Diet with atopic dermatitis in a child. Modern and folk treatment of atopic dermatitis in children

Diet with atopic dermatitis in a child. Modern and folk treatment of atopic dermatitis in children

The article will help you navigate in choosing tactics of combating atopic dermatitis in your child.

Atopic dermatitis in a child is a huge discomfort for the baby and constant experiences for the mother. This state of the body must be fighted to avoid serious consequences.

What does atopic dermatitis look at infants? A photo

The way atopic dermatitis looks like depends on the complexity of the process. In this, in a detail - these are barely noticeable rough spots on the skin. Others have terrible weighings, common in the body.

Symptoms and signs of atopic dermatitis. A photo

Symptoms atopic dermatitis:

  • Itching
  • Skin roughness
  • Redness on the skin
  • Raw on the skin
  • Wolves on the skin

At first glance, the external manifestations of atopic dermatitis are similar to the manifestations of allergies. But atopic dermatitis gives itself its own features:

  • The appearance of symptoms is wavy. You fired a rash, and after 3 days you see it again
  • Itching can be present even in the absence of redness
  • All external signs go after the use of corticosteroids

Important: if the spots are common in the child’s body, and once again you could not identify the source of the problem, excluding almost all products from the child’s diet - you are dealing with atopic dermatitis

The causes of atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is an external manifestation of processes occurring within the body.

Important: atopic dermatitis occurs when certain substances fall into the body, to digest and learn which it is not able to go due to an immature gastrointestinal tract

The reasons Atopic dermatitis is reduced to the entry into the body of the child of those very substances:

  • Through food. You gave the child a product that the body is not yet able to digest and learn. As a result, processes in the body occur, leading to the appearance of symptoms of atopic dermatitis
  • Through contact with the irritant. The skin of the child prontact with the stimulus, as a result of which a rash and itching appears
  • Through the respiratory tract. The child inhales the stimuli that provoke the body to the production of antibodies leading to the appearance of atopic dermatitis

Important: food allergies are only sometimes a reason, and more often this is a consequence. The reason is the conditions that allowed the body to penetrate the body

The main reason Dermatitis manifestations are dry skin. When the skin is not well moistened, its lipid layer is broken. As a result, the skin reacts to substances in contact with it.

Important: wet skin gives more chances to win atopic dermatitis

What can react skin:

  • On clothes: hard, synthetic, woolen, sometimes even cotton. Including the skin of the child can react if you lean the child against your clothes
  • On washing powder. Better not change the already proven powder and get linen well
  • On the diapers
  • On wet wipes
  • On disposable diapers
  • At hygiene
  • On dry air and too warm. Dry air dries the skin even more, which increases the chances of dermatitis
  • Water water

Important: if the child’s skin is affected everywhere, except for the diaper zone, then look for the cause of dermatitis in external factors to which the skin can react

Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis in children

Diagnostics of atopic dermatitis performs dermatologist.

First of all, the doctor about appreciates the condition of the skin, since this can immediately make it possible to make a diagnosis:

  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion
  • The nature of the rashes
  • Intension
  • The presence of edema
  • The degree of dry skin
  • The presence of weeping
  • The presence of a crust

After assessing the condition of the skin, the doctor finds out some details:

  • Is there a hereditary predisposition (do mom and dad allergies)
  • The degree of itching

According to the results of the inspection and survey, the doctor diagnoses severity Diseases:

  • Light
  • Average
  • Heavy

Important: the infant form of atopic dermatitis is distinguished separately. It is inherent in children in the first 3 years of life and passes on its own.

How to moisturize the skin with atopic dermatitis?

Before moisturizing the skin with special products, accept elimination measures external factors that dry the skin:

  • The air temperature in the room should be no more than 22 s
  • Air humidity should not be below 60%
  • Do not overheat the child. When overheating, the skin loses moisture, as a result - dryness
  • Do not dress many layers of clothing. Let the skin breathe

After eliminating external factors, take care of moisturizing.

Important: no matter what a moisturizer means, you must do this procedure systematically. Even in the case of external manifestations to avoid regsedives

Moisturize The skin is possible in three ways:

  • Use simple children's moisturizers. With a very mild course of atopic dermatitis, such creams may help. But the chances are small
  • Special creams for moisturizing atopic skin. Such means of emolets are called
  • Special emulsions for bathing a child

Important: you will achieve the best effect with a combination of the second and third paragraphs

Emolents with atopic dermatitis in children

Emolates are special expensive means to moisturize the skin, including atopic. Emolets restore lipid balance in the skin, moisturize it and create a protective barrier.

