What can be done from the remains of different cookies: the most delicious recipes. What can be done from the remains of Easter cakes, biscuit?

What can be done from the remains of different cookies: the most delicious recipes. What can be done from the remains of Easter cakes, biscuit?

In this article you will find recipes for different delicious desserts that can be made from the remains of old cookies.

Many in the kitchen have an inuded liver remains that are sorry to throw away. But you are in no hurry to do it. With their help, you can prepare a lot of delicious desserts that will be happy with your family members.

Read another article on our website. You will find in it 10 best desserts that are baked in 5 minutes - Quickly and simple.

From cookies you can easily blind any figure and different shape. In addition, it absorbs fats, which makes it very useful.

Potato cake from the remains of different cookies: delicious recipe

Potato cake from the remains of different cookies
Potato cake from the remains of different cookies

This straightforward dish can be prepared by attracting children. The cooking process will give them a lot of pleasure. Kids will be interested in sculpting balls and daggering them in a cocoa powder. Below you will find a delicious recipe for cake "Potatoes" From the remains of different cookies. For manufacture, we need the following products:

  • Cookies - 600 gr
  • Condensed milk - 400 g
  • Drain. Oil - 300 g
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Cocoa - 3 tablespoons

For preparation, it is necessary to highlight the whole 20 minutes of time. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First you need to mix condensed milk with butter.
  2. Then pull the cookies with your own hand with the help of a rolling pin or with a blender.
  3. Next, combine everything into one mass.
  4. Form pieces of the required shape from the obtained consistency.
  5. Be sure to dip them in cocoa powder.

Delicious cookies are ready without much difficulty. In addition, for cooking you do not need to mess with the oven - quickly and appetizing.

Lemon cupcake from cookies: recipe

Lemon cupcake from cookies
Lemon cupcake from cookies

Do you like fresh cupcakes? Then this easy recipe is for you. The zest of lemon gives pastries an incredible taste. Below you will find a recipe for lemon cake, in which, instead of flour, we will add the rest of the cookies. To prepare such a dessert, use the following components:

  • Drain. Oil - 150 gr
  • Sach. Sand - 1 tbsp. l
  • Cookies - 100 g
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Lemon zest - 1 tsp
  • Egg - 1 pc
  • Salt --1/2
  • Vanilin - 1 bag

Cooking order:

  1. Soften sl. Oil over low heat, cool a little.
  2. Mix the finished oil with the egg and beat it using a fork or a whisk.
  3. Complete the mass with sugar, and mix everything again.
  4. Add lemon zest, vanillin, salt, chopped cookies. Still again mix until a homogeneous structure is formed.
  5. The test workpiece that you got, wrap the stretch and leave in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  6. Then take it out and fill it with a cupcake mold. Do not forget to lubricate it with oil before that.
  7. Put the muffins in the oven preheated. Make it up 180 degrees And bake 10 minutes.
  8. Get out the cupcakes as soon as you see that their color has changed to rosy.

Put the baking on the plate and wait until the cups cooled. Then feel free to eat.

Chocolate sausage from residues of different cookies: the most delicious recipe

Chocolate sausage from the remains of different cookies
Chocolate sausage from the remains of different cookies

Our parents know and remember chocolate sausage. At one time, it was an incredibly popular dessert that was cooked in every house. Below you will find the most delicious recipe for chocolate sausage from the remains of different cookies. For its manufacture, we will need:

  • Condensed. Milk - 400 g
  • Cookies - 600 gr
  • Drain. Oil - 200 g
  • Cocoa - 7 tbsp.

For the manufacture of this dessert, the oven is also not used. The actions are as follows:

  1. Grind the cookies with a submersible blender using a special knife, or manually to a small crumb.
  2. Mix cocoa powder and drain. oil.
  3. Next, mix all the components by making a homogeneous mass, then complement the condenser. milk.
  4. Give the result of the resulting mass.
  5. Wrap it with cling film or foil.
  6. Put sausages in the freezer for 1 hour.
  7. Then take them out and cut them into small pieces.

It is worth noting that it may need more cookies. It all depends on its structure. Dry sand cookies absorbs moisture well, but the biscuit is not very. In order for the sausage to form without problems, put a little crumbs first, gradually mixing. The dessert is ready for use.

Real Tiramisu from the residues of cookies: delicious recipe

Real "tiramisu" from the residues of the cookies

Cookies are also used to prepare a known dessert "Tiramisu". It turns out almost a real Italian treat, but from the remnants of the cookies that you found in your kitchen cabinet. Here is a delicious recipe:

The following products should be available for this:

  • Cream - 200 ml
  • Cognac - 1 tbsp.
  • Cocoa - 3 tbsp.
  • Coffee coffee - 2 tbsp.
  • Mascarpone cheese - 250 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Cookies - 400 gr


  1. Coer coffee and let him cool. Add a spoonful of cognac and knead well.
  2. Using a blender, beat sugar-sand with cream until homogeneous.
  3. Sweet cream must be mixed with cheese using a mixer.
  4. Lay the cookie on the bottom of the mold and lay out the cream with a uniform layer on top.
  5. Now the cookies are in coffee, and then put several layers again, alternating with the cream base.

