boats” for a long time because of age-related problems. But she asked to shoe and almost all evening sat in them at the TV. Therefore, the years of femininity are not a hindrance.

Tatyana Vasilievna prefers her gray hair to braid in a bundle. Grandmother is a short -sighted, but tries to put on glasses only when she looks at television shows or reads.

The character of the grandmother is calm, balanced. It is almost impossible to infuriate. By the way, my brother and I always obeyed her, maybe because she never raises her voice.

“Description of a portrait of a person’s appearance in a moment of joy” - an essay: Example

Description of a portrait of human appearance per moment of joy
Description of a portrait of human appearance per moment of joy

When a person rejoices, his expression and gestures are special. Below is an example of an essay on the topic “Description of a portrait of a person’s appearance per minute of joy”:

To understand the whole gamut of the feelings that a person experiences in moments of joy is quite possible on the example of my cousin sister Katya. She is a student and she is 19 years old. Katya is a very emotional girl. Therefore, when she feels pleasant emotions, joyful or happy, it immediately manifests itself in her facial expressions, gestures, and facial expression.

Often everything happens this way: at first Katino, the face exudes bewilderment. Then, when she understands that something very good happened, a place of surprise is a light smile, which is becoming wider. Eyes begin to gleam. And in the end, the sister seems to glow from the inside. Moreover, if the joy is great, it begins to manifest itself in gestures - because, sometimes Katya can even jump, scream loudly, and publish a funny exclamation.

I really like to observe the process of this "transformation". After all, when she is joyful, Katya becomes much prettier. Her face begins to exude childhood spontaneity, sincerity, incredible honesty and serenity.

Despite her “adult” age, in moments of joy, the sister is so similar to a little child who was waiting for a love to a toy all year, and now Santa Claus brought her it.    

I really hope that when Katya is 30, 35 and even 40, she will be able to preserve all the purity of her feelings and will experience joyful moments as sincerely as it is now.

“Description of the appearance of a person according to the picture of V. Khabarov“ Portrait of Mila ”: composition

Description of the appearance of a person by the picture of V. Khabarov
Description of the appearance of a person by the picture of V. Khabarov "Portrait of Mila"

We can say that the portrait is the most complex painting genre. Indeed, in this case, the mission of the Creator is not only to accurately recreate the appearance and not to forget about small details, but also to convey the emotions, state of the soul and consciousness of a person at the imprinted moment, to reveal the facets of his inner world. Here is an essay on the topic “Description of the appearance of a person on the picture of V. Khabarov“ Portrait of Mila ”:

What do we see in the picture? Of course, the main character. It is easy to guess that this is Mila. The girl has an inspired face with a pleasant (but not cute) face features, long blond hair, falling on her shoulders and slender legs. Despite the fact that Mila is depicted in a picture sitting with legs in an armchair, it can be assumed that it is slender and high (for its age) growth.

The skates lying on the floor indicate that in addition to reading, a teenage girl is fond of sports. Perhaps not only figure skating, but also in other types of winter sports. As for emotions, Mila is depicted by very passionate reading - her mouth is even ajar. It is possible that she whispers in an undertone written aloud.

The position of the heroine’s body suggests that she chose to take the most convenient position for herself. Thus, reading for her is not only interesting, but also comfortable. As for the color of the eyes, it is likely that they are gray. By the way, the fact that the whole canvas in dark colors, and Mila herself is depicted in the bright ones, indicates that the artist wanted to show the beauty of the inner world of his heroine.

The girl seems to be not developed and erudite. She has a neat nose and slightly full lips. Which, however, does not spoil Mila at all. Clothing on the heroine does not have an external gloss. We can conclude that these are home things. By the way, it is quite obvious that winter is cold in the yard. Perhaps partly, so Mila climbed into a chair with her legs.

The teenager's face is concentrated - the impression is that the girl has taken off her soul into the fictional world and experiences all the events, joys, sorrows and adventures with the heroes of her beloved novel.

