How to come up with a spectacular name of the company, company: ideas, rules, tips

How to come up with a spectacular name of the company, company: ideas, rules, tips

What is the most correct and working company? Read the advice and rules for choosing a neim for companies, firms and enterprises in this article.

It is impossible to register a company without a name, as well as open a bank account or conclude a contract with partners. In addition, the well -chosen name of the company is the “business card” of the brand, ensures its recognition and successful promotion.

For example, read article on our website about car signs. See which of them popular for several centuries, and which are unknown to anyone.

If you think about starting your own business, then be sure to think about the name of your company before drawing up a business plan. Do not choose the first option that came across, hoping that then you can change it at any time. Remember the famous statement of Captain Vrungel - "As you call the ship, so it will float"? So, this proverb is really very relevant, and, oddly enough, it is guided by many successful businessmen. More interesting information below in the text. Read further.

What is a brand and why is it needed?

Brand - names of firms
Brand - names of firms

Term "Brand" Has Old Neskandinavian roots. Translated into Russian, it means "the fire", and its meaning is even deeper. This word was a symbol of successful trade or service. In principle, it has not lost its significance until now, only its concept has expanded a little. Why do you need a brand in the modern world?

Today, the brand is a high -quality, well -known and popular product that has a good reputation among buyers/users and partners. And he has his own, unique, symbolism and, of course, an expressive and memorable name. The brand can be called:

  • Design
  • Service
  • Product
  • Sign/symbol
  • I kiss the company, etc.

As you can see, the brand is necessary, since it is one of the most important components of successful business promotion. Therefore, its creation and name must be approached responsibly.

As an example, you can cite clothes, cosmetics, perfume and other products, which are released by popular celebrities. For example, Avril lavigne created a collection of clothes called Abbey Down. Products are in great demand, since the singer is known for her work around the world. And it is no longer as important, as her clothing line is called, because she herself is a brand.

Successful entrepreneurs do not spare money to create and promote their brands. They perfectly understand that a bright logo and a unique, original name will give them the opportunity to compete with other companies. Wherein name Company It should hide a commercial offer, and most importantly, to be memorable.

Features of choosing the name of the company: criteria and principles

The names of the companies
The names of the companies

A brand is not a product in its physical manifestation. This concept is abstract, and only means specific products. Based on this, it is inappropriate to call the company directly, using the characterization and essence of the product/service. The brand should distinguish your company from competing companies, and not be one of them. What are the features of choosing the name of the company?

When creating a Neum, it is important to strive to display the values \u200b\u200bof the company. Therefore, choosing a name for the enterprise, be guided by such criteria, principles and rules:

The name is required to make the company unique, and not describe its products or services:

  • In order to reveal the characteristics of a product or service, marketing or advertising is used.
  • But the repetition of the same information, also in the name, will already be superfluous.
  • The descriptive name of the brand will create difficulties in the case when a competitive product appears on the market, and as a result, your product will already be considerable.
  • Take, at least, penicillin -based drugs. The old names are quite monotonous - gasylpenicillin, terramizin, vibramicin, etc. Of course, they are used in medicine, but not as often as, say, Tagam or Zantak. But these are all drugs of the same line containing the same active substance. But here is the unusual name of the last two samples, makes them more popular than the classic version of penicillin.

The name may not contain the characteristics of the product at all:

  • And it will still be successful and recognizable, and products will be popular and sold out.
  • Do you doubt it? Then apple brand You must definitely convince you.

The name is obliged to maintain its relevance for a long time:

  • For this reason, the neums containing their binding to a particular year or place are unsuccessful.
  • For example, SPORT-2000 or Europe-SSSISTANCE.
  • It seems that the companies are quite popular, but the names are not quite successful.
  • Indeed, in the first case, when buying goods, it seems that it has long become old -fashioned.
  • In the second option, the binding to the place indicates that only Europeans can use the company's products, it is not available for representatives of Asian or African countries.
  • Of course, in both cases, this is in fact not at all so, but their names can still cause such associations.

