Riddles about the winter and the New Year for children of preschool and school age, school, preschool educational institutions, adults: a collection of the best riddles with answers. What are there and how to find New Year's riddles, about winter for children?

Riddles about the winter and the New Year for children of preschool and school age, school, preschool educational institutions, adults: a collection of the best riddles with answers. What are there and how to find New Year's riddles, about winter for children?

Here you will find the most interesting riddles for small and big children about winter and New Year.

Riddles about winter and New Year are simple for children of the smallest: a collection with answers

“The smallest” is best to choose simple and uncomplicated riddles that will make them think, but will not “confuse”. It is best to solve the riddles with kids, showing pictures or objects themselves.

Riddles about winter for kids:

Rutered the paths
I decorated the windows.
I gave joy to the children
And on the sled rolled.

Our windows are like pictures.
Who is the invisible artist?
On glass bouquets of roses
I drew us ...

White fluff lay down on the road,
On the steps and thresholds.
Everyone knows -
This fluff is called ...

The grandmother will tie their granddaughter,
So that the pens do not freeze in winter.
Sister will save the warmth -
Woolen ...

He came unexpectedly
Surprised us all
For the guys desired
White-white ...

Who painted cheeks for children
In red in winter, not in the summer?
And who pinches them by the nose?
(Father Frost)

Look at the sky on the New Year
You are for a few minutes.
You will see bright, cool

Among a variety of fruits
There is one New Year -
Sweet, juicy, very ripe.
It's delicious ...

Red nose and beard,
He walks back and forth
He brought gifts to everyone,
Who is this? ...
(Father Frost)

Very warm, comfortable,
For snowdrifts - incomparable,
And do not go out of fashion.
Santa Claus always goes to them.
(Felt boots)

Children's riddles about winter
Children's riddles about winter

Riddles about winter and New Year for preschool children, kindergarten: a collection with answers

Children really like the winter for the fact that it has many holidays and gifts. Carry out leisure with the kids, presenting them not only the stitching stitching, but also cartoons, visual images, or maybe you will solve the puzzles on a walk, where you show everything with your own eyes.

The forest is covered with a white blanket,
And the bear is sleeping in the den.
Snow, like a white border.
Who was hosted?

Every day is colder
The sun warms weaker,
Snow everywhere like fringe, -
So, I came to us ...

These are the miracles:
The forests became white,
The shores of lakes and rivers.
What happened? Fell out ...

Puddles froze in the courtyard
The whole day is circling,
They became white at home.
It came to us ...

What kind of miracle was valid?
At night, everything suddenly became white.
Do not see roads and rivers -
The fluffy covered them ...

Someone cloud like a feather bed
I torn half
Fluffs sprinkled down -
Silver ...

Stars fly from the sky
And they shine in the sun.
Exactly in the dance of the ballerina,
Circle in winter ...

What kind of stars winter
Hide in the cloud myself?
Like tiny ice floes,
These stars - ...

He breathed out the window -
It was instantly covered with ice.
Even the twigs of birches
I have hid it ...

He painted the sorcerer
The windows are all in the houses of people.
Whose patterns? - Here's a question.
I drew them ...

She is circulating along the streets,
Like feathers of white chicken.
Winter-winter girlfriend.
Northern guest ...
(Winter storm)

They curl on the ground with a snake,
Howl in a pipe pity
Frightened with snow ate.
These are winter ...

They are prepared, buy
And put under the Christmas tree.
Happy New Year congratulations
And they always wait hard.

His head is a bucket,
And the nose is an edible carrot,
I got used to winter and cold.
Tell me who is he?

In the New Year, we will light them together,
They will lighten the house to us.
Adults and children love
(Bengal lights)

Sharp, prickly,
From heat - weeping.
They hang from the roofs
Those viscouses -
Very long ...

There are many traditions in the New Year,
They cannot be forgotten.
Exactly at midnight, we owe us
(Desire to make it)

Interesting riddles about the winter
Interesting riddles about the winter

Small, short puzzles for children about winter and New Year: a collection with answers

Pick up the riddles, making sure that the child knows exactly what is about (i.e., taking into account age -related features).

