The image of Pechorin in the novel "Hero of our time": composition, plan, quote

The image of Pechorin in the novel

If you need to write an essay about the image of Pechorin, then look for a few examples in this article.

Pro Pechorin From the work "Hero of our time" We can say that this is an ambiguous person. It is not positive, but you can’t call it negative. His actions are condemned, but one can also understand the motives of certain actions. More about the image Pechorin Read below. This information will come in handy for writing works on literature, reports and presentations.

On our site you can also read about the image of Eugene Onegin From the novel by Pushkin and the image of Katerina In the drama "Thunderstorm».

Plan for writing about the image of Grigory Pechorin from the novel "Hero of our time" by M. Yu. Lermontov: Points

Grigory Pechorin
Grigory Pechorin

To write an essay on literature, you must first draw up a plan. Its sections help to make a story in thoughts and write answers to the questions that arise. Here is a plan for writing about an image Grigory Pechorin From the novel "Hero of our time" by M. Yu. Lermontov - points:

  1. What is the uniqueness of Pechorin's image?
  2. The spiritual and moral qualities of the hero.
  3. Whether Pechorin is versed in people.
  4. Analysis and Pechorin.
  5. How does the hero relate to the opinion of others?
  6. The egoism of Pechorin and his pride.
  7. Pechorin is a hero of time or a victim of circumstances?

Below you will find several works that will be written according to the points of this plan. Read further.

The novel "Hero of our time" by M. Yu. Lermontov, the image of Grigory Pechorin - a characteristic briefly: essay with quotes

Grigory Pechorin
Grigory Pechorin

Pechorin understood the psychology of people and plays them, which leads to tragedies. Below you will find a detailed short description of the image Grigory Pechorin From the novel "Hero of our time" by M. Yu. Lermontov - essay with quotes:

Gregory is near 25 years. It is quite attractive, medium height, with pleasant facial features. His body is fit, slender. A military straightening is felt. The hero has dark hair and eyebrows, brown eyes.

For the first time, the reader meets him during the description of the story with Balay. By descriptions Maksimych, Pechorin - an officer who got to the Caucasus on duty. By the way, the girl was stolen with the help of her brother. However, after she was tired of him. However, Gregory suffers after her death. In the course of action, the image Pechorin It is becoming more and more multifaceted, it is fully shown. His soul is revealed in a kind of diary.

Suppose Taman tells about attempts to unravel the secret and case with the smugglers. The reader can understand that Pechorin "Human disasters and joy" are alien. This is what suggests that the hero is a finished egoist.

Selfishness is also manifested in the fact that it falls in love with Mary, and then rejects. You can say that a young man plays with feelings. He brings grief and faith.

But there is one nuance - Pechorin It hurts people, but at the same time, suffers itself.
The hero has a dual nature - it combines both noble, high aspirations, as well as meanness and inhuman acts. It's a shame that Pechorin - A person is not without advantages, but is a “moral cripple”. He does not develop relations with people, he does not understand society, and it, in turn, rejects it.

Quotes from the text:

  • “I never reveal my secrets myself, but I love terribly, so that they are guessed, because in this way I can always recover from them.”
  • “I like to doubt everything. I always go ahead when I do not know what awaits me. Since there is nothing worse for death, and it can happen - and death can not be bypassed! ”
  • “I began to enjoy frantically with all the pleasures that can be reached for money, and of course, these pleasures were disgusted to me.”

Later, look for information about the nature of the protagonist of the work. How is it described in the education system? Read further.

Grigory Pechorin Roman M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of our time” in the education system - Character: Briefly for Summary, Grade 9

Grigory Pechorin
Grigory Pechorin

Often for the notes you need more information that describes the image or plot. Also, in the education system, such a brief description is necessary for teachers for the lesson, for example, to explain the topic on literature in grade 9. Grigory Pechorin Roman M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of our time” - character:

In the education system, the hero is positioned as an “extra” person - that is, the personality, the beliefs and vital values \u200b\u200bof which contradicted society, and therefore, were not accepted by him.

