Diagnosis of health on the nails of the hands. How to determine diseases by nails? Form of nails and health

Diagnosis of health on the nails of the hands. How to determine diseases by nails? Form of nails and health

Ways to determine diseases on the nails, which we will talk about in this article, will help to make measures in a timely manner to relieve health problems.

A human health status of a person can determine, not only by the color of the face of the face and the presence of edema, circles under the eyes, but also by the condition of the nails.

What do you say about human health?

Even in distant antiquity, each nail associated with the state of health of a certain internal organ of the human body.
Healthy nails have a pink color, even surface, a little natural shine. The slightest deviations from this indicate health problems.

Video: 5 things that nails will talk about your health

How to determine the disease on the nails of the hands?

When determining the disease, they follow to take into account the change in nails by:

  • Figure of the nail plate
  • The state of the lunula
  • Form of nails
  • The color of the nails

Diagnostics by nail condition

Drawings of plates

Diagnostics in sight of the plates
Diagnostics in sight of the plates
  • White spots - low hemoglobin, lack of vitamins, low immunity, problems with the central nervous system are possible

If only on the index fingers, then there may be excessive deposition of calcium salts

  • Black spots sign of endocarditis
  • The nail is greatly changed due to the fungus and psoriasis
  • Steam horizontal strips - lack of protein in nutrition. Kidney disease, due to which excessively protein from the body is excreted
  • The division across into two halves indicates a neglected kidney disease. The bottom in one half usually has a milk color, the top is normal
  • The line that appears not from physical exposure is formed at high temperature, fever. She indicate already transferred diseases, the deeper the line, the more serious the disease
  • Black spots that appeared not from the injury indicate the disease of the liver, inflammation of the heart membrane
  • Beige or brown formation under the nail, warns about the possibility of an oncological disease
  • Yellow or brown spots on the nail at the edge of the nail, may appear due to psoriasis
  • White spots in the form of flakes or crumbling grooves warn of the appearance of fungal diseases
  • Brittle and layering nails, a sign of thyroid disorders. Moreover, if the hair falls out, the skin is peeling, it may indicate the presence of vitamin deficiency and a violation of the hormonal background
  • Small numerous dimples - a sign of psoriasis
  • Nail ruptures or deep grooves - there may be dysbiosis or intestinal ulcer

The state of the lunula

we observe the state of the lunula

Lunulas are white semicircles on the nails, on the border with the cuticle

  • If the Lunul was over - problems with the lungs
  • If only on the index finger, then the pancreas, the liver, the colon, the colon works poorly. There may be diseases of the pelvis. Spheres of the ENT
  • On the middle finger, the disappearance of the hole, informs of the vegetative -vascular disease, a violation of the heart rhythm, hypertension or hypotension, this is a harbinger of failure of the cardiovascular system
  • If there is no ring on the ring finger or a hole decreases, it can be a violation of the endocrine system, lymph nodes, this is a call to the mandatory examination of the body
  • On the little finger, the hole disappears quickly, as this is a sign of the problem with the small intestine. Can disappear in hypertensive patients suffering from a violation of the heart rhythm

Video: Nail diagnosis

Feet diagnostics

The fingers like hands can say a lot about the state of human health:

  • Both of both legs are responsible for the brain
  • The index finger on the right is the lungs (colon), the adrenal glands. Left - heart (thin intestine), thyroid gland
  • The middle finger of the right leg is associated with the internal and external genitals. Left - sensory organs, epiphyse
  • The nameless finger of the right leg diagnes the kidneys, bladder, testicles and ovaries
  • The left nail of the leg - the brain and spinal cord, the pituitary gland
  • The nail of the little finger on the right leg is responsible for the health of the spleen, stomach, pancreas. Left nail - liver, gall bladder, Timus
  • By state of nails on the legs, you can find out about vascular diseases
    Thickened nails of the thumbs, which cannot be cut with scissors, indicate a chronic disease of arteries and veins
  • The blue color of the nails speaks of severe circulatory disorders and thrombosis
  • The fragility and stratification of the nail is a sign of a fungal disease

Form of nails and health

Check the head of the nails
Check health in the shape of nails

An important factor in diagnosis is the shape of the nails.
The outline of the nail plate is considered: in shape, pattern, size, concave or bulge.

