The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" in a new way is the best selection for adults

The fairy tale

Interesting fairy tales-transfers about “Koshchei Immortal” are a large selection of options in a new way.

The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" in a new way is an interesting alteration for adults

The tale of Koschey Immortal in a new way
The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" in a new way is an interesting alteration for adults

The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" in a new way is an interesting alteration for adults:

Koschey immortal was a dignity
I dressed a figure in fashion
And sometimes it was so funny!
He fought for five thousand years
In his immortality frolic
He commanded pirates
And those who have lost their way.
So slowly put together
His golden -digit capiter
And all the "skewed" harmed
And he pretended to be a monastery.
And suddenly "praising under his tail":
I decided to marry.
And certainly, to - in the post
And certainly, that - a girl!

Conducted about that - yaga
I decided to play a cruel joke:
With such a lovely leg
Go for a match for a minute
Koshcheya Zlato beckoned her
And the passion in Yagush
I decided a thousand years old
To come up with his power over him!
But how to hit the immortal?
What to come up with a cunning move?
I don't want to substitute myself
He is smart, he will immediately understand everything.
And about the "weakness" Koshchei
All the people know from fairy tales
They are said to have no
Nothing Koshchei will kill!

True, there is such a fairy tale
What a distant land ...
I decided to take it as a hint
Yaga has ripened - a goal!
If you believe this fairy tale
There Ivan the chest broke
Only there is no one to check:
Wound nevertheless, or killed?
If he killed, from where?
There is so much evil in this world?
Judas died a long time ago
And where is that needle?

And Yaga realized
I took intuition
After all, the needle is not awl at all
The one -time one was known
Hundreds of years yaga men
Poisoned to death
And half a century heroin
They introduced them with injection
Strong men died
Suddened by Anashi
That's why the witch was lucky-
I easily created evil!

And she dawned on her here:
"The death of Koshchei - on the needle"
It was necessary - it was with him to ride
And I'm a fool - on a broomstick!
She can't occupy her experience
Life to humanize
The death of Yaga began to be afraid
And hesitated to meet her
Without finding a simple
The Dracula walks empty
I did not find natural
I switched to the substitute.
Give Yaga for another half a century -
Destroy a person!
Ball Rules - she
The best friend to her is Satan!
Only Koschey Yaga did not give up
At least not hid at all
No one will win him
The bandit was unbelted.

I loved to have fun!
Human to eat
Russian vodka get drunk
And play bone
Whatever - Yaga appeared
In a new mortar
A stylish matchmaker pretended to be:
“There is a virgin - blood with milk!
You, Koschey, the bridegroom enviable
Only you know you are not all
Girls love to see
There were muscles, then ...
Let's hire the coach
Anaboliki will
You will quickly pick up the mass
You will take a girl to marry.
So she will love you
It will kiss the cancelain
Will be true to his wife
Very affectionate with you! "

And Koschey on the speech - pecked
I spat three times over my shoulder
The brush gave a bony
His verdict - signed!
He believed her naive
In anticipation of love
Accepted the dose of heroin ...
And ... fantasies went!
So for two months "treated"
"Anaboliki" introduced
In the third month ... so to the environment
Koschey himself crawled to the yaga ...
How the autumn sheet is trembling
Not entering, already shouting:
“Ah, you're an old broom
About the girl lied?
I found a story
What are you brewing from?

You say anabolik?
And for me, so-hashish
Last time on name day
The coach has fallen heroin
Your anabolics -
Almost brought into the grave
And such glitches came out -
Fred Klier is resting
Even took for the girl
Shemokhan queen!
She is still a witch -
Laughed up to be added! ”

“That you shout at such an early!
Here you are not shemohan!
Did you get sick of death?
Speak to speak!
If you meet her
Let's go away, that's all.
Graduated - take yours!
You are immortal, e-mine. "
That's the joy of Yagushka-
Koschey himself fell into a trap!
It is b, a new broom,
And Koshchek - on the needle!
And Yaga is here - laugh
Bone foot - knock
To Zlata-Service now
The door is forever open!

So Koshchi disappeared quietly
In the overwork of heroin
After all, it is not for nothing that that needle -
It was disposable!
“A fairy tale is a lie ...
Yes, in it - a hint ...
Good fellows - a lesson!»

Tales in a new way about "Koshchei Immortal" converted

Tales in a new way about Koshchei immortal remade
Tales in a new way about "Koshchei Immortal" converted

Tales in a new way about "Koshchei Immortal" redone:

I'll tell you guys withkazochka in verses,
Like Koshchei that the immortal turned to dust!
Lived and was Koschey immortal very far,
He did not like to eat porridge, also milk!

He was his own family
The rich world was known
From the fact that there was one
Often he was sad!

Traveled around the world
He was everywhere.
On the opposite on the way
I looked at the Yaga!

The news will tell him
Grandma Yaga,
About Elena and Vasilis
About Vanka fool!

Will fly to Koschey again
For three nine lands,
And Yaga will give gifts
And in addition to hops!

Once flew in
He is his own to the kingdom,
And he thought something
About your life!

Tired of many years
Lonely to be
I wanted to get married
And live with his wife!

And decided to take his wife to himself
Somewhere in people.
I dreamed about love about love
Like swans!

Praising himself
I went to the world to people
In a very poor village,
I found a beauty!

Her name was everyone Elena
Everyone was sweet
But she loved very much
Vanka is a fool!

I looked at that Koschey
Just don't take it ...
We must deceive Vanka
And Elena Bright!

He is meanness
There was a cunning
He waited for the dark
Behind the girl crept up
And dragged into the bushes.

And in the bushes for a long time
Waiting for them
Carpet like a plane,
He easily climbed into the sky
Having made a flight!

We got very quickly
To his palace
And at the table was putting her,
Offered Vincets!

But Elena is beautiful,
The girl is modest
Except Vanya, she does not need
Another groom!

And I thought Koschey here
Time will pass
Vanka will forget his own
And then he will understand!

But our Koschey was mistaken,
The brains have dried up!
Vanka is in the village,
Washing from longing!

And then he got on the road
And went through the forest.
It went for many days and nights
I saw miracles!

And the hut stirred,
Suddenly spun ...
Windows appeared, doors
And the leisure is ready!