The most common In view of a large number of positive reviews of emolets:

  • Mustel Stalatopia. Cream-emulsion for newborns with very dry skin. The manufacturer is France

  • Avene Xeraacalm A.D. Cream for newborns with atopic skin. The manufacturer is France

  • Avene Xeraacalm A.D. Balm for newborns with atopic skin. It has a deeper effect than the cream. The manufacturer is France

  • Emolium. Trictive cream for dry skin. The manufacturer is Russia


  • Topicrem. Lipid -based balm for atopic skin. For children 0+. The manufacturer is France

  • Lokobeze Ripea. The manufacturer is Italy. For children 0+.

  • Oilatum Cream. The manufacturer is Ireland. For children 0+

  • Skin-cap. Cream for children from 1 year old.The manufacturer is Spain


  • A series of funds for the atopic skin of the child Oillan. The manufacturer is Poland

Important: the skin of the child is individual. You will not find out which tool is suitable for your baby’s skin until you try it in practice.

All these products position themselves as effective products for very dry or atopic skin, are hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested.

How to remove itching with atopic dermatitis?

You can remove itching 3 ways:

  • The use of emolets. Many emolets indicate the packaging that the tool eliminates itching by 90 %. It has already been written above that the selection of emolets is an individual matter. One helps to relieve itching, the other is not
  • The use of local non -hormonal ointments or creams. Now a strong, but non -hormonal drug - Eldel has gained great popularity
  • The use of local corticosteroid emulsions, ointments and creams

Local corticosteroids with atopic dermatitis

Local corticosteroid agents are hormonal drugs to combat atopic dermatitis.

The most common:

  • Elokom. Ointment, cream, emulsion (located from the most powerful effect on the skin to the most sparing)
  • Advantan. Ointment, cream, emulsion

Important: the selection of corticosteroids is carried out individually by the doctor. Do not self -medicate such drugs

Rules using corticosteroids:

  • Only once a day
  • In front of emolets on clean skin
  • Put up
  • At a time you can not apply funds to more than 30 % of the body
  • Take a minimum amount
  • Do not apply to the zone under the diaper and armpits

Important: if a doctor prescribes corticosteroids before the first use, carefully study the instructions

Eldel with atopic dermatitis

Elidel Cream - This is an anti -inflammatory non -hormonal drug for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in adults and children from 3 months.The main active substance is Pimecrolimus.

Elidel - This is an alternative to hormonal drugs.

Important: the use of the Elidel cream has gained great popularity, however, the safety of using this drug is in question. Before use, carefully study the instructions (including side effects)

Diet of a nursing mother with atopic dermatitis in a child

If a baby has any form of atopic dermatitis, the nursing mother must follow nutrition rules:

  • Exclude strong allergens from nutrition: dairy products, dairy products (in severe dermatitis), chicken, beef, chocolate, citrus fruits, nuts, nuts, fish, seafood, eggs
  • Exclude products with dyes and preservatives: sweets, carbonated drinks
  • In order to avoid the funded nature of the allergy, do not lean on the same product

Important: a list of permitted products for each is individual. One mother can safely eat tangerines, and the other cannot even a green apple

Allowed products:

  • Rice, corn cereal, buckwheat, barley
  • All green vegetables: cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, patch beans, Brussels cabbage, white cabbage, potatoes, peas, herbs
  • Green apples, banana, pear, plum
  • Low -fat pork, rabbit, turf, lamb, horseman
  • Small quantities
  • Rye bread
  • Rice, corn bread
  • Blueberries, lingonberries, red currants (pre -soaked with boiling water)

Diet-Fore Mama-Mons

Important: do not eat the same product every day

The widespread among allergists has gained rotation diet (Read the details below)

Rotation diet with atopic dermatitis

The rotational diet helps to maintain a satisfactory condition of the skin and avoid deterioration. The diet is well suited for those mothers who think that the child is pouring on everything.

Important: The principle of rotational diet: each product should appear on the menu no more than once every four days

Example Application of the rotational diet:

  • 1st day. Corn porridge, pork, cauliflower, green apple
  • 2nd day. Rice, turkey, zucchini, pear
  • 3rd day. Buckwheat, rabbit, plum
  • 4th day. Perlovka, Konina, Banana
  • 5-1 days. You can already repeat the products of the first day or add others

Important: you must choose a set of products from one type of cereal, one type of meat, one species, vegetable and fruit for every day

The rotational diet will help to calculate the allergen. If you notice that some product gave a reaction, give it after 5 days with other products. If the reaction is repeated, then the product is excluded.

