A rash on the palms and feet of a child: causes, methods of treatment. How does the rash on the palms and feet of a child with chickenpox, enterovirus, coksaki, measles?

A rash on the palms and feet of a child: causes, methods of treatment. How does the rash on the palms and feet of a child with chickenpox, enterovirus, coksaki, measles?

The causes and methods of treating a rash on the palms of the feet of a child.

Children are the most beloved little men who are very expensive for adults. That is why any concern from the babies becomes the reason for the lack of sleep of their parents. In this article we will talk about the reasons for the appearance of a rash on the palms and feet. 

A rash on the palms and feet of a child: views

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the nature of the rash. Rashes are of various etiologies, and also differ in appearance.

Types of rash on the palms and feet of a child:

  • Pustules 
  • Papules 
  • Blisters 
  • Bubbles 
  • Spots 

All these rashes are distinguished by the contents, as well as the appearance. Very often in children, red spots or small blisters of red color, which are called urticaria, appear on the palms. Most often, such rashes are associated with an allergic reaction. Usually the urticaria passes from several hours to several days. 

Rash on the feet of a child
Rash on the feet of a child

Raw on the palms and feet of a child: Reasons

Actually rash- this is Not a disease at all, but a symptom of a serious ailment. It can be caused by several reasons.

A rash on the palms and feet of a child, reasons:

  • Infection 
  • Allergy 
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system 
  • Skin pathologies 

Depending on the pathogen, the types of rash are also different. Most often, the doctor evaluates not only the picture of manifestations and the symptom itself, but also the accompanying signs of the disease.

Raw on the palms
Raw on the palms

Why did the temperature appear, the rash on the palms and feet of the child?

Typically, a rash on the palms and feet occurs during infection with an infectious disease. Among them, the following can be distinguished.

Causes of temperature, rash on the palms and feet of the child: 

  • Measles. This is a dangerous infectious disease from which vaccination is now carried out. Indeed, flashes of measles have become more frequent recently, so vaccines are made to everyone in clinics. The disease is manifested in the form of a rash on the palms, legs, calves, as well as hands. After that, temperature, sore throat and redness appear. This disease affects immunity, reducing it. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the disease than to engage in its treatment. 
  • Rubella. This is a viral disease caused by Togavirus. The disease manifests itself acutely and has vivid symptoms. On the first day, the temperature rises to 39 degrees, as a result of which a red rash appears. The disease is also difficult to tolerate children and can cause a lot of complications. The main means of protection is vaccination. Now in Russia they are vaccinated by the measles-red-dramatitis, during which weakened cells of viruses in the child's body are driven. 
  • Scarlet fever - Also infectious diseases, but its nature is different. The causative agent is streptococcus, not viruses. At the initial stage, the child begins to hurt, there may be chills and the temperature to 39 degrees may increase. A little later, a rash appears on the arms and legs, which then very quickly spread throughout the body, in the abdomen, as well as faces. Since the main pathogen of the disease is streptococcus, it is necessary for the child to give antibiotics to overcome the disease. It can give a complication on the heart of the kidney if you do not follow all the doctor's recommendations.  
Raw on the legs
Raw on the legs

Enterovirus: rash on the palms and feet

Usually, preschool children are subject to this disease.

Enterovirus, rash on the palms and feet, symptoms:

  • There may be an increase in temperature, and the appearance of red spots in the feet, as well as palms.
  • A little later, literally after one or two days, such rashes can simply disappear. Temperatures may not be observed.
  • Therefore, very often parents do not even suspect that this is an enterovirus infection, and give the child antihistamines. 

Why does the rash appear with bubbles on the palms and feet of the child?

The most common cause of the presence of a rash in the palms, as well as the feet, is nothing more than an allergic reaction. Usually it manifests itself in children in infancy, up to three years. Therefore, it is recommended to wash all things with hypoallergenic powder, and do not use flavorings.