Grandma, Vanya calls
And he sits at the table,
Puts, feeds, appeals
Says a secret!

Like Koshchei lime
Tired of the scoundrel!
Not to take Elena to him
Under the holy crown!

Equipping the road on the road
And brushing off a tear
Gave Vanya three glomeruli,
Sharp needle!

And knowing the puffs of the road
They brought to the castle
And the beautiful Elena
They found in the turret!

As I learned about that Koschey
I ran into the tower
Out of breath on the go
He said to Vanka-

Do not shake with a sharp needle
What Yaga gave!
Her shelf life has expired,
The power is all left!

Vanya did not believe him
I broke a needle ....
In this moment of Koschey
On the ground, dead fell!

That's the end of the fairy tale
Thank you!
I was at the wedding
At a big feast!

He is looking forward to his death.
She doesn’t go to Koshchei.
- Well, where is the hero or knight in Russia
Living, lifting? Well, where are you? Find it!
Find on the island of oak and chest,
They have a hare and a duck. Keep in mind,
What a egg is in a duck, and a needle is in the egg.
Break the end of the needle on the needle.
Well, what should you cross the ocean,
Find the fabulous island of Buyan then,
Break the needle - and then by order
The immortal Koschey will find his death at once!

Goes for advice to Yaga, and Yaga
Lives not far away, in two or three steps.
- Listen, Yaga! I came for advice.
I want to say goodbye forever with white light.

For a long time I gave ads to newspapers,
But only in vain I waited, waited!
“Well, what did you come up with, Koschey, God with you!
For a long time you consulted with Yagoy!

Nobody will read those newspapers -
Neither kind people, nor a killer, nor tape.
There is no desire to read the newspapers from them,
Since they crawl for days on the Internet.

So I will give you good advice:
Went as soon as possible, Koschey, on the Internet,
What you want to death, your announcement,
And also promise reward. ”

- How much? Thousand rubles? “What are you! Million,
And euro! " Submarked by Koschey sorrowful moan:
- For a long time, my nerves have been shaken!
Where to get a million, think, bitch!

“How many years have you lived, but you won’t understand:
You won’t take wealth to the grave!
Million Promise, you are a killer for a thousand
At least wait a hundred years, you will never find!

Now there is a crisis in the world, and prices are rising.
In your basements, more than one pood is hidden,
And many hundreds of pounds are golden.
Decide, Koschey, misconduct!

Since it baked, and there is no desire
Live further, rather write on the Internet
And there promise a million euros il Zlato
You are for the deliverance from life in payment! "

Having got off, so he did everything to Koschey -
And again he is waiting for his death by his fast ...
Perhaps there is a killer, I don't know
But I read the news on the Internet.

Did Yaga's advice help help?
I have not met yet an obituary,
Therefore, I do not dare to say firmly,
That nevertheless came to the end of life by Koshchei!

The immortal Koschey lived in his palace,
It was at enmity with Baba Yaga, then he was friends.
There was that woman Yaga for Koshchei,
As a memory of the past, always a road!

I have long gone into the non -existence of the antiquity,
Others have come in the country.
Sits in the palace of Koschey, thinking: “Let,
What wants, then sinful Russia does!

Now it is not known who the coward, who is the hero,
And the first is often surrendered by the second!
I can't understand modern things,
Yes, and do not always understand the yagu!

She lives like a fish in water:
I abandoned my stupa and drives everywhere -
The old grandmother is cunningly behaving
And she drives everywhere on the subway

Is free. And they give her a pension,
They also promise to send to a shelter,
Or the so -called senile house ...
But certificates are needed - they get it with difficulty, -

That there is no old Rodney.
They take those who were left there.
He will achieve a rogue and will live there! ..
And I alone will have to bother here,

Nobody will weld me borscht or haze! ” -
Sits, getting sad, old Koschey
And he thinks: “I would give, at least to anyone,
Wealth, so as not to live alone! "

The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" is an alteration for adults "Expensified groom"

The tale of Koschey Immortal - alteration for adults Expensible groom
The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" is an alteration for adults "Expensified groom"

The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" - alteration for adults "Expensity":

Once he wanted Koschey-Besserial
Wife ... obsessively, immensely!
But what to do, since grandfather
Have all the bones of the wind already blown?

Walked, thunder moslavi loudly,
Kolchuaga sprouted very loudly,
Real Klyachi was decrepit
The basin of the dash will not help!

What to do with this soup set?
Here you can’t even cook the jerky!
And the wings of Koschey with his “device” -
One hundred years ago, the "battles" of the fellow!

Again, depression, fatigue.
What girls? Oksty!
Shut away at least a little in a bunch
And taking the ass in his hands, crawl to the bath!

And so that Syak watched Smorah, sighing,
And he strained the muscle at the mirror standing,
But the mice were neighing, with laughter I am,
And laughed like a horse, even me!

But we will be tolerant to grandfather,
After all, he shone with the manners gallantly,
And despite the fact that it was part, farting,
Were! Then if not joking.

However, as it is far from the people,
Desire above the sandwich,
If you want to find Divchina,
Strive up and be a man!

The inflatable press will definitely not help here,
Yes, even Zhenya Plushenko will not be able to,
Skates of the lady in a moment charm,
And to win a medal!

And at this time the same lonely soul ...

Sits "Divchina" at the furnace,
And eats honey kalachi,
But the female fate did not develop -
There is no man nearby!

Yagusya - a woman in a sight for sore eyes!
And the skin is just admiring!
Moss poured, well, like a plaster,
And a thousand years how the skin was fighting!

In short, listener: longing, sadness,
Are you very sorry for the grandmother?
Yes, and Yaga felt sorry for herself!
Like a berry! Of course from Gucci - stylish!

But where to find a good man,
Which would shake off the web
Having struck a greedily sweet candy,
Forcing you to sweat a yagu-a-bed!

The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" for adults - from the diary of Koshchei

The tale of Koschey Immortal for adults - from the diary of Koshchei
The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" for adults - from the diary of Koshchei

The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" for adults - from the Koshchei diary:

“He talked the day before with the three -headed -
Green snakes phoned my mobile phone,
Said: “Your moped will be ready for the environment,
You can saddle your dead Harley! "

Here, a bastard! Tipped off on the maintenance,
Crap! Containing Harley is not from boredom!
Well, wait, the green bureaucrat,
I will sell gasoline more than a hundred times!