The best riddles about winter:

On winter day, a pond lay down on a pond
Very slippery glass.
We are calling us hockey
Blue strong smooth ...

Hot summer on the raft
On the waves I swim.
And in winter you do not need a raft -
The waves turned into ...

You can make a snowball,
It's not at all difficult!
We sculpt we do not pies:
The game needs ...

Frozen the sorcerer
Both lakes and stream.
Breathed with cold, and now -
Not water in a stream, but ...

A lot of snow in the yard -
Here's fun to the kids!
We walk in the snow. On the legs
We all endowed ...

The fingers in them do not freeze.
Like in cheholes, they walk.
We will play hide and seek with the cold,
We hide the pens we in ...

We deftly blinded him.
Eyes are also nos-burgundy.
Slightly warm - will cry instantly
And it melts ...

On snowdrifts near the river
Long boards are traveling,
They are looking for horrors higher.
Name the plank!

Two steel brilliant brothers
They rush in circles on the rink.
Only the lights flash.
What kind of brothers?

Snow in the fields,
Ice on the waters,
The blizzard walks.
When does it happen?

Rutered the paths
I decorated the windows
I gave joy to the children
And on the sled rolled.

Snow -white mistress
Everything will tame with a blanket
He will smooth everything, get it,
And then the earth is tired
Lullaby will sing.

White blanket
On the ground lay
Summer has come -
It all went away.

He is fluffy, silver,
But do not touch his hand:
Will become clean,
How you catch a palm.

What kind of holiday in the yard?
Everything in ice and silver,
An important Christmas tree is worth
All shines from the outfit?
Santa Claus goes to visit,
It comes ...
(New Year)

They knock, they ring,
They count.
They give a signal for us:
"New Year has come to us!"

White, fluffy,
It flies in the air,
And the land will touch -
Immediately and melts.

What kind of sounds do we hear?
Maybe this is the roar of a gun?
No, they rumble in the New Year
Multi -colored ...

They gathered near the Christmas tree,
Completely by the hands of the hands
How much joy is
New Year…
(Round dance)

Simple and complex riddles about the winter for children
Simple and complex riddles about the winter for children

The best interesting puzzles about winter and New Year for children of primary and secondary school age: a collection with answers

Such riddles can be designed for any age, some of them are simple, other complex and not every child can.

Small riddles about the winter:

No bucket, no brush, no hands,
And he will turn all the roofs around.

What are the guys,
A month in this riddle:
His days - all days shorter,
All nights are longer than the night.
To the fields and in the meadows
Snow lay down until spring.
Only our month will pass,
We celebrate the New Year.

He is the first to go the first
The New Year will begin from it.
Open the calendar rather,
Read! Written - ...

All gifts receive!
He is beloved! And not in vain -
Well, what else happens
More fun ...

Pinches ears, pinch his nose,
Frost climbs into felt boots.
You spray water - it will fall
Not water already, but ice.
Even the bird does not fly,
From frost, a bird is crushed.
The sun turned to the summer.
What, tell me, is it in a month?

Snow with bags falls from the sky,
Snow snowdrifts stand with the house.
Then drill and snowstorms
They flew into the village.
Frost is strong at night,
Calling is heard in the afternoon.
The day has been added noticeably.
Well, so what is it in a month?

The last winter month is a pity
He is the short itself - ...

Though herself - both snow and ice,
And it leaves - he pours tears.

Cold came.
Water turned into the ice.
Long -eared bunny gray
He turned into a bunny white.
The bear stopped roaring:
A bear fell into a hibernation.
Who will say, who knows
When does it happen?

In white birch.
Hedgehogs sleep, bears are sleeping.
But although frosts came
Bullfinchi Zarya burn.
There will be a new year and bright
A wonderful holiday of Christmas.
Glorious in a fur coat is dressed
Snow White ...

