How to collect money for an apartment without changing work?

How to collect money for an apartment without changing work?

We collect money for the apartment without changing the work: a detailed plan, tips and recommendations.

Do you dream of buying your own housing, but it seems to you that this dream is unrealistic? In this article we will tell you how to collect money for an apartment without changing work. Only constructive ideas and a plan for the embodiment of dreams into reality.

How to collect money for an apartment - how much does a dream cost: apartments prices

In order to understand how to collect money for an apartment without changing work, you need to decide how much money needs to be raised? And how actual this dream is relevant to you. At this moment, you may be outraged, how so, since there is a dream, then you need to realize it, and not think about some kind of “relevance” there.

We will analyze the examples. Anna lives in a room with three more girls In a student dormitory, despite the fact that it is already working. Anna can rent an apartment for herself, or he can live for some time in the hostel and save money for her own apartment. In this case, we see that Anna does not have housing except for a removable one, therefore, the question of how to buy an apartment, she has a priority.

Prices for apartments depending on the region
Prices for apartments depending on the region

Now consider the situation of Nikolai and his family. They live in a spacious house with her parents. It is not very comfortable for him to live “under the cap” of the father -in -law and mother -in -law, but at the disposal of Nikolai and his family there are three rooms, and if you reset the psychological stress that occasionally arising in the house, everyone has enough space. As you can see, Nikolai has an incentive to raise money for his own housing, but there is no urgency in this matter.

So, in this article we will consider two options in parallel. How to raise money for an apartment urgently, while there will be minimal requirements for the apartment. And the second option is how to gradually assemble your apartment, while considering various solutions, since you want my own housing, but with certain requirements and not in a hurry.

Decide - how urgently do you need your housing? And only then we move on to the issue of analyzing the cost of housing.

The apartments market are divided into primary and secondary housing. Accordingly, you can consider three options for purchase:

  • An apartment in a house that will be built (significant savings in the purchase, relative to a new building);
  • Apartment in a new building (the most expensive option, regarding the price per m²);
  • Secondary housing (in apartment buildings already in private or municipal property). The most budget option.

At the same time, the price of the apartment depends on the city, remoteness from the center, the prestige of the district, area and other characteristics of the house, the availability of repair, furniture.

Analyze the market and decide on the amount that you need to collect.

For example, apartments in the capital cost from $ 62,000, and in the village of Omsukchan (near Magadan) from 4000 dollars. The easiest way you can ask for housing at Avito.

We summarize: first of all, we need to decide in the urgency of housing and the minimum amount that will be required to buy an apartment.

How to collect money for an apartment - we evaluate our own income and expense: we plan to buy an apartment

In this article, we consider the option of how to collect money for an apartment without changing work. Therefore, we evaluate only the income that you have, as well as your family, if you collect a married couple.

Write your wages on the income line, as well as all income received by you. It can be interest on the deposit, part -time work and even regular assistance to parents. Write down this amount.

Now we proceed to a more painstaking area of \u200b\u200bwork - we write down the costs. We will write them in two columns.

Mandatory spending Not mandatory expenses
Products Hobby
Passage Entertainment
Utilities (including housing rental) Acquisition of fashionable clothing (which is not necessary)
Medicines fashionable accessories
Clothing and shoes Rest and travel
Household chemicals
Car service (if any)

Please note that the second column is not a waste of money, but only points that you can temporarily abandon in order to achieve the highest goal - buying your own apartment.

How to raise money for an apartment, how to save money to save for a purchase?

Saving is a faithful assistant for those who thought about how to raise money for an apartment without changing work. If you have already analyzed income and expense, you can find out the difference that we will postpone to buy an apartment.

So, for example, your income is 47657 rubles (the average salary in Russia in 2019). At the same time, the expense amounted to 45,000 rubles. Total, the rest is 2657 rubles. It is he who will postpone it. But remember this is only the initial numbers!

Since the amount is much small, we offer to reconsider the mandatory expenses and reduce them within reasonable limits. Remember, you always make the final decision.