In the morning, Leshy called me,
It looks like he was ku-ku, he moved off the reels,
Drive the rocket-tomagavk two pairs-
I bought all the Canaries on the wholesale. "

So, refueling the “Konik” of the dashing,
In the morning he turned on Megadeth,
The ruler of the iron! Dead living!
He creaked with a joint on Moto barely climbed ...

The path lay through the councils of the mountain,
Green wonderful open spaces
And he drove like that - people trembled,
And with fear they were imbued with turmoil!

What to do? He knew, of course, a rogue!
So, it's not at all bad at all,
Yaga Karkas promised to patch up
Yes, to give it to the rampages!

Then a dark edge appeared,
There is a hut on it on it,
Smoke smoke and crooked raven,
In short, there are not enough orcs, like Sauron.

Iron horse gas is sipping,
Koschey kosukha with pants patchs an hour,
Swing and wiped his legs,
Stomping on Babkin threshold.

-A hut-hut,
Don't go to Magomed
And turn to grandfather!

I went in a free gait:
- Well, you are a cool! -
Yaga glowed like a lantern, satisfied:
- and again arrived in a hurry,
Do you want to treat the mouse salad?

- Yaga! I'm glad to hug you, see
But how would it be ... not to offend ...
I arrived exclusively in the case,
I download my muscle with a benefit for the body!

- Where to rush to you, Koshchkoko?
Duc is no worse than a gait!
We will relax in the sauna a little ...
You get a mortal body from the path!

- Yaga, finish your lyamurs,
I am watching! And I know - you are not a fool!
You completely sunk in the first class,
And how they expelled me, yearned for years!

Yes, by the way, last time,
He said: “I am yank, I'm passing!”
Viagra sovered me
I loved the roosters all night!

Do not spoil my nerves grandmother-hedgehog,
All your nature - nesting doll!
Now the program has tea and buns,
After a minute, "change their clubs."

-Eh, you are Koschey, well, just oh oh,
This is tousled?
Was it not good together?
Today we are already two hundred!

There is something to remember at leisure
I do not green from boredom
Suffering suffering, female torment -
Not on the shoulder life of me in separation!

- Yes, ugh! - cried out, the right word!
- Your Baida is ready?
The necessary roots are in place?
To make a welding!

- Do not boil, bony vegetable!
I don't need your help here!
Let's see your body,
You undress, tea, not alien.

- Figa for yourself! - the old woman whistled.
- For a thousand years, a skull became peeled!
Your body seems to be a thread
And you yell "let's get married!"

- Well, I want! - He blurted out tearfully,
Still like a child, a dwelling.
- But I want! - recovering, cried out,
Runned, swearing and grumbled.

-Quiet, quiet, my good!
Yes, Malek did not come out an erysipelas
And, after thinking, give me an answer
Is there what Ali is there already?

So Koschey, be a man,
She hurried to her with an answer
He threw off the grates of the armor in a moment,
Haru proudly threw up to the sky,
Presented membership in the State Duma,
Denominating "Ah, bliss!"

A little walking around,
Having toptered his leg,
With a sigh gave him
Truth-uterus therefore:

- Do not laugh, Koshcheyushka, old woman
You take this rattle under the armor,
Don't forget to refuel the egg,
The second was dangled under the porch!

Here, a hammer! Now I will say, iron.
Who are you, one -tier, need useless?
You are always disgusted to Luda,
And you "I want a wife and wash the dishes!"

In fact, you are a contract score,
Rogue, sinking and loafer,
In short, the evil oligarch,
The sorcerer, the talker and the rolled monarch!

For these matters they were found by Ivan-Durak,
Which served in the FSB - without a bark!
Ivashka walked dreary sergeant,
He can catch someone to drop off to the shoulder strap
Then he did not be an amateur,
Like a bonus of regali-scratching a car!

But not lucky, a shirt-party,
He was scanty on his brains, mediocre
Throughout his career - a small bipod,
Ate water, and even then a holey spoon.

- Ah, you, Koschey! - He overheard the conversation
Sitting in the darkness of the night, "Gray ears",
- On our girls did not put his eyes ...
How I will teach you now!

Vanyusha cleared the "chatter" Sporo,
I pressed the radio, preparing for the conversation ...
However, yok ... and in the head of Ivan,
Thinking like a hammer knocked on a minted.

“Kohl, Vanya, you will call me a help,
You will get into big ...
The bosses of the laurel will assign everything
No reinforcement, not worth it! "

- We'll have to take force alone!
The enemy can push under the snag,
But what can you do, ku medals
So I want, although they have not yet been given!

Vanyasha's hands with clay rubs
And the dirt rubs the dirt into the shaved snout,
Shotgan checked, a knife in a case,
Grenades with a ligament on the belt,
Kolchans in the gathering, next to arrows,
Cartridges in the cloth like they are intact
After all, the FSB is almost "commandero",
And not the toe of pseudo -bands!

But, here's a run, a supra -pose breathing,
... Usane Bolt flooded with tears ...
Whistle of wind, courage, the spirit of the surge,
Ivan breaks the door - Chord:

- Well, stand, an egg to the wall!
Come on without tricks here ...
Granny, hands on the table!
No luck to you!

And on his chest mighty
One medal shone in a bunch!
Regaliy uh, yes three times a veteran,
Our Vanyasha is now "Polkan"!

Koshchei for evil habits
For a long time they excommunicated from the "strawberry",
The rally in the jail was treated to
Yes, with the thought of Divchin, everything was forgiven.

Yaga for substances and potions
Sent away by the gate
Bags and robes
In the witch's colony.
Kohl itching some kind of garbage
I will say this for Koshcheev this:
Do not do evil, take care of yourself
Cheshi, Koschey, garbage manually!

A fairy tale for adults on "Koschey Immortal and Baba Yaga" - cool alteration

A fairy tale for adults on Koschey Immortal and Baba Yaga - cool alteration
A fairy tale for adults on "Koschey Immortal and Baba Yaga" - cool alteration

A fairy tale for adults on "Koschey Immortal and Baba Yaga" - cool alteration:

Baba Yaga
Where are you going?
Soon, my friend, lunch.
Ironged! Look by the skeleton
Bowing and throw this light!
And if you have a place for you
Hell has long burned down to the ground
They will not be allowed to heaven, it is known there
Everyone about all your business ...