How to feed a child with atopic dermatitis?

If the child is small and is located exclusively on artificial feeding, then the main task of the mother is to choose the right mixture, so frequent provocateur of atopic dermatitis is the protein of cow's milk:

  • Hypoallergenic. You can start with a mixture in which the protein is partially split, but if the course of dermatitis is detected, proceed to the next option
  • Mixtures therapeutic with complete hydrolyzate of cow protein. These mixtures are therapeutic and the child needs to be given according to the manufacturer's instructions for some time. After the expiration of the period and improving the condition of the skin of the child, you can try to return to the hypoallergenic mixture. But at the slightest deterioration, continue feeding the treatment with a treatment

IMPORTANT: Addition with a doctor with a medical mixture

If the child is exclusively on breastfeeding or eats adult food, then the feeding rules must follow the nursing mother and the child (see above The diet of a nursing mother with atopic dermatitis in a child and a rotational diet with atopic dermatitis).

Important: if the food concerns the child directly, then follow the advice above, but with the amendment to the age of the child

Power feeding with atopic dermatitis

The basis for the introduction of complementary foods to a child with atopic dermatitis, you can take general rules for the introduction of complementary foods to the child Feeding newborns. Complexing in Komarovsky. Tips and reviews.However, for an atopic child there are some important deviations:

  • For the first feeding, choose the least allergenic foods (zucchini, broccoli, colored cabbage, rabbit, turkey, cone, green apple) so as not to provoke an exacerbation on this basis
  • You can not introduce complementary foods during an exacerbation. If your child’s skin is always atopic, then do feeding only during the period of the least rashes
  • Input each product from 3-4 days to 7 days. After another 2 days, do not give a new product. Make sure there is no exacerbation

Important: a child from 6 months needs feeding for full growth and development. The child cannot have allergies to all products. If it seems to you that the child is pouring on all products, then the matter is completely not connected with food. Look for the causes in external factors (see above the causes of atopic dermatitis)

Atopic dermatitis and staphylococcus

  • The opinion of pediatricians regarding the relationship of atopic dermatitis and staphylococcus are completely different
  • Some believe that there is no connection that these are two separate problems from each other
  • Others believe that if the child has atopic dermatitis, and a golden staphylococcus was sown in feces, then this is definitely the reason. Bacteria or antibiotics are prescribed immediately to drink bacteria immediately
  • However, practice shows that the problem goes only in some cases

Important: the conclusion suggests itself that staphylococcus is not the cause of atopic dermatitis. Such an opinion is adhered to by Dr. Komarovsky, who does not recognize such a problem at all as staphylococcus

Although you can still find the reviews of mothers when, after the treatment of staphylococcus, the child was cleansed. But this can be explained by the fact that in the presence of staphylococcus bacteria in large quantities in the child’s intestines, immunity suffers. As a result, the skin reacts to what should not react to.

Dysbiosis and atopic dermatitis

When asked if there is a connection between dysbiosis and atopic dermatitis, there is no unequivocal answer, although in the symptoms of dysbiosis and you can see redness and peeling of the skin (see. Dysbiosis in a child. What to do?)

Similarly, with the question of Staphylococcus, there are two anti -full points of view: there is definitely a connection, there is definitely no connection.

In the same way, you can find reviews of mothers talking about the magical cleansing of the skin after the treatment of dysbiosis. And others, on the contrary, complain that so many forces and means have gone to fight dysbiosis, and the problem of atopic dermatitis has not gone anywhere.

Important: each child is individual. The relationship must be sought in each case.

Dr. Komarovsky does not see the relationship of these two concepts, just as he does not see the existence of such a problem as dysbiosis in principle.

Vaccinations for atopic dermatitis

The opinion of allergists and immunologists is as follows: Pipes can be done in the presence of atopic dermatitis in a child, but not during an exacerbation.

For the prevention of dermatitis exacerbation after the introduction of the vaccine, it is recommended:

  • 3 days before vaccination, on vaccination day and 2 days after vaccination, take antihistamines in the dosage laid instructions.

Important: Before you vaccinate, find out the composition of the vaccine. If the vaccine has a component to which the child has an allergic reaction - it is strictly impossible to do such a vaccine.

