The skin on the palms of the hands is peeling and peeling and peels out: causes, treatment, folk recipes, prevention

The skin on the palms of the hands is peeling and peeling and peels out: causes, treatment, folk recipes, prevention

When many hands appear with the skin of the skin, many immediately try to visit cosmetologists. However, if the skin on the palms of hands peels and peels off and peels out, then this does not always mean that a cosmetic problem arose. There may be other reasons for such an ailment. Further in more detail.

Unfortunately, peeling of the skin on the palms is not a rare occurrence. Problems with the epidermis arise for various reasons, skin diseases can occur due to inappropriate cosmetics or chemistry, which is used for washing, washing dishes, etc.

Also, the root cause of such symptoms can be pathologies as internal organs, and allergic and skin diseases or lack of various vitamins. In any case, when the skin on the palms peels and peels off and peels out, you should establish a diagnosis and treat. Next, we consider this topic in detail.

Peeling and peeling the skin on the palms of the hands: the reasons for this state

If you find that you are peeling and peeling your skin on your palms, then you should not immediately panic and look for ways to solve the problem yourself. It is better to first establish a diagnosis, to determine the root cause of this unpleasant problem. After all, sometimes it is not necessary to treat anything, just get rid of soap or replace your favorite cream.

Causes of peeling of the skin on the palms
Causes of peeling of the skin on the palms

The following factors may be the sources of problems of this nature:

  • The use of different chemical, detergents, cleaning products for the kitchen, bathroom, etc.
  • Allergenic reactions On cosmetics and, again, household chemistry.
  • a lack of Some vitamins, especially: A, e, in.
  • Too frequent use antibacterial soap, alkaline products. After all, their components are strong the skin is overdried And they are able to violate their integrity.
  • Long -term medical courses antibiotic treatment, other drugs that negatively affect the internal organs and skin condition.
  • Different problems of a dermatological nature. Diseases such as eczema, dermatomyositis etc.

Diagnosis yourself is quite problematic, which is why when you feel itchy in your palms, unpleasant pain, you should not postpone a visit to a dermatologist. And it is undesirable first of all to go to the cosmetologist, because it does not treat skin pathologies. Otherwise, there is a risk of aggravating the situation. Self -medication, various procedures can only harm in the presence of an unidentified disease.

The skin on the palms of hands is peeling and peeling and peeling out: what diseases cause a problem?

Peeling of the skin on the palms of the hands manifests itself not only because of excessive dryness, but also for other reasons. Sometimes the root cause of this state may be the use of strong antibiotics, and as a result - the development of fungal infections. They can appear both on the palms and between the fingers.

If the skin on the palms is peeling because they were struck fungal infection, scabies, dermatosispsoriasis, invasations of a parasitic nature, eczema, contact dermatitis, in addition to this symptoms, you will also notice rashes in other areas of the skin, irritation, itching, etc.

Psoriasis in the hands
Psoriasis in the hands

Only comprehensive treatment, rather than cosmetic procedures, will help cope with these pathologies. The patient with these diseases should only contact doctors, in no case do not self -medicate. The dermatologist will prescribe therapeutic treatment after analyzes and the diagnosis.

Characteristic signs on the palms of the hands of dermatomyositis (DM) and polymiositis (PM)
Characteristic signs on the palms of the hands of dermatomyositis (DM) and polymiositis (PM)

Damage to the skin of the hands is due to a lack of some vitamins. More often, this is due to a lack of vitamins: B, D, A, E. The exacerbation of the disease manifests itself in the spring-autumn period.

Symptoms of lack of main vitamins
Symptoms of lack of main vitamins

IMPORTANT: To eliminate health problems, you need to drink vitamin preparations. It is also useful to add fruits, vegetables, other products containing these vitamins to the diet. You can buy vitamins on the Aigerb website at this link.

Below is a list of these products:

  • Vitamin a Sweet apricots, parsley, pumpkin, ripe tomatoes, vitamin carrots, green peas are rich.
  • Vitamin d The yolks, sour cream, liver, butter are rich.
  • Vitamin e The carrots, corn, cheese are rich.
  • Vitamin b Nuts, bran, potatoes, healthy spinach, green vegetables and beer yeast are rich.

The skin of the hands also peels off with a rare but very dangerous disease of scarlet fever.

Peeling of the skin of the hands with scarlet fever
Peeling of the skin of the hands with scarlet fever

Allergenic reactions

Our hands are often subjected to, as mentioned above, of all exposure to aggressive substances, which can provoke allergies, one of its symptoms is peeling of the skin on the palms.

These are the causes of the state:

  • Eat different products causing allergenic reactions.
  • Various cosmetic products, washing, chemistry, used in everyday life (including: wash dish, powders for washing underwear).
  • Such external irritants, how dust, pets wool.
  • Some dosage forms, especially antibiotics.
Hand care
Hand care

In the summer, the skin on the palms is peeling and peeling and peels out due to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, dermatologists recommend using moisturizers.

Peeling and peeling the skin on the palms of the hands: treatment of the disease

After clarifying the reason, from which the skin on the palms is peeling and peeling, you can begin to eliminate these symptoms. For this, first of all, some safety measures, including hygienic rules, will be followed. First of all, one should abandon soap, other cosmetics that overdose the skin of the palms.