Well now hell is
If the one was burned?
I don’t need there,
For Blazir B, he looked.
I would be in paradise, where the garden is, where are the groves,
Where are the paths along the pond,
Where from girls in the middle of the night
Naked, water splashes ...
That's where I see a place
Fasten in paradise
Girl, I wound her heart,
To lie down next to it ...
And now I'm going to the bathhouse,
I’ll shake it there, I'll get a cut
And, you look, I will become younger,
I will be attracted ...

Baba Yaga
Yes, you have half a hack
Hair Skull poverty,
Like the body of the body smell
There is no miserable pimple ...
Wait, because you are the other day
Read three days ago,
I ran to the bathhouse at the time
And today you scratch the ass ...
Added to her, whether or,
It was already back in the evening ...
He feels his heart, Palai-Yeli,
That all this is not good.
Wait! I know the remedy
How to see, yes take
We trouble. I will guess.
You, Koshcheyushka, I'm sorry ...
Evon, as he was dressed up,
Broat, hat and briefcase
And for some reason he pouted
Shiprom, you smell like a truffle.
Wait as before, or by night?
That you are silent, say!
Then look and don't want to
Collapse to dawn ...

Imagine how much dirt
I have accumulated over the years
And at a time you will wash off ...
Scrap, scrap - the light is not sweet.
I soaked the ribs first,
List, all in the field
Dragged his hands like shafts
The cart on the sleigh is squeezing ...

Baba Yaga
What's the nails like claws
I see dirt behind the nails,
You could not know her to remove her ...

So I did not tear off.
After all, you do not do everything right away
Here is patience, and not suddenly:
Not healed her, infection,
It was not in the bathhouse.
Here the washcloth is bad
You need to get a new one,
It is evident that it is short
To scratch your back ...

Baba Yaga
Why do you take a broom,
Is he there at what business?

I whip my knees with a broom,
Lower back, ass and groin ...
And then I saw better
Venik is the top of the male dream.
Who from the bore of the weeping
The broom knit. BUT? Not you?
From him and there is little sense -
So, the name is one,
Quickly all the foliage of opal,
Well, and the branches shit ...
Took another, and the sheet is rough,
Branches with a finger thick ...

Baba Yaga
The floor of revenge I knitted them,
And not take with you to the bathhouse ...
Wait for you from the bath?
Will I wait for the answer
You would have said about it in advance ...

I'm not fifteen years old ...
Friendship I, of course, is connected
Though a complete orphan,
Is not obliged to report
Where, in what places I was.
Wish me with "with a light steam",
Yes, go to bed, go to bed
I'm not so old
Life just started again.

Baba Yaga
I'll see that in my "TV",
Chan with a potion of cooking,
At least programs, let's say, a minuscule,
I watch them every day.
And today is behind Koshchei
I want to watch
And what a fairy in the bathhouse
Presents grace.
I see how transformed
My Koschey became like a rooster:
Closed, finished off -
I already thought it was blown up ...
Take a look at the vat with water,
My decoction boils ...
He walks naked himself
My Koschey, what a nightmare! ..
Look, men
They also sit naked,
Gangs, water is poured in them -
This is the bathhouse exactly ...
Well, he walks with a gang,
Places are full of empty around.
Give him the best ...
I will be liked, why would it be?
BUT! A place near the wall! ..
True, busy, but here
That man washed off the foam from the shop
Gathering, gets up ...
My Koschey is already on the shop
Soap, a broom put,
A gang, put forward a stand
He sat down, they say, the bench "scored" ...
The washcloth is washed with soap
Water gurgles in a gang,
A look at the wall ... Come on, Dike,
I'll look there too.
The click is seen on the wall,
Little, or what is the Sychech here?
Let me remove the foam from the decoction.
God you are, there is a hole here!
Increased with a hole
In the wall, a slot of five every five:
I see three naked women,
There are still standing, sitting
Someone washes a kid
Who is erasing the bodice,
In the gang of another diaper,
I see the full and thin ...
And Koschey rested against the wall
The gaze cannot tear off ...
Well, you will get a log
I will remember Kuzkin's mother! ..
(Four hours pass)

Baba Yaga
Eyeles. The yard is getting dark
The sunset has already been darkened,
The cold, however, blows ...
Where is this old bastard?
Paradise saw in a local bath ...
I will flood the oven for the night,
Suddenly it will come to a bastard
Take him to drive him away ...
Tea, not in the city, in the forest:
Darkness, fears and fog
And at any time of the day
Goblin wanders here and there.
We are familiar to this,
Sometimes it takes longing
That in our life personal
A wreath at the temple is beating ...
And in fate it is sometimes noticeable:
District life is not just dust ...
(knock on the door)
Who's there?

I, Koschey Immortal!

Baba Yaga
With a light steam! .. Give me a crutch!

The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal"- alteration by roles for adults

The fairy tale of Koschey Immortal- Redistering by roles for adults
The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal"- alteration by roles for adults

The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal"- alteration by roles for the company of adults:

Actors, replicas and movements:
Koschey: "Wow!" - He threatens with all his hand.
Device: "Oh you!" - coquettishly straightens the hairstyle.
Firebird: "Oops!" - He waves his hands, as if flying.
Well done - the remote: "OPS!" - demonstrates biceps
Dungeon: "Oh you!" -Hands Cross
The snake is three -headed: "Op!" - hands shows the mouth of a crocodile
Egg: "Opochi!" - Oval, hands are connected above the head
Noruska mouse: "Both on!" - Drizes his hands, such as "did not wait?!"
Sword -Sword: "Ege-gay!" - Everyone waves their hand, as if with a saber and running around the chairs

The host reads the whole text:
Here is the castle that Koschey built (wow, you! - Movement)
And this is a colorful - a girl, (oh, you! - Movement)
Which languishes in the dark prison (oh, you! - movement)
In the castle that Koschey built (wow, you! - Movement)
And this is a fabulous firebird, (UPS!-Movement)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl, (oh, you! - Movement)
Which languishes in the dark prison (oh, you! - movement)
In the castle, which built Koschey. (Wow, you!