An example of such a vaccine can be a vaccine from measles, rubella, mumps. Such a vaccine contains elements of either chicken protein or quail. And chicken protein is often an allergen for a child

Bathing with atopic dermatitis

You need to bathe a child with atopic dermatitis. But with certain conditions

  • Do not bathe a child using herbs. Herbs are very dry the skin. For a child with atopic skin, additional overdrying is impossible
  • The water temperature during bathing should not exceed 36 s, since hot water exacerbates the affected areas of the skin
  • Bathing should last 15-20 minutes so that the skin is sufficiently entered with water
  • It is better to defend water before bathing for 15-20 minutes, if there is no filter
  • Do not bathe your child every day with soap. Soap also dries the skin
  • Instead of soap, it is better to choose the products for cleansing atopic skin
  • Add products intended for bathing children with atopic skin to the water
  • After acceptance of the bath, get wet the skin of the child with a soft towel
  • After 3 minutes, apply emolet to save moisture in the skin

Bathing products child with atopic dermatitis:

  • Bath oil Mustela Stalatopia. Effectively when intense redness of the skin occurs. 0+. The manufacturer is France

  • Avene trixera+ bathing emulsion. 0+. It removes itching and moisturizes the skin. The manufacturer is France

  • Nutrum soap Oillan. 0+. Protects from drying the skin. The manufacturer is Poland

  • Oilatum emulsion for the bath. 0+. The manufacturer is Ireland

Will atopic dermatitis pass?

  • As a rule, atopic dermatitis in a child passes by 3 years - this is the so -called Infant form dermatitis
  • About 50 % of children dermatitis passes by 2 years
  • Children's form of dermatitis falls on the age of 3-7 years
  • Unfortunately, there are times when the problem remains for life

Important: do not let the course of atopic dermatitis on its own, hoping that the child will develop. Atopic dermatitis should always be controlled, otherwise it can develop other diseases, more serious and serious

Drugs and drugs for atopic dermatitis in children

  • Since the basis of treatment is skin care, the drugs are reduced to local treatment
  • Local treatment is provided by corticosteroid creams and ointments (see above local corticosteroids for atopic dermatitis), non -hormonal ointments and creams (see above elidel), emolets (see above emolets)
  • There are also drugs that are taken inside for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. An example of such a drug ketotifen
  • In 2 % of cases, the above drugs do not help fight dermatitis. Then the doctor prescribes more serious treatment

Important: all drugs and medicines indicated above, except emolets, can only be used after prescribing them by a doctor. Drugs have side effects and can affect the body with improper use

Zinc ointment with atopic dermatitis

At the heart of the zinc ointment is zinc oxide. The ointment has an anti -inflammatory and healing effect.

The instructions for using zinc ointment indicate that it is also used for the treatment of dermatitis. Indeed, she can heal damaged areas without harm to the health of the child.

Important: the ointment dries the skin due to the zinc oxide contained in the composition. After absorbing the ointment, apply emolet

Talker with atopic dermatitis

A chatterbox is a mass made in a pharmacy according to a prescription, which is subsequently applied to the skin.

The chatterbox is based on the following substances:

  • Talc
  • Zinc
  • Glycerol
  • Starch

Other auxiliary substances are always contained in the recipe.

The talker needs to be stored in the refrigerator and shake well before use.

  • Do not rub into the skin
  • Light a thin layer on the affected area
  • Leave for 30 minutes
  • Rinse

Important: the chatterbox relieves inflammation and itching, but dries the skin.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in children with folk remedies

Important: treating atopic dermatitis with folk remedies in a child up to 1 year is prohibited. It is better to carry out such treatment after 3 years

Treatment with folk remedies is reduced to the manufacture of lotions, decoctions, mixtures, which later should be applied to irritated skin.

Important: no decoctions need to be used inside

The most effective means:

  • Potatoes
  • Kalanchoe
  • Cucumber
  • St. John's wort
  • Linseed oil
  • Celery root
  • Sage
  • Chamomile

See how to use these treatment products in the next section.

The child’s skin is very delicate and sensitive. Use folk remedies very carefully. First try on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and watch the reaction

Recipes for atopic dermatitis in children

Such recipes are suitable for you only if their components do not cause allergies in your child


  • Wash 1 potatoes, clean and rub on a coarse grater.
  • Put the resulting potato mass on a gauze cloth folded in several layers
  • Attach to the affected area for 2 hours
  • Rinse
  • Avenue with a moisturizing cream

Important: potatoes acts as an anti -inflammatory agent



  • Mix linden honey and kalanchoe juice in equal proportions
  • Place in the refrigerator in a glass dish for 7 days
  • Apply to the affected areas to relieve itching

Important: the product has an antipruritic effect


  • Apply cucumber juice to the affected areas

Important: cucumber juice has an antipruritic effect

St. John's wort.