There are many options for the form of nails of nails changed as a result of the disease, we will consider the main ones:

  • A bent, pressed finger throughout the nail coating reports on chronic or hereditary addiction to alcohol
  • The heart disease is indicated by a flat and short nail
  • Noga in the form of clock glasses, forms from diseases of the bronchi, heart, lungs, fanned last phalanxes warn of cirrhosis, hepatitis, ulcer, and thyroid problems
  • Increased nail area - problems with light
    It is important to understand that the shape of the nail should be watched in the comparative period: it was narrow, but it became wide - indicates a problem. The presence of natural indicators is not considered
  • A flat nail warns of problems with respiratory organs. When additional changes appear, bronchial asthma is possible. Additional layering of the regional rim, diagnoses helminthic invasion
  • The nail curled inside in the form of a pipe is a harbinger of oncological disease. You should not make a diagnosis on your own, but you should make an appointment with the doctor
  • Triangular nails predict the disease of the spine
  • Concave in the center of the nail and a bluish tint speak of anemia
  • Bright pink, rounded, in the shape of a magnifier, the nail is a sign of respiratory tract disease

Nail color and health

Blue nail color indicates a severe cardiovascular disease
Blue nail color indicates a severe cardiovascular disease

Health condition depends on the color of the legs:

  • Yellowness of nails - the liver is not in order
  • Red surface - erytimia is possible
  • The entire white surface or partially not reaching the lunula, warn of cirrhosis
  • Purple and blue nails - congenital heart disease

Diagnostics by nails photo and description

Fleep division in half-explosema, psoriasis


The transverse grooves-signs of improper nail care. Also formed due to suffered stress, infectious disease and other serious diseases. Due to poor nutrition and lack of zinc in the body
The longitudinal line is rare. It appears due to acute malnutrition, severe arterial disease, with arthritis, flat lichen. Vertical grooves may be the result of excessive use of carbohydrates, an iron lack, intestinal diseases
White nails, a sign of the development of cirrhosis of the liver, thyroid disease
The nails are half white, half pink, warn of renal failure

Health on the nails of the hands table

Changes to the nail plate Possible disease
White nails Hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver
Yellowish, thickened, slowly growing nails Problems with the lungs
Yellowish nails with a little blue at the base Diabetes
Half white, half pink nails Renal failure
Red nails Heart problems
Pale and white nails Anemia
Grooves or stratification of the surface of the nail Psoriasis or arthritis
Thickening of the end phalanx of the fingers Lung disease
Black lines under the nail Melanoma
Red, uneven lines along the nail fold Lupus, disease of connective tissue


Healthy, beautiful nails -the sensation of your body's health
Healthy, beautiful nails -the sensation of your body's health

Without professional knowledge, it is very difficult to diagnose a disease by photographs of nails. The violations of the nail plate listed in the article give help only in the direction that you should pay attention to your health. In the case of cardinal changes in natural nails, you must consult a doctor.

Video: Nail diagnosis

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Comments K. article

  1. During anemia, I (lack of iron in the body). The nails were brittle and lay down. The doctor prescribed me specially Drage Mertz, took them a month. After taking dragees, the nails began to be stronger, stopped breaking and extending.

  2. Thank you! I really liked the article, described in detail and visual photos help a lot. 😁

  3. It is interesting and what the presence of a fungus will say in such a diagnosis, I didn’t have a fungus traditionally on my nails, but on my arms, I don’t even know where it was necessary to peel my fingers to pick up this muck, but the fact remained and it was necessary to treat, I tried to wash my hands only household soap and lubricate the nail with a mizol, was surprised that the nails managed to cure and this was not repeated anymore)

  4. Hello. Half a year ago, after the pedicure, the nail phalanx of the finger was very sick and swollen. After applying the cold, the pain passed. After 2 months. After removing the gel polish, it turned out that the nail stopped growing. When a large crack went, part of the nail was cut off. Now he looks like this:
    I ask for the help of a specialist in making a preliminary diagnosis.

  5. Hello! For more than 2 years now, on the middle finger of the left hand, from the moon a longitudinal, concave furrow inward appeared to the top. There is no description in the article. If you explain what it is, I will be grateful.

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