But well done, a light-faced, (ops!-Biceps)
Which steals a feather in a firebird, (UPS!-Flies)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl, (oh, you! - Hairstyle)
Which languishes in the dark prison (oh, you! - Cross)
In the castle that Koschey built (wow, you! - threatens)

But the fire -breathing snake is three -headed (op! - mouth)
He wants to kill the young man of the Udatny, (OPS! - Biceps)
Which steals a feather in a firebird, (UPS!-Flies)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl, (oh, you! - Hairstyle)
Which languishes in the dark prison (oh, you! - Cross)
In the castle that Koschey built (wow, you! - threatens).
Here is a slap sword, maybe not sparing (Ege-gay!-everyone runs, wave their hand)
Easy to kill a three -headed snake, (OPA! - mouth)
Which, flying everywhere, endlessly,
He wants to kill the young man, (OPS!-Biceps)
Which steals a feather in a firebird, (UPS!-Flies)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl, (oh, you! - Hairstyle)
Which languishes in the dark prison (oh, you! - Cross)
In the castle, which built Koschey. (Wow, you! - threatens)

But Koschey himself is a hooligan and a scoundrel, (wow, you! - threatens)
Who hid the sword-a personnel, (Ege-gay!-everyone runs, wave their hand)
Which is decisive and, not sparing,
Can kill a three -headed snake (op! - mouth)
Which, flying everywhere, endlessly,
He wants to kill the young man, (OPS!-Biceps)
Which steals a feather in a firebird, (UPS!-Flies)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl, (oh, you! - Hairstyle)
Which languishes in the dark prison (oh, you! - Cross)
In the castle that Koschey built (wow, you! - threatens).

And this is an egg ... And in it, not aging, (Oeps! - oval)
The death of the bully of Koshchei is stored (wow, you! - threatens).
Which (bastard, impudent and scoundrel!)
The sword-ladder hid somewhere (Ege-gay!-Everyone runs, wave their hand).
Which is decisive and, not sparing,
Can kill a three -headed snake (op! - mouth)
Which, flying everywhere, endlessly,

He wants to kill the young man, (OPS!-Biceps)
Which steals a feather in a firebird, (UPS!-Flies)
Which vigilantly monitors the girl, (oh, you! - Hairstyle)
Which languishes in the dark prison (oh, you! - Cross)
In the castle that Koschey built (wow, you! - threatens).
And this is a prankster mouse-norushka (both!-shrugs your hands)
She appeared from the old tub.
She waved her tail - everything changed at once!
Yaichko immediately crashed with death! (Opochka! - Oval)
And then comes Koshchei kapets! (Wow, you! - threatens).
And then a slap sword appears, (Ege-gay!-Everyone runs, wave their hand).
Which is decisive and, not sparing,
Fits all the heads of a fierce snake, (OP! - mouth)
Who did not know such an end
And did not gobble up the young man, (OPS!-Biceps)
Who with a smile of his light fairy
I abducted the pen at the deposits of the firebird, (Oops!-Flies)
Therefore, she missed the girl, (oh, you! - Hairstyle)
Which came out of the dark prison. (Oh, you! - Cross)
And then a well done appeared - a strangler! (OPS! - Biceps)
Applause to the participants - a fairy tale end!
Special ovation to the mouse, if not for her, (both-on!-shrugs)
This story would never end!
(Participants bow - viewers clap)

Moral: (for an adult cramped company)
Fear the mice that they run by
Take care of the eggs, gentlemen in them our power!

A fairy tale in the new Lad "Koschey - Immortal Racetir"

Fairy tale in Koschey's new way - immortal racketeer
A fairy tale in the new Lad "Koschey - Immortal Racetir"

A fairy tale in a new way "Koschey is an immortal racketeer":

Hedgehog decided to rest
And sat down at the window.
I remembered her shakes in life
In the old terrible children's fairy tale.
How many adventures there were
Temptations, grief!

And what changes
Were modern in life!
Life became restless
Complete everywhere, twist!
And sighing hard, hedgehog
Dozed off the window ...

Suddenly the magpies were cracking
Everyone in the forest was notified:
A new guest appeared -
Long, skinny, like a nail!
He walks along the path
That leads to the hut of a hedgehog.

Black all this - walks
And rummies with bones.
Only a strip in it is visible,
And in a strip of that - eyes
And in the eyes - fire, a thunderstorm!

And walks along the path
This is a "miracle" right to Yezh!
It became scary in earnest.
The voice is heard:
“What kind of collapse is this?
Who lives in it? Are you an old woman?

Open the door faster!
I will live here now!
And you - live in the barn
And the slave to serve me.
Submit on the table to Kvass! " -
The "miracle" with the bass stunned.

This bass, similar to thunder,
He seemed familiar to her.
Bones are familiar to her too -
The guest is similar to Koshchei.
And, sniffing the smell,
I realized: before her - Koschey!

A year ago, the stocking disappeared,
It was he, Koshchi, stole it!
The hedgehog smells with all the gut
That came not good.
“Were it,” the hedgehog decided, “
I’ll look a little more. ”

“I will do everything for you!
You will be honored and kvass.
There is only one question:
Who are you, important gentleman? "
The "miracle" pierced loudly,
To be heard everywhere:

»I am a famous world
Merciless racketeer!
I do not like rebellious
And at the moment of them I will ruin!
You can’t fucking about anything!
Melt the stove firefighting! "

And he slammed his hands:
“Here I will like it!
As I mocked me,
She laughed at the thinness,
I pointed me to the door ...

I'll laugh now
Above the nasty old woman,
Gorbonosa, hearing.
Look how it became young:
Suddenly stuck her eyelashes
I even straightened my nose
Changed hair color ...

But you can't spend me
I know Yezhkin.
After all, she, as a world, is old,
Will he live until the morning ...
And it really came-
Ugh! To how her? Panels!

