How to find out what vitamin does not have enough for the body?

How to find out what vitamin does not have enough for the body?

Vitamins are special nutrients necessary for the full functioning of the body. If there is not enough any vitamin in the body, you will immediately find out about this, because unpleasant physiological processes will begin.

Read more about how to find out which vitamin is not enough will be told in this article.

How to find out what vitamin does not have enough for the body?

If you want to know what vitamins are not enough in the body, you can take tests. So you will fully learn about changes. However, you can observe your well -being, because the lack of vitamins is characterized by certain features.

Vitamin A

  • This component is also called retinol. You can find out about its lack by the appearance white stripes on the nail plate. Small vision problems may also appear. The hair becomes more brittle, and the skin begins to dry hard. Due to a long shortage of retinol, more dangerous diseases may appear in the body, among which gastritis, diarrhea and bronchitis.
  • To make up for the lack of retinol, enter orange vegetables into your diet. It is not for nothing that parents often tell children to eat carrots, because it improves vision.

Vitamin D.

The shortage of "solar vitamin" speaks of the following symptoms:

  • in children, rickets develop and bones soften;
  • convulsions appear;
  • the psychomotor reaction is changing;
  • constant fatigue and weakness;
  • muscles pain.

To normalize the amount of vitamin D in the body, try to spend more time in the sun. However, do not forget to apply sunscreen so as not to provoke skin burns.

Also enter into your diet foods rich in this nutrient. It can be fat fishing and whole natural milk. It is also allowed to consume dairy and dairy products (sour cream, cream oil and hard cheeses).

Look at your state
Look at your state

Vitamin E

This nutrient is also called Tocopherol.

The main signs of its deficiency include:

  • weakness in the muscles. This is due to the fact that oxidative processes in the central nervous system begin to develop;
  • coordination problems. This is due to the fact that the neurons of Purkinya are damaged, which are not able to fully transmit signals to other body systems;
  • go numb and tingle the limbs;
  • the state of view deteriorates;
  • the immune system is weakened.

To make up for a lack of tocopherol in the body, you must be in your diet in your diet whole grain products, vegetable oil, dairy products, nuts and vegetables (red bell pepper and avocados).

Vitamin K.

The body notifies a person about the lack of vitamins with such signs:

  1. Even with a slight pressure on the skin, a bruise forms.
  2. Small blood clots appear under the nails.
  3. The mucous membranes bleed.
  4. Impurities of blood appear in the chair.

To replenish the reserves of vitamin K, it is necessary to introduce eggs, natural cow's milk, liver and animal offal (heart, lungs, etc.) into the diet.

Vitamin n

This vitamin is still called "biotin." If it is not enough in the body, a person begins to experience lack of appetite and nausea. After that can start swelling of the tongue, and muscle pains also appear. The skin can become more sensitive. Often, people suffering from vitamin n deficiency fall into depression, and become lethargic.

The main skin problems associated with a lack of biotin:

  • dryness and itching;
  • the appearance of peeling with large plates;
  • increased secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

Hair also suffers from a lack of vitamin N. It becomes greasy, brittle and rough. Also, a person can experience frequent headaches and fatigue. To restore the level of biotin in the body, you need to take 150 μg of vitamin per day. The course of admission is 2 months. As soon as you introduce the supplement into the diet, you will immediately notice the regression of unpleasant symptoms.

You may want certain products
You may want certain products

Vitamin C

This nutrient is considered the most famous. If it is not enough in the body, the immune system will deteriorate, and also begin to bleed the gums. This can cause scurvy development. To find out that the body has a lack of vitamin C, pay attention to your well -being.


  • frequent colds;
  • bruises appear on the body for no reason;
  • wounds heal for a long time;
  • the skin is drying out.

Vitamin RR

This nutrient is also called nicotinic acid.

If the body has an acute shortage of the component, this will be accompanied by such symptoms:

  • development of early dementia;
  • lack of appetite and strong weakness;
  • insomnia;
  • attacks of irritability;
  • sharp decrease in body weight;
  • headaches and dizziness.

If the reserves of vitamin PP for a long time may develop Pellagra - severe vitamin deficiency, which is accompanied by diarrhea, heartburn, swelling, cracks on the lips, increased salivation, heaviness in the abdomen, rashes on the skin and migraine.

