Zinc ointment: indications and instructions for use for children and infants. How to use zinc ointment for children, infants for atopic dermatitis, sweating, diathesis, chickenpox, from pinworms, irritation, herpes, deprivation, streptoderma?

Zinc ointment: indications and instructions for use for children and infants. How to use zinc ointment for children, infants for atopic dermatitis, sweating, diathesis, chickenpox, from pinworms, irritation, herpes, deprivation, streptoderma?

Zinc ointment for diseases in children.

When a child is sick, the whole family tries to apply any methods for his speedy recovery. Let's look at in which cases zinc ointment is used and how harmless it is for a child.

Zinc ointment: instructions for use for children, infants, newborns

Parents often have to face:

  • Dermatitis
  • Diaper rash
  • Pretty
  • Allergies
  • Diathesis
  • Abrasions
  • Rashes that suddenly overcome their favorite children

Despite the fact that there is a huge amount of funds to combat the indicated unpleasant symptoms, they are not always quite effective. But it is the zinc ointment that is an inexpensive and extremely effective tool in this situation.

Ointments for infants
Ointments for infants

The drug based on zinc is produced in various forms:

  • Pastes
  • Gels
  • Cream
  • Ointments

The latter option is the most common and indispensable in the first -aid kit of young parents. After all, such an ointment contributes to:

  • Rapid healing
  • Drying
  • Reduction of inflammation
  • Healing of wounds

And also has the properties:

  • Antiseptic
  • Binding
  • Adsorbing

The ointment prevents the occurrence of diaper rash in babies, since after application on the skin a protective film is created. Therefore, it can be used not only to treat irritation on the skin of the child, but also as preventive measures. For example, pediatricians are advised to apply it in the summer so that the child is not threatened with sunburn.

Infants need reliable protection
Infants need reliable protection

Using the ointment, certain nuances should be taken into account:

  • This drug is inexpensive and affordable.
  • It is suitable for the use of children from birth.
  • Application is allowed to any areas of the skin of the child, even on the face.
  • Kids who often fog folds from diapers can apply ointment at night as a preventive measure. But do not forget about hygiene products - regular replacement of diapers and the use of only quality products.
  • As a treatment, the ointment must be applied to the affected areas up to 6 times a day. But it is usually required only a few times so that the child has unpleasant symptoms.

Zinc ointment to children with chickenpox: Instruction

Chickenpox is a viral disease that most often overcome children. It also happens in adults. In this case, there are frequent cases that an adult is very difficult to endure this ailment.

Since zinc ointment is harmless and practically no contraindications, it is often used in the fight against chickenpox. The ointment of 2 simple components consists - it is directly zinc oxide and a little petroleum jelly.

Zinc ointment can save from such unpleasant symptoms of chickenpox as:

  • Itching
  • Watery acne
  • Crusts after bursting acne

But on the face with chickenpox, children should apply the ointment especially carefully, since unpleasant results may appear, namely:

  • The skin of the child can become excessively dry
  • Having overdried acne from chickenpox, scars can occur on the face of the baby
  • The dense structure of the ointment causes unpleasant sensations in the child, especially if applied to the face

It is important to note that zinc ointment is not a strong antiviral drug, so it is impossible to limit it only to the treatment of chickenpox. This tool is auxiliary and facilitates the course of the disease.

Zinc ointment should be applied with chickenpox
Zinc ointment should be applied with chickenpox

Such an ointment is very useful for chickenpox, because:

  • Heals well
  • Is an excellent means in the fight against viruses and inflammation
  • Perfectly dries watery pimples
  • Protects against microbes that can penetrate into wounds
  • Effectively copes with itching and irritation

So, what do you need to know when using ointments for children with chickenpox:

  • Apply a pointwise to each pimple of the ointment, without rubbing, but spreading in the areas with soft movements.
  • If children have dry skin, then you can mix an ointment with any baby cream.
  • Apply ointment 4 times a day to achieve the maximum effect

Positive aspects in the use of this ointment are the fact that the ointment is convenient in use and is colorless, has no extraneous odors. Thus, the baby will not noticely have traces of the drug on the skin.

Zinc ointment from diaper rash in newborns and children up to a year: Instructions

Zinc ointment is often used for diaper rash in infants. These unpleasant symptoms can occur for the following reasons:

  • When the baby is transferred from GV to artificial nutrition
  • When new products are added to the baby's diet
  • During teeth teething
  • At elevated temperature
  • Allergies to diapers, food, powders

In order to save the baby from unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to lubricate ripe places with ointment once every 3 hours. Apply neatly a thin layer of ointment, trying not to deliver the child unpleasant sensations.

Diaper rash often occur in babies up to a year
Diaper rash often occur in babies up to a year

In addition, take into account that most often it is the incorrectly dressed diaper or diaper leads to the appearance of diaper rash in the baby. Therefore, carefully follow whether the diaper causes the baby’s diaper. It is also not advisable to use the ointment too often, as it leads to drying the skin.

