Deep, non -healing cracks and peeling of the skin on the fingers, near the nail, on the pads, phalanxes, joints: causes and treatment, the best ointments, folk remedies. What to do with cracks on the fingers of adults and children?

Deep, non -healing cracks and peeling of the skin on the fingers, near the nail, on the pads, phalanxes, joints: causes and treatment, the best ointments, folk remedies. What to do with cracks on the fingers of adults and children?

In this article, we will analyze for what reason cracks in the hands arise and how to get rid of them.

Various damage on the fingers of the hands, which are not caused by mechanically, can often be accompanied by bleeding and uncomfortable sensations. They have not only an unattractive appearance, but also complicate the work and prevent the full life of a person.

Deep, non -healing cracks and peeling of the skin on the fingers, near the nail, on the pillows, phalanxes, joints: Reasons

Most often, the area where the skin is thin, for example, on the bends of the fingers, is also in the interdigital septum. However, in places where the skin has an additional layer of cells, it is also subjected to external exposure and can easily be damaged. Cracking the skin of the hands brings discomfort to a person and interferes in everyday life. Moreover, if the problem is almost incurable and has a chronic character, a person should also abandon a number of professions, for example, a cook, a masseur.

In case of damaged phalanx of the hands, the risks of bacterial and fungal skin infections increase, which can even lead to blood poisoning. Therefore, at the first manifestations of the disease, you should immediately contact a specialist and solve this problem.

It is worth remembering that various hand creams can solve the problem only for a while, sometimes they help to cope with prolonged use, but if the wound does not heal for a long time and is worse than that, then you can’t do without medical intervention.

Especially painfully healing wounds on the pillows of the fingers, at the same time, a person cannot print on the keyboard, write, cook and engage in household chores. With irritation around the nail, favorable conditions are created for the development of fungal infections. Such problems can occur after manicure or pedicure using non -sterile tools.

Cracks and peeling
Cracks and peeling

There are a number of reasons why certain problems can occur with lesions of the skin of the fingers. In addition, symptoms accompanying the damage to the epidermis can indicate diseases of the internal organ, therefore they require a medical examination.

Main reasons:

  • Sudden temperature changes, especially during the change of season
  • Low air humidity in the house, or high temperature in the room
  • Prolonged contact with various chemical stimuli
  • Working with water for a long time, because The skin soaks strongly and after drying can crack or peel off. Especially if you use washing powder or detergent
  • After washing dishes or cleaning without using gloves with a detergent that contains a high number
  • With regular contact with ice water or ice
  • With insufficient and irregular care of hands, not moisturizing the skin
  • After using cosmetic creams or ointments, which have expired of suitability lines
  • When using cosmetics that are not suitable for skin type
  • Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight
  • Fungal diseases: candidiasis and dermatophytia

Important: candidiasis - it occurs most often in women who conduct households. It is accompanied by redness, white plaque on cracks and skin compaction. Dermatophytia often affects only one brush. It is treated for a long time. It is accompanied by unpleasant itching, rashes, redness and peeling.

  • The lack of vitamins A, C, R. often manifests itself after a person led a dietary lifestyle, especially after fasting, is accompanied by peeling, the skin becomes delicate and sensitive to external factors
  • Atopic dermatitis is accompanied by painful cracks and is often manifested in children
  • Eczema, characterized by peeling, often skin seals, which often passes painfully and brings huge discomfort, and cracks become very deep over time
  • Psoriasis. This disease is accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms, including damage to the fingers. The skin cracks, coarsens and peels, it brings not only discomfort, but also looks not very aesthetically pleasing.
  • Diabetes. The skin of the hands with such a disease is dry and therefore cracks.
Peeling of the skin
Peeling of the skin

The skin acts as an indicator that shows any changes in the human body. With the first manifestations of the disease, the epidermis reacts and presents certain signals. This is expressed mainly by rashes, redness, peeling, etc. Therefore, cracks on the fingers, phalanxes, palms can indicate the occurrence of a particular disease.