To restore the norm of nicotinic acid in the body, enter the following products into your diet:

  • chicken, turkey and beef;
  • sea \u200b\u200bfish;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • pistachios and peanuts;
  • buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • chamomile, mint and nettles;
  • greens.
Savior products
Savior products

How to find out what vitamin does not have enough for the body from group B?

Vitamin B1

What vitamin does not have enough for the body from group B? This nutrient is still called "thiamine".

The main symptoms of vitamin lack:

  • memory deterioration;
  • apathy;
  • drowsiness;
  • problems from the nervous system;
  • attacks of irritability;
  • pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe calf muscles;
  • low legs sensitivity to cold and pain;
  • problems with coordination of movement;
  • loss of appetite;
  • constipation.

Vitamin B1 is necessary for the body so that it can grow and develop. In addition, it increases mental and physical performance, and enhances the metabolism of the nervous system. It also improves mood, anesthesia and promotes wound healing.

If the body has an extreme form of thiamine deficiency, begins to develop beri-Bury disease. This provokes damage to the nerves of the periphery, heart and blood vessels. To make up for the lack of nutrient, it is necessary to introduce corn, lentils, buckwheat porridge and nuts cashew into the diet.

Vitamin B2

  • This nutrient is also called riboflavin. If it is not enough in the body, anemia and insomnia develops. Problems with gait, inflammation on the lips and convulsions may appear.
  • Often, due to a lack of riboflavin, eyelids turn red and there is a feeling of sand in the eyes. In addition, a person begins to lose weight due to a lack of appetite. Vitamin B2 deficiency is accompanied by photosensitivity, inflammation in the oral cavity and on the skin.
  • To make up for the lack of nutrient, you need to enter into the diet more cereal crops, dairy products, peas and meat.

Vitamin B3

The nutrient is also called niacin. Its deficiency provokes a change in sleep regulation. Now during the day a person will suffer from drowsiness, and suffer from insomnia at night. Vitamin B3 deficiency provokes skin sensitivity, hair loss, gray hair and depressive condition.

To make up for the lack of vitamin B3, enter in your diet:

  • greens;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • beef or chicken liver.

Vitamin B4

  • This vitamin is also called Holin. Its deficiency in the body provokes problems in the work of the adrenal glands. This provokes baldness and gray hair. Problems with memory and vision may also appear.
  • Inflammation and irritation may appear on the skin. Often there is noise in the ears, an apathetic state, a sharp increase in weight, irritability and depression. Dot in the circulatory system, migraines, heartburn, unpleasant odor from the mouth begins, and the skeleton growth process slows down.
  • People suffering from a lack of choline develop diarrhea, inflammation of the liver and arrhythmia. The most dangerous symptom is obesity and cirrhosis of the liver.
  • The deficiency of vitamin B4 is caused by diseases of the stomach and intestines, and this problem can be transmitted from parents to the child. Also reduces the level of choline in the body to take birth control pills.
Where to find vitamins
Where to find vitamins

To make up for the lack of nutrient, use egg yolks more often. In addition, vitamin B4 may be contained in such products:

  • Calf liver, cod and lamb.
  • Potato.
  • Spinach and peanut oil.
  • Propheted cereals.
  • Croats (barley, oat and millet).
  • Oranges and legumes.
  • Color and white cabbage.

Vitamin B5

This nutrient is called pantotenic acid. It protects the body from stress, and also normalizes the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The higher the level of vitamin B5 in the body, the better it is produced hemoglobin, acetylcholine and cholesterol.

In addition, pantothenic acid synthesizes adrenal hormones that protect against viruses, infections, inflammations and allergic reactions. If the body suffers from a lack of vitamin B5, other nutrients will be poorly absorbed.

The main symptoms of a lack of pantothenic acid:

  • weakness and apathy;
  • a person gets tired quickly;
  • a burning sensation in the fingers and their numbness;
  • pain in the legs at night;
  • decrease in the production of gastric juice;
  • problems in the work of the heart;
  • development of neuritis;
  • skin diseases;
  • duodenal ulcers.

To make up for reserves of this component, use cedar nuts, sweet pepper, tuna and mackerel more often.