The name should provide development prospects in the international arena:

  • Even among world -famous Company there are those whose brand wears not quite successful.
  • In particular, american brand CGE Very often mistakes for competing company called GE. At the same time, these are completely different enterprises.
  • But popular nike company, engaged in the production and sale of sports goods, does not have the right to register in many Arab countries.

So how to choose a successful and monetary name for the company? At this time, similar options for generating neumes are very popular:

  • Initials, syllables, abbreviationsobtained from the names of the owners of the company.
  • The prefixes k °, Co., -ff or –FF.
  • Reflection in the syllable the name of the subject of the goods without a direct name (for example, salt solutions for washing the nose - Aqualor, Aquamaris etc.).

If it is difficult for you to independently decide on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe name Company, you can contact the help of specialists. On the Internet there are resources generating lists of suitable names. But, of course, such online services are not free. Here are some of these sites:

If this option is not suitable for you, or the generated list of neumes for your company seems unsuitable for you, you can contact a specialized agency. Employees of such an institution will develop for you the most creative and original names of the company for a fee.

The name of the company, enterprises should bring good luck - how to choose it: specialists' advice

The name of the company, enterprise should bring good luck
The name of the company, enterprise should bring good luck

When choosing a neim for an enterprise, be sure to ensure that it provoke certain emotional reactions in a potential clientele. The target audience to which the activities of your enterprise is directed should understand what exactly is the specificity of your work. If it is difficult for you to decide on the choice, but there are already options for names, you can safely conduct a questionnaire among ordinary citizens, whom you plan to add to the client base.

The main rule for the businessman: the name of the company or enterprise should bring luck. How to choose it? Below you will find the advice of specialists in niming. Choose a successful and monetary name for the company on the basis of such simple aspects:

  • The Company names should be creative, but at the same time as simple, memorable, and most importantly, truthful.
  • The name does not have to describe or somehow characterize the product, but it is important that it is simply pronounced.
  • The name for the geographical position should not be tied, especially if the expansion of the enterprise is planned in the future.
  • If words from other languages \u200b\u200bare present in the Neum, it is necessary to reveal their meaning and meaning. This can be done not in the very name of the brand, but in the slogan, which can be part of the logo.

Important: For use in the name of the company "Russian Federation", "RF", "Russia" etc. Specials are required. permission. In addition, the owner of the company, in the name of which such words are present, must pay an additional state fee. Its size can be 10-50 thousand rubles.

Names or initials of owners in the name of the company: Creative approach

Names or initials of owners in the name of the company
Names or initials of owners in the name of the company

Not entirely unexpected, but pretty good variation in the name of the company is the use of initials or names of its owners. And it will be great if the person whose name is mentioned has a good reputation, or has long been known to many.

Yes, the idea is not new. So, it was she who was taken as a basis when creating companies Mercedes, Honda, Tinokov. And it is also worth recalling the popular brand of electronics Siemenswhich was founded Werner Van Siemens. And, of course, do not forget about the world famous corporation Philipswho got its name through the use of the name of its creators.

Therefore, this option is not banal or “hackneyed”. On the contrary, it is very popular and relevant to date, just to create the name of the brand of a company, you need to approach creatively.

What is a game of words: how to use it when creating a company name, which name is better?

Playing words when creating a company name
Playing words when creating a company name

Have you ever thought about what the name of a well-known product or brand means? Probably yes. After all, some brands have so bizarre, but expressive and memorable names that they are simply impossible to ignore. What is a game of words? How to use it when creating a company name? Examples of which name is better:

  • Lego. This is not some separate intricate word that does not have a specific meaning, but has gained worldwide popularity. The brand came from the Danish phrase " leg Godt "what is translated into Russian means "Play well".
  • Facebook. The name for the famous and one of the most popular social networks is also very successful.
  • Adidas. This neum is also easily remembered, which was formed by the merger of individual parts of the name and surname of the creator of Company, Adolf Dassler.