"Description of the appearance of a person" in English: with translation

In English, they can also be asked to write an essay on the topic “Description of the appearance of a person”. Here is an example of such a story with a translation:

Description of the appearance of a person
Description of the appearance of a person "in English
Description of human appearance: translation
Description of human appearance: translation

“Man's appearance”: description with participles, signs that make up

A person's appearance
A person's appearance

When describing the appearance of a person, you can use different turns and forms of words. Thanks to this technique, the text will be more beautiful and interesting. Here is a description of the appearance of a person with participles:

  • Flowing curls
  • Changing gait
  • Stitching
  • Hanging eyebrows
  • A sparkling look
  • Brapping collarbone
  • Frightened forehead
  • Enlarged lips
  • Trained body
  • Thoughtful

If you need to clarify about a person as a person, then it is worth using such participles:

  • Constantly sleeping
  • Loving all your neighbors
  • Dreaming of traveling
  • Knowing a lot of interesting things
  • Dubious day
  • Understanding what they want to say to him
  • Caring for those who are weaker
  • Developing and speaking in 5 languages

Signs of human appearance can be:

  • Anatomicalthat characterize a person outside: a large nose, thick hair and so on.
  • Functional - characterize actions: poses, gait, gestures, facial expressions, skills.
  • General physical - Paul, age, constitutional type and so on.
  • Special signs - They can be congenital or acquired: moles, smallpox and others.
  • Related have an auxiliary meaning - objects of clothing and shoes, other wearable things.

All this can be used in writing an essay. Components of a person’s appearance are a kind of body language. All this presents much more information than a person wants to declare himself:

  • Posture
  • The position of the head and shoulders - lowered, raised, constrained and so on
  • Gait
  • Face
  • Appearance, etc.

Knowing all these tricks, you can easily describe any person and at the same time you will get an eloquent verbal portrait.

Lesson "Description of human appearance Grade 7": Presentation

A lesson on the topic “Description of the appearance of a person grade 7” is held in the form of a game. The teacher shows the students of the slides and talks about the heroes of various stories, asks the opinion of the children, gives the task to draw up a description of the appearance of what they saw. Here, for example, the presentation on this topic can be carried out with the help of such slides:

Lesson "Description of human appearance Grade 7": Presentation
Lesson "Description of human appearance Grade 7": Presentation
Lesson "Description of human appearance Grade 7": Presentation
Lesson "Description of human appearance Grade 7": Presentation
Lesson "Description of human appearance Grade 7": Presentation
Lesson "Description of human appearance Grade 7": Presentation
Lesson "Description of human appearance Grade 7": Presentation

With the help of such slides and on the example of heroes from stories, children will be able to learn how to make a verbal portrait of a person.

Composition "Description of the appearance of a person" with participles and involved turns: Example

Description of human appearance
Description of human appearance

Often, teachers in the Russian language are asked to write not just a description of the appearance of a person, but to make an essay with participles and involved turns. Here is an example of such a story:

On the booklet to the new album of the group "Nightwish" The vocalist of the group is depicted Flor JansenHolding a book in antique binding in his hand and enthusiastically reading it. It seems that a woman seemed to forget about what was happening around, and plunged into the world of images and dreams. Her facial features exude interest. Yes, and herself Flor, dressed in a bright red fitted dress, as if it seemed a girl from a fairy tale. It is unusual that her luxurious long hair is not collected in a high hairstyle, but scattered on the shoulders.

It is likely that the camera covering the site was a little to the side. At least this is evidenced by successfully falling shadows. Fascinated by reading, Flor It is as if he does not notice that the door is ajar. Closely observing her through the opening, the guitarist of the group in a vampire image, tries to portray on his good face the most predatory look. But this is not very good.

Candeles located around the entire perimeter of the set create a truly unique atmosphere and emphasize the advantages of the girl’s outfit and figures. It seems that Flor I almost finished the novel, because the book is disclosed on the penultimate page.

“What is more important - the nature or appearance of a person?”: Arguments to the composition of appearance

What is more important - the nature or appearance of a person?
What is more important - the nature or appearance of a person?

Probably, only those who possess complexes, but are trying to carefully hide it laugh at the imperfections of the human appearance. As soon as the weak can offend and apply physical force in relation to someone who cannot answer them with dignity. Below you will find reasoning and arguments to a description of the appearance on the topic "What is more important - the nature or appearance of a person?". Here's an essay:

Many sincerely admire beautiful people, sometimes forgetting that appearance is only a shell behind which a very unpleasant and even rotten nature can be hidden. That is why a little, well-mannered and erudite person is thinking about the inner world of the person he like.