However, this can be considered as a problem only because Pechorin (like Onegin, Chatsky, Bazarov etc.) somewhat ahead of his time. Consequently, in the society of that era there was no place for him.

However, the hero himself perfectly understood this. Nevertheless, he did not justify himself, but on the contrary, he knew that he had some moral and social problems and contradictions within himself. But he realized the inability to fight these imperfections.

Pechorin - A young man, pleasant appearance, stately. He has attractive facial features. He also has sufficient erudition, educated and knows how to behave in society, but only in words. After all, the contradictions present in his nature do not allow him to adapt in existing conditions. Therefore, the hero causes pain to others, and also suffers from the fact that he cannot find a place in this world.

Grigory Pechorin in the system of male images of the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov - friendship in the life of the hero: composition, quotes

Maxim Maksimych from the work
Maxim Maksimych from the work "Hero of our time"

It so happened that Pechorin does not connect the concept of friendship with any specific person. He considers each of his friends just a good acquaintance. It is difficult to say whether he appreciates friendship. Many examples indicate that he does not trust his friends to the end, feels a subconscious desire to “check them”. Here is an essay with quotes about friendship in the life of the hero - Grigory Pechorin and his image in the system of male images of the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov:

Pechorin Thinly feels people. Perhaps that is why he has such difficulties with trust. However, the hero knows and is ready to sacrifice the price of friendship for the sake of friends - of course, if they promise loyalty in return.

The hero passes through a series of moral trials, each of which reflects the new facets of his immortal soul. First friend Pechorin can be called Maxim Maksimovich. The latter respects the hero very much, although he does not approve of all his actions. However, after long separation, Pechorin understands that Maksimych is no longer interested in him. As for the latter, his attitude has not changed over the years.

Another old friend Pechorin - Grushnitsky. Despite the fact that they are old friends, this is a very strange friendship. In these relations, the main character plays “on the strings of the human soul”, and for Grushnitsky a visual effect is more important. Accordingly, Werner was much closer to the main character. “Hero of our time” is very glad that a new friend has a common system of values \u200b\u200bwith him and does not “close”. You can easily see its advantages and disadvantages. Pechorin himself considers friendship as a kind of abstract concept. Therefore, despite the positive attitude of all these people, he remains a loner.

  • “I feel that we will once face him on a narrow road, and one of us is not to be not good.” - Pechorin about Grushnitsky.
  • Pechorin says about Werner that they "Two smart people who can argue about anything, to infinity, that they know all the innermost secrets of each other".

However, it is easy to guess that this is not so much spiritual friendship as intellectual, the union of two progressive intellectuals who understand each other's impulses.

Gregory in the system of female images of the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov - love and friendship: an essay about female images in Pechorin's life, quotes

Bela - Beloved Pechorin
Bela - Beloved Pechorin

Both in friendship and in love, Pechorin remains a loner. Of course, there are people who are spiritually close to him, but still there are some differences that are quite significant and destructive. Accordingly, the hero remains “with everyone and with anyone” - this applies to both friendship with men and relationships with women. Here working about female images, love, friendship in the life of Grigory Pechorin from the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov with quotes:

In Princess Mary, the reader reveals the human soul. He understands how much Pechorin ambiguous. He is both a good person and a bastard. An extraordinary mind could exalt the young man - if not for selfishness, which seething in it like a waterfall.

We can say that this is why with Grushnitsky They have a confrontation. As for the feminine image of the princess, she seems to be brought up by a girl from the higher world, cultural and educated. Perhaps somewhat arrogant. Nonetheless, Pechorin It shows the meanness of his nature - he takes care of her not out of sympathy, but from boredom.

When the princess finally reciprocates him and falls in love with him, the hero is no longer needed. What is noteworthy, of his moral inferiority, he accuses his family Grushnitsky - Say, they made him a moral cripple.