The very simple name will be uninteresting and boring. And not only for customers, but also for potential partners. Therefore, its creation must be approached creatively, then it will sparkle with new colors, and will become more interesting, winning.

The use of fictional characters or names of historical personalities: interesting names of the company

The use of fictional characters or names of historical personalities in the name of the company
The use of fictional characters or names of historical personalities in the name of the company

Pretty beautiful and unusual names of firms are sometimes based on the use of mythical, fictional characters or historical names of personalities. Interesting names of the company are obtained.

  • Surely you heard about the company Canonproducing electronics. Who would have thought that the company got its name in honor of the Buddhist deity by name Quanon.
  • But the owners Blue Ribbon Sports Renamed the company in Nike Inc In honor of the Greek goddess of Victory.

In the modern Russian market, you can also find brands called the names of some historical characters. For example, Napoleon or Lincoln. Successfully named brands made their owners not only widely known and popular. They also brought them a considerable income, and steadily continue to do this.

Natural phenomena, animals and abstract concepts in the names of LLC: Examples

Natural phenomena, animals and abstract concepts in the names of LLC
Natural phenomena, animals and abstract concepts in the names of LLC

There are many more brands whose names we have known for many years. And few people think about what these Neums actually mean. Nevertheless, especially creative creators use not only characters or their initials in naming. Various natural phenomena, abstract concepts and even animal names are very popular.

Examples of such names LLC:

  • Hyundai Translation as "Modernity"
  • Samsung - 3 stars
  • Ssang Yong - two dragons

Examples can be given as much as you like, but the purpose of the idea is clear, and was also clear it. Also, this category includes the names created according to the Fengage. Do not be surprised, many businessmen are fond of this and, in their opinion, this is what provides them with success in business. After all, Feng Shui is inherently aimed at a harmonious combination of symbols in combination with positive thinking.

In this case, there is a restriction on the number of letters in the name of the brand or company. There should be no more than 5, It is important that the word ends with a vowel letter. For example:

  • A successful example of such a fuel is Sony.
  • This name comes from Latin " sonus "that translates as "sound".
  • Agree, quite original.

But together with this originality, it is worth noting the expediency of the Neum, because it is known what this company produces.

Successful names for transport companies: Examples

Successful names for transport companies
Successful names for transport companies

For transport companies, the original name is also very important. It should distinguish the company against the backdrop of competition, and cause the desire to contact you precisely to you, and not to other representatives of the logistics sphere. The use of English words is allowed. The most successful options are the following names:

  • Artwaywhich combines 2 concepts - "art" and "road"
  • Arrivethat translates as "come", "arrive"

You can connect the initials of co -owners, or add certain parts of their names. But this should not affect the sound of the company's name negatively.

In addition, it is advisable to combine different words. More precisely, also take their individual elements and combine in one Neum. Such options for the name are very good:

  • Azimu
  • Vestol
  • Transologist
  • Avtotrans, etc.

When creating names for LLC, you can use the following techniques:

  • Connect the prefixes auto- or trance- With individual parts of the name.
  • Associative conceptsassociated with road, speed, logistics.
  • Metaphoric phrases or words. For example, Avis is a bird, which is a symbol of speed and dexterity.
  • Derivatives from words “Express”, “Trans”, “Speed” etc.
  • Abbreviations - for example, BNK - quickly, reliably, high quality.
  • Neologisms - These are word forms that entered our vocabulary relatively recently.

Whatever the direction of the company’s work, its name should simply be remembered. And in the imagination and subconscious of clientele, exceptionally positive associations should arise that will lead it to you.

How to choose a name for a construction company?

Name for a construction company
Name for a construction company

The name or name of the Stroyfirm should cause confidence in the potential clientele and a sense of reliability. In addition, it is important to make a touch of comfort in the neur. After all, future customers should understand that they are dealing with professionals in their field, and not with amators or, even worse, crooks. Therefore, you need to approach the creation of the name of such a company. How to choose?