Opened snow embrace,
The trees put everything in dresses.
The weather is cold.
What is this time of the year?

Frost flashed. And we are glad
Mother's passage ...

I have a lot of things - I'm a white blanket
I cover all the earth, I clean the rivers in the ice,
Belya Fields, at home, and my name is ...

Who is not afraid of the cold
To be left without a feather bed
And shake out to the ground
Flying fluffs.

I swept everything around
Having arrived from the kingdom of blizzards.
Autumn, best girlfriend,
I sent south.
I'm frozen and white
And I came to you for a long time.

After the fall, she came.
And the snowdrifts went.

Who knows the right sign
The sun is high, it means summer.
And if the cold, blizzard, darkness
And the sun is low, then ...

Under white cotton wool
The streets hid, at home.
We are glad to snow all the guys -
Again came to us ...

The white snow is covered
Meadow and forest around.
And, having calmed down, the river became,
Enchanted by ice.

Suddenly snowstorms
With a terrible howling, they flew.
Autumn ran away in fear,
And she became the mistress.

I will not tolerate warmth:
Twist the snowstorms
I will face all the clearings
I will develop ate
I will notice a snowball at home,
Because I ...

Appeared after the fall
I'm a calendar.
I'm the best holiday to you
I will give joy!
And the earth with white snow I
I wrapped it myself.
Guys, guess,
Well, who am I? ...

Goes, but there are no legs;
Lies, but there is no bed;
Light, and the roof breaks.

Belly tablecloth
I put on the whole field.

He flies with a white flock
And sparkles on the fly.
He melts cool with a stars
In the palm of your hand and in the mouth.

On trees, for bushes
Flowers fall from the sky.
White, fluffy,
Only not fragrant.

So that there is a new year cheerful
And brought us joy
We need to give each other
What? Of course…

Shines with bright lights
On the walls, windows, outside the window.
She is generously decorated with a Christmas tree.
They dress the house outside.

Our Christmas tree will be decorated
New Year's balls,
Beads, bright garlands,

They are secret
Simple, extraordinary,
And you will make up on the New Year,
Everything will happen exactly.
After all, if you believe in miracles,
They are in a hurry to be in a hurry.

Without it for the New Year
The sled will not take off in the sky.
And then he will not take
Santa Claus gifts nowhere.

Funny riddles about winter for children
Funny riddles about winter for children

Riddles of tricks about winter and New Year with a catch: a collection with answers

“Deliveries” deliberately mislead you, trying to put on an incorrect answer, which is best suited in rhyme. However, it is not! The answer must be sought in the sense of the words of the riddle!

Riddles-obstacles about the winter:

Everything is dressed with white snow -
So it comes ...
(Not summer, but winter)

Fluffy flakes fly from the sky,
The earth is dressed in a snow -white fur coat.
Who will say the name of the time of the year?
Of course, it is called ...
(Not summer, but winter)

Before the start of the athlete
Very important days:
On the track should check
New skier ...
(Not skates, but skis)

We can without error we
Name all the months of winter.
Come on the first call:
Of course this is a month ...
(Not May, but December)

I love to ride on the ice.
Hooray! Winter is closer!
I'll go to the rink with friends
And I will wear it ... (not skis, but skates)

I could choose a couple of mittens for ...
(Not legs, but hands)

In the yard, the frost is cracking - you put on a hat on ...
(Not on the nose, but on the head)

I am in a fluffy fur coat in winter
I eat nuts on oak.
I don't sit on the spot
Because I ...
(Not a she -wolf, but a protein)

In winter in the den
Sees a dream
Clubfoot ...
(Not an elephant, but a bear)

It jumps into the sky like a spring
And it will explode there ...

On the tops and on the ears
Fall in winter ... (snowflakes)

Circle in a wolf mask
In a round dance ...