The system of female images in creation is described masterfully. True, sometimes it seems that the main character does not know how to really love and brings only suffering to the girls.

  • Bela - The young Cherkeshenka, which the hero abducted from the parental house. The image is very delicate and touching. The girl is not to blame for what is happening to her, but meekly accepts everything. She survived the betrayal of her brother, and then she died at the hands of the one who was secretly in love with her.
  • Princess Ligovskaya - A beautiful noblewoman who herself admitted to Pechorin in feelings. In those days, it was unacceptable. Especially for a girl of such education. Pechorin considered Mary the most unusual of those whom he knew. Nevertheless, the hero admitted the idea that in the end this treasure, as expected, would marry a man of the insignificant, whom her parents will choose.
  • Faith - Secular, married lady. Her image is contradictory. On the one hand, she understands the spiritual impulses of the hero, on the other, she pushes him to a duel with Grushnitsky.

The essence Pechorin Finds its embodiment and full implementation thanks to female images. Here are his words:

  • Women love only those whom they do not know.
  • I was mistaken again: the Love of the savage is a little better than the love of a noble lady; Ignorance and simple -hearted one is as bored as coquetry of the other.
  • The love that we read in the eyes does not oblige a woman to anything, while words.
  • My love did not bring happiness to anyone, because I did not sacrifice anything for those whom I loved. I loved for myself, for my own pleasure.

The protagonist “only satisfied the strange need for the heart, eagerly absorbing their feelings, their joy and suffering - and could never be saturated.” This is his problem.

The image of Grigory Pechorin in the chapter "Bel" and "Maxim Maksimych": where the hero causes more condemnation and why?

Bela and Maxim Maksimych
Bela and Maxim Maksimych

Often in literature lessons, so that students better learn the topic on a particular work, the teacher sets a parallel in images or plot of different chapters. Here, for example, is a question about the image of Grigory Pechorin in the chapter " Bela" and " Maxim Maksimych": Where is the hero causes more condemnation and why? Here is a detailed answer:

It is very difficult to draw a parallel, because as in the case of Balay, and in the case of Maksimych, Pechorin behaves incorrectly. In the first case, he steals a girl from the family and intentionally falls in love with himself. The hero believes that wild beauty and unbridled disposition is what he needs in a woman. But after he shows his inconstancy. The priorities of a man are changing, he is easily cooling and he doesn’t care that the girl still loves.

As for Maxim Maksimovich, here he shows selfishness, cynicism and arrogance. He behaves arrogantly with the person who is dear, who does not really have souls older than him.

We can say that these cases are similar. But, probably, the situation with Balay Worse, because the suffering of a young girl is more complicated in terms of the opportunity to survive them than the disappointment of a person of an elderly and already wise experience. It is possible that Maksimych It was insulting, but a little easier to survive the "Pechorin" insult.

One way or another, in both cases the main character causes hostility and rejection.

What is the mystery of the image of Grigory Pechorin - the hero of the novel: Description

Image rider Grigory Pechorin
Image rider Grigory Pechorin

If people do not understand the actions of a person, then he is a mystery to them. Such and Pechorin. Here is a description of what the riddle of the image of Gregory is the hero of the novel:

We can say that Pechorin is a habit in all the chapters of the work. Suppose in the chapter "Bela" At first, he seems to be a decisive, but loving man, and then it turns out to be only a sedenter and a vile traitor. In the chapter "Maxim Maksimych" He seems to be a good friend, a man with a senior comrade, a mentor. However, after it turns out to be an ungrateful, arrogant personality, which does not appreciate the former good relation.

It is also noteworthy that in each chapter the positive aspects of the hero are at first displayed, and after he “spoils everything” with his unexpected bad deeds. It is difficult to say whether he was really a "moral cripple." Perhaps this is just an excuse in order not to delve into yourself, but to write off all your sins and unfair behavior towards the people that they loved him.

Video: Lermontov. The complexity of Pechorin in the "Hero of our time." Russian classics. Start

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