What to do with cracks on the fingers in adults and children: treatment

Proper and timely treatment guarantees rapid recovery. In order to solve the problem, you should immediately figure out what is the reason. Therefore, the best solution when any changes on the skin appear will be an appeal to a dermatologist or a doctor.

  • If the wounds are not too deep, you can use hand cream with a healing effect. The ointment should contain components with a softening, moisturizing and anti -inflammatory property.
  • If the wounds are deeper or do not heal for more than a week, it is worth using pharmacy products.
  • The skin of the hands, especially the fingers, is quite thin, with damage it is often accompanied by bleeding, therefore it requires constant moisturizing.
  • Additionally, it is worth strengthening immunity, this will help reduce the risk of infection with fungal and bacterial infections, because The body will be able to resist the effects of these factors.
  • It is useful to get rid of bad habits, eat more plant products in food, drink as much clean water as possible without gas and abandon alcohol.
  • Also, the use of products that are rich in vitamin A and E. also contribute to the favorable treatment of such a disease.
  • Such vitamins are found in eggs (quail more suitable), dairy products, fish, pumpkin, apricots, nuts, dried fruits, etc.
It is important to use creams to moisturize
It is important to use creams to moisturize

If you feel itching, and cracks are accompanied by redness or rashes, it is necessary to use fungicidal creams, ointments or compresses for healing wounds. They can stop the spread of infectious diseases.

  • Cosmetic drugs for the treatment of various irritations on the fingers of the hands should be used with aloe vera, vitamin A and D. And with bleeding, you need to use medical glue.
  • If the wounds do not heal, they should be treated, like other open wounds and cuts. Rinse your hands thoroughly under warm water and soap. Use antibacterial ointment and seal the damaged area with a patch. And while working around the house, it is worth putting on an attack, or gloves.

Also, an important point in this problem is the soap with which you wash your hands. It should only be with a moisturizing effect. And after washing your hands, use a fabric towel, it is best to use disposable paper towels or napkins. After - apply a moisturizing, protective cream.

Prevention is much better than treating such painful damage. Of course, this does not concern chronic diseases, because It is quite difficult to prevent the appearance of a particular disease.

Use homework gloves
Use homework gloves

It is worth remembering some rules:

  • Do not wash your hands with antibacterial soap and do not wash the dishes with antibacterial detergent gel, because Such products are very drying the skin of the hands.
  • It is worth using rubber gloves when working with water, powder, detergent, etc.
  • It is worth using hand creams, especially in winter. Creams should be fat and have restoring properties.
  • If you, from time to time, have problems with the skin of the hands, you should carefully care for them - make masks and compresses. In addition, care should be regular.

If the problem has arisen, you can get rid of medicines, as well as methods of traditional medicine.

The best ointments for cracks on the fingers: a list, method of application

One of the common methods of treating various irritations on the surface of the skin are considered creams and ointments. With small cracks, you can use the following pharmacy drugs:

  • Green Pharmacy based on herbs
  • Ointment "Bioerm"
  • "Boro Plus"
  • "Rilana"
  • "Rescuer" and "Guardian" are healing balms
The keeper of your skin
The keeper of your skin

When the problem is more complex and does not heal for a long time, it is worth using wound healing agents, for example:

  • Vishnevsky ointment is the most common ointment in the fight against similar problems
  • Dexapanthenol
  • Glue "Sufacrylate"
  • Glue BF-6

These funds should be applied to washed and dry hands in combination with antiseptics, such as - hydrogen peroxide, miramistin, chlorhexidine.