Sometimes it is spiritual qualities that can have a significant advantage over the correct facial features and ideal parameters. After all, man is a whole world enclosed in one living, rational creature, and not mannequins, located in the window of a fashion store. This is not only attractive face and body. They are nothing without a soul, because it is the character who should be the criterion according to which a specific person can be evaluated.

By the way, it often happens that a person with a spectacular appearance turns out to be empty inside or full of negative qualities, including greed, self -interest, meanness. But non -casual people can hide a huge number of advantages in themselves, be extraordinary and interesting.

Of course, this is not an axiom. There are very pretty people with excellent character. Therefore, it is foolish to say that the handsome people have no soul. Everything is deeply individual. Nevertheless, judging people by their appearance is not an indicator of the intellectual development of the individual, but rather a sign of limitedness. In addition, everyone has their own tastes-therefore, the concepts of “ugliness” and “beauty” are quite blurred. It is precisely the character of man and the wealth of his inner world, his actions and beliefs - that is what it is worth evaluating first of all to understand what he really is, whether he wants to see him among his friends, like -minded people.

It is important to remember that we do not choose which to be born. Therefore, there are many "imperfect" outwardly people with various kinds of pathologies, disabilities. But they are the same as all other “healthy” representatives of the human race, therefore they deserve a good relationship, respect and the right to personal happiness.

Often, the issue of internal beauty is also affected in the literature. For example, the main character of the novel Solzhenitsyna "Matrenin Yard" It has the most ordinary appearance, but it has one dignity - an incredibly kind, sincere smile. Moreover, the author indicates that people who are in the widespread with their own conscience are those who commit good deeds and carry happiness to the world - are already beautiful, regardless of which body is given to them by nature. In this case, indescribable light comes from Matrena, her mental warmth warms everyone who is present nearby. This has people who do not care how it looks.

And in a famous fairy tale "The little Prince", the hero says that "only a heart, you will not see the most important eye." Indeed, it is important to feel. It is important to realize what comes from a person, what he carries to this world, what actions he does. And weight, height, eye cut, compliance with beauty standards is all secondary.

"Why is it impossible to judge a person by appearance?" - Composition: Conclusion

You cannot judge a person by appearance
You cannot judge a person by appearance

They say that only "fools do not judge by appearance." But is it true? This is a question that poets and writers reflected on and reflected on both the past and the present century. Here is a composer "Why is it impossible to judge a person by his appearance?" With examples and arguments from literature:

F.M. Dostoevsky He was categorically against the person to be judged by his “appearance”. He, with some touching tenderness, recalls the case when the “robbery” look like a serf peasant named Hare managed to reassure with his "maternal" smile 9-year-old The boy, who was far from the village, the shouted: "The wolf runs."

Sometimes it's just unreasonable. Take at least the princess Maria Bolkonskaya From the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"about which third -party people talked: "She does not need to spoil anything - she is already ugly.". But it was she who “badly built” became a symbol of purity and mercy in all Russian literature. And Roman Victor Hugo "Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God". What is he talking about? About a good and ugly hunchback Quasimodo? Or about the people who poisoned and mocked him because of his appearance?

The poet describes the same situation N. Zabolotsky In the poem "Ugly girl". The author writes that a little girl with an unattractive appearance, running after the boys, whom the fathers gave new bicycles, does not envy them at all, but sincerely rejoices for them. It is from such children that people grow up, always ready to help.

Confirmation of the thought that people cannot be judged by their appearance are the stories of children's prose writer Nina Aksenova. The writer tells about the girl Ksyusha, who, embarrassed by her father, all childhood years "Carried a heavy cross of fatherly absurdity". It seemed to her so. And only after her father saved her, did she change her attitude towards him. Now he introduced himself to her "Good giant Slicking". Subsequently, she wrote: "This night turned my idea of \u200b\u200bmy father".

Unfortunately, a person cannot always appreciate the love of people close to him, their care and help. And very often we judge a person by his appearance. Why? Apparently, it’s more convenient for us. After all, we tend to evaluate a person instantly, literally in the first minutes of acquaintance. And, apparently, there is no getting away from this.

Video: Lesson in the development of speech in grade 7. Description of human appearance

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