  • Such neums as can be considered very successful Utdom or Domstroy.
  • They can be used as a sample, but not take as a basis.
  • Remember that your brand should be unique, and not intersect with the names of competing companies.

In addition, the name of an LLC of this orientation may contain a small part of the information about the profile of the work performed. For example:

  • Building materials or Guarantorlite.
  • You can also try to present a simple specialized word in a favorable light: Construction, Build, Stroymig etc.
  • And also a good option is the name with various kinds of prefixes (this was discussed earlier): Derword & Co etc.

Such enterprises have a rather high reputation, including at the expense of the name. They are easily recognized in the market, they are trusted and used by their services. And even the fact that in this area with the name of the company it will not be possible to “accelerate”, no one canceled the creative approach to its creation.

Creation of names for law firms: Rules

Name for law firms
Name for law firms

Private legal practice in our time is highly valued. The main task of the owner of such a company is not only the presence of the necessary baggage of knowledge and experience, but also a reputation. And she, as you already know, also depends on the behalf of the "office". Neum should cause confidence in people and confidence that they will be helped in this place. Remember:

  • The name of your law firm should not be very long.
  • Create it so that people can easily remember it. For example, a company "Right". Laconic, appropriate, and most importantly, quite understandable name for a law firm.

But it is clear that each company providing such services cannot wear the same, or a consonant name. What to call the office in this case? Experts also give the following tips according to the rules of creation for a law firm:

  • Must not contain more than 3 wordsOtherwise, it will be extremely difficult to remember it.
  • First you should use Russian words, and then, if necessary, add Latin.
  • Neologisms must be deciphered in the slogan of the company so that customers can understand in which direction it works. After all, legal services are also different.
  • The abbreviation from which the name is formed should be harmonious, especially if it consists of 2-3 words.
  • Professional legal terms should not be used - this is already considered a banal and old -fashioned option, which few people seem attractive.
  • Widespread and often used names are also not worth using. And not only for the reason that it is already "old as the world." In some cases, such Neums create difficulties when registering a trademark.

Remember: The name of the company should be displayed by professionalism. It is important to gain customer trust, so it will not be superfluous to add a veiled or direct description of the personal values \u200b\u200bof employees and owners of the company.

In addition, pay enough attention to the logo and color scheme. The graphic design of the sign is also important, remember this.

What to call a furniture factory or store: ideas, tips

The name of the furniture factory or store
The name of the furniture factory or store

Products produced by such a company should be associated with a sense of style, comfort, chic and unusual design. Consequently, the name of the company, which produces luxurious furniture, needs to be given unusual, unique. When choosing a name for a furniture factory or store, starting businessmen are usually guided by such tips with ideas:

  • Use the geographical designation of the placeWhere the factory is located. You can not even accurately, but fictional, for example, Eden.
  • Beat the words of foreign origin: Sanglass (Sun - Sun, Glass - Glass).
  • Take the keyword as a basis "Furniture": furniture, furniture.
  • Highlight the field of company activities: Interior, soft lines.
  • Focus on positive qualities: Residence, formula of comfort/comfort, etc.
  • Add different prefixes or icons: Prima-M.
  • Use the game of words: Furniture.
  • Turn to neologisms and Americanisms/Englishisms: Mebelstyle.
  • Include a name or surname in the name: Furniture from Arkady, etc.

These tips really work. Moreover, as practice shows, for a very long time, and very successfully.

How to come up with a name for an accounting company: tips

Name for an accounting company
Name for an accounting company

Accounting company is status and reliability. Its name should be displayed in full. How to come up with? Tips:

  • In this case, it is strictly forbidden to use comic names. This applies not only to the complete name, but also to the abbreviations that symbolize it.
  • It will be very unsuccessful AccountingConsaltinguditwhich sounds abbreviated and looks like Buka.
  • The name of the lesson and the seriousness of the organization should be understood from the name. Therefore, it is better to call the institution more presentable. For example, Expert Plus, Glafbukh etc. You can also use foreign words: Accountant (accountant) or tax-off.