Why does the rash appear with bubbles on the palms and feet of the child:

  • The child may have allergies to food products, even if the mother feeds the baby with his chest. This is due to the fact that part of the dyes, as well as nutrients from food products, falls into breast milk, thereby causing food allergies.
  • Please note that if you recently gave the child medications, treatment has undergone, then allergies to some antibiotics, vitamins, as well as antiviral drugs may occur.
  • An allergy can manifest itself to any medicine, regardless of the age of the child and the treatment of a particular ailment. Therefore, if the rash appeared a few days after taking the drugs, it is worth suspecting medicinal allergies. 
Temperature and rash in a child
Temperature and rash in a child

Chickenpox: rash on the palms and feet of a child

Please note that if in the garden or at school quarantine, and the child has small pimples in the hands of the hands, face, as well as the tummy, most likely, the baby picked up the ailment. More about the manifestations of the disease and methods of treating chickenpox is fashionable to find here

Chickenpox, rash on the palms and feet of the child:

  • The ailment is caused by the herpes virus, so the course depends on the immunity of the baby.
  • In the first stages, the disease can be characterized by an increase in temperature, as well as malaise.
  • After that, rashes appear. First, they are stationed on the palms and calves, then they spread throughout the body.
  • It manifests itself in the form of bubbles filled with liquid, which burst.
Chickenpox in a child
Chickenpox in a child

Koksaki virus: a rash on the palms and feet - how to distinguish from chickenpox?

The ailment is often called "Hand, leg, mouth." It is on the flexion surfaces of the arms and legs that the first manifestations of the rash appear. Then rashes appear in the mouth.

Coksaki virus, rash on the palms and feet:

  • It is difficult to distinguish the virus from chickenpox, due to similar rashes. They resemble bubbles filled with liquid.
  • Often parents think that the child was ill with chickenpox in the second circle, but this is not so.
  • The Koksaki virus has several differences. Bubbles are distinguished by a dense crust and may not burst.
  • Often they dry out with the formation of peeling areas.
Koksaki virus
Koksaki virus

Why does an allergic rash on the palms and feet itch?

Often the rash appears after the child walked in the grass, went to the sea or rested in the park. The fact is that the rashes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe palms, as well as the feet can cause pollen, which is a strong allergen.

Why an allergic rash on the palms and feet itches:

  • In the grass there are insects, bites, which are toxic for the child's body.
  • Insects are really capable of provoking the appearance of a rash, red bubbles or spots in places of a bite and nearby.
  • This is due to the possible allergic reaction of the child to bites. Read more about the tools for the treatment of insect bites, you can find out here. 
  • Dermatologists often bind the rash on the feet with food allergies to dairy products, as well as egg yolk. It is believed that the food allergy, which is caused by other products, is manifested on certain parts of the body.
  • Often, a rash on the feet can appear due to allergies to dog, cat hair, dust, as well as pollen. These are the main causes of rashes on the feet in children.
  • This is due to the fact that it is on the floor that the particles of allergens are located. Therefore, if you recently opened the animal, and the child has a strange rash, it is necessary to suspect allergies to wool.  
Raw on the feet
Raw on the feet

How to treat a rash on the palms and feet of a child?

First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the source, that is, a specific disease. As indicated above, rash- this is Just a symptom that indicates a specific ailment.

How to treat a rash on the palms and feet of a child:

  • Therefore, pay attention to the concomitant symptoms, such as temperature, nasal congestion, discharge, cough, vomiting or diarrhea is possible. All these additional symptoms will help the doctor determine the disease.
  • If you associate the appearance of a rash with an allergic reaction, you can use antihistamines. If you do not want to stuff your child with tablets and syrup from allergies, you can use local products. The most effective isFenistil pencivir.
  • This is a gel -like remedy that is completely transparent and colorless. It is well absorbed, made on a water -based, so it does not form on the surface of a fat film, does not leave traces on clothes. 
  • You can cope with rashes, if it is an allergy, in just a few days. Often use drugs with glucocorticosteroids. They are applicable if severe redness is observed in the rash area, irritation and it itches.
A rash on the hands
A rash on the hands

The rash on the palms and feet itches: what is it?

Please note that often itching in the rash area is associated with the scabies that require narrow and specific treatment. Therefore, drugs based on antihistamines will not help and will be ineffective. 

Another reason for the appearance of a rash on the palms is atopic dermatitis and eczema. Indeed, with dermatitisthe rash on the palms and feet itches, covered with crusts, peels off. Most often, the nature of such rashes in an allergic reaction, as well as intestinal diseases.

The approach to the treatment of atopic dermatitis is special, it includes the use of emolets that moisturize the skin, preventing the evaporation of moisture. Therapy includes the intake of the absorbent, as well as vitamins to establish the intestines. An ideal option will be lactiala, lactovite or Linex. 

Raw on the palms
Raw on the palms

Please note that all the rashes that are associated with bacteria lesions requires antibiotic treatment. Therefore, antiviral agents, as well as antihistamines are ineffective.

Video: How to determine the cause of the rash on the arms and legs of the child?

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