  • We review the menu and switch to the right, balanced diet. Please note that in this way you will not only save money on products, but also reduce the costs of medicines;
  • Prove the products for the winter using conservation, pickling, frost - this will significantly save on the winter menu;
  • How to save in purchases on food, find out in our article;
  • Replace food in the dining room or cafe in lunch breaks with your own food containers;
  • Install the counters, thereby reducing the account of utilities. Also revise your habits to save on electricity, water, gas;
How to save on electricity
How to save on electricity
  • Explore your spending on travel. Is there a way to reduce him? For example, get to work by metro, instead of traveling by car. Or use a bicycle instead of a bus;
  • Do not buy medicines for the future, unless you live in huge remoteness from the pharmacy. Most often, 50% of drugs are thrown out by expiration date. Imagine what amounts you save;
  • Review your attitude to clothes and shoes. You can look stylish and beautiful with a minimum of things. An interesting experiment was conducted by Julia Muni, dressing one dress for 100 days.
  • Household chemicals are a thorough expenditure in the budget. But if you discard all the brands, then the consumption can be reduced by 50-70%;
  • Telephone and the Internet - a cost item that is often paid more than we use in fact. Explore the tariffs in detail and choose the one in which there is a need.

Video: Budget dishes for every day

Video: 100 days in one dress

So, depending on how much the economical lifestyle you led earlier, after revising your expenses, you can save from 2000 to 20,000 rubles per month.

How to raise money for an apartment, where to additionally take money to buy an apartment without changing work?

Asking the question of how to collect money for an apartment without changing work, pay attention to what are the possibilities of part -time jobs.

Additional earnings include any income that is not received at the main job. It can be the sale of products received using a hobby: things, paintings, jewelry, toys.

You can also teach other people to your skills by receiving a reward for this. This can be the tutoring of the school curriculum, and there may be online horticulture lessons.

PC and the Internet give hundreds of housing opportunities at home
PC and the Internet give hundreds of housing opportunities at home

Consider the options for part -time jobs: cleaning, cooking and desserts to order, nanny and nurse services.

Of course, now after work, instead of relaxing at the TV, you will have to work carefully. But as a result, you will significantly increase your income, thereby approaching the date of purchase of your apartment.

How to collect money for an apartment - we set deadlines to buy

In order not to break and more efficiently save money for the purchase of something, it is necessary to establish terms. So, in the time periods, it is easier to collect money, since the brain realizes that the restrictions are not just temporary, but there is a specific date, after which there will be a “prize” and removal of restrictions.

I copy the money for the purchase of housing
I copy the money for the purchase of housing

On the question of how to collect money for an apartment without changing work, it is easier to calculate the terms, since you definitely know the size of your salary.

Thus, the amount of the desired apartment (for an example of 260,000 rubles) is divided by the amount of which it is obtained (for an example of 4000 rubles). In total, for 65 months (a little more than 5 years), it will be possible to collect for your housing.

How to collect money for an apartment: a mortgage - get today, pay tomorrow

In the previous paragraph, we examined the simplest option on how to raise money for an apartment without changing work. But most often, the purchase of an apartment in a large city is considered, and the amount of salary leaves much to be desired. I do not want to set the deadline for collecting funds for the apartment for 15-20 years. Or maybe not!

An interesting plan how to accumulate for an apartment without changing work
An interesting plan how to accumulate for an apartment without changing work

One of the options for the quick purchase of housing without changing the work is a mortgage. But there are several conditions that must be observed in order to draw it up.

  • The amount of the initial contribution should be accumulated (usually 25% of the cost of the apartment);
  • Official work with medium or higher earnings. Work experience of at least 12 months, of which 6 months are in last place;
  • Lack of criminal record;
  • Be a citizen of the Russian Federation and have a residence permit in the country;
  • At the age of 21 to 70 years.

How to save money for an apartment to accumulate?

On the question of how to raise money for the apartment without changing work, it is worth taking into account the long -term project of the project. In order to speed up the collection of money to buy an apartment, you will have to deny yourself many ways. It is not surprising that there is a risk of breaking and spending everything or at least a certain amount. And then collect and regret it again.