Here she is, beauty,
All shimmers!
They brought her from the frost,
This is a tree - …
(Not a birch, but a Christmas tree)

The snow woman has funny nose,
It is long, bright vegetable!
Now you need to think together
What vegetable we need to choose.
Who guessed - well done!
Of course this ...
(Not cucumber, but carrots)

The skiing goes around the trees, hemp,
They carry, like on the wings, ours ...
(Not skates, but skis)

Winter riddles
Winter riddles

Complex puzzles about winter and New Year for high school students and adults: a collection with answers

Come up with a system of incentives for the child and he will be happy to guess every riddle or give balls for the correct answers if this is a team game.

Riddles about the winter:

From the heavenly bag
Suddenly flour fell!
It falls asleep around -
Forest, fields, at home and meadow ...
And as soon as you take
And you will pick up that torment ...
You look, but she is not!
Only a wet mark remained.
What a strange flour?!
Do not see our pies.

He flies with a white flock
And sparkles on the fly.
He melts cool with a stars
In the palm of your hand and in the mouth.
He is rosy in the sun,
Under the moon is blue.
He is for the gate and in his pockets
It flies to us with you.
He is both white and shaggy,
And fluffy, like a bear. -
Scatter it with a shovel,
Tell him, answer!

The blanket is white
Not made with your hands.
Not woven and did not blow -
From the sky fell to the ground.

Lay a blanket
Soft, white,
The earth was warming.
The wind blew
The blanket bent.
The sun was baked
The blanket flowed.

Winter on the roofs gray
He throws seeds -
Raises white carrots
She is under the roofs.

He is like a diamond:
And firm and clean,
It sparkles in the sun.
But rays will begin to warm up
He immediately melts.

I walk in the field, fly in the wild,
I’m twisting, I mumble, I don’t want to know anyone.
I run along the village, I’m planning snowdrifts.

Three, three flew in,
Halls in that three white
And the queen sits in the sleigh
Belokosa, Belolitsa,
How I waved my sleeve -
Everything covered with silver.
(Winter months)

Not to feel the legs with joy,
I'm flying from the hill down the snow.
I became a sport of relatives and closer to me
Who helped me in this?

Oh, poured snowball!
I take out a cheap horse.
For a rope, an ugly
Lead the horse through the courtyard
I'm flying down from a slide,
And back him.

Light, look -
North Pole inside!
There is snow and ice sparkles,
Winter itself lives there.
This winter is forever
They brought from the store.

Red -breasted, black -winged,
Loves to peck grains,
With the first snow in the mountain ash
He will appear again.

We have under the roof itself
The white nail is growing,
But how the sun will rise
The nail will melt, fall.

In white velvet, the village -
And fences and trees.
And how the wind will attack
This velvet will fall.

Snow and kneaded snow,
We blinded a person
Instead of eyes - two coals,
Where the nose is carrot,
And in the hands - a panicle,
Who is he, our Egor?

There is one such flower.
Do not swim him into the wreath.
Hang a little at it:
There was a flower - and there is no flower.

Without arms, without legs,
And he knows how to draw.

I come with gifts
Shine with bright lights,
Elegant, funny,
For the New Year I'm the main thing!

(Christmas tree)

Ice girl
In a blue dress
With grandfather Frost
He comes to our house.
(Snow Maiden)

She will decorate every house
Elegant beauty,
The new year is more fun with her,
The kids like her.
(Christmas tree)

Who has a bag of gifts,
Who is big and bright in the fur coat?
Who is walking on New Year's Eve
Congratulations to everyone in the world?
(Father Frost)

Snow melted and froze,
There will be a lot of tears tomorrow.
Who waved his hand and only
He will certainly fall.
Because it is very slippery.
They promise ...

What are we hanging on the Christmas tree,
Decorating all the needles?
Beads, lights, crackers
And, of course ...

He goes, circles, flies.
He amuses the kids.
They sculpt him, they play.
And in the warmth he quickly melts.

Santa Klaus was born there,
And it happens, he lives there.
There are many miracles left,
Exactly on the New Year.
Everyone is known, this is in Finland,
And called ...

Video: "Riddles about the winter"

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