Vitamin B6

The main symptoms of a lack of pyridoxine:

  • inflammation and peeling of the skin;
  • a burning sensation in the feet;
  • convulsions;
  • depressive state;
  • tendency to sore throat;
  • irritability;
  • hair loss;
  • inflammation in the corners of the lips;
  • insomnia;
  • decrease in intelligence;
  • apathy and attacks of aggression.

Pyridoxine is a nutrient that activates the metabolism. It normalizes the process of assimilation of proteins, and also synthesizes hemoglobin and neurotransmitters. With the help of vitamin B6, glucose is supplied to the cells. A sufficient amount of nutrient in the body provides a good mood, improves memory, and also helps prevent stress.

If you want to make up for a lack of vitamin B6 in the body, give preference banana, avocados, beef liver and bean cultures. Also in your diet should be present pistachios and hazelnuts. Remember that it is better to use raw foods or passing minimum of the necessary processing. After prolonged heat treatment, vitamin is destroyed.

Vitamin B9

This nutrient is also called a folate or folic acid. Due to the deficiency, problems begin in the digestive system. If this vitamin is constantly not enough in the body, during pregnancy there may be a vice in the development of the fetus.

The lack of nutrient reduces the number of cells and large red blood cells, and is also accompanied by a number of other symptoms:

  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • inflammation in the corners of the mouth;
  • slow growth;
  • the color of hair, nails and skin changes.

Every day, a person must consume at least 400 μg of folic acid. To make up for the deficit, introduce more leaf greens, legumes and cereal crops into your diet.

Vitamin B12

One of the most important vitamins for the proper operation of the nervous system is cobalamin. If the body experiences its deficiency, malignant anemia, and early baldness may develop. The main function of vitamin B12 is the synthesis of red blood cells.

Symptoms by which you can determine the lack of cobalamine:

  • numbness of the arms and legs;
  • muscle weakness;
  • vision problems (blurring contours, double -gathering);
  • the skin becomes pale;
  • memory worsens;
  • thrombosis develops;
  • there are problems with the autonomic nervous system.

The deficiency of vitamin B12 occurs due to the presence of pathogenic microflora in the intestine. Also, people who adhere to a vegetarian diet can also suffer from this problem. To make up for its deficiency, enter meat, milk and eggs into your diet.

Identification of the problem
Identification of the problem

Why can vitamins lack in the body?

There are several main reasons that can provoke a lack of vitamins in the body. The most common is a violation of a full diet.

There are several of the most common nutrition errors:

  • lack of balance of the diet, which provokes violation in the ratio of nutrient components;
  • compliance dietsbecause of which certain vitamins and mineral components do not enter the body;
  • incorrect products processing (improper storage and cooking). Long -term heat treatment and high temperatures in the storage room can reduce the amount of vitamins in products;
  • the use of products that slow down the digestibility of vitamins. It can be sugarwhich changes the composition of the intestinal microflora.

Often a deficiency of vitamins occurs against the background of their increased consumption. During stress and strong physical activity, the body spends more vitamins than at rest. If you often move more, live in regions with unfavorable ecology or work in harmful industries, try to regularly accept a complex of vitamins.

  • The lack of vitamins also provokes the use of antibiotic and laxatives.
  • Often a shortage of nutrients occurs due to frequent diseases.
Diets and improper nutrition cause health problems due to lack of vitamin
Diets and improper nutrition cause health problems due to lack of vitamin

As you can see, the body always indicates that he lacks something. Some symptoms may indicate a lack of several nutrients. To find out which vitamin is definitely not enough, it is better to take a full analysis. After the doctor will tell you what methods you need to use to restore the balance of vitamins in the body.

What vitamin does not have enough for the body: reviews

  • Denis, 32 years: More recently, I noticed that I constantly want to sleep during the day, and at night I am awake, and I can’t fall asleep without sleeping pills. I went to the doctor, and passed all the tests. As it turned out in the body, an acute lack of vitamin B3.
  • Michael, 23 years old: This winter, despite the relatively warm weather, very much freezed. I decided to find out what is happening in the body, and took tests. After the doctor told me that the body lacks vitamin B1. I drank a course of vitamins, and the condition has normalized.
  • Polina, 41 years old: In the past few months, I notice that the skin began to dry hard. She peels into large areas. It not only does not look aesthetically aesthetic, but also causes severe discomfort. After the doctor prescribed Vitamin N me, everything normalized. Now I will be more attentive to my health.

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Video: Diagnosis of vitamin deficiency

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