Is it possible to smear with zinc ointment to a child under a diaper?

You can smear your child with ointment under the diaper as a preventive measure from diaper rash, but pediatricians do not advise doing this too often, since the skin can become very dry and the effect will be extremely negative.

Periodically you can ointment under the diaper
Periodically you can ointment under the diaper

In addition, be that as it may, the ointment is a medicine and you should not just smear your baby skin with it. Conduct regularly hygiene procedures and dress the diaper correctly. Then you can be calm - diaper rash will not appear, and the ointment will not be required.

Zinc ointment for atopic dermatitis in children: Instructions

Atopic dermatitis is often the result of diathesis in children. Rashes with this ailment can appear throughout the body and cause severe itching.

This disease is often chronic and is a consequence of allergies to dairy and fish product, sweets. It can also occur due to dust, wool, tobacco smoke.

With this type of dermatitis, even after the exclusion of the allergen, the residual phenomena of the disease remain for a long period of time. It is zinc ointment that promotes rapid healing.

Ointment for atopic dermatitis should be used
Ointment for atopic dermatitis should be used

But if the child’s skin is already too dry, it is not advisable to use this tool, since dryness will become even larger. Every day it is necessary to smear the affected areas of ointment, the procedure needs to be repeated every 3-4 hours.

It is important to understand that atopic dermatitis is not only rashes and inflammation on the skin, but also the disease of the whole organism. You should not only exclude possible allergens, but also take the drugs that the doctor will ascribe. In addition, the use of vitamins is also a positive aspect of treatment.

Zinc ointment from herpes in children

Herpes is a viral infection. And even if the zinc ointment does not have an antiviral effect, its use extremely positively affects the course of the disease. And all because:

  • After using the ointment, the work of substances stops that contribute to the manifestation of redness and swelling.
  • The ointment kills viral bacteria that contribute to suppuration of the wound.
  • Zinc is better and faster than any components dry the skin, therefore it is especially valuable with herpes. After all, it is thanks to this ointment that it becomes less noticeable and heals faster.
Ointment helps to cope with herpes
Ointment helps to cope with herpes

Use this ointment to cure the child herpes as follows:

  • Apply every hour to herpes a baby a little ointment with a cotton swab. Try not to touch the skin nearby, so as not to contribute to excessive overdrying.
  • For the best effect, you can mix the ointment with herprevir and apply it hourly in the early days, and every 4 hours until the ailment leaves.

Do not apply the ointment in any combination of the mucous membrane, this can lead to a burn.

Zinc ointment from diathesis for children and infants

Children's skin is very delicate and very often the parents of the kids face such an unpleasant problem as diathesis. Some mothers do not particularly attach importance to the reddened cheeks of the baby. But it is important to understand that diathesis is an allergic reaction of the child to a particular product, or household aspect (dust, wool, etc.).

And if you do not understand the cause in time, then it can lead to various types of dermatitis or eczema. Therefore, it is important not only to cure the symptoms, but also to understand the cause of redness and itching.

The diathesis can be recognized by such symptoms:

  • Red cheeks
  • Skewers on the skin of gray-brown color on a number or crown
  • Peeling in the scalp
  • Diaper rash
  • Fullness of the face
  • Diarrhea
  • Relief language
  • ENT inflammation

In addition to the fact that the child needs to be put on a strict diet - give preference to cereals, salads, vegetable casserole, you need to choose the right treatment for a small patient.

Ointment can be used to treat diathesis symptoms
Ointment can be used to treat diathesis symptoms

The use of zinc ointment facilitates the course of the disease. Therefore, many pediatricians advise using the drug. And all due to harmlessness and high effectiveness of the drug.

Apply for diathesis as follows:

  • Conduct hygienic procedures to the baby.
  • Mix in equal proportions an ointment with baby cream. This is done so that after applying the product to the face, the baby’s skin does not dry out too much.
  • Apply ointment with a thin layer to the skin affected by the diathesis 3-5 r per day.
  • With severe damage, the layer should be thicker.

Zinc ointment from irritation in children

Most often, the baby’s irritation happens from diapers. Such symptoms even have the name diaper dermatitis. Modern pharmacology offers a lot of sprinkles and gels, but they are all quite expensive. But the zinc ointment that our grandmothers also used, as before, has an amazing effect and costs a penny.

Such an ointment is useful for irritations in a child, because:

  • Promotes to reduce inflammation
  • It has a drying effect
  • It has an antiseptic property
  • Helps to remove harmful substances from the skin

If irritation is caused by diaper dermatitis, then the affected places should be smeared up to 6 times a day. It is advisable to change the diaper more often and also, if irritation is in folds on the legs, lubricate under the diaper.

Zinc ointment
Zinc ointment from irritation

After 3-5 days you will see noticeable results. You can use the ointment as a preventive measure for about 2-3 days. But do not use the product for more than a month. Also do not forget about the baby’s regular hygiene.

