Can I get diabetes from honey? Causes of diabetes mellitus

Can I get diabetes from honey? Causes of diabetes mellitus

Can I get diabetes from consumption of a large amount of honey? Look for an answer in the article.

Honey is a natural natural product. It not only consists of many sugars of various types, but also contains useful minerals. Many use honey as a sugar substitute, but is it really really useful?

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to choose high -quality natural honey, good cell honey in the store, on the market?". You will learn about secrets, nuances. The article also says where it is best to buy natural honey, what documents you need to ask the seller of honey, what additives fall into honey and how to recognize them.

Is honey harmful to health and lead to diabetes? Let's find out together, but first - a couple of words about this disease. Read further.

Diabetes - what it is: causes


Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease of the endocrinological type, in which patients have increased blood glucose.

Types of diabetes:

  • Diabetes of the 1st type It occurs with dysfunction of the pancreatic cells that produce the hormone insulin, which is responsible for the regulation of glucose in the blood. With a lack of glucose insulin, it is not assumed properly and muscle tissue suffers, which leads to rapid weight loss.
  • Type 2 diabetes It is characteristic of people suffering from obesity. It is characterized by the fact that the body tissues become insulin insensitive to the hormone, which is why the blood glucose content increases.

The causes of type 1 diabetes.

  • Characteristic of young people aged up to 30 years.
  • It can be a consequence of a viral disease (rubella, viral hepatitis, epidemic mumps) or the result of intoxication of the body.

The causes of diabetes of the second type are the following factors:

  • Genetic predisposition. The presence of relatives with this disease increases the risk of pathology.
  • Excessive weight. The increased content of adipose tissue lowers the body's sensitivity to the hormone insulin.
  • Unstable nutrition. Excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates with insufficient fiber increases the possibility of the disease.
  • Violations in the work of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, etc.) negatively affect tissue insulin resistance.
  • Stress in chronic form. Leads to an increase in glucocorticoids in the body, which can cause the development of the disease.
  • Taking certain medicinal medicines It can cause diabetes symptoms.
  • Chronic insufficiency of the adrenal cortexwhich lowers the sensitivity of tissues to insulin.

Diabetes occurs with excessive amount of glucose in the blood, and honey by 80% consists of sugars. But before you understand whether its excessive consumption can cause the disease, you need to debunk myths about this product and find out its advantages and disadvantages. Read further.

Honey: benefits and harms

Choose high -quality and natural honey on the site iherb. This resource offers different honey - raw, filtered, unfiltered, certified, unprocessed, etc.

Honey is known for its healing properties from time immemorial. What benefit can he bring?

  • Reduces cough. According to scientists, honey helps to suppress cough and calm the irritated throat. In order to treat it, it can be used both adults and children.
  • Promotes regular stool. Researchers revealed that honey has a good effect on eliminating the symptoms of irritable intestines. Reception of honey on an empty stomach is able to facilitate constipation and diarrhea and has a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach.
  • Improves skin and hair condition. Honey is actively used in cosmetology to create various types of natural scrubs and creams, as well as hair masks. Honey based products have a positive effect on the skin of the face and body and give the hair the desired gloss and volume.

In addition to the undoubted advantages, honey also has negative aspects:

  • Allergy. Not all people tolerate honey well, and in this case it is better to abandon its use in order to avoid complications.
  • Honey contains sugarAnd therefore, its excessive consumption of people with excess body weight is not recommended. It is optimal to eat 2-3 spoons per day.
  • Honey may be dangerous for health for a fakecontaining harmful dyes, so you need to buy it in proven places.

This product has pros and cons, but is it able to cause diabetes? Read further.

Can I get diabetes from honey?

You can get diabetes mellitus from honey
You can get diabetes mellitus from honey

Nutritionists argue that an error is the assumption that honey is an excellent sugar substitute and can be used in unlimited quantities. According to doctors, the excessive consumption of this product, as well as other sweets containing simple carbohydrates, can lead to the development of diabetes. Therefore, you can get diabetes from honey, and you must be careful with the consumption of this product.

It's important to know: People with this disease need to take honey with great care, no more than 1-2 teaspoons per day, and only after consulting with an endocrinologist.

Despite the natural origin and positive properties of honey, its consumption should be limited to both diabetes and healthy people. No one should be unnecessary to get involved in this delicacy and consider it harmless.

Video: diabetes. Honey for diabetes, is it possible or not?

Video: Can sugar be replaced with honey? We dispel the myth of the benefits of honey

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Comments K. article

  1. Diabetes mellitus occurs due to the constant excess of the amount of carbohydrates ... There are a lot of them in the honey, so of course it is preferably not to eat it often. It will also be useful to take Olijima tablets on an ongoing basis. To control blood sugar. They even improve metabolism.

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