It is important to use antiseptics
It is important to use antiseptics

With peeling and damage to the skin, it is also recommended to use the following ointments:

  • Lamizil. It has an antifungal effect
  • Bepanten. A proven tool that perfectly heals wounds and cracks. You can use even children
  • Balsamed. Perfectly moisturizes the skin, thereby favorably affects the speedy healing of damaged cells
  • Fingerfix. You need to use if the skin is damaged by severe frosts or weathered. Forms a protective film
  • Radevit. It contains vitamins A and E. That is why it perfectly heals damaged areas of the skin of the hands. Also suitable for sensitive skin
  • Healer. Contains aloe juice, which contributes to healing wounds

When buying an ointment for the treatment of cracks without a doctor’s prescription, it is worth paying attention to the content of hormones in the drug. Such funds help instantly, but only from inflammation, but the wounds will heal for a very long time, because Such drugs inhibit the process of cell recovery.

The following medications also heal the wounds on the hands:

  • Based on Dexpanthenol-D-Pantenol
  • Solcoseryl ointment
  • Methyliralia ointment
  • Apilac - has a healing effect, because Produced on the basis of beekeeping products
  • Baneocin
Moisturize the skin
Moisturize the skin

You can use various oils, such as jojoba, olive, corn, tea tree oil, sea buckthorn oil, etc. A special place is occupied by cedar oil. It is worth using linen napkins that need to be moistened in oil and applied to the damaged area. In addition to pharmacy products, there are many home recipes for masks and decoctions that do a great problem, we will talk about them later.

Fingerfix ointment: How to use from cracks on hand?

Fingerfix ointment is an excellent medication for healing and restoring wounds on his hands, cracks, damage, peeling.

  • This product contains vitamins and trace elements that contribute to the healing of the damaged epidermis.
  • It helps with skin damage that formed when exposed to tissues of aggressive chemicals, as well as, when exposed to the environment (temperature drops, cold, dryness, etc.). If the cause of cracks on the hands is a lack of vitamins, you should also use this ointment.
  • It also helps with small cuts and peeling on the hands. If the wound is deep, then this drug must be used in combination with antiseptics.
  • Previously, before use, it is worth washing your hands well, dry thoroughly, and prepare a patch or gauze bandage, depending on the size of the damage.
Hand -saving
Hand -saving
  • Apply a small amount of the product to the damaged area. The ointment forms a thin protective film. The adhesive properties of the cream appear after moisturizing, so after you apply the product to the skin area, it must be slightly moistened with water. You can use a finger or a cotton stick. After that, cover the wound with a bandage or shepherd and do not remove the ointment until the next use of the ointment.
  • Before the next use, wash off the remaining water with warm water. To achieve the desired result, only 2-3 procedures are enough, which must be carried out in the morning and evening.

This drug cannot be used for burns, it should also be avoided. Before applying directly to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, it is worth reading the composition of the product and using it only if you are sure that after use there is no allergic reaction.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cracks on the fingers: recipes

In folk medicine, you can find a huge number of different methods of home -made masks to improve the condition of the skin of the hands, including for healing cracks on the palms and fingers. It is important to remember that after various procedures you need to apply a fat for hand cream to the skin in order to restore the protective layer of the epidermis.

Baths for the treatment of cracks:

  1. Mix linden color, dried chamomile and sage in equal quantities. 1 tbsp. It will be quite enough. Brew in 3 tbsp. water. Let the decoction cool and give up for 20 minutes. Then get wet with a paper towel and apply a greasy cream.
  2. Stir 1 tbsp. starch in 1 tbsp. boiling water. The resulting mixture must be diluted in a half-liter of boiling water and talked for 15 minutes. This tool softens the skin and heals wounds. You need to carry out the procedure every evening for at least 5 days in a row. After the procedure, apply the cream.
  3. 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of boiled chilled water mix, add a couple of drops of glycerol and 2 tbsp. With a hill of corn starch. Lower your hands into the mixture for at least 10 minutes.
  4. For this mask, you need very liquid oatmeal in milk, you need to add a couple of drops of olive oil and 1 tsp to porridge. honey. Lower your hands for 15 minutes, wash off with warm water and apply the cream to the affected area.