The grandmother caught fire too much.
But how much junk
The gold is also found!
I saw how she furtively
Hides values \u200b\u200bunder the tub.
That's where I enrich me
I will ozolly in a moment! ”

Tales for adults "Koschey Immortal" - short alterations in a new way

Tales for adults "Koschey Immortal" - short alterations in a new way

Tales for adults "Koschey Immortal" - short alterations in a new way:

The death of Koshchei
Lived Koschey for more than a thousand years,
But he was not happy with immortality -
Where everyone has it - the poor did not have -
He was a castrate from early childhood.
He lived in a dense forest in the castle,
And often over gold,
But he did not rejoice, but touched -
I was bothered by Koshcheushka groin.
Koschey lamented - “How so?
Life goes, but I live without girls!
And my children's surgeon was a fool,
Once I left me without eggs. "

Once he invited a yagu,
- Come, with bleached drink tea.
And he asked her for tea -
- You are a sorceress, come on, help out!
You know my problem,
I call in women I am a laughter
Lent, light-yagunchik, I pray-
Still me there, like everyone else!
Baba Yaga thought about it -
How can a friend help with a friend?
“And it’s easy, he says, but I can,
And let's glue everything to the adhesive tape! ”

The cucumber took off there,
She laughed, and immediately left.
Koshchi shouted after her - “Well, a pipets!
Why did you get me so? "
He did not forgive such a resentment
From the annoyance he swollen in the trash,
And he decided - "further live like that - why!"
And he went to the next world to the forefathers!

The monologue of Koshchei
I am not lucky from birth.
No one is calling for a visit.
I celebrate the New Year
And I miss one ...
The work ended.
Rest a hunt.
Only I am completely alone
Not a brunette or a blond.

I am Koshchi immortal,
Very inconspicuous:
Bald, pale and thin,
But still alive.

Eh! If you only knew,
I scared my children
So as not to be naughty
They did not go to the forest ...

And now I'm afraid of them.
I'm not going anywhere.
I am Koshchi immortal,
Therefore, harmful.

Tales for adults "Koschey Immortal" - funny alterations in a new way

Tales for adults "Koschey Immortal" - funny alterations in a new way

Tales for adults "Koschey Immortal" - funny alterations in a new way:

I'll tell you a fairy tale
Adults only over the years
To understand her
And morality to know her.

Lived in the distant kingdom of darkness
Mlade Koshchei shaitan oglu.
The king was immortal
And the king had a golden stall.
He kept his wealth there
The shore, cared, loved.
We have saved wealth for hundreds of years
And hundreds of souls ruined for them.
I didn’t let anyone in
From the eyes they protected them.
The fellow soldiers ate
And the girls locked them in them.

Golden harem of thousands of girls
Koshcheevsky reserve in Vec.
From Mlad to Halm
For breakfast, dinner and lunch.
And as a decent villain
Immortal, vulgar Lyubod
Koschey had its own end.
The end with the nuance without rings
After all, that Koshcheevsky end
He was not in the egg of the crown
A hare, duck and chest
For this fairy tale is just a sound.
And only oak has a role
The end is oak, that’s the salt.
Advanced years, but everything is worth
The girlish lust serves
And that is why the harem is clogged.
Koschey immortal, young and fed
And there are no worthy in the middle of husbands
Break Koshchei in this battle.

It goes across the summer of the summer
The girl, the seeds gnaws.
How the resin is black her eyes
Cutting and bold like a thunderstorm.
The girl is from crazy roads
They drove the woman by the threshold.
But she is not sad
Freedom is more expensive for her to sleep.
Seeing the light in the middle of black rocks
On the horizon that sparkled
She decided “Well, I'll go,
At least I will find a roof of my head. ”
Having reached the cherished mountains
The girl saw the courtyard.
From the gold of the wall and gate
And on the gates of those coat of arms are Elda.

A thick eyebrow raising a bit
The Virgin stepped on the threshold.
And in the courtyard of wealth - darkness
Rubins, gold and silk.
And the girls are sitting thousands
Girls are fought with each other.
Seeing the guest suddenly alone
How to shout "still wife!"

Thoughts fell silent at once
Filling a gamut of feelings with a guest.
However, a canopy of silence
Tore the arrival of shaitan oglu
A husband came out through the hosts of the girls
Young, handsome, in the body of Dyuzh
On the torso naked, and down toga
Visible to the ankle leg
"Hello the beauty of the fields
That bright stars in darkness miles
Sit down at the table, guilt swallow
Eat, relax and fall asleep
And how you will pick up strength
You will have a conversation with me
I am dignified with a jockey
And how are you, handsome, call? "

“Thank you dear, useless
I have a dream, bed and drink guilt
Tell me better, why
So many women for one? "
“Why women, only Virgo is here
Beauties live with me
Only by your desired
If they want, I will not delay
They will all good me
They are happy to live in my only way
You also recognize them the truth
When you get closer to me "

Koschey smiled slyly
He finished the phrase, started.
One movement of the hand
And there is no toga for which.
The girls at once at once
The knuckles of the hands turned white
From the tension of female loins.
And the Koschey nago and cheerful
The guest looked at Koshchei
Not a drop of a body is not a red
The mouth is slightly curved.

I said casually out loud:
“Now I understand the secret to me
There are many women, but there is no one.
You won't get me this
Only suddenly you will find another approach. ”
“What approach? Why look for?
And so I can give happiness
Beautiful, Dyuzh, male strong.
And not deprived of his head "
"Koshcheushka fell behind the world
Today it is not so nice.
If you want to attract me
Hear my lips Gorky speech.
It is not deprived of a bomb
Perhaps even you are strong.
But everyone can show power
Ku your belly do not see
Your curls are beautiful
But why are they needed?

Only without hair the chapter is pure
And she is not quite empty.
Your smile is no equal
The light will fade in their brightness
But only in a fatal battle is possible
Lose a tooth inadvertently.
And if you were not in a fight
What kind of husband are you? Tell me, ran away? "

Seeing how Koschey blushes
She continued soon
“And of course your secret
There is definitely no longer in the world.
But I'm sure you are
Do not know female beauty
Do not know how to love her
Do not know how to appreciate it
Do not know anything else
Just stick your small one.

Kohl is not deprived of your head
If there is a will, and you are smart
You will understand what I'm looking for in my husband
And I will live here for now "
Koschey grinned triumphantly
In toga fell back
"I'll be back when the moon rises"
And he was, and the guest was waiting.

And day after day, weeks passed
Koshcheya managed to get tired
Three times the full moon
Replaced a month after sleep
Part of the Virgin left, and the part remained
Hoping for fate only a little
Only a dozen remained to wait
Koshcheya sweet grace
And only the fourth moonlight
I met Koshchei to bear the answer
For your passion to be desirable
Want to please the Virgo.