You can decorate with chocolate crumb or cocoa, cooked dessert. Put the Tiramisu in the refrigerator for 2 hours., after which it can be eaten.

Cake "anthill" from the remains of different sand cookies: delicious recipe

Cake "Anthill" from the remains of different sand cookies

This is a favorite children's dessert. Many housewives prefer to serve it for birthdays. We suggest trying to make a cake "Anthill" From the residues of cookies according to a delicious recipe. Use only sand cookies. So the dessert will turn out tasty and crispy. You can form both a cake and separate small cakes. In any case, it will turn out appetizing. To make a cake, prepare these products:

  • Cookies - 500 gr
  • Condensed milk (boiled) - 1 bank
  • Walnuts, but you can use peanuts, almonds - 1 tbsp. l
  • Mac - 3 tbsp.

The recipe for cooking as simple as possible:

  1. Break cookies on large pieces. Grind the nuts in a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix everything. Complete with condensed milk, and then mix again.
  3. Distribute the mass to equal parts if you want to make cakes, and give it the desired shape. Put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

After this time, the dessert will be ready.

"Book house" - cottage cheese dessert: recipe

"Book house" - cottage cheese dessert

This recipe is popular because of its tasty filling. For cooking, you can use berries, cream, marmalade and many other sweets. Here are the ingredients for cottage cheese dessert "The house from the cookies":

  • Cookies - 500 gr
  • Dark chocolate - 100 g
  • Sach. Sand - 50 g
  • Marmalade - 150 gr
  • Cottage cheese - 300 gr
  • Milk - 150 gr

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Beat cottage cheese with sah. sand.
  2. Soak cookies in milk and put in layers 6 pieces. it 1 portion.
  3. Lubricate everything with cream.
  4. Put a cookie layer on top.
  5. Make the shape of the house, raising the edges.
  6. Decorate the top of marmalade or melted chocolate. If desired, you can use both.
  7. Hide the dessert at 4 hours. In the refrigerator. After this time, you can eat it.

Such sweetness will become a decoration of any holiday, and all your guests and households will have to taste.

Cake made of cottage cheese and residues of different cookies: delicious recipe

Cake from cottage cheese and remnants of different cookies
Cake from cottage cheese and remnants of different cookies

The recipe for preparing this sweetness is very simple and tasty. Spend a minimum of time, but in the end you will get a delicious cake from cottage cheese and residues of different cookies. Prepare the following products:

  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr
  • Sach. Sand - 160 g
  • Drain. Oil - 90 g
  • Sour cream - 5 tbsp.
  • Fruit fruits or berries (canned peaches or others) - 1 jar
  • Cookies - 400 gr
  • Cocoa powder-2 tbsp.
  • Cherries - 1/2 cup

The preparation process is as follows:

  1. Sach. Mix sand, oil and cottage cheese with sour cream until a homogeneous structure with a blender.
  2. Cut the fruits with cubes. Put a little for the decor.
  3. Put the food paper on the mold, and then put on it a uniform layer of the curd mixture with fruits.
  4. Then moisten the cookie in syrup from canned fruits and put in the form of a layer on a cream base.
  5. The next layer is fruits.
  6. There should be several such layers. For the very last you only need cookies.
  7. Cover the cake from above with cling film and let it stand in the refrigerator for 1 day.
  8. Mix the sah for the preparation of glaze. Sand, sour cream and cocoa. Pour everything into an enameled bowl and bring to a boil.
  9. Put the finished dessert on the tray by removing the mold.

The cake is decorated with icing, fruits, cherries or liver residues. You can decorate with grated chocolate instead of glaze. Only the upper layer then will not be cookies, but a cream.

Sweet homemade bars made of cookies: recipe

Sweet homemade bars made of cookies
Sweet homemade bars made of cookies

Homemade bars "Snickers", "Nats" From the residues of the cookies will turn out to be very tasty. This is an easy recipe. You will need these food products:

  • Drain. Oil - half a pack
  • Cookies - 225 gr
  • Condensed. Milk - 1 b.
  • Crushed nuts - 115 gr
  • Coconut chips - 105 gr
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp.

The cooking mechanism is this:

  1. Grind the cookies, put in a bowl and knead with condensed milk, draining. oil, walnuts and cocoa.
  2. The mixture should be such a density so that you can blind the bar. It should not be liquid.
  3. Form the bars.
  4. Sprinkle products from coconut with coconut and take into the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

The next day, the bars are ready for use. If they are stored at room temperature, then it is advisable to eat them in 3-5 daysOtherwise, they will simply become unsuitable for use. In the refrigerator, they can be stored longer - 1-2 weeks.

Banana cake from cookies: recipe

Banana cake from cookies
Banana cake from cookies

For preparation, we need a package of cocoa, cream and a piece of banana. For such a dessert you do not need to bother, cooking literally 20 minutes. Here is a recipe for a banana cake from cookies:


  • Banana - 2 pcs
  • Cookies - 20 pcs

For white cream:

  • Cream - 1.5 t
  • Sach. Powder - 2 tbsp. l
  • Corn starch - 2 tbsp. l
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs
  • Ground walnut - 100 g

Follow the following cooking procedure:

  1. The cream is first prepared. Put egg yolks, sah in a small container. powder and cream.
  2. Sut the flour, add to the mass with corn starch and beat everything with a whisk. Need a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Cook the cream over low heat, mixing thoroughly.
  4. We saw that he was boiling - remove from the stove, cool and beat again using a mixer.
  5. Cut bananas into 2 parts along.
  6. Put cookies on a plate.
  7. Avenue it with cooked cream, put a piece of banana on top and cover it with cookies.
  8. Thus, make the cakes, repeating the layers until the cookies end.
  9. Treat the top of the last cake with cream.
  10. Garnish all with walnuts, previously chopped on top. You can pour melted chocolate.
  11. Decorate the cake also with pieces of banana.

Give me a dessert to brew and he is ready to use.

Cake made of oat Old cookies: delicious recipe

Oatmeal cake
Oatmeal cake

Another recipe for a cake with a banana, but we will make it from the remnants of old oatmeal cookies. Create it quickly, very suitable if you need to cook something for tea in 15-20 minutes. Here is a delicious recipe:

The following products will be needed:

  • Fat sour cream 25% - 600 g
  • Sach. Powder - 180 g
  • Ripe soft bananas - 2 pcs
  • Oatmeal cookies - 500 g
  • Cocoa - 2 teaspoons

We do this:

  1. Beat the sour cream and sah well. powder.
  2. Put part of the resulting sour cream mass in a mold with a removable bottom. Leve.
  3. Cut the banana into circles and put on top of the cream.
  4. Then put the cookies with one layer.
  5. Over it, lay out the remnants of the cream.
  6. Put the finished dessert in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Ready.

Before putting the cooked dish on the table, decorate it with cocoa. Just sare it carefully through a strainer so that it will be zealous of the entire surface of the dessert.

German pudding from cakes residues: recipe, video

German pudding from the remains of Easter cakes
German pudding from the remains of Easter cakes

Food after a festive Easter lunch often remains. Many festive cakes and puddings are simply thrown away, because the housewives do not know that they can prepare a delicious dessert from them. We offer a recipe for a delicious dessert of cakes. Take a note. Here's how to make a pudding from the cakes of the cakes:

Dessert ingredients:

  • Easter cakes - 400 gr
  • Eggs - 4 pcs
  • Milk - 600 ml
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Berries and fruits - to taste

Cooking order:

  1. Cut the cake into cubes size 2 by 2 cm.
  2. After mix milk, eggs, sugar and selected fruits, berries that need to be cleaned before.
  3. Put chopped pieces of cake in a baking dish. Fill with milk with eggs, sugar and fruits on top. Thus make several layers.
  4. Heat the oven up to 180 degreesand then put the dessert there for 40 minutes.

If you wish, you can bake pudding in a water bath. To do this, take a large container, pour water and put a bowl of pudding. Watch the video how the hostess prepares such a pudding:

Video: casserole from the stale Easter cake. Bread pudding. Easter cake

Quick cheesecake from biscuit residues: Recipe

Quick cheesecake from biscuit residues
Quick cheesecake from biscuit residues

The biscuit remaining after cutting the cakes will also be useful to us. Here is a recipe for a well -known dish - a quick cheesecake from the remains of the base of another cake:

Dessert products:

  • Water - 150 ml
  • Crushed biscuit in crumbs - 150 gr
  • Cottage cheese - 300 gr
  • Gelatin - 2 tbsp.
  • Condensed milk - 2 tbsp.
  • Oil - 150 gr
  • Sugar - 80 g
  • Vanilin - 2 tsp

For cooking, you do not need to spend special efforts:

  1. Add the oil - oil to the crushed finely. Mix everything and leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  2. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve and add sugar, vanilla to it, knead everything.
  3. Pour gelatin with hot water (not to be confused with boiling water), add condensed milk and mix until there are lumps.
  4. After that, everything needs to be filtered and added to the cottage cheese.
  5. Pour the prepared ingredients in the form where the crumb is already laid out and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  6. Additionally, you can decorate the sweetness with fruits or berries.

All dessert recipes that we told you above will take maximum preparation 30 minutes time. But the cookies will not disappear. And you have many recipes for excellent desserts for any holiday. Such a dish is a great option for hot weather, since you do not need to mess with pastries. Anyway, it is good to have recipes at hand, which are easy and easy to realize. Desserts from cookies will save any mistress in case of unexpected arrival of guests or relatives. In addition, they can be served on any children's holiday. Enjoy your meal!

Video: From one pack of cookies we get a luxurious dessert for the holiday. Simple and fast!

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