Composition according to the poem "Mtsyri" M. Yu. Lermontov: introduction, arguments, reasoning about the hero’s dream, characteristic of the image, conclusion

Composition according to the poem

If you need to write an essay on the poem "Mtsyri", then read this article. In it you will find several options for your creations, presentations and reports.

Poem "Mtsyri" Thoroughly studied at school in literature lessons. Students write essays on this work, prepare presentations and reports. If you were asked to write such material at school, then you must first read the work in order to know the content. If there is no time for this, then below you will find useful and necessary information on this topic. Read further.

Plan for the essay on the topic "Mtsyri": points


In his creation M. Yu. Lermontov He speaks of the ideas of freedom, protest and courage. Not only was the hero at the beginning of the slave, but after the monk, he also refuses personal happiness. This is evidenced by the scene with the Georgian at the mountain stream. There is also the influence of patriotic themes. In general, for the poet, all these concepts are one. More information for a presentation or report you will find below in the text. Here's a plan for an essay on the topic "Mtsyri" - points:

  1. Mtsyri being as a prisoner
  2. Life and service to the Lord
  3. Desire to escape and its incarnation
  4. Meeting with a wild beast
  5. The failure of the venture and death of the hero

Mtsyri longs for will. After all, the walls of the monastery for him are the same slavery as shackles. The hero becomes crowded in the musty, ascetic cells. He strives to light, to freedom. These words can serve as an entry to an essay. Below you will find another version of the preface. Read further.

"Mtsyri": entry to the composition


The hero realizes that he is alive only away from the walls of the temple, only there he is free, breathing in full chest. The hero himself describes this state as bliss. Here's an entry to an essay on the topic "Mtsyri":

The hero of the poem is freedom -loving, but he is also incredibly strong. This is evidenced by a meeting with Bars. Mtsyri dies as a real warrior, adequately and meekly accepting his fate. He remains unconfigured spiritually.

It is easy to guess that the matter here is not at all in the monk. This is a collective image. Lermontov shows that a free person is beyond any framework and obstacles. Moreover, even death is not powerful over him.

Another leitmotif is to show the reader that dreams do not always come true. Mtsyri strives for his native village and almost got there. However, a fight with a predator who blocked his path undermined his state of health and left serious wounds. If you think allegorically, then the leopard symbolizes obstacles that can fall on the life path, at a time when a person selflessly goes to his dream when he is almost sure that he had reached it.

Composition according to literature on the plan on the topic “Mtsyri is the romantic hero of the poem by M. Yu. Lermontov”: idea, characterization of the image of grade 8, briefly

"Mtsyri": characteristic of the image

The poem is made in the genre of advanced romanticism. Mtsyri Young, his blood boils. However, imprisonment in the walls of the temple makes him a rather restrained and gloomy man that he is dissatisfied with his existence and, at all costs, wants to change it. Here is an essay on literature on the plan on the topic "Mtsyri is a romantic hero of the poem by M. Yu. Lermontov" - The idea and characterization of the image 8th grade, briefly:

The very fact that the poem is written in the form of confession gives a kind of charm. It seems that the author wants to better reveal the soul of the hero before the reader. By the way, Mtsyri - Not even a name, but a nickname that Lermontov gives a character.

FROM 6 years The young man was a captive of the Russian general. However, he later left him to live in a monastery forcibly. As for the age of the hero, specific numbers are not mentioned, but in the text he himself repeatedly says that he is young. Accordingly, to him 18-25 years. Born and raised in the Caucasus. The guy’s father was a warrior.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem is that since childhood the young man has a fiery soul, he is ambitious and proud. But more than anything in the world, the hero appreciates freedom. He lived a life full of bitter torment. Therefore, he hopes that at least in adulthood he will be able to become happy.

In the monastery walls Mtsyri Often bored in his homeland. The hero is not married, has no children. Most likely, he vowed celibacy. Mtsyri I did not make anyone evil. He is quite kind, but an unhappy person. Among the monks he is bored. He is much closer to various kinds of battles and everyday anxieties.