Compresses and masks:

  1. Mix 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. liquid honey and 1 tbsp. olive oil. After 3-4 days of regular use, cracks pass.
  2. Fresh cucumber to clean and grate. Use gruel as a compress of 30 minutes.
  3. 1 tsp cocoa oil, and the same amount of coconut oil (you can use others), apply the mixture for the whole night, the procedure is carried out at least 3 times in a row.
  4. Mix natural yogurt (2 tbsp) lemon juice (1 tsp). Apply for 15 minutes and wash off the remains with warm water.
  5. Before going to bed, massage brushes with oily sour cream or vegetable oil.
  6. Mix 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil and ½ part of the banana. Stir in a homogeneous mixture and apply to 1 hour. Rinse with warm water.
  7. Mix one grated potatoes and a couple of tablespoons of milk, leave a couple of hours in your hands. For such a procedure, fabric gloves will be needed.
  8. Mix 1 yolk with the juice of one lemon, and stir in 1 tbsp. Flaps. Wrap in the food film and wrap it in a towel for 30 minutes.

Such funds are good not only with their cheapness, but also because they do not contain annoying elements that can cause an allergic reaction. If no means help for a long time, you should pay attention to your lifestyle, you may need to get rid of the problem itself, according to which cracks or peeling occur. For example, if the skin cracks from frost, you need to wear gloves before going out, or you use household chemicals without protective gloves.

Regularly make these masks and compresses
Regularly make these masks and compresses

Also, pay attention to your own diet, nutrition and lifestyle, because the lack of vitamins can affect the skin of the hands. Do not use a lot of coffee, green tea and abandon smoking and alcohol. This dries the skin and makes it very sensitive to the surrounding stimuli.

How much to treat cracks on the thumbs?

Cracks and peeling on the hands, phalanxes and fingers spoil not only the appearance, but also bring a lot of unpleasant sensations and discomfort when working with the hands.

  • Treatment depends on the scale of the problem and the cause of the occurrence. If the cracks are shallow, and you immediately started the treatment process, then such a problem can pass in a few days.
  • But in case the problem does not go away even after numerous procedures, then treatment can drag on for several years. Therefore, it is very important to contact a specialist in time so that this disease does not bring discomfort in the future.

It is important to find out the cause of the cracks so that there is no relapse in the future. Basically, if a problem has once happened, then it can repeat itself again, if you do not remove the source or irritant.

Video: Proper treatment of cracks on the fingers

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Comments K. article

  1. Cracks on the fingers, arms or heels are often a sign of fungus. Especially in the case when therapeutic or cosmetics do not help. My sister had such a problem. As a result, I had to see a doctor. She was discharged normfit, this is the oil on herbs. After passing the course of treatment, the infection disappeared, and with it problems with cracks.

  2. It is very similar to what I had, and I had a fungus, I picked up at work in the locker room, so it was more careful with such places, my colleague advised my legs to wash regularly with household soap and smear the affected places with a mizol, so I was able to defeat the fungus and get rid of From him forever, I hope))

  3. fingerfix helped me from cracks on his fingers, forms a protective film on the wound and quickly heals, literally in a couple of days I had passed everything

  4. The pharmacy sells a Fingerfix. Here, it quickly heals the cracks and still protects them from external influences, due to which they cease to hurt

  5. None of the external funds helped me. Still, this problem comes from the inside. Therefore, the dermatologist appointed Palmitat to take inside Retinol, which I did, and got rid of the cavities, and the skin improved significantly.

  6. Good cream with allantoin complex vitamin and oils of the Twins TEK. The use of the cream contributes to the rapid restoration of the lipid layer, relieves peeling and soothes the skin. Reduces the sensitivity of the skin to adverse factors, reduces the depth of cracks, heals and regenerates.

  7. I have already been convinced from my own experience, which is very effective in the appearance of cracks, Stezamet ointment helps. Heals quickly enough without side effects and problems.

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