The door opened, women fled
Take a look and rejoice
However, the screech in the mouth stalled
Only a woman was heard "Oh!"
Old man Ogla came home
Stooped, bald and thin
There was zero left in the mouth
And in the eyes of the girl only pain
The guest approached Koshchei
Koshchei circled around
And in a quiet voice whisper
Washed everyone out of paralysis

“Well, now Koschey is good
And your essence is no longer a lie
Now outside - what's inside
And the truth, my dear, see
Everything that rot in your soul
Out and waiting
When appreciated by the mind
And your end is to blame for everything "
The girl smiled slyly
Having finished the phrase, she started
I tore the old man
And laughed a little, slightly
Where are you used to see Dryn
There was one pod with a needle.

From this sad look
Shed girls of tears trough
Then they laughed a little
And who is where, everyone scattered
The guest remained and kosch
The end fell, and with him the villain
“I'll tell you one thing, old man
Now your end is small
Fate Prove him to tell him
Well, the name is fate - Lilith "

It goes across the summer of the summer
Girl, seeds gnawing
How the resin is black her eyes
Cutting and bold like a thunderstorm
And in the dark rocks the yard stands
And in the courtyard Tom King sits
Dry and decrepit old Koschey
Wives Hatter and villain
He did not understand the moral of the gray
Was a strong man, but all in vain
Pride of power Kohl leads
He will bring him to the grave.

The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" is a slightly vulgar alteration for adults

The tale of Koschey Immortal - a little vulgar alteration for adults
The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" is a slightly vulgar alteration for adults

The fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" is a slightly vulgar alteration for adults:

The country wanted to live a new life.
Sport was promoted with might and main.
Ivanushka, from the family of the fools,
I went to karate for the fourth year.
He did not show special ardor in battle.
However, Vanya does not need much.
He beat the coks with his foot -
Bruce Lee with Van Damme did not stand nearby!

In the neighboring hall, the Boys and Maiden Boys raised the bar.
Strong, strong, face like Mustang.
Amur fired in the beauty of Mary.
One hundred and twenty kilograms of live weight, one hundred and twenty caresses and care.
Maria, as if in the tales of the princess, will do any in the house.
The question of the wedding was almost resolved.
It is not necessary where the enemy came from ...

He abducted Masha evil Koschey, a condom.
He forced himself to carry in his arms.
Where did you come from? Who is this? Mystery.
In years, and it is clear that it is not a sucker.
The girls of the young grandfather are fallen.
Dough in bulk, like a bug flea.
And what? She is a simple woman.
She needs to buy clothes for something?
Sucked? Yes. But without love at all!

An important body began to cope idle.
I did not find, unhappy, places.
It is time for preventive measures.
Ivan went to Koshchei for the bride.
Kimono and a black belt are worn.
Trembling with fear, fabulous ghoul!
The fabulous end of the kitten is the death of Koshchei, that is.
The Russian hero enters the battle!

Vanyusha beat gambling and skillfully,
In the end, Koshchei was tired.
He gave his voice a creaky:
- What did you think of, destroy the cat?
You, Vanya, were dulling specifically.
Bad throw off the head of the idea.
Here is hell to meet you! I am immortal!
The bastard did not know about Vanin's “crown”.
Otherwise, it would not be so brazenly grinning.
The blow is honed. The fall. The final.
After all, death was. In the egg. More precisely, in eggs.

The moral of this fairy tale is that if the groom is quite sharp,
And if a woman is a husband’s wife, you need to think about the consequences ...

Alterations of the fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" in a new way funny in roles

Alterations of the fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" in a new way funny in roles

Alterations of the fairy tale "Koschey Immortal" in a new way funny in roles:

Lived and was Koschey immortal.
It seemed to live imperceptibly
But the whole world worried:
I owe - and no like not!
He lived with a butter
With the bone that the foot.
Tired - I will not save!
He then attacked the trail:
There is there, lives like a kitty,
Crushed Vasilisa.
The gossip succumbed to -
Koschey abandoned all things.
What, how was it next
But he got the beauty.
With Vasilisa, finally
He came to the palace.
What is the beauty? That is simple
I called the yagu korosta

And she said to her: “At first
You’re desperate from the house!
With his own, yaga, stupa
Skkandyla, come on home -
Where is the hut with a chicken leg.
Move, go a path! ”

For such a compliment
Yaga lifted at the moment:
“What is it, you are old, you are old
I took from the robbery Navar!
You brought who brought here
Fine-handed dog Barbos! ”

And they had a conversation,
Yes, such - the world did not know.
The spells were heard at once,
Obscene, curse,
The dust rose with a pillar;
Furniture - immediately somersault.

"Hey friends!" - The old woman is sniffing.
On Koshchei the devils calls.
They appeared - and look;
They hid - they don’t want to fight.


Yaga is in the heart: “Ah you are erysipelas!
You only have wool and skin.
You are only speechless on the tongue,
The male male is unclean.
Stopped, - passed the deadline
Not! The woman was dragged! ”


“Oh, you are old ulcer!
Are you clean yourself?
With chromium foot
Yes with Mordasei as
You in the world - it was -
I did more dirty tricks.
That's why Karga, here I am:
I give a discharge forever! ”


“You're lying! Not from dirty tricks -
All - from with .... From yours!
Take a look: she is a whore! ”

Vasilisa her in the ear
It was shrugging at once. This army
The three began to fight.
Yaga nevertheless torn
And, with a shame, she cleaned here
With your lame leg
In a hut with a chicken leg.
And Koshcheu came out:
He ran in how to drawn up.
He dreamed that the river
Sniff with cute cornflowers, -
It seems like youth appeared,
So that in love the heart is beating.
Everything turned out wrong -
It turned out a cavard.
The old man bride nerves
I got it completely, firstly,
And also secondly
I hit the breath for once:
I abused mentally:
Obtained, they say, sexy.
These are all things.
To what she brought to!
Grandfather Kushchi was sharpened,
He was a spirit - and everyone fell:
"What am I to her - Koschey Al Gnis?"
He took and finished with suicide.
There was a illegal remained here ...
The death of Koshchei is on a needle.
It was necessary to find
In order to break later.
Where I put the needle -
Koschey, by old age, forgot.