He has not seen relatives for many years. Mtsyri Good fighter. His hand is strong enough. Moreover, he has courage.

“The theme of freedom in the poem“ Mtsyri ”: write an essay-reasoning about life, dream

The theme of freedom in the poem
The theme of freedom in the poem "Mtsyri"

If you deprive a free person of life, then he will leave this world as free. Therefore, the will is what is inside a person. It is impossible to buy or sell it, it is impossible to take it away. Here is a written essay-reasoning about life, dream “The theme of freedom in the poem“ Mtsyri ”:

If you sharpen a freedom -loving person in prison as an eternal prisoner, he will not go anywhere from there. But he will still be free with his soul, and it will not work to subordinate it to his will.

As for LermontovFor him, freedom was one of the key ideals. Just like for Mtsyri, life for him is a movement, preferably forward. This refers not only to physical freedom, but also by freedom of speech and thought, which is no less significant for humans.

Dream Mtsyri It was quite simple - he wanted a free life in his village. Given that at one time the guy himself did not choose the path of the monk, and he was imprisoned in the monastery against the will, the desire is quite explained. The hero dreams of how, having come to his homeland, he will finally hug his relatives and will never part with them again. By the way, nature and his desire are perfectly complemented by nature. Lermontov speaks quite expressively about Georgian expanses. Nature in this case is alive.

It's a shame that, being a good, strong and brave person, Mtsyri I did not have a chance to live the way he would like. In childhood, he was captured, then the monastery - in fact, the young man never saw the free life that he dreams of. Alas, his desires were not given to be realized.

In fact, freedom and loneliness always go hand in hand. Regardless of which country this or that person lives in, even among the crowd you can feel loneliness. How to distinguish freedom from loneliness? Probably, if a person enjoys the fact that he is one - then this is freedom. If this fact burdens it, then loneliness.

As for MtsyriHe makes "flight to death." By the way, perhaps only having left this world, the young man finally felt mental relief and became happy and free in the next world.

An essay on the topic “Why did Mtsyri run from the monastery and not reach the homeland?”: Arguments

Georgian from the poem
Georgian from the poem "Mtsyri"

Another topic that is often asked to write an essay on the school: "Why did Mtsyri run from the monastery and not reached his homeland?". Here is a description of this topic with arguments:

The reason the hero fled from the monastery is quite simple. Mtsyri Tired of living "someone else's life." He did not feel pleasure from monastic everyday life, he did not choose this profession. Accordingly, life locked up him very much. The hero dreamed of returning to his homeland, see his family. Therefore, one fine day he decided to escape.

It is noteworthy that the flight from the monastery in this case is tantamount to escape from prison. Mtsyri He wants to live a real, bright, free life, and not to huddle until the end of life in a cramped cell. Not only his body, but also the soul breaks to freedom.

Going out of the gate, the hero almost lost consciousness from the riot of colors and a change of images. He felt that his life begins again. By the way, free Mtsyri I managed to stay for three happy days. It is easy to guess that these were the best days in his life, and the last. After all, the hero’s dream did not come true. Nevertheless, he reached the goal. Mtsyri managed to know the real happiness, which is possible only outside the walls of the monastery. Although it was short -term.

"Mtsyri" by M. Yu. Lermontov: The conclusion is briefly for essay

"Mtsyri" M. Yu. Lermontov

The conclusion is important for any composition or presentation. It should be generalizing and beautiful. Here is the conclusion briefly for the composition of the poem "Mtsyri" M. Yu. Lermontov:

The desire for freedom is characteristic of many. The same goes for dreams. However, not all desires come true. Nevertheless, for some (such as mtsyri) people for three days spent on free, probably more than ten years spent in imprisonment.

As for freedom, this is the highest property that a person may have. There should not be any encroachments on her. And if they are observed, then the person must fight for his life and for his freedom, as the young man did when fighting with the leopard. Did the character regret his escape? Probably not. After all, the time that he spent far from the walls of the monastery brought him real, genuine happiness.

Video: summary - mtsyri

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