  • Melt 4 tbsp. butter
  • Add 1 tbsp. fresh St. John's wort juice
  • Mix and cool the mixture
  • Place in the refrigerator in a glass dish
  • Lubricate the affected areas in the morning and before bedtime

Important: St. John's wort has an anti -inflammatory and disinfectant effect

Linseed oil.

  • Pour 100 g of linseed oil into an enameled dish
  • Add 1 tbsp. Dry chamomile flowers
  • Bring to a boil and turn off
  • Cool
  • Strain through gauze
  • Apply to the affected areas every 3 hours for a week

Important: linseed oil acts as a moisturizer. Leaves traces on clothes

Celery root.

  • Pour 50 g of apple cider vine
  • 50 g of celery root juice add
  • 2 g of salt
  • Mix
  • Wet gauze with solution and apply to the skin for 5 minutes

Important: celery has an antipruritic effect

Using herbs for atopic dermatitis


  • On 5 tbsp. 1 liter of water
  • Boil for 30 minutes in enameled dishes over low heat
  • Wrap with a warm veil, towel or blanket
  • Insist 2 hours
  • Strain
  • Pour into a glass dish
  • Lay the gauze napkin moistened with the solution on the affected areas, like lotions. Change when dried
  • Do the procedure for 1 hour before bedtime

Important: Sage has an anti -inflammatory effect


  • Pour 1 liter of water into a thermos
  • Pour 3 tbsp. Chamomile
  • Insist for 2 hours under a closed lid
  • During periods of remission, lubricate the skin with a solution after a bath

Important: chamomile has an anti -inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Helps to avoid exacerbations

Does calcium help with atopic dermatitis?

  • The permeability of blood vessels depends on the content of calcium in the body. With the normal content of calcium, the walls of the vessels do not allow allergens to penetrate the blood
  • For children, the intake of calcium can be relevant, since during the period of active growth of calcium they simply need
  • The simplest drug for taking is calcium gluconate. You need to take it 2 tablets per day before or during meals

Important: you need to take calcium only in conjunction with vitamin D (if the reception is not carried out in the summer months)

There are many reviews of mothers who gave their children calcium gluconate and forgot about the manifestations of atopic dermatitis.

With proper use during the period of active bone growth, the intake of calcium will not harm the body, and, possibly, will save the child from dermatitis

Treatment of atopic dermatitis in children according to Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky for the prevention and treatment of atopic dermatitis recommends:

  • Do not overfeed the child
  • Do not overheat the child
  • Maintain an air temperature in the room 18-20 C and humidity not lower than 60 %
  • Remove dust sources from the room, often wash the floor and ventilate
  • Spend a lot of time on the street
  • Wash children's clothes with several rinses only with special means. After washing, you can pour boiling water in order to save the water from the content of chlorine
  • All adult clothing, bedding and all that the child can contact should be washed in the same way
  • When bathing, use soap and shampoo no more than 1 time per week
  • Do not allow the occurrence of constipation in a child. The intestines must be empty in a timely manner
  • Give the child calcium gluconate

Local treatment:

  • Corticosteroid ointments and creams.
  • Emolets

Important: the doctor believes that I act according to his treatment plan, for the most part, parents are able to help the child on their own

Acting at the atopic dermatitis is comprehensively, you can save the child from this ailment.

Video on the topic: dermatitis in a child - a school of Dr. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. Help me please!!! I tried everything from dermatitis! Lying in the hospital did not help. Our doctors shrug. They discovered the lambli treated and still do not help the rashes. What to do? The child has been tormented for 4 months and we are with him. We are constantly sitting on the strictest diet, but the exacerbations do not end.

  2. Indeed, the presence of a humidifier of air, especially in the winter, when heating and air is very dry, facilitates the position with blood pressure. They even purchased a moisture meter, and constantly support it so that at least 40, here in the article they write that it should be not lower than 60. We also use the ants, a good remedy, but if there are cracks on the skin, our child has on cheeks and buttocks, then hesitating . Therefore, in such cases, we use Radevit, it eliminates and heals dryness well. After its use, we also continue to use Mustel, we do it twice a day.

  3. They painted and explained everything very well. The article is very informative. From 3 months we have hell. There was remission and again everything went into an aggravation. Hands drop, but you need to help the child .. Question: if the child is on the GV, can mom take vitamins D, selenium, magnesium, calcium, etc.?

  4. One diet is still not enough. The doctor also recommended that the Evalarovsky multifloor dermis. It is just from the age of three. Due to beneficial bacteria in the composition, it improves skin microflora and, accordingly, its condition improves many times.

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