If you decide to opt for the abbreviation, then make sure that it sounds solid. A great example - Bond. In decoding, this reduction sounds like Accounting reports and tax returns. At the same time, the union "and" It is not at all necessary to separately highlight, so as not to spoil the impression of the readable abbreviation.

How to come up with a monetary and successful name of the company: Energy of words

Each letter has a numerical analogue, the vibrations of which it obeys. More information is given in the table:

The cash and successful name of the company using the energy of words
The cash and successful name of the company using the energy of words

How to come up with a cash and successful name of the company? Use the energy of words. Choose the letters that will be in the name of the company according to the energy. Now about the decoding. The final numbers are interpreted as follows:

  • Unit. This is the first, best, leader, beginning, etc., which brings the success of Company. It is perfect for starting projects and innovative technologies.
  • Two. The best option for firms whose vocation lies in caring about people. It can be a kindergarten, a clinical institution, etc.
  • Troika. Increases the condition of entertainment institutions - restaurants, clubs, bars, cafes, etc.
  • Four. This is a symbol of the largest Company. The figure will bring good luck to agricultural, forest and other similar firms.
  • Five - A positive number for organizations working in the field of sports or recreation.
  • Six. Brings success in creative and artistic activity.
  • Seven. 7 is a truly elite figure suitable for expensive stores and large enterprises. It will also bring success to the owners of large and popular clubs.
  • Eight - The patroness of large financial institutions with impressive capital and a large cash turnover. Suitable for banks, accounting and audit firms.
  • Nine. A great figure for people going to open a charity fund or private educational institution.

Believe in numerology or not is a personal choice of everyone. However, the magic of numbers also should not be discounted when it comes to opening your own business.

Examples of successful names of firms in terms of numerology: Development of the right Neum

An example of successful names of firms in terms of numerology
An example of successful names of firms in terms of numerology

No matter how strange it sounds, many businessmen turn to numerologists for help to understand how successful or, on the contrary, losing, the name of their company is. For example, Sberbank:

  • Combine numbers: 1+2+6+9+2+1+6+3. It turns out 30.
  • Zero must be removed, the number 3 comes out.
  • For the bank, this is not a very successful figure, however, the popularity and success of the institution in question cannot be denied. Therefore, exceptions to the rules, nevertheless, are possible.

Other names and their names according to numerology. For example:

Examples of successful names of firms in terms of numerology
Examples of successful names of firms in terms of numerology

If you develop the right neum and select the name, based on the laws of numerology, the company will be successful. Of course, there are skeptics that are not inclined to believe in it. However, practice shows that numerological calculations are rarely mistaken.

What names of firms and enterprises cannot be used: tips

This name of firms and enterprises cannot be used
This name of firms and enterprises cannot be used

When considering the options for the Neym for the company, consider such a factor as the reaction of a potential client to the name of the brand. What names of firms and enterprises cannot be used? In order not to scare away luck, remember several prohibitions - tips:

  • It is forbidden to use names invented without taking into account dialect, jargon, culture or local specifics. After all, the fact that at first glance sounds very attractive can eventually play a cruel joke.
  • Do not allow the name to not correspond to the price positioning of the brand.

Now more details on examples about names that cause bewilderment or rejection in people:

  • The name of the bank is very unsuccessful Padunthat really exists in Bratsk.
  • Household goods under the neum Radd.
  • Also in due time Lada Replaced the name to Lada, since their primary name was similar to the not quite pleasant word “gigolo”.

There are a lot of such examples. But the fact remains: the name should fully justify itself and be appropriate. In the opposite case, it will not bring any success, and certainly will not help in promoting business. Good luck!

Video: How to come up with a name for the company? How to call a startup?

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