It is better to use soft means, it is possible go to baby soap or cream soap. The use of moisturizing cosmetic creams. In no case do not use various chemical aids for washing the bathroom, toilet, household appliances without protective gloves. Your pens should not contact aggressive components that directly affect the health of the skin.

In the case when problems with the palms of the hands are associated with the manifestation of allergies, it is primarily necessary to determine what causes this condition. Then stop using this tool. More you will need to use ointments, anti -allergenic drugs in the form of tablets or drops, powders. And damaged areas of the skin is recommended to moisturize as often as possible so that there are no cracks.

Cream for the treatment of allergies to the skin of the hands
Cream for the treatment of allergies to the skin of the hands

As gels and creams You need to use:

  • Bepanten, Seaual Plus, Elokom
  • Panthenol, phoenistil, etc.

If the patient has aggravated, then the use of ointments with corticosteroids is suitable for therapeutic therapy (Locoid, Latikort, Pimafucort, Hydrocortisone ointment, Advantan, etc.). These ointments carry out local effects on damaged skin. But these ointments are effective for allergies and skin ailments, but simply for care it is impossible to use.

IMPORTANT: To moisturize the skin, use creams with St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, etc. They should be applied to the epidermis half an hour before the exit to the cold or the sun. It is advisable to remove small scales of keratinized skin painlessly, using cream, gels or peeling to soften the cream.

Peeling and peeling skin on the palms of hands: treatment with folk remedies

When the skin on the palms of the hands is peeling and peeling, hygienic rules should be observed so as not to bring the infection into open wounds. With this problem, folk recipes are effective. Thanks to masks, compresses, baths, the condition of the skin improves significantly.

Next, see effective recipes, which will help to cope with the problem of peeling of the skin on the palms:

  • By using honey mask You can remove skin inflammation on the palms. To do this, honey is simply applied to the affected areas, and then washed off after 25 minutes.
  • Any fat cream Suitable for solving the problem of peeling of the skin on the palms.
  • Thanks to baths with soda Also, you can alleviate the significance of the ailment. They take 45 grams of soda, dissolve in warm water, then it remains to immerse your palms in the bath for 20-24 minutes, massage them, then wipe and grease with a moisturizing cream.
  • Baths are also effective with vegetable oils. According to herbalists, it is best to use olive oils for such purposes. If not it, then the sunflower will go. Treatment is carried out in the evening. The product is heated to a pleasant warm temperature, the palms are lowered into it for 10-15 minutes. Then they wipe the skin and put on soft, rag gloves for the whole night. In the morning, the state of the epidermis will improve significantly.
  • By using solution from linen seeds You can significantly improve the condition of the skin so that there are no problems with the skin into a container of 220 ml of water, and pour 45 g of linen seeds there, boil so that they become thick. Ready mass when it cools down, lubricate your hands.
  • Carrot mask It also eliminates dry skin of the palms. To prepare a mask, grate medium -sized carrots, pour milk (45 ml) into a container with carrots, pour ground oatmeal 45 grams there. Mix everything, make a mask for fifteen to twenty minutes, then rinse everything and grease your palms with oil from olives.

These types of treatment are applied until completely relieved of skin problems on the palms of the hands. The above recipes are best used in combination with other drugs.

Peeling and peeling the skin on the palms of the hands: prevention

If you have a tendency to dry skin on the hands and palms and sometimes there are periods when the skin on the palms of the hands is peeling and peeling, then a number of preventive measures should be carried out that will allow you to protect delicate skin from exacerbations.

Do the following:

  1. Wash the hands regularly, using only sparing products for hygiene. Try to wash them only in warm water.
  2. Before going out into the street, be sure to wipe your hands so that they do not dry out and do not weathe.
  3. In winter, lubricate the skin of the palms of the hands with oily creams, and in the evening make masks for the skin of the hands, try not to go out into the cold without mittens.
  4. If nevertheless the peeling of the palms has already begun, then remove the dead skin cells with creams.
  5. When you have to use chemicals, wear rubber gloves.
  6. Try to do your hand massage in the evening with soft movements daily to improve blood flow, which in turn improve the regeneration of the skin.

Video: Cracks on the hands and eczema: why not pass?

Video: We make a unique hand cream ourselves

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Comments K. article

  1. from the illegal of vitamins, this happens with me, I begin to drink them at once, as peeling appears. And for hand care, like a mask, I apply a cream with a fat layer for night, it nourishes well and softens the skin

  2. often, my skin cracks on my fingers, especially in the cold season, a great remedy for cracks helps me, called fingerfix, heals wounds in just a couple of days

  3. Very good from peeling of the skin in the arms and Retinol palmitate helps all the body. Inside and when added to the cream.

  4. I have this in the cold season. Like avitominosis. The skin on the hands and palms peels off, the skin is so rough. I bought myself a cream in a pharmacy, so I accidentally chose its hydrocarction 911. The skin nourishes and moisturizes well. It contains oil and vitamin complex. I am now frost and all negative factors are not terrible. Before going out to the street, I also smear pens.

  5. After the winter, the skin was constantly peeling dry. The pharmacy advised cream 911 hydrocti. I use it 2 times a day - in the morning and evening. I am satisfied with the result. The skin became not so rough, became soft, moisturized.

  6. At first, air bubbles appear and then burst and glance, there is no pain or itching and redness is also not observed. From paints and plaster such (dries)

  7. More correctly - peels off

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