Zinc ointment for streptoderma in children

This disease in children is formed during the activation of streptococci. Most often she overcome boys. Pink rounded rashes appear on the skin. Also, rashes can hurt and peel off.

If this ailment is not treated, then it will pass in 10-14 days. With proper treatment - in a couple of days.

The best tool for treating the disease is balms and ointments. Since they are able to stop the activity of streptococci and restore the skin.

Zinc ointment from streptoderma in children
Zinc ointment from streptoderma in children

There are also drugs for oral administration, but due to the presence of penicillin in their composition, they are poorly absorbed by the body. Therefore, the best option for treatment is the ointment.

Streptococci absolutely cannot tolerate zinc -containing drugs and the main component itself. Therefore, it is zinc ointment that is most often prescribed by dermatologists to treat this disease.

For treatment, it is necessary to apply the ointment with a thin layer and repeat the procedure per day 6 times. If the zinc ointment is in combination with levomecytin, then the effect will be doubly more effective.

Zinc ointment from lichen in children

Treatment of deprivation in a child should take place after examination with a doctor and only according to the drugs prescribed by him. But to facilitate the course of the disease and the speedy recovery, it is necessary to smear the skin of the baby, where the ailment is found with zinc ointment 6 times a day. It will not only stop the development of the disease and the expansion of the lesion, but also reduce the sense of discomfort.

Zinc ointment from pinworms to children

Disarming is the most common type of helminths that affects the human body. And this parasite overcomes children even more often than adults.

Helminants lay eggs in the anus folds. And, surprisingly, it is zinc ointment that can save babies and older children from this ailment. Also, the drug is able to prevent a second disease.

If you have several children and you found the pinworms in one of them, then you need to lubricate the anus to all children. It is necessary to conduct treatment twice a day daily for 3 weeks.

Regular use of the ointment contributes to the complete elimination of parasites from the body of the child. In addition, during treatment, it is necessary to adhere to a diet that contributes to the good motility of the baby's intestines.

Tractors die from the use of zinc ointment
Tractors die from the use of zinc ointment

Do not forget about the right hygiene:

  • After you wash the child with pinworms, your hands must be thoroughly washed so as not to repeat the re -infection.
  • If you have several young children, then you need to wash your hands after washing each child in order to prevent an infection of a healthy baby.
  • Bed linen of a child who has helminths found should not only be washed, but also ironed on both sides.

Zinc ointment from allergies for children

Treatment of allergies in a child should take place after examination with a doctor and only according to the drugs prescribed by him. In addition, it is important to find out and exclude the cause of allergies.

But to facilitate the course of the disease and the speedy recovery, it is necessary to smear the skin of the baby, where redness and peeling from allergies with zinc ointment are revealed 4-5 times a day. It will not only stop the development of the disease and the expansion of the lesion, but also reduce the sense of discomfort.

Zinc ointment from mosquito bites for children

If your child is bitten by an insect, such measures should be taken:

  • Make sure that the child does not scratch the place of the bite, since this will not only increase the itching, but can also lead to the infection. Try to put things with a long sleeve, pants or socks on a child.
  • Apply zinc ointment to the places of bites three times a day. You can use a cotton swab, let the ointments absorb. Make sure that the ointment does not get on the mucous membrane.
  • To reduce itching, also use ice wrapped in a towel. Such a compress can be kept for about 20 minutes.
Use ointment for mosquitoes
Use ointment for mosquitoes

Treatment of sweating in children with zinc ointment

Picking is a rash that can most often be found in the folds of the baby’s skin - in the bends of the arms and legs, as well as on the neck and in the hair.

A frequent cause of such a rash is the excessive care of the parents who pour the child in warm clothes in order to prevent hypothermia. From this, the child swears and this ailment appears. Picking also occurs due to improper hygiene.

With mild symptoms, sweating from it can be delivered by baths with a nut or excluding the cause of the appearance of a rash. But in severe form, the doctor prescribes ointments for the treatment of the disease.

The simplest and most effective way of treating the sweating is zinc ointment that relieves itching and inflammation. Apply the product 6 r per day.

When driving, use zinc ointment
When driving, use zinc ointment

Preventive measures that can avoid the appearance of the Pretchet are:

  • Non -admission of overheating of the baby
  • The exception of the use of diapers in the summer, because a kind of greenhouse effect is obtained.
  • Removing from the wardrobe of the baby of synthetic things that do not allow the skin of the baby to breathe.
  • Regular hygiene procedures, especially in summer. Try to wash the child after each emptying.
  • Protect the room regularly and arrange air baths to the child.

As you can see, zinc ointment is extremely necessary in the first -aid kit of young parents. The low price and high efficiency of the product clearly suggests that the product is extremely necessary for the treatment of certain diseases that can overcome the baby.

Video: Treatment of diaper rash in children with zinc ointment

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