By the way, there is Ivan Tsarevich:
“For me, all this is a trifle!”
I ordered my friends
Pass over the seas.
Instantly those from the mouth of the pike
The needle was pulled out. In hands
The old man was given. That
He will not suffer, does not bent.

I was regretted by Ivan Tsarevich:
“To die - and then you are wrong!
Son son, koshchi you are an enemy, -
There is no strength, but all there:
Give the young man!
Fuck, come on! ”

He prevailed at once a needle.
Here Koschey how to fire a wolf,
Staggered and fell.
He became a ferry - and disappeared.
And as soon as the steam disappeared,


"The whole palace is now my!" -
Vasilisa grinned.
“Vasilisa, you are an actress!
Convinced from this time:
Lost an outright dispute! ” -
The prince answered her. At the end of the fable, I found out:
Young - here are things! -
The grandfather of the grandfather was impaired.

Went to Koshchei a grandmother hedgehog
All in lipstick, with curlers,
Behind the bride "insufficient":
Suddenly the refusal is waiting ahead!
And there is a koshchei like a calf,
Only suck milk!
Hedgehog here, without clothes -
He is afraid to caress.
Threatened the grandmother of the hedgehog,
The face is in a vicious:
- You do not recognize everyone prettier -
I’ll break the egg now!
There is no male force in a nationwide -
There is no use from the egg
For Yaga, he became shameful.
Kohl no body, no face!

And she does not need Koschey!
There is nothing to try!
So that in the arms of the relics
Decrepit to be!
Grandma will show everyone the class!
She is in the sky - just ace!
She does not need an "insufficient"
She would have a little tenderness!
And koshchei, grinding,
To put a dummy in your mouth:
With milk, a living nipple,
After all, the baby is only sucking!
He loved the girls!
And who is he has forgotten?
Skeleton is nasal,
Strange with a skull!
Look how the face was shocked!
I would have sat in a cave
And did not grind his teeth,
The devil is legless and toothless!
Grandma hedgehog for him
Very tid!
She is dancing! Wow!
And she doesn't want to get old!

Oh, I'm not a couple koshchei!
With him, I will only decide.
Shas will play the role of kvakushka,
Deceiving me Vanyushka!
Yaga dreamed
I caught a fool to the network!
Changed with Vanechka
Yes, bites gingerbread!
Weak in love with Yaga Koschey,
Skeleton torso from relics:
Let him reproach the horns:
Karga lives with young!

Examined the yagu Vanyukha,
Counted the heel tooths!
Five nights he sniffed a potion
And spat on the ceiling!
And then he said to Yezh:
"Rest, at least a little!
You know, cute frog
I'm leaving for another girlfriend!
In vain you are only croak! "

And Yaga cried:
“Wait, Vanek, Poshtu:
I found a bellie sheshta!
You will sing me a sholley,
And I slam and slide
I don't need love
If only you were there! ”

“Oh, my dear, you're an eccentric!
Fool, Vanyusha!
I'm a grandmother, after all!
Now listen:
Well, he went away!
Look, what a huckster!
You, the little man, is empty
Lovelas-Landryg! ”
Vanka drove away a hedgehog,
Here everything is clear to the cat!
But the boy entailed
The grandmother is not in vain:
She wanted to teach
Don Zhuanov vile,
Applied as she managed
Different jokes:
And then dug them,
I drove the potion
Turned into impotents,
Having lost trust.
And Koshchei and Vanyushka -
These nonsense -
Humor, jokes are inaccessible:
Aunt divorced them! 

Fairy Tale-transmission "Koshchei immortal" modern

Fairy tale-transmitting koshchei immortal modern
Fairy Tale-transmission "Koshchei immortal" modern

Fairy Tale-transmission "Koschey Immortal" modern:

- I am a harmful one,
Though completely immortal
Red girl alone
She does not love me.

Why can't I understand?
I can sate gold.
Just not in the suit.
Ah, girls passion.

What are young for them? Element.
My skull is terrible.
Wealth is with me
The skull is now in fashion.

I go to fitness, I'm yogi,
Yes, a nutritionist uses me
He lives on Rublevka,
I hold on a leash, hook.

I am a blonde on the shoulder
I will arrange a casting,
If I really want.
The castle is rebuilt.

Was stone, simple,
Malachite stands.
The pool built the gold,
The railing with a platinum is expensive.

I am at a champagne.
Then the satin canopy,
Red silk alone.
There will be a noble feast.

The beauties Koshcheushka want
The gaze only fell.
She is not sweet limousine,

- Better I will die
- I will not come to you.
- Ivanushka Miles to me,
- He will rescue from the chains.

- Stupid, who is your Ivan?
- Oligarchs to bow
Walking will fly.
- Koshcheya want to know

- The experience of immortality everyone wants
- I will lead a dozen to the crown,
- Lyuba is only you.
- All natural beauty.

- a voice is pouring from the soul,
- Silk eyelashes are good.
- Your camp is flexible
- All without colors.

- I will dry with longing, disappear
- I was captured,
- Vasilisa, help.
- How to bewitch you?

Vasilisa boldly says:
- Torings of others immortal
- I am Ivanushka relatives
- The castle will be more modest.
- We will take the apartment
- We will live the mortgage,
- Servants are not needed
- We will just bring tiles.
- We will insert the economy frames,
- Paul will cover with laminate
- He is not Persian carpet. "

Frightns the cats, trembles
Vasilisa passionately says:
- Well, what is the laminate there
- Laminate is a stench.
- One, look
- My oak parquet,
- After all, there is no demolition.
- And nature, needles,
- There is a healing aroma.
- Throw your view
For emerald color.
Your mortgage is what,
You will not open the window
Under the window of the car,
What a noise is worth it
Gas is only exhaust.
Traffic jams, people are in a hurry
You will go to supermarkets
You will take the goods with the action,
Yes, what is expired
Tears pour the river.

- I can't pour tears
With a sweet life I want life.
We will earn our labor,
Numen Kasheev House.
All love wins "
Then boiled porridge
I have not heard such speeches.
Wipes a finger at the temple
- Know went crazy.

Video: a scene about the prince, horse, princess and koshchei

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