According to research, it is easier for people to accumulate if they cannot access money in the process of accumulation. Therefore, the worst option for collecting money for buying an apartment is to put up at home.

But the best option is to change to dollars and put off on a deposit. Despite the world's forecasts, the dollar, as before, remains more stable currency than the national currency of the ruble.

How to save up for an apartment without changing work?
How to save up for an apartment without changing work?

Regarding deposits in the bank. Bankers recommend that the deposits insure the deposits, and also not to store the entire amount in one bank. It is best to choose several large stable banks and accumulate amounts that do not interrupt the payment of insurance in case of bankruptcy of the bank. As soon as the amounts exceed the limit of compensation - to open a new deposit in another bank.

Pay attention to shares, raising interest rates. The money set on deposit also brings income and bring you closer to buying an apartment.

How to buy an apartment in a house that will only be built?

Do you want your apartment in a new building and are ready to wait until it is built? Interested in how to raise money for an apartment without changing work? We draw attention to the fact that the mortgage is not issued for apartments in houses that have not yet been commissioned. Therefore, at the time of the registration of the contract, you will need to pay the amount from your personal account.

The advantages of buying an apartment in a house that is being built is obvious - a larger selection of apartments, as well as an attractive pricing policy. But there are risks that can be avoided if you carefully approach the issue.

  • Choose a project in which at least 40% of apartments are sold;
  • Choose a developer that has proven yourself over the past decades;
  • Study the contract carefully, work it with a lawyer. Yes, the services of a lawyer are paid, but he will indicate weaknesses in the contract and will help to adjust them in negotiations with the developer;
  • Check the licenses of the developer;
  • Currently, there are online cameras at construction sites with which you can track work and find out about problems (less workers, accident);
  • The second stage is a good sign that the developer is successful;
  • FFS control - a guarantee of successful purchase;
  • No cash - only non -cash transfers that can be compensated through the court;
  • Do not purchase commercial housing, as commercial tariffs for utilities in the future will be present.

If you intend to buy an apartment in a new building, and you have accumulated an amount of 80-85% of the average cost of the apartment of your city-look closely at buildings.

Plan how to collect money for an apartment without changing work

In this section, we summarize and give a brief plan how to collect money for an apartment without changing work:

  • Decide on the place where the apartment will be purchased;
  • Find out the estimated price for the desired apartment;
  • Calculate your income, think about how to increase it without changing work;
  • Conduct expenses. Analyze how to reduce them;
  • Calculate the amount that you can postpone monthly;
  • Calculate the term for which you can postpone the entire amount;
  • Start drinking the amount for buying an apartment;
  • Weigh the pros and cons of the mortgage, and as an option to arrange it.

Remember that during the accumulation your plan can be adjusted. This is normal, since our life is constantly changing, and changes in income and expenses are made, replenishment in the family. But starting to save, you will regularly replenish your savings, and the larger the amount will be, the greater the desire to collect it as soon as possible.

Reviews how to collect money for an apartment without changing work:

How to collect money for an apartment - reviews:

Irina: There were burned bridges behind the back, ahead of life in a hostel, study on the budget and work in their free time. For five years I changed my clothes only when the old one was finally snapped, my budget was distributed to a penny, and according to Peter I moved on a bicycle. A week ago, I designed a mortgage and odnushka on the outskirts of my Peter! I am happy and is a vivid example of how to accumulate for an apartment, being a hungry student! P.S. Yes, I still have to pay a mortgage for half the apartment, but given that the apartment is in St. Petersburg, I consider my success worthy!

Angelina: two children in their hands and a grand scandal with beets with a move to the country. On that day, we decided that we would never live with our parents again, whatever it cost us. We drowned coal, rolled everything that we could collect in the garden, saved on clothes and rest. While the husband was at work, and the children were sleeping for lunch - I am an accountant by profession, took the reporting of the individual entrepreneur to work, and in the evenings I knitted toys to the souvenir store. For 3 years, we gathered for odnushka, and after another two years we moved to our threek. Everything is real, the main thing is not to give up and think with your head!

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video on how to save up for an apartment.

Video: How to save up for an apartment? Our experience

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