The cool script for the corporate party for the new 2022-2023: games, competitions, funny entertainment. Corporatives for the New Year 2022-2023: Description

The cool script for the corporate party for the new 2022-2023: games, competitions, funny entertainment. Corporatives for the New Year 2022-2023: Description

We prepare New Year's corporate party 2022-2023: script, games, entertainment.

For a working person, New Year's holidays are also a corporate party. And if for ordinary employees a corporate party, a cheerful New Year's rest, then for a leading link that organizes a triumph this troublesome lesson. Especially if the budget of the celebration does not allow the leading and the script is required to cook independently. This article will be useful for those who decided to conduct a corporate party without inviting professional presenters.

Cool script of the corporate party for the new 2022-2023

A cheerful script with a fairy-tale woman Yaga can be interpreted differently. Baba Yaga can be both an old woman or a sultry woman in years (this is her game will become even more fun). For the celebration, you will need a costume of Baba Yaga and the lyrics available to everyone (possibly output of the text on the screen). Also print small rhymes and ditties that will be distributed during the corporate party.

The host begins:

The first words of the host at the New Year's corporate party 2022-2023
The first words of the host at the New Year's corporate party 2022-2023

Baba Yaga comes out from the side, but, not just hobbing, but grinning and dragging a bag behind him, in which gifts are clearly lying.

Cool scenario of the corporate party for the new 2022-2023: Words of Baba Yaga
Cool scenario of the corporate party for the new 2022-2023: Words of Baba Yaga

Meanwhile, while Baba Yaga goes to the leading scene, she takes five women with her (we recommend choosing funny, loving the fun of girls and women). He gives out the texts of ditties and ties the scarves on the heads with ditties (make sure that the scarves are large enough and not constrained the styling). The background turns on the backing track from the cartoon "Flying Ship" and is invited to start performing ditties.

Ditties to the New Year's corporate party
Ditties to the New Year's corporate party

For ditties are presented with Baba Yaga gifts, hidden in the very bag that she carried on the stage and the presenter takes a step forward so that Baba Yaga remains on the background.

The words of the host on the New Year's corporate party
The words of the host on the New Year's corporate party

The host reads a riddle, and Baba Yaga, together with the whole company, guesses it, then change places. The one who was most actively guessing riddles receives a gift from the bag.

Riddles for the New Year's corporate party
Riddles for the New Year's corporate party
The words of the host and Baba Yaga
The words of the host and Baba Yaga

The text of the song below is displayed to the screen to the music "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." Sing everyone together and as loudly!

The redone song in the forest was born a Christmas tree ...
The converted song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ..."
The words of the host and Baba Yaga
The words of the host and Baba Yaga

For the fact that everyone sang and tried to everyone from a gift from Baba Yaga. Meanwhile, the tables are covered and expect the first toast. We give a little time to food and make the end of the “scenes” and then, at will, once every 20-30 minutes, the host holds one of the contests described below. And to end the scene and the transition to the main feast, the words of the last song are displayed under the back of the song “Five minutes”.

Another song-transmission to the New Year's corporate party
Another song-transmission to the New Year's corporate party

Funny contests for the New Year's corporate party 2022-2023

So, at will, competitions are selected for an entertainment program. We recommend that you put contests for more than one in 20-30 minutes, between them music for dance and time for a feast.

My figure

It is distributed to everyone on the leaf and felt -tip pen. Everyone writes "their" number. It can be any number, but not 0. Now the presenter is in place and everyone asks everyone, it can be banal "How old are you?" And ironic, but necessarily related to the answer-ash. In response, you need to raise the sheet and show everyone. When compiling questions, remember that all of them should be funny, but harmless.

New Year's sign

New Year signs are written in advance, while true mixed with myths. It is randomly choosing from the hall of the Divom, the presenter reads the sign, and the respondent says the truth or the myth. Who guessed the gift more!

Choose both national and signs of other countries and religions. Add funny chaotic accepts by the principle of “breaking the heel for the New Year - to marriage” and have fun!


Yes, those most beloved and unfairly forgotten. Each phase has a creative task. It can be a dance, a verse, a song, an image of an animal, an actor, a statue, etc. The most creative executing task wins. Also, do not forget to reward those whose talents are indisputable!

New Year's phants
New Year's phants

Balls on the Christmas tree

If there is a Christmas tree in the hall, find out in advance the number of balls on it. Divide everyone into teams (2-3) and the winners of those who are the first to call the correct number.

Do we all remember well?

We choose 3-5 volunteers from the hall, blindfold and take turns calling New Year's paraphernalia. If it is repeated, it does not count, you need to name another attribute. The one who calls the last attribute wins and others have nothing to add.

Funny funny games for the New Year's corporate party 2022-2023

Games are just as interesting and no less funny than contests. We offer to include them in the List of Entertainment on the New Year's corporate party.

Mandaric relay

One end of the hall - two tables with tangerines, the second end of the hall - two teams participants. Be sure - a team of fans! According to the package for each team, where to fold the tangerines.

With a tablespoon, run to the tray, put mandarin on a spoon and run to the command of the team without dropping the tangerine (if you dropped -1 points). The victory for those who suffered tangerines are the first. If the winning team had “losses” of mandarin, they are calculated with the second team. The one who dropped less wins.

The chimes are about to hit

There are only 3 minutes to complete the task. 12 tokens - 12 tasks. Everyone extends the token and looks at the task. During this time, everyone else must guess the task. The prize to everyone who took part!

New Year jokes-entertainment to celebrate the New Year of Rabbit

Serious lunar rover

The whole team becomes a whole. It is advisable to carry out in the middle of the evening so that everyone is slightly heated by alcohol. One person becomes a whole, and repeats the words “I am a serious lunar car” and imitates the movements of the lunar rover. Whoever laughs the first - he lost. And the loser is punished - to sing a song to choose from.

Cool eggs

All boiled eggs are laid out on the dish. The host chooses two volunteers. Announces that one egg on the dish is raw, the remaining boiled. It is necessary to break eggs on the forehead of the "opponent". With each broken egg, the tension becomes stronger and stronger until the last boiled egg breaks down and a full house of laughter will follow it.


We put five chairs in a circle, and we sit volunteers. We announce that the Titanic is drowning, and only one can escape - the most funny and creative. Everyone must present themselves and then make a decision on a joint vote. If they themselves cannot, they ask for the help of the hall. “Smarked” one with a glass of champagne and move on to the new presentation of the remaining. The winner is a bottle of champagne.

Corporatives for the new year 2022-2023

In order for the scenes to be as clear as possible for implementation in our corporate party, we offer video versions a cool scenes. The creation of such scenes is a more fun lesson than the creation of children, because an adult audience after several glasses of wine is revealed in the new and ready for all kinds of intriguing and funny scenes.

Video: Contests for New Year's Corporate

Video: New Year's scene for a corporate party

Video: